They Dont Have to Know

By S L Ashley

Published on Jul 1, 2014


Warning: If you don't like the interaction of two males in sexual expressions or it is illegal in your area to read this material, please find some other story to read. This story is a work of fiction, any resemblance to any actual people is not intentional. ; - ) Enjoy.

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They don't have to know...Chapter 2

Picking up his coat as he passed, Stan walked into the master bedroom, a nice sized room with a single walk in closet and separate bathroom, decorated with a matching bedroom set, also in a deep cherry with blue sheets. Sam stopped at the door and watched as Stan opened the closet and stepped inside, "Nice room. I really like your taste. Simple yet still says masculine." The room had a large bed in the center, nightstand on one side, upright dresser on the other with a set of bookshelves stacked overflowing with books on one wall and a long mirrored dresser on the other. Sam's heart began to race as he felt the desire to take Stan to that bed and screw his brains out.

Stan called out from inside the closet, "Thanks. Got the set right after my divorce, she took our other set, too girly for me anyway." He stepped out and stood looking directly at Sam, waiting for a response.

Sam's eyes went wide as he took in all of Stan, and he meant all! Stan had come back out of the walk-in completely naked. But then he stood there unmoving, not saying a word... time slowed. Sam looked at the not so perfectly in shape body, nice, not fat, yet not chiseled either but he did have a really nice tan, and only very faint tan lines. Hair sporadically covered Stan's body, some was gray where the rest were dark brown, including his short pubes, it was evident that Stan shaved below and trimmed above, so sexy, and he wasn't even hard yet. Sam couldn't help himself, he found he was walking forward, raising his hand, he placed it dead center of Stan's chest... locking his eyes on Stan's.

Stan leaned forward and kissed those precious lips lightly before backing away, "Well, not too much? Not what you were expecting I don't think, I'm not some young stud anymore."

"Damn... you're still hot." Sam said, "Nice dick too, like the trimming." He took a step back and began to unfasten his own shirt. Stan stood silent and watched. Sam's chest was bare, only a small patch of light brown hair descended from below his belly button down into his pants. Stan looked at that treasure trail and licked his lips. Sam took a step back toward the bed and laid his shirt across the footboard, kicked off his shoes and reached down, supporting himself a moment, to remove his socks, dropping them on the shoes. Sam stopped, his dick pounding at the inside of his zipper for release, and smiled at Stan who's dick was starting to show some inflation.

Stan watched on as Sam unfastened his belt and removed his pants, a large wet spot covered his black boxer briefs yet the hard cock was unmistakably inside, "Looks like you've been fighting that hard-on all day. I'm surprised you're not dehydrated with so much fluid in your shorts." He chuckled. That hard cock though had his stiffening as well.

Sam stepped out of the slacks and folded them to maintain the crease before laying them over the footboard next to his shirt, "Um, yea, been trying to keep from messing up my slacks since... well, since you asked me to dinner actually." He wasn't sure if he wanted to take off his briefs or not, but then slipping his thumbs into the waistband, Sam pulled them down and stepped out of them before using them to wipe the extra wetness from his now exposed shaft.

"Nice cock! You should be flaunting that everywhere, I swear. Here, come on, let's go relax in the spa." Stan held out his free hand, his drink now occupied the other. Sam took the offered hand, slightly embarrassed yet highly aroused by the firm handhold Stan had. He picked up his drink and enjoyed being escorted back into the livingroom. After a short stop to refresh (refill) their drinks, the duo headed out back, once again hand in hand. "It's a warm night. Hold on a sec." Stan released Sam's hand and flipped a couple switches, the pool and spa went dark but the green glow from the waterfall was still on, "There, ambiance, we should be able to see some stars once our eyes adjust." He took Sam's hand again and led him to the spa, releasing it only so they could safely enter the warm water, the jets were on low, not powerful yet enough to move the water around. "The water is purified salt water, no chemicals, that's why I don't allow clothing in the pools, the detergents aren't good for healthy water."

Sam sat in one of the lounger seats in the spa, glancing over at Stan in another one on the other side of the tub, "What are we doing Stan? I mean... what do you expect?"

"Fair question. I have no expectations only hopes I guess. You're a young hot stud in the prime sexual years, how old are you anyway? If I may ask."

