They Dont Have to Know

By S L Ashley

Published on Jul 5, 2014


Warning: If you don't like the interaction of two males in sexual expressions or it is illegal in your area to read this material, please find some other story to read. This story is a work of fiction, any resemblance to any actual people is not intentional. Thank you all for the feedback! I've increased the size of my chapters for your enjoyment. Please continue to let me know what you think! ; - ) Enjoy.

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They don't have to know...Chapter 5

After spending a few more minutes kissing, Sam looked down into Stan's face, "You going to help me move some things over? I could use clothes to wear when we do ever decide to leave the house."

"Oh shit! Damn it, I forgot... tomorrow my daughter was coming over for a visit." Stan closed his eyes, thinking how to deal with the situation.

Sam kissed the end of his nose again, "And daddy doesn't want to get in a bind trying to explain his boy to his daughter... it's okay, honest. I've got some things I can go do while she's visiting, that is if you'd rather me be gone."

Stan needed another moment to think before answering, "You don't have to do that... umm... probably be best if we did get you a few things to wear today though, I don't usually go naked when she's here, she's never been used to it so I don't force it on her. A coworker over for some relaxation poolside is explainable... umm... maybe street clothes sat conspicuously on the bed or in the hall bathroom."

"Is she coming to swim then?" Sam wasn't concerned about making a scene, the two of them had only been together one night, he wasn't going to jeopardize anything so early in their... relationship.

"She and one of her gal pals, another reason no nudity... she may think I'm trying to set her up though, shit, what else am I forgetting?"

"Hey, calm down. It's probably best if I do spend some time going through my stuff at my place anyway, make sure the place is going to be alright for the times I'll be away. Plus I'd still like to talk to a couple of my neighbors, tell them to keep an eye out. Come on Stan, it's going to be fine. What time is she due over?" Sam changed into his 'all business' mode.

Stan was actually quite relieved, "Damn, you're thinking clearer than I am. She's not due over till noon so there's no rush. She never goes into our bedroom anyway so your stuff will be fine in there. She will use the smaller front bedroom and the hall bath though."

Smiling widely, Sam caught the slip, "OUR bedroom? Oh wow, that sounds so... absolutely wonderful." he kissed Stan hard on the lips one more time before he extracting himself, "Come on daddy, lets go for a drive! I need some things for the next couple days at least, I can bring more tomorrow when I come back over."

Stan and Sam dressed, Sam in his work outfit, he'd tried to borrow a pair of Stan's shorts but they were a bit too baggy for him. A short trip across town, shortened by the lack of traffic since it was a Saturday, got them to Sam's townhouse. "Nice place." Stan said looking around the unit... it was quite barren of decoration, "I thought all gay guys had some sort of design gene in them."

"Ha ha. I moved in only two months ago and... well... it never felt right to do much to the place since I'm still just renting. Most of my stuff is actually still in storage, I only brought over what I needed, as I needed."

"I thought you've been at the office for what, three years?" Stan asked as he watched Sam walk to the only bedroom in the unit.

Sam took off his shirt and tossed it into a large mesh laundry basket, "Two years, two months. My last unit... well, let's say my last roommate and I didn't quite get along well enough to spend any more time sharing a place together. She had more men over than a street whore... sorry, that was mean."

"Sometimes the truth hurts. So, you haven't been, well, sleeping around then?" Stan was suddenly worried about the possibilities of getting an STD or worse.

"No. Truthfully I haven't been with anyone in about two years either. Like I said, not into the whole gay bar scene and swap fest that they seem to have. I had a short term relationship with that one older guy, but that was it, plus there's so much stuff floating around out there now, it's just deadly to have anonymous sexual relationships anymore. I got tested about a year ago, thankfully I'm clean and no issues. Um, how about you? I know you said something about usually using condoms, do you get tested too?"

Stan watched as Sam changed out of his pants and underwear, the free peek at his bare butt was a turn on, but he wanted to wait till they could be together properly, "Wow, watch that there hot britches! That ass of yours could give me a heart attack! Kidding of course... but really I'm so glad you said you were tested. Yes, I do get tested during my annual physical. My doctor doesn't ask anymore, I told her I like to make sure even though I use protection. I was concerned after our... sharing." He watched as Sam pulled on a pair of shorts, sans underwear, "You go commando?"

