They Dont Have to Know

By S L Ashley

Published on Jul 8, 2014


Warning: If you don't like the interaction of two males in sexual expressions or it is illegal in your area to read this material, please find some other story to read. This story is a work of fiction, any resemblance to any actual people is not intentional.

I'd like to thank you all for the feedback and ideas, your words of encouragement has prompted this new chapter. ; - ) Enjoy.

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They don't have to know... Chapter 6

Stan instantly became awake to the sound of water running, bolting up into a sitting position to locate the sound... he wasn't used to having someone else in the house anymore it seemed since it took him a moment to recall what it was. Glancing at the clock he was surprised to see it was past nine in the morning. Crawling out of bed, bladder screaming, he walked into the bathroom, the door was open. "Hey! Morning stud."

"Morning daddy. Give me a minute, I'll be right out."

"Give me a minute before you do." Stan snickered as Sam continued his shower. "What got you up so early?"

Rinsing out the scrubber before himself Sam replied, "Went for a run. You were snoring away and I needed to stretch out, get in a couple miles. Not that I haven't been enjoying our cardio work outs, I needed some fresh air to clear my head."

Stan waited for the water to stop running before he washed his hands and wet his toothbrush, mumbling through the bubble, "learn anything?"

Sam opened the sliding glass door to retrieve his towel and start drying, "A couple things did come to mind... damn seeing your butt like that is so sexy... sorry. I was thinking how much sex we've shared the past two days, more than I think I've had in the last year, hell two. That and how fast we seem to be moving, not that I mind either of those things, you are so cool to be with. Do you think we're cool? I mean, is this really going to work out?"

Spitting and rinsing his mouth and brush, Stan turned to look at his hot young stud, noticing that broad chest, dark full head of hair, that sweet little trail down to his wonderful package... `he's such a fucking stud' he thought as he leaned back against the counter watching Sam dry off, "I sure hope so. I'm willing to work on it if you are. I'm more in shock at how fast we've gone, hell, I've pounded your hole more than I think I had sex with my ex the last five years we were together. Damn boy, look at yourself... I'm the lucky one to have such a hunk standing in my bathroom and sharing my bed with me. I'm more afraid that you'll want to hook up with some other young buck and move on. I guess I still don't believe it."

Sam stepped out of the shower, tossed his towel onto the counter, standing toe to toe he pulled Stan against him, planting a deep kiss on his lips as he held him tight. Breaking after a moment, "Daddy, believe it, you're the only man for me. No younger man will steal my heart from you. I'm your boy, no one else's. I..." he stopped and closed his eyes a moment, savoring the feel of their bodies against each other. "I think I love you." Opening his eyes he was afraid of what he would see in Stan's eyes... then a large smile crossed Sam's face. They consummated their mutual feelings with another passionate kiss, the closeness they felt made both of their cocks respond in kind, rising to the occasion to greet each other.

"Let's go get some coffee before we both go too far, again." Stan chuckled as he let go of Sam, who looked both gleeful and down at the same time, he didn't even know that kind of look was possible. "What?"

"I don't know. I just love the feeling of being with you, or actually of having you buried deep inside of me." He showed a cheesy grin before turning to head to the kitchen, in time to receive a light swat on his bare ass, making Sam laugh even harder.

After the cups of coffee were poured, the duo went to sit out back and enjoy the morning when Stan asked, "So, how often to you go running?"

"Every day if I can manage. Say, your sign there... isn't your daughter bringing a friend? You going to hold them both to that rule?"

"I have made exceptions in the past, like I was willing to for you the other day, though I do love seeing your naked body. I'll leave the decision up to the girls, Cat knows the rule, she's grown up around me and, well, she went through an awkward stage where she was... uncomfortable. I'm sure she's told her roommate about the rule, probably why she's never come over before... hum, wonder what's changed. Guess I'll find out when they get here." Stan sipped his coffee, going deeper into thought now.

Sam left shortly after eleven for his apartment, he'd decided to get in a workout in the complex's gym while he was there since Stan didn't have any kind of workout equipment. He wasn't upset that they hadn't had sex before he departed, he was well satiated, 'for now' he thought as he turned the key and entered his flat, feeling odd, "Hum... doesn't feel like home anymore. Weird." he set out to do some general cleaning and getting things together to take back to Stan's when he went back before changing and heading down to get in a workout.

Across town Stan had put on a pair of lounger shorts and tee, he didn't want to freak out Cat's roommate before even meeting the gal proper. He had showered and was just putting together the clothes to be washed, and the bedding with its residue from the past couple days, when Cat called out, "Dad!?!"

"Back here, be right there." he called back, dropping the last pillow case into the laundry basket.