"I turn 24 next month." He sipped from his cup and slipped a little deeper into the now hot water, "This feels good, the water, it's getting hotter... isn't it?"

"As the pump circulates it does heat it. It'll top out at 104. And before you ask, I just turned 48... my daughter is 20. You're making me feel old since I'm old enough to be your dad."

"I told you I like older men... daddy." Sam got up and went over to where Stan was relaxing and placed his hand on Stan's lower stomach, "Can I do anything for my special daddy?" he smiled down at the surprised face below him... but Sam didn't wait for an answer, he leaned over and started giving him small kisses on his face, circling around his mouth, not actually kissing it. Moving his hand up, he ran his fingers through the floating hair on Stan's chest, taking little tugs as he did. Stan melted, he was about to make a complaint but the sweet kisses on his face were so sexy and the tugging of his chest hair was erotic, he felt himself turned on. Taking the hand that was underwater, Stan snaked it behind Sam's back, then ran it down to his ass before pulling Sam on top of himself, splashing the water some as Sam landed face down on top of Stan, their matching hard cocks ground together as Sam laughed, "Awe daddy! I was just starting to have fun!"

"Damn you are one hottie aren't you. Feed me, feed me that luscious cock." Stan demanded as he tightly squeezed both of Sam's butt cheeks hard, grinding their bodies together harder a moment.

"Yes daddy! Anything for my special daddy." Sam said as he slid his legs to either side, lifting his hips above the water, his hard cock bounced out in front of Stan's face. Taking the cock into his mouth, Stan reached up and grasped that well muscled ass he felt earlier, he was in heaven. "Oh so nice daddy, suck it, suck your little boy's dickie till it squirts... oh god daddy, you're so good... oh damn, so soon, oh... daddy stop!"

Stan pulled back, "Oh, sorry." He was shocked, he must have done something wrong.

Sam reached down and caressed Stan's shocked face, "Oh, no, I'm sorry, I didn't really mean to stop. I guess I was getting too deep into character... I'm so fucking close, if you want to finish that is... my balls are going to explode if I don't cum."

Stan smiled back in reply, then taking one hand he held Sam's cock and began to rub it till his balls contracted and he looked up at the sky before putting the tip into his mouth. Sam's entire body tensed when he felt those lips wrap the head of his cock that he grunted once then started shooting streams of cum into Stan's waiting mouth.

Stan thought he was ready for that first shot, but the power and volume nearly made him gag, and he'd never gagged on a guy before, ever. For not the largest set of balls or longest nor thickest cock Stan had sucked, Sam sure did have one hell of a powerful stream and so much cum built up he had to swallow some down before he finished shooting. It took all of Stan's concentration, but he'd done it, he managed to take it all in, not a single drop spilt out of his mouth.

Sam shot streamer after hot streamer till he felt entirely spent before he leaned over to the side to support himself, his legs had gotten quite shaky. "Oh damn that was what I needed so badly. Shit, now what happens next week at work?"

"Stop worrying about work. Things don't need to change, they don't need to know... by the way, why did you do that, call me daddy?"

"I've got a father fantasy, guess that's why I like older men, but not ancient. You... you're hot and just my type, so, I guess I fell into my fantasy. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything." Sam slowly pulled his leg over to stand up in the spa. "Did you mind?"

Stan took a deep draw from his drink, washing down the young man's cum from his throat before he answered, "So long as it's between us, I guess not. You... you weren't abused or anything were you?"

Sam chucked as he sunk back into the seat, taking a swig of his own drink, "Not even. Mom raised me right, just no father in my life growing up. When I went to college I had this one man in one of my English classes, he was in his late 50's, returning for a degree or something... well, he'd seen me making out with one of my boyfriends at that time... so we went on a couple of dates, he was really a nice guy and all but when we finally decided on doing some messing around, he couldn't perform. Sure I could get him off, just, not what I wanted. But he did help me realize that I liked older men, the other guys my age are great fucks but they are so... single minded. I like my guy to me mature. Does any of this make sense?"

"Oddly it does. I do like the hard bodied guys, like yours, quite a nice bod you have, but most want super young, barely legal guys. I've had a couple guys my age, even one that had performance issues too, just... most the studs don't go for guys my age is all."