Sam turned to face Stan, "You're just going to make me get out of them when we get home anyway, right? So why get my nice briefs dirty for the quick trip back to your place."

"I was thinking about some food? You know, nourishment?" Stan turned and left the small bedroom to check out the rest of the little place while Sam finished packing a small bag and grabbing a fresh business suit and a couple shirts on hangers.

After finding a nice quiet place for lunch/early dinner, the two shared more about their past, schooling, Stan's life while married till the difficult question came back up, "How are you going to explain me to your daughter, you know, later?"

Stan went quiet again before finally answering, "I want to say she doesn't need to know, but... I think I'll find the right thing to say when she asks, if she asks, but no one else needs to know, not yet at least."

It was Sam's turn to go quiet in contemplation, waiting for the waitress to take away their plates before he said, "Stan. I need to explain something that I've been putting off... my dad... he... he was locked away while I was growing up, still there I think. I've always wanted to have a positive male role model in my life, I told you that. Damn, this is so hard to figure out." He took another drink of his soda before he continued, "I like you. I've watched you and, honestly George in Finance too, he's a hunk for an older man too... but... I hope you don't mind me calling you daddy when it's just us."

"To be honest, it was a bit difficult to understand till you explained it yesterday. But you have to remember Sam, out of the house we can't live that kind of life, it's... it's not acceptable in public. To be your fantasy man I can accept, that you call me..." Stan took a quick look around, "...daddy is alright if you feel it helps you, even if I can't understand why, exactly."

"I... I have a father figure fetish, probably because my old man was never around. I like being your boy, or son, it seems so much closer than, well, housemate or boyfriend or whatever..." Sam was looking down into his glass, stirring the ice around with his straw, "I know what you said yesterday... maybe... well, if I do watch how you are as a real daddy then... maybe... I'll understand your point and we can, no I can work on this relationship thing a bit more." Sam glanced up into Stan's face, "You're still one hot guy and I know you're not a therapist or something, I don't think I need one of those, just a good man, that's all I've ever wanted... a good, older man."

Stan sat stunned at Sam's revelation, thinking to himself `oh here I go again, my White Knight is kicking in, I feel for this guy so much now I just have to help him'.

The subject was changed to home issues when the waitress returned with the bill since they both wanted to pay. Stan relented since he'd paid for dinner the night before and Sam had snagged the check from the homely looking brunette that had been so nice to care for them while they ate, mostly leaving them in peace, watching from a distance... Stan thought she had the hots for Sam, hell, he was one great looking stud, HIS great looking stud.

Back at the house Stan gave Sam a hand bringing in the hanging clothes and showed him a section of the closet in the master bedroom he could use. Not thinking or just out of routine Stan stripped while he was still in the walk-in, Sam was a bit shocked, "Guess that's still going to take some getting used to, but damn you are so sexy when you're naked!"

"It's called nude, but naked works too. I'm going for a few laps out back, coming?"

"Not yet... oh you were asking if I was going out back with you, haha, I thought you meant was I cumming yet."

"Get your head out of the gutter, just because I go around nude doesn't mean I want sex all the time, although the thought of your body has been on my mind most of the day."

"Mine? Fuck, I've wanted you all day to take my ass whenever you were ready... I've had the urges since you pulled out last night." Sam smiled and dropped his shorts to expose his rapidly inflating cock.

Walking over and petting Sam's rising meat, Stan looked into Sam's eyes, "We'll get a good workout in first, then workout your urges... just remember, don't piss or cum in the pool or spa. I broke my own rules last night sucking your wonderful cock in the spa, but I knew nothing would make it into the water."

"Yes daddy." He replied with a large smile on his face, returning the favor of holding the older man's cock, causing it to inflate a bit as well, "You wouldn't like to play first then swim? You sure?"

Kissing his young hot stud deeply, Stan released his hold before removing Sam's hand from his own hard-on, "After we might not have the strength to swim, plus I love simply looking at your young hard body, and yeah that fab cock too. Come on, there's an outdoor shower to rinse off before getting in the pool I want to show you."

"Awe, cock block. Alright, we'll do it your way." Sam followed Stan outside after he stripped off his shirt and dropping it on top of his shorts, not bothering to pick them up first.

