They Say

By moc.loa@efilrofsnevaeH

Published on Oct 16, 2005


They Say- Chapter 1

They say that life has its way of bringing people together. That no matter what happens, everything happens for a reason.

Charles- The room was huge. That was the first thing I noticed. I walked into one of the two bedrooms and claimed what felt like the softer bed. I had barely begun unpacking when I heard the door open.

"Hey. I'm Jesse," said this incredibly gorgeous tanned guy. I smiled at him, shook his hand and introduced myself. He looked about 5'11'' with what I was sure was a runner's body. He had strong arms from either working out or working hard. His face was soft, though, and very boyishly cute. If it wasn't for his beautifully developed body, you wouldn't be able to guess what his age was.

"I guess we're roommates," I said, watching him unpack his small suitcase. "You didn't bring much."

"Naw, I don't really have a lot of stuff," he said a little shyly.

"Cool. Hey, I was gonna go grab a bite downstairs when I was finished unpacking, if you wanna join me."

"Sounds cool."

I watched him unpack and noticed a couple magazines that he left downturned in his suitcase. He must be a porn guy, I thought.

We walked down to the cafe, which served unbelievably good food, and started talking. I learned that Jesse had pretty much raised himself. His mom died when he was young and his dad was abusive, and so with some birthday money he'd gotten from a relative, he bought a bus ticket to as far as he could go, which happened to be Dallas. He'd live here ever since, alone, working a multitude of odd jobs to stay off the streets and in school. He'd worked hard enough to earn himself a scholarship and was damn proud of himself.

I had never talked to anyone so interesting, with such a story to tell. All my friends were like me, not rich, but privileged. My mom worked hard to make sure I had the best.

Somewhere during his story, I thought I felt something hit my leg under the table. I moved my leg a little bit and settled it right next to Jesse's. He just kept talking like nothing had happened, but then a second later I felt him move his leg closer to mine, resting it right on my leg. I smiled a little, to see what reaction I would get and to my surprise, he smiled back. I slowly began moving my leg back and forth against his, and instead of flinching or moving, he began making the same motion. I wanted to see how far he would be willing to go, so I slipped off my flip-flop and raised my foot to the seat of his chair. Guided by my large toe, I moved up his leg, and into his crotch where I found what I was looking for. With a smile on my face, I felt around his lap for his cock, which I found somewhat hard, and what felt like somewhat big. Instead of jerking or moving, he reached under the table, unzipped his jeans and pulled his monster out, right there in the cafe.

He smiled at me and I smiled at him, feeling the hard skin of his dick against my foot. I could feel the thing grow right there in my touch and I knew instantly I wanted it. With a start, I sat up and looked him in the eye, saying, "What say we go upstairs and christen our new place."

"Sounds like a plan," he purred sexily as he zipped, but didn't button, his jeans back up.

Jesse- As soon as we were in the room, he was all over me. I had seen him check me out when I first came in, but this stud loved my body. I think he was afraid to kiss me, because he went straight for my pecs with his wet tongue, sending waves of pleasure down my spine and into my cock. It was incredible feeling him lick and kiss me all over while playing with my growing cock through my jeans.

Slowly, I pushed his head down, hoping that he would suck me off. Without much resistance, he got on his knees in front of me and slowly unbuttoned my jeans. I looked as he looked up and for a second I met with his gorgeous blue eyes as he took my rock hard dick in his hand. Without hesitation, he took all eight inches of my cock in his mouth, pausing slightly about halfway down, before engulfing the entire thing. I moaned something fierce as he bobbed up and down on my cock. With my hands, I massaged his shoulder and the back of his head, feeding my dick to his hungry mouth. He played with my balls and pecs as he expertly sucked my dick all the way, deepthroating me to pleasures unknown.

"Aaaaagh, dude that feels so good." "Suck me. o yeah, dude. aaaagghh."

Periodically I would look down to meet his gorgeous eyes and he would pause, let go of my dick slowly and then in one fast motion, slide right back on my cock. I saw him unleash his huge cock, probably bigger than mine, and start massaging it with his free hand that wasn't roaming around my body.

Before long, neither of us could take it any longer. I was so ready to cum, I took my dick out of his mouth and began pumping my fist around my cock as hard as I could, imaging this studs hot ass around my cock. With a huge moan, I pumped seven or eight spurts of my jizz all over my new roommates face and chest, just as he did the same to his own ripped torso. I looked down, for the first time observing how hot this swimmer's body was. He had huge, wide pecs, hard abs that seemed to never end and the smoothest body I had ever seen. The look on his face when we were both spent was incredible, until he did the most unexpected thing. He took a finger, wiped a spurt of my cum of his chest and brought it up to his mouth, sucking it in with his tongue. That was so hot, I almost fainted, but instead dropped to my knees and licked his hard abs where he'd spilled his own cum.

Being so turned, I decided to do something I had done countless times in high school, a milky way. I scooped up some of his cum with my tongue and did the same with my finger, feeding it to him. Before he could swallow, I leaned and in kissed his beautiful lips into mine and swirled my tongue around his mouth. We could taste each other's taste with one kiss and before long we were lying on the floor, ready to go again.

They say that people aren't just thrown into our lives for nothing, that everyone we encounter has a purpose, a reason for being a part of our lives.

To be continued.

