They Dont Have to Know

By S L Ashley

Published on Jul 9, 2014


Warning: If you don't like the interaction of two males in sexual expressions or it is illegal in your area to read this material, please find some other story to read. This story is a work of fiction, any resemblance to any actual people is not intentional.

; - ) Enjoy.

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They don't have to know... Chapter 7

Sam closed the door, locking it up and turning off the lights before heading to the master bedroom, in his arms were the last of the hanging clothes out of his car. He'd refused to let Stan help him bring everything in, he needed to relax from the stressful afternoon he'd already had. "This is it daddy. All moved in." he said as he hung up the items next to the others in the closet. Turning toward the bed he smiled, "You ARE one sexy daddy. Are you feeling better now?"

Lounging on the bed, reading the news off his tablet, Stan looked over at Sam who was still standing in the large closet, "I'm fine, it was just a close call. You've heard how our day went, how was your day anyway?"

Sam pulled his shirt off and tossed it into the empty clothes bin, "You didn't say you did laundry. At least let me take over doing the wash." he pulled off his shorts, folded them up and sat them on the shelf above his clothes before dropping his briefs, tossing them in with his shirt.

Stan watched Sam undress with great interest and excitement, "You know the girls were hanging on your every word. I think you made a good impression. And thanks, especially for not undressing while they were here, come here son."

Closing the closet door Sam noticed that Stan's cock was no longer at rest, it had become partially erect yet still laid across his thigh, "Missed me did you. Damn did I miss you today. All I could think about was you." he crawled up and laid his head on Stan's lap, facing up into Stan's face, Stan's cock was rising along the side of his head, "I was thinking about us, about work, about moving in, everything."

"And?" he was fixed on those dark brown eyes, noticing for the first time that there were small flakes of green and yellow mixed in. He started unconsciously caressing Sam's chest with his left hand.

"Do you believe in love at first site? Well, it's kinda like that, but... I fell in love with you the first time you fucked me. That connection, I can't explain it, but I do love you."

"Since we are being so honest about how we feel, I too found myself constantly thinking about you, me, us. I still don't know how we're supposed to make this work, and you know it doesn't matter, all I do know is that I want it to work. Tomorrow is going to be tough, seeing each other yet we're going to have to basically ignore each other while at work. I don't mean it in a bad way, just, well, no special conversation. We'll have to figure this all out." Stan was now running the fingers of his right hand through Sam's dark brown hair, still gazing down at his face.

"I figured as much. One day we can let them know but for now, I don't want to jeopardize your position, I know you're trying to work towards a VP job and if they think we're in a relationship..." he left it hang, they both knew that the company frowns on fraternization at work. Sam closed his eyes, he felt so relaxed now that he was with Stan. He could also feel a little wet spot on his cheek where it seemed Stan was leaking precum, he smiled.

"What's so funny?" Stan saw the smile, "What did your dirty little mind come up with now?"

"Nothing. You're leaking." He reached up with his hand, unmoving, unseen. Sam wiped the wetness from his cheek and Stan's relaxing cock, taking a taste of the clear sticky fluid, "I don't think I've had this pleasure before, I just realized that. I don't want to move yet though, it's so nice to just lay here with you."

"Not move yet? Well, your body may not want to but your dick is thinking different. Haha. But I do know what you mean, having you with me seems to be enough." He nearly had to bend in half, his belly getting in the way and his back moaning at him, but Stan managed to barely transfer a kiss to Sam's forehead before collapsing back on the headboard.

Laughing lightly, "You need to stretch more often. Would you like a nice back rub daddy? I wouldn't mind caressing your skin all over."

Didn't take any coaxing for Stan to agree. Once Sam had sat up, he had Stan roll onto his stomach, laying in the center of the bed, "Would you like me to use some scented oils, I brought some over, or would you rather I use lotion?" with the decision made for lotion since he'd already showered and didn't care to feel oily even though Sam told him he wouldn't.

Sam started by applying lotion to his own hands thoroughly, then as he would with oils, he warmed a glob in his hands and made small blotches across Stan's entire upper back from his shoulders to the small of his back. Repositioning to straddle Stan, Sam lowered himself gently to sit butt to butt and began to use long strokes to evenly distribute the lotion and find the little knots under the skin. Stan moaned with great pleasure.