Sam nodded, he'd closed his eyes while he enjoyed the warm jets relaxing his muscles, "You're not old and I felt that cock of yours, you're no slouch I'm sure." He chuckled again, "Funny thing is most gays I know want a dick so big it's impractical. They take enhancement pills and creams and all kinds of stuff just to make themselves bigger. To me size isn't as important, it's what you can do with it. I'd never let one of those massive twelve inch cocks anywhere near me, I enjoy being able to take a regular dump, I don't want to worry about a little fart dumping my bowels in my pants."

That made Stan laugh as well, "No way. A real cock is enough, no need for some monster. So, what are you into Sam, what do you like?"

"You" he replied, no laughter, no chuckle, no sly smile.

"Why me? I mean, until this afternoon..."

"I've wanted you for months to tell the truth. I've actually been avoiding you because... well... I didn't think I had a chance." Sam replied honestly, the silence that followed though was deafening.

"Tell the truth, ever since I read your ad proposal I hadn't thought of much else, only you. I know, a strange thing, but I could tell you were gay and there was something in there, call it heart, caring, purpose and conviction. It was... appealing." Stan glanced over, beads of sweat were starting to form on his forehead yet the vision of the young stud laying prone across the pool was like drinking a cool glass of water.

Sam opened his eyes and turned his head to see Stan looking in his direction, "I never knew you had an interest. Tell me something though, is this a onetime thing?" he desperately wanted more than a one time thing, maturity, commitment.

"Do you want it to be?"

"I want... I'm tired of one night stands, I'm tired of the cum and go, I'm... yeah, I am so damn ready for something more... dad." he smiled over at Stan with high hopes.

Stan sat up, finished his drink and leaned back facing Sam, "You know though that I am not a dedicated gay man. I can't... it would be too hard to explain my life to my daughter already, she'd never understand if I told her I was in a dedicated homosexual relationship." he took a deep breath and pause as Sam sat up to face him also before continuing, "That being said..."

"They don't need to know..." Sam injected.

"We just met."

"We've known each other longer than we admit. I'm not asking for a long term commitment only something more than a one night stand. We can go from there, dad."

Stan chuckled, "The way you say that makes me feel like I'm committing incest with you, but... I like it. You don't use it in a demeaning or in some sick sort of way."

"Will you fuck me daddy? I so want to feel you inside me." Sam said as he slid down to his knees and moved across the spa, wrapping his arms around Stan's torso, burring his head against his chest. "Please fuck me in your bed. I'll be a good boy and clean you up after, promise."

Stan hugged Sam's head against his chest as he felt his cock hardening. "Come with me... my boy." as they stood, it was evident they both had hard cocks. Sam stood still till Stan toweled him off, taking an extra moment or two around his groin and ass. Once they were both dry, Sam took Stan's hand and cheerfully followed his lead back into the house and to the master bedroom. Once in the room, they faced each other and began to kiss, turning quite passionate before they fell together onto the large bed.

Stan took his time to kiss the younger man, running his hands across the firm yet soft skin. Finally when Sam was ready he rolled over to his stomach and tucked his legs up, under his body, presenting his ass to his suitor. "Take me raw, please, I'm very clean, I tested clear and been with no one since. Please fuck my ass daddy, it's yours and yours alone to use as you please."

Stan rubbed the tush, gently pushing his finger in the exposed hole, "Such a nice ass. Damn, how did you keep your tight rump from getting pumped nightly? Oh, so firm and so tight. You sure you like this? You seem... virginal."

"Oh yes, I love a good pumping, it makes me very happy, especially if you'd ride me nightly. Please, stick it in daddy, stick that cock balls deep in my hole."

Stan slid off the bed and pulled a bottle of lube out of the nightstand. "I don't want to hurt my little guy or rub that tight ass of yours raw either. Are you sure about this? I have condoms..."

"Fuck me raw daddy, I want to feel your seed implanted deep inside me... Please, I swear I don't usually do this but... I want you to bareback me." Sam felt empty and he felt so close, so quickly to this man. "Daddy, please, fuck my ass."

      • To be continued... - - -

Thank you for reading my work. Please feel free to comment and sending any feedback or feelings of my story. I accept all constructive feedback. Stay tuned for more hot action, coming next.

; - ) SLA

Next: Chapter 3

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