On the side of the house, located near what looked like a bathroom window was a true shower... a large sunflower sized head and water adjustments for hot and cold were mounted on a tiled section of the outside wall, "Oh nice... I didn't see this before. You don't even have to go inside for anything, well maybe get something out of the fridge. You've done very nice out here."

Stan was proud of his backyard, "I designed it all myself, a hobby, but had a contractor build it for me. I originally planned on having friends and guests over..." he stepped into the flowing shower, "...but it hasn't quite worked out the way I wanted. Oh man this is the life though."

Still sporting a partial erection, Sam stepped into the shower when Stan stepped back, "Ah, it is nice, never showered outside before... hell, never ran around naked outside before either. Don't you worry about neighbors looking over the fence or something?"

"They'd get a show then wouldn't they! Nah, there's an retired couple that lives behind me, gets too hot out for them to spend time outback. The side neighbors... well, they saw the construction going down and I warned them that I do sunbathe nude sometimes. Never had issues with either of them. There is one kid that lives diagonally that way, behind the overgrown looking bush there, he kept looking over this way, so I let the bush grow wild, cut his view off flat. I'm not an exhibitionist and don't need youngsters peeking at me or my guests out here."

"Have you had anyone else over, besides your daughter and her friends?" Sam was feeling a bit jealous of Stan's full tan now, he'd always liked being outside but usually in the shade.

Going over to the pool, Stan waded into the water and drifted over toward the waterfall, "Come see the grotto... I have entertained a couple of my nudist friends here, but they live too far away to visit regularly... you'll have to meet them."

That made Sam smile, the thought that Stan was thinking of introducing him to his friends was a huge step, "Will they... um... mind me being with you, I mean, knowing about us?"

"Nah, they're non-judgmental. Plus if I didn't tell them about us before they came to visit then you might end up having to fight off a couple of the other studs or ladies vying for your attention. See, there's a mini bar in here, it's under the slide. I don't keep the area stocked and only used it once before, but this is a nice shady spot on a hot day."

"Secluded, out of sight spot you mean." Sam replied as he waded up to wrap his arms around Stan's neck, "I know, no sex in the pool, but that doesn't mean we can't sit in the shallows here and... talk." A large smile crossed his face before he started to nibble on Stan's earlobe.

"All you're trying to do is get a rise out of me... and damn, it's working." He drew Sam's face up so they could start making out... luckily the water depth in the grotto was only eighteen inches.

It didn't take long for the two to completely give up on trying to swim a few laps, they got out of the pool and barely made it back into the master bedroom before going to town on each other. Sam started it out by stroking Stan's hard cock, going down to kiss and lick along it's shaft. Even though he didn't like the thought of actually fucking Stan, he enjoyed giving his hole a good oral workout, along with sucking on his balls till they were both pink from the pleasure. Stan stopped him, "Get up here, stop being a lick spittle, and let me fuck you!"

"MY PLEASURE!" Sam replied, taking a moment to thoroughly wet Stan's cock with saliva. Crawling up to mount Stan, he straddled the furry belly, running his hands though the warm gray brown hair on his chest, "I love your fuzz." He then aligned Stan's erect cock with his hole and rubbed it around a moment before pressing the head against his opening.

"Aren't you going to lube first? I mean going dry is going to hurt isn't it?" he was truly worried that the heat friction of their fucking would painfully chap Sam's ass.

Lowering himself down a bit, gently pushing out till the head of Stan's dick slipped inside his ass, "Ssss... oh, god that's what I needed. I'll be fine, been looking so forward to this right... here.. ugh.." he slid down in one long push, not quickly, just gently but constant till he hit the base, letting the short cropped pubes tickle his balls, "That's so fucking hot. Ah, man, I'd not realized how much I missed having sex with someone... it gets old playing by yourself. That, plus toys are no match for the real thing, especially your sweet cock!"

"Mmm. I like how you mount me, this is hot to me! I get to see that cock at full attention..." Stan took Sam's hard cock in both his hands and started to squeeze it tight, "... and that luscious mushroom head of yours is fucking suckable. Grrr." He squeezed till the blood pooled purple in Sam's dick head.

"Oh damn, that feels... fucking awesome. It is just a bit of pain but then it's so great too... oh man." Sam then raised himself up slowly and back down to rest again then squeezed his sphincter shut and repeated. "How's that feel?"