Cat was a bit nervous till she saw her father had decided to be nice and wear something, she'd warned Emmy that he might be nude upon their arrival. Glancing at her friend she knew that Emmy was also relieved, it showed on her face. "Hi dad, laundry day huh."

"Housework never seems to be done, right." Setting down his burden Stan greeted his guests, giving his daughter a huge hug and kiss on the top of her head, offering a simple handshake to Emmy, "Glad to finally meet you in person. Cat's told me so much about you."

Emmy blushed, it was difficult to see the red cheeks in her beautifully dark chocolate skin, "Cathy has told me a lot too, um..."

"Stan will be fine. Why don't you gals get settled, let me get this going, then we can catch up."

Stan set the wash going then offered the girls some lunch. After some sandwiches with chips and soda, they'd caught up with the happenings around the office and campus so Stan shared that he had to run to the store for a few items, "Gotta restock too. You girls have the place to yourselves for a little while, don't burn the house down!"

After he was gone Emilie, Emmy or Em to her friends shared, "Cathy, your dad is cool after all. He wasn't like, staring or anything. He didn't even mention that I'm black."

"That's because he sees you for you, not your skin color. I told you I got my attitude from him. So, you really up to this? You don't have to you know, dad said it's okay if you wanted to wear a suit."

"Yeah, I think I'm okay now that I've met him and all. It still seems weird to me though that you go naked together... I know, I know, you've explained it all, loads of times! It's not like we haven't seen each other, so I guess... where do we do this at?" the girls went to `Catherine's bedroom' to change.

As Stan was pulling back into the drive after his shopping trip, wondering the whole time what he would find when he got home, the girls were enjoying their afternoon poolside. "Dad's home, I heard his car pull in." Cat warned facing Emmy to see what her reaction was going to be, she laid still on her belly, sunning her back. "Did you hear me Em? My dad just pulled in."

"Uh huh." Was all the answer she gave, not bothering to move, she was in heaven letting the sun warm her rather sizable backside. Cat only smiled and rolled over herself, waiting for the true response once her dad looked out... and decided what he was going to do.

Stan brought in an armload of bags, placing them on the kitchen counter before glancing out back to see two bare butts sticking up in the air. He smiled and laughed inside, "Now that would make a funny picture for her baby book." Going back for the rest of the bags, Stan took a mental note, `damn, forgot how wide women's butts are, even on the young. "Yeah, I think I do like Sam's firm ass much better. Fuck, am I going fully gay?" he laughed as he closed the trunk of his car, "so what if I am, I'm pretty sure I do have some pretty strong feelings towards that boy... and damn, I do love sucking that cock." He'd have to watch his thoughts though, luckily he still had his shorts on to hide the partial boner he'd just caused himself.

Once he'd gotten in a full workout, dripping with sweat Sam went back to his apartment to get a shower and refill his cool water bottle, "I needed that. I wonder... I'm going to have to come back here to workout at least a couple times a week... maybe Stan will come over and we can work on his physical health too. Not that he needs a whole lot but maybe tone him up a bit... hum, would be nice to have him fuck me right after a hard workout too. I wonder what his musk smells like." Taking a little sniff of his shirt as he pulled it off, "Damn, I smell like shit." A smile crossed Sam's face as he pulled off his shorts and started the shower running, `bet he'd think I smelled sweet, how in the hell did I get such a great daddy? Fate? Luck? Who cares how, I just need to keep him now that I found him... damn I want him to fuck me so bad right now.'

"Here you go girls, I brought you each a cold bottle of water. And you may want to think of pulling over into the shade so you don't get burnt." Stan wasn't sure if Emmy could get burnt but he wanted to treat her just like he did Cat.

Cat was watching Emmy closely when her dad had opened the sliding door and stepped outside, bare as she expected. Emmy was still facing her but she did open her eyes when spoken too, she lifted up, the chair imprinted her bare skin in long thick stripes, "Thank you Stan. Hey Cathy, you are getting red."

"A dip and dry off in the shade?" Cat asked, sitting up she watched Emmy's gaze follow her dad to his normal chair a few feet from them. Smiling she waved her hand to get her attention, "Come on, cool water to cool the skin." Cat jumped up and walked over to the deep end of the pool before diving in, surfacing to watch her friend. "Ahhhh!"

Emmy sat facing away from Stan before she stood up and repeated Cat's actions. Surfacing with a brisk exhale, "Whoo! Nice! This place is awesome Cat. I can't believe I kept telling you No all this time."

"It's only cause you were so self conscious when we first met, remember. Hell, took you almost a year just to change in front of me.