As Sam stretched out Stan's back muscles he entered a kind of trance. In his daze he got into deep tissue rubbing, thinking how blissful he felt, listening to the lithe moans of pleasure from Stan helped him know he'd achieved his goal of making his lover happy. Once the shoulders were properly worked out, Sam shifted his body down and applied some more lotion as he'd done before, making little daubs all over Stan's lower back, butt and upper half of the thighs before moving on to those sections.

Using a cross body rub across the lower back, doing his best not to apply too much pressure where there were only vertebrae in the back, Sam moved once again to long head to toe strokes once he reached the butt, including the upper thigh area, "Don't worry, your boy knows not to do anything with your hole. This is just a back rub, stay relaxed okay daddy." He only received a delighted moan in response.

Switching from the long strokes to separate the muscles of the upper, middle, and lower glutes, starting from the top of the pelvic bone down to the upper thigh, Sam began using firm round circular motions on the butt itself. Some areas of Stan's ass were quite sensitive, he gave some jerking motions down his legs as areas around where the sciatic nerve tied across the ass and into the spine. Sam was liking rubbing Stan's ass though, it wasn't soft and flabby but it wasn't rock solid either, more like an extra firm pillow... he made a mental note to try it out as a nice place to rest his head.

As he continued the motions around the tailbone and upper ass crack, Sam began using his thumbs only, not hard, to work the area, occasionally ending his strokes very near Stan's rosebud. Sam enjoyed watching that little pucker his asshole made as his thumbs moved past, he purposely used a stroke that separated Stan's ass cheeks so he could see it, "If I were into fucking, your ass is so tight I doubt I could even get one finger in there, let alone my cock."

Stan laughed, "You sure are enjoying that stroke there though, seem to be spending extra time toying at my asshole."

"Sorry. Call it exploring. I want to know every inch of you." Sam moved on to completing the rest of Stan's legs over the next few minutes. "Alright, roll over." He announced as he levered off the bed entirely to stand and stretch out himself, his cock glistened with precum, a large stringer dropped to the floor when he reached over his head.

"So, you DO get some sexual excitement from this too." Stan pointed at the large glob hanging from the tip of Sam's dick. "I feel so relaxed I nearly fell asleep a couple times." He laid back down thinking what a waist to have that sweet nectar so close and not lick it off.

After collecting all that natural lube, Sam smiled and added a small amount of lotion to it, "I'll start at your feet first, then work up a bit, then switch to your chest and back down." He sat on the end of the bed and took the `special lotion', split it between his hands and used one each to coat the base of Stan's feet before actually rubbing just one. "I'm not a footie, but I like the feeling of having my feet rubbed. If you do too, I'll do a specially long foot massage another time."

"Sounds wonderful. I don't have any fetishes, other than loving to suck your cock dry, haha, but I am really enjoying this." Stan admitted, his own cock was still damp from the ministrations, but most of his juices were now under his ass on the sheets.

Sam loved the next area, not because he was infatuated with Stan's chest, though it was sexy, no it was because he had to straddle Stan and his own ass was resting on his favorite toy, Stan's dick. Stan also knew that fact and rose to the occasion, who wouldn't get hard with a sexy stud rubbing his hands all over your chest, circling your erect nipples, even giving them each a playful tug. Stan almost called a halt to the massage so he could get his dick rode hard by that gently swaying ass that teased his cock to full erection... but he held off, closing his eyes and letting Sam rub down each arm, doing his best not to think too much about his cock so close to Sam's ass.

Of course Sam knew it the whole time too, he could feel the wetness tease his ass, he so wanted to move just right and `accidentally' let it slip into his ass, but he had something else in mind.

Gently setting down Stan's left arm, Sam finally raised up off Stan's still hard cock, his own not exactly flaccid either, but he was determined to finish doing this right... and still get what he so desperately wanted in the process. Sam first applied the little globs of warmed lotion all around Stan's lower abs, groin, and upper thighs before spreading it all evenly out. Making sure not to even touch Stan's cock or balls, Sam rubbed across Stan's lower abs from the center to the sides, then along the sides of his groin and down his thighs. `now for the fun part' Sam thought as he poured his attention on the outer, then upper, and finally inner thighs.