This is hopefully the first of many chapters of my story. Tell me what you think at

Chapter 2

They say that it only takes seconds for people to realize whether a relationship will be good or bad. They say, that no matter how hard you try to go against it, your intuition is always right.

Jesse- I sat there leaning against his chest thinking how great this year would be. I hadn't been at the university for 24 hours and I already had a new fuck buddy. I hoped the other two guys moving in would be as easily responsive and ready to play as Charley. I could feel his breathing slow down as my head rose and fell with the pulsing of his lungs. It felt great being next to a guy again.

"Are you awake?" he asked unexpectedly.

"Yeah, why?"

"I wanted to ask you a question." I got a little nervous. Its never good when someone wants to ask you a question after sex of any form.


"We already did," he said, proceeding to laugh at his own corny pun. Great, I thought. a wise guy.

"Anyway," he continued, "I was wondering if you've ever, you know, done this before."

"Done what?"

"This. What we just did."

I was silent for a second. Should I tell him about Mr. Michaels? Or should I just play this off as a horny fling, type thing?

"Its ok if you don't wanna tell me. I mean, we've known each other for like what, ten minutes." he sounded a little disappointed but firm, seeing as to he didn't want to push me away.

"I have done this before. With one other guy."

Charley- He sounded extremely shy when I asked him about his sexual (or should I say homosexual) past. He did, however, lighten up and tell me all about the fling he had in high school, mainly during his junior and senior year.

Jesse- "I was working three jobs at the time. I was bussing tables at a local restaurant in the afternoon, helping this guy I know load and unload trucks in the evening and bartending at a bar in town on nights and weekends. The bar I worked was mostly gay, so the tips I made for being young and shirtless were pretty high. It was long hours but the pay was great, enough to make the rent every month. No one questioned my age, because I looked older than I was and I was so damn hot and good at what I did. Even gay cops would come in there and tip me like there was no tomorrow, before going home to their wives. One night, when I was a junior in high school, I had a really busy night. I worked until four in the morning and then stayed after to help my boss clean up. Needless to say, I was a wreck the next morning in class. Mr. Michaels, my math teacher and the only faculty member that knew about my situation told me to stay after class for a few minutes.

"Your grades are dropping, Jesse," he told me. I looked up and met his eyes for the first time and almost gasped at how amazing they looked. I'd seen them before, during lectures and stuff, but now they were checking me out, and they were gorgeous. I suddenly got nervous.

"Listen, Jesse. I'm willing to help you keep your math grade up. I know you are an amazing student and I'd to see you get anything but the best." He wrote down his address for me and told me to see him at his house at 7:30 on the nights I wasn't working.

The first night I was free was the next night, a Tuesday, so I knocked on his door, still dressed in my UPS loading uniform. The brown button down was a little damp in the back from my sweat, but I hadn't had time to go home and change. He opened the door and showed me in like we were old friends. He didn't say anything about my uniform or anything, we just straight to math problems for a couple hours before sharing a pizza him driving me home.

This ritual went on for a couple months. Every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday night Mr. Michaels and I would hang out at his place, him tutoring me and me watching him lustfully. I would sit there, across the table from him, wondering what his package that was sometimes extremely outlined in his sexy flat front pants looked like. On some days, he would answer the door in nothing but running shorts, other days in a wife beater and low-cut jeans. No matter what he wore, the guy was damn sexy for a 31 year-old.

One week, my boss asked me to tend my bar on a Sunday night, because it was gonna be really full that day. I called Matt (Matt Michaels) and told him I'd be late to his house that day, but that I'd try to make to make it. He was cool, and said to stop by whenever. I think he really knew how much I looked forward to our personal lessons week after week.

I went to work and earned an ass load in tips before clocking out at around 11:00, an early night for a bar tender, but hey, I had to see Matt.

I knocked on his door at a little past 11, and he opened the door five minutes later in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs.

"Jesse, I wasn't expecting to see you tonight."

"Yeah, my boss let me go earlier than I thought." I kept to myself about my living condition, especially about my jobs, so it surprised me when he said the following thing about my work.

"That's surprising, considering the bar was busy tonight."

I had never told Mr. Michaels I worked at a bar, or which one for that matter, meaning he had been to the place and seen me, meaning that he was regular frequenter of gay bars.

I just looked at him, and he looked at me. I could sense that he saw the mistake he'd made, but I just silently stood looking at him in his tight skivvies. The silence between us was awkward and I desperately wanted him to say something.

Instead he just flinched, standing there in front of me.

"I should put on some clothes," he said backing away from the door and heading to his bedroom.

"Wait. How did you know were I worked?" He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. I scanned him up and down, stopping briefly at his visibly growing crotch.

"I've been there."

"Do you go a lot?"

"Enough to know you work there."

"Why didn't you ever say anything?"

"Because, it's important to keep my professional and personal lives separate."

"But what say, if they were already combined, would that make a difference." I inched closer to him as I said that, hoping to get as close to him as I could. I wanted to feel him, to touch his lightly hairy chest, to run my fingers all over his sexy body.

"Umm, that," he stammered, "Would depend."

"On what?" I said, stopping inches away from his body, our growing cocks inches away from each other.

"On the, umm, situation."

"Would this count?" With that, I leaned in and kissed him, unable to imagine what his reaction would be.

To Be Continued.

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Next: Chapter 2

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