"Give me a break, you were raised this way, not me." Emmy laughed with a cute bird chirp kind of sound.

Stan sat back enjoying his tall glass of ice tea as he watched the girls hang on the side of the pool and smiled... he glanced over at the spa and a pang hit his heart, he suddenly began to miss having Sam there. `don't think about it, don't need to get embarrassed in front of my own daughter.' He tried to think about work but that didn't help either, the thoughts turned to how he was going to avoid seeing Sam or how he should act if they did bump into each other around another coworker.

"Earth to dad! Hello? You look lost in thought." Cat said, he'd been staring off into the distance, not even realizing they'd returned to the patio.

"Sorry. Work." he wasn't lying, exactly.

Cat took a long look at her father, "Nothing else is up? You seem... different. You okay dad?"

"Sure, nothing wrong here. Are you staying for dinner or when did you want to head back?" he tried to change the subject, and she wasn't buying it. She was still holding back the question burning in her head, the fact that he'd said he hadn't entertained friends over in a long time yet before they'd gone outside she noticed the toilet seat in her bathroom was up, and there was the smell of soap, masculine soap in there too. She knew her dad had a thing about using his bathroom all the time, she couldn't even recall him ever using the one in the hall.

"Don't know. Emmy, you got any morning classes tomorrow?" she winked at her friend.

A sly smile crossed Emmy's mouth, "Not tomorrow, was going to work on a paper due at the end of the month, but got plenty of time for that. Whatcha planning?"

Cat turned back to her father, "Guess we don't have to hurry back at all. We can do dinner, did you pick something up or can we order in? I really don't want to get out." she had a feeling...

Stan nearly turned sheet white, the blood draining from his face, he had no idea when Sam would be returning and as his lovely daughter was talking he realized they'd not exchanged phone numbers... he had no way to call and warn him away, "We can order in I guess, unless you want hot dogs."

Noticing his reluctance only spurred Cat's inquisitiveness, "That's fine with me." she got Emmy to agree as well before reclining back in her chair, "Looks like we don't have to rush anywhere then. I do miss seeing the waterfall flowing... did you know that it lights up?"

Stan's mind didn't hear the rest of their conversation, his mind was running a million miles an hour, scenarios running through his mind, plans, hopes... fears. Excusing himself, Stan went back into the house a moment, he needed to try and figure out a way to get a hold of Sam.

The girls had another quick conversation, plotting, Cat explaining quickly what she thought, enlisting Emmy's assistance... they would find out what Stan was hiding, they both could just feel it.

"That should do it. I've got most of my clothes packed in here now. Damn, I sure hope this works out, it'll take at least two loads to get everything back over here..." Sam was thinking aloud as he closed the trunk of his little compact car. Glancing at his phone to see what time it was, he figured Stan's daughter would be gone soon, having over two hours to drive back to the campus and knowing classes could start pretty early, he felt safe enough to head back over.

"Where did you say she needs to go?" Stan asked, still not understanding why Emmy had to suddenly go to the store.

"Dad. There's just some things we didn't plan on. She'll be back soon. I told her were the drug store is, she'll be fine." Cat held her laughter inside. They made up the story that Emmy had to get some feminine item suddenly and that would allow her to also stay dressed when or if Stan's mystery friend showed up. The plan included her parking the car across the street instead of in the drive, just to make it appear they'd already left.

Emmy wasn't gone long, she'd picked up a scratcher and her favorite soda before returning back. She was able to park between the two houses across the way without a problem. Walking back to the house, she knocked before coming back in, that's what Cathy told her to do. "Thanks. Back in a moment." she went to the bathroom to seal their little plan into place.

Stan kept looking at the clock as he started dinner once Emmy returned. Dressed in his cooking apron he prepared the hot dogs on the grill surface of his stove, much like a gas grill only inside. They were done in minutes. Cat helped by setting out the condiments and paper plates, that way they could take a plate and sit wherever was comfortable. Emmy returned to the kitchen in her summer dress she'd warn on the way over, "My apologies. Wow, you have some nice things here Stan, that backyard is absolutely fabulous and that stove... I've never seen anything like it before."

Cat smiled and winked, "Well, wait till you see the waterfall all lit up. I know you won't be able to go in the spa, but at night, dad sets the temp to flow without jets, it's heavenly to lay in there, look up at the stars and let the stress melt out of you." she knew they probably wouldn't be there that long, they did have to get back for classes.

Stan was quieter than his normal jovial self, that's how Cat knew her dad had something he was hiding. The only time he'd acted this bad before though was when he told her he was dating a lady a few years ago, but their relationship didn't last very long, Cat didn't care for her anyway. Now she just wanted to meet this new interest in her father's life.