Moving extra slowly he came within a hair's breadth of Stan's balls with each inner thigh rub, it caused Stan's cock to begin to dance and his balls contracted, only allowing more room. Sam moved his hands slowly up the inner thigh, then just before the balls he diverted up and down at the top, still teasing those hairless jewels. Stan's cock was dancing galore, it was almost pumping out precum now as Sam continued his stroke up the innermost thigh, across the top and along each side of that monster, then when it jumped high, he darted his hands under it, stroking the furry pubic mound. Stan hissed and licked his lips. "Shhh. Relax daddy. I've got you covered."

The next sensation Stan felt nearly sent him screaming in ecstasy. Sam slowly moved his hands to rest on the top sides of his pelvic bone so Stan knew the warm moist implement that ran from his balls to the head of his now pleasantly painful mushroom crown had to be Sam's tongue. Stan nearly orgasmed right then, but Sam wasn't done.

Sam moved his hands, sliding them down Stan's inner thigh, he wrapped them around and under to get a good grasp of his ass, lifting Stan's legs, spreading them to grant him full, uninhibited access to the pleasure center known as the cock. Sam leaned in, resting just the tip of his tongue on that sweet spot just under the mushroom but above the cutline where Stan's hood no longer attached, then licked down ever so slowly, crisscrossing back and forth as he descended till he got to the wondrous male eggs. Taking one at a time, Sam drew them in, moved them around, massaging each one with his tongue in his mouth before letting each go with a near audible pop. He took the tip of his tongue and licked across them both before stopping in the center...

Stan was panting, he so needed release, he so wanted to scream aloud that he had to cum, but he only bit his lip.

Sam didn't go up as Stan thought, no, he raked his tongue down to flick it across Stan's taint, that little crease of skin below the balls that ran directly to the rosebud. Stan whimpered, the sensation was amazing, tingles spread throughout his entire body while goose bumps formed on his lower arms. Sam played along the taint, teasing the hole below `that's for another time' he thought as he touched the tip of his tongue to the crowning pucker as he laid the rest of his tongue along Stan's taint and drew it all up, lapping Stan's undercarriage like a dog laps a bone. But Sam wasn't done yet.

Parting Stan's balls with his fully extended tongue, Sam drew it all the way to the top, swirling it around the head to catch all that man dew that was there before he actually nuzzled Stan's hard cock to one side with his nose to bury his mouth on the sizable puddle that rested mixed in the wiry pubic hair, slurping it up with as much gusto as he could manage, "Mmm. You are a tasty man daddy. Shall I finish you off? Oh, I bet you're so tired you're about to fall asleep." He said in a sheepish low voice, a smile crossed his beady eyed face.

"Oh hell no! Finish it, damn I'm so fucking close!"

"As you wish... daddy." Sam tightened his grip, digging his fingers into the fleshy ass he'd been cradling as he tilted his head sideways to take Stan's cock into his mouth. It wasn't two strokes before Stan's entire body tensed and Sam felt the hot gushes filling his mouth full of Stan's seed. Swallowing the first part, he savored the rest, holding a tight suction on just the head of Stan's cock till it no longer pumped and he could feel the super tight ass muscles relax back into his grip. Letting go he drew his hands out, maintaining his mouth grip a moment till he could use one hand to draw out the remaining cum. Pulling off, Sam looked up to the ceiling and opened his mouth while he held his breath, letting the warm sticky fluid slowly run down the back of his throat. He swallowed before he ran out of air, "Mmm. Damn good stuff."

Stan watched, exhausted, his cock still vibrating, "Wow. I mean, holy fucking cow that was so intense. I wanted to fuck you so bad when you were sitting on me but that... that was, perfection."

Sam looked down at Stan then laid down into his arms, one cock slack the other still firm as they exchanged some very passionate kisses, Stan running his hands all over Sam's back and ass.

      • To be continued... - - -

I hope you enjoyed this latest chapter. Their evening isn't quite done yet, but I decided to get this to print right away for your enjoyment pleasure. Let me know what you all think!! Don't hold back!!!

; - ) SLA

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