"Ssss... ugh, man you've got good muscle control, tighter than fuck! Sweet!"

Sam then raised and lowered again, then really started running up and down till Stan had to let go of his own throbbing purple cock, "Ah... oh man... mmm, your dick fits me perfect... oh yeah... mmm."

"Ride that cock, fuck yeah, ride it faster... faster!" Stan could feel the buildup starting, the action was so terrific, "Oh, that's it boy, yeah, ride that cock... fuck yeah!"

"Mmm, so sweet." Sam threw his face toward the sky as he arched his back, using only his legs to lift and lower his body, "oh yeah... damn fucking sweet cock... fill me up, fill my ass with your seed daddy!"

"Oh yeah, ride me boy, ride that cock!" Stan tried to stroke the wet cock bouncing in front of him, the precum streaming out the tip, run down Sam's cock and drop onto his lower stomach... he just could just not quite... "AHHHH FUUUUCCCKKK!!!!" he cried out as he felt his balls pull up deep inside as he orgasmed, sending streamers of hot cum deep.

Sam felt the first squirt and kept ridding, the cum dribbled inside and out, making everything very wet, he increased his pace even faster now that everything was wet and wild... "Oh yeah... mmm... fuck me..." He rode faster and deeper, nearly pulling out so far that he'd almost lost that cock in his ass. He was in ecstasy... "Oh yeah, love your cock buried in me... oh man... ooohhh... daaammmnnn..." His own cock started squirting, the first shot was on his up stroke and flew off to the side of Stan's head, splashing onto the pillow and running back across Stan's chest. The second and subsequent streamers thoroughly coated that mass of chest hair Sam loved so much. His back was arched so far back when it hit he nearly doubled over backwards.

Stan could feel his cum running back down his shaft and balls, but Sam kept riding... then when he shot his own load he had the perfect view of the powerful shots flinging past his head and then onto his chest and ending with a couple small squirts that only bubbled on the tip of Sam's cock to run down the shaft slowly to splash on his pubes, "Oh wow, what a show... but what a mess we've made tonight, haha."

Sam fell forward, landing on his extended arms to hover above Stan... taking a long, slow look down into that face... his lover's glowing and happy face. He leaned in for a kiss and was nearly eaten up, Stan pulled him down onto his chest, smashing the cummy mess between their sweaty bodies. They both relaxed in each other's embrace. Minutes ticked by as Stan caressed Sam's back... it didn't even matter when his cock slipped out and he felt more wetness on his groin, he was in heaven.

"I love you daddy." Sam whispered into his ear.

Stan smiled and tightly held Sam against him, "I think I love you more. Oh how did I ever get so damn lucky to find you? I... I'm so happy right now... son." They laid like that another five, maybe even ten minutes before he continued, "Hate to break this up, but if we don't clean up we're going to end up stuck together, you know how cum is."

"I could stay in your arms forever... I don't care if we're stuck like this... I'm in heaven right now." He whispered, even though he knew they should separate, he'd hate to have that furry chest need to be shaved because of the dried cum clumps in it. "Alright." He said aloud as he raised back up on his now shaky arms... "God you're so fucking hot."

"Haha, me? Damn, you're the fucking stud... I love that look right there, that `oh no I'm not' innocent look you give me when I complement you." Stan pulled him down to share a passionate kiss, "Let's go take a shower... together." Sam only smiled in agreement.

In the shower it was another grope fest, they washed each other, no areas were now off limits. Stan was gracious though and stepped out of the shower so Sam could do a bit more deep cleaning, he didn't care to watch that particular activity. Once Sam had showered and returned to the kitchen, still nude to Stan's great pleasure, they decided to repeat at least a portion of their previous night's activities, drinks in the spa.

Conversation was light, a comparison of various alcoholic beverages sampled and liked or tossed aside. Sam was a gin fan, "Doesn't affect performance." He shared to Stan's great mirth. Stan was a rum fan, preferring the sweeter drinks to tart, but they both agreed... beer was for bruisers... neither had cared for the flavor or more so the after taste when kissing a beer drinker.

      • To be continued??? - - -

Thank you for reading my work. Please feel free to comment and sending any feedback or feelings of my story. I accept all constructive feedback. Currently at a stand still... please let me know where you think this could go. Thanks for your feedback.

; - ) SLA

Next: Chapter 6

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