Driving slowly down the street, Sam noted that there was only one car in the driveway, he let out the breath he'd been holding. Pulling into the drive, he parked, popped the trunk, and grabbed the bags of refrigerator items he'd brought over with him before walking up to the door. Turning the handle he found the door locked, "No surprise there." he mumbled as he took the key Stan gave him before he left earlier that day before unlocking it and stepping inside... three faces turned to him from across the room... he froze solid.

Stan had been laughing at the story Cat had been sharing when he heard and saw the front door opening... his eyes went wide the second he saw Sam walk in, bags in one hand, keys in the other. He felt like dying right then and there.

Cat heard the door squeak so she turned to see her dad's new 'friend' that he was trying to not talk about... her jaw dropped when a stunning looking guy walked in the door. Recovering quicker than it seemed everyone else did, the very good looking guy was evidently in shock and her dad almost looked like he was about to either stroke or pass out, "Hello. Dad, are you going to introduce..." she left it hanging as she waited for someone else to say something... anything.

It was Sam who recovered next. He'd seen a picture on Stan's desk in the other room of his daughter, younger than this... 'oh my god, she's naked! Pull it together. Think fast!' he scolded himself, "Hi... ah, Catherine? Right?"

She smiled but didn't get up from the barstool, she only spun enough to be able to see her dad and this stud-muffin at the same time. A quick glance toward Emmy showed that she too was quite smitten with this guy walking in the door, "Yes. But, you are?"

"Sam. Your dad has been... um... extremely kind to let me stay here while... um... I find a place to live. We work together."

Stan started to breathe again, 'good story, keep it going' he thought, "Sam, Cat and her college roommate Emmy. Girls, this is Sam. I, well, I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable with him here so I asked..."

"I was out most of the day apartment hunting. I, ah, thought you must have gone already since I didn't see your car." he furrowed his brow hoping Stan understood why he'd come inside... he headed over to the refrigerator to put the items away, now he had a back story for why he had food with him and clothes in his car. 'phew, that was close.'

"It's just at the curb. Sorry." Emilie chimed in, doing her best to keep their little story intact.

Stan turned and watched Sam put his things away, "Got more dogs. Did you want one?" Sam agreed to keep up pretenses.

Squinting her eye a bit Cat thought something wasn't quite right, but couldn't put her finger on it... this guy... he'd looked right at her but didn't stare, she knew she was still nude and he was definitely a younger man than her father, he should have at least looked like he wasn't staring at her. "How long have you been, well, living with dad?"

"He just started moving in, Friday, right Sam?" Stan said.

"I was living in a long term hotel. I started working at the firm about two months ago. I met your wonderful dad who offered a room to rent till I found my own place... and before you ask, he explained his house rules before I agreed to move in. What's your major?" Sam did his best to not hug Stan or pay him too much attention, reminding himself over and over again, 'just friends, be cool, just friends'.

Cat, Emmy and Sam all talked about college courses, majors, favorite subjects and Sam even gave the girls pointers on what electives would be good as fillers and lead to secondary minors. By the time they'd decided to head back, Sam had won both the girls over and kept them from knowing the truth behind his and Stan's relationship.

Stan slipped on his shorts and shirt to walk the girls back to their car, "Thank you for coming, both of you. You can come anytime, just, call first, okay, just to make sure I'm around."

Cat gave her father a hug, receiving a kiss on the top of her head, "I like him dad, he's quite good looking too." she was fishing.

"That's what the other interns at work think too, you should hear them talking when he leaves a room. You both drive safe and Cat, call me when you make it back safe, got it." She smiled at him before she started the car and he stepped back far enough for her to pull away, waving as they drove away. 'damn close' he though as he headed back inside.

"Holy crap! I could of swore they were already gone!" Sam said from across the room when Stan closed the front door.

Stan pursed his lips and laid his closed hand on them, deeply thinking, "I know. We need to exchange numbers though, I was going to call you but I don't have your number. You pulled out a good story though, we can keep that going, they don't have to know... anything else about us, not yet."

Sam half wanted to tell them he loved Stan but he also knew this was only their first test, they still had to go to work the next day and face their respective coworkers.

"Did you see that guy? OMG! What a hunk!" Cat was saying as they merged onto the freeway.

"He was cute... in a white guy kinda way. I'd date him still though."

"Not if I get him first! I wonder how old he is." the two of them debated all the way back to campus, having a grand time poking fun at each other while scheming about how they could get to know him better.

      • To be continued... - - -

Thank you for all the feedback again, it helped get me back on track. Stay tuned for the return of the hot action in the next chapter.

; - ) SLA

Next: Chapter 7

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