They Dont Have to Know

By S L Ashley

Published on Jun 30, 2014


Warning: If you don't like the interaction of two males in sexual expressions or it is illegal in your area to read this material, please find some other story to read. This story is a work of fiction, any resemblance to any actual people is not intentional. ; - ) Enjoy.

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They don't have to know...Chapter 1

"It's still hard to believe." Sam remarked to himself as he drove to his last minute dinner 'date'. "We've worked together forever and I never thought he was bi at all. Straight laced Stan. Wow." Sam was still adjusting himself in his slacks, trying to hide the wet spot that formed ever since his conversation that afternoon with Stan. "Good, not noticeable in black, what a relief." Pressing the button to lock up the car and set the alarm, Sam knew he was early, but he felt he needed a calm down drink before dinner... 'especially with what I hope is about to happen, happens... liquid courage.' he thought as he stepped into the bar section of the restaurant they'd decided to meet at.

Across town, Stan was just getting into his car, "See you all Monday! Have a fun weekend, just not too fun!!" he called to the others in his department. "Ah, thank god it's Friday and work is done... I wonder if he's going to truly show." Stan was the manager of his department, had seen the younger Samuel, Sam, around the office. "I still can't recall how this all happened..." he started to play the scene back in his mind...

(( Nearly colliding at the bathroom door, Sam stepped back a step to let the more senior man go first, "Please, after you sir."

"I'm not that old, but thank you." Stan replied, but then held the door open for Sam to enter as well. The bathroom was rather small, one sitter, two pissers... Sam took up one space while Stan walked over to the other... it was a bit awkward, there used to be a small wall that separated the urinals, but it had been broken by some freak accident over a month ago and still hadn't been replaced.

Sam always had a shy bladder when it came to going with someone else around, Stan did too, they both stood there a couple moments holding their dicks out, pointed at the urinal with nothing happening. Sam laughed, "Stupid isn't it. I had to piss so bad a second ago and now I can't." he put his dick back into his slacks and zipped up, but glanced over at the view next to him. Blushing, Sam moved to the sink...

"Ah, that's better. Got a shy bladder myself, that water running helps. Say, you're in marketing aren't you? Sam, right?"

"Yes sir. Ah, you know who I am?" he actually blushed a deeper red, he'd seen Stan around the office and thought `he's hot for an older guy.'

"Sure I do. I see most of the post production work before it goes upstairs. Bethany likes to get my opinion from time to time on things since I used to have her job." Stan felt relieved as he finished and moved over to the sink, the toilet automatically flushed. "Besides, she was confused by the homosexual overtones in the ad"

Sam became upset, turned and faced Stan, "We were missing a whole demographic by not having at least one ad...just because I'm gay..."

"Slow down! No need to feel defensive. I agree with you, we were missing out on potential clients. No one is after you for your sexuality, that doesn't matter anyway. You have talent, you saw the gap and came up with a great way to market to them. Besides, it was quite a good ad and even if Bethany didn't see it, I sure did." Stan smiled over at Sam as he turned off the water, "Besides, it takes a hot guy to know what other guys like, true?"

Sam nearly stumbled back a step, if it weren't for the counter he might have actually fell down, "You... you think... um, are you..."

Stan waved his hand in dismissal, "No, I'm not gay if that's what you were thinking. I have my kid and ex wife... just, well, let's say I'm more open minded about some things. And yes, I do think you're quite a nice looking guy, do you mind me saying that?"

Blushing once again, Sam wasn't sure what to do, "Um. No. I mean, sure... ah crap... thank you?"

Still smiling at Sam, "Not to sound too presumptuous, would you mind if we say, had dinner after work? I'd like to hear some of your ideas on how we can get a bigger footprint in the LGBTQ community, it has a great potential for our company. What do you say?"

"Um, sure? I mean, are you sure?" blinking in disbelief Sam started reappraising the man before him. "But what about... you know... coworkers?"

Stan pressed, "They don't have to know... why don't we meet right after work, Torino's Grill on 26th? Know the place?" Sam nodded, it was a nice place and dead in the center of the gay community, "Great. They have a great atmosphere and not too noisy. It's a date then." His smile grew even larger then Stan turned to leave, but before departing he looked back, "You are one very hot looking man you know. Looking forward to whatever tonight might hold, and no calling me sir tonight." He winked before departing. ))

...back to the present Sam felt his dick starting to get hard again. `I hate being so horny for older guys, and damn, he's so fucking hot...' He'd finished his first drink but didn't want to overdo it, "Just a coke now. Thanks." He turned to the doorway in time to see Stan walking in the door, his jacket was off, shirt had the two top buttons unbuttoned, "damn, he is quite built" he whispered, noting the small patch of salt and pepper chest hair poking out the collar. Taking his filled glass with him, Sam approached Stan, "Hi. I didn't reserve a table yet."

"That's ok." Stan replied and flashed two fingers at the maitre d'. They followed the man to a table along the far wall, not exactly dark but not in the brightest of light. "Perfect. Thank you Salvador." Taking their seats, they made small talk as they looked over their menus. Stan ordered a bottle of Cabernet to go with their meal.

To Sam's surprise Stan broke the ice first, "So, how is it that you have a Friday night open? You must have a whole phonebook of guys biding for your attention."

"Um, no. I mean, sure I know plenty of nice guys, its... I don't... ah crap."

"Hey, we're off work, I'm not your boss anyway, what's said between us is just that, between us, alright?" Stan reached over and placed his hand on the back of Sam's, a gentle touch.

Sam's dick sprung to full attention, or would have if it had the room to grow, "I'm not in a relationship right now, between guys I guess. Trying to concentrate on my career..."

Conversation between them shifted to work through the rest of dinner. The mix of the Cabernet and the Gin and Tonic Sam consumed earlier had him slightly buzzing by the time they took away the desert plates. "I appreciate this Stan, it was a nice dinner and talk."

Stan was enthralled with this young stud he managed to wrangle an evening with, and wasn't quite ready for him to go, "It was my pleasure. I learned more about your ideas and you've spurred some in my head as well. So. Did you have any plans for the rest of your evening? Not to sound too forward but would you like to go back to my place? I have a place not far from here. It has a nice spa, if you'd like to relax and, well, talk some more."

Sam didn't want to seem too excited by jumping on the offer, "A spa you say. Hum, well, if you have a suit for me to borrow then I guess you've talked me into it."

Stan agreed, "If that's what you want, then sure." Then he paid the full tab as they walked out to their respective cars it was decided Sam would follow Stan, not wanting to leave his car just anywhere. As Stan drove down the street heading home he was already running scenarios though his head on how to get this young stud into bed, the thought made him need to adjust his swelling manhood, "He's got a cute cut dick, and that mushroom, damn, can't wait to sink my teeth into that head."

Following close behind Sam was having his own fantasy series running around in his head, he'd already unzipped his fly and let his dick air out, "Damn, I've not had such a hard-on for someone in a long time. Damn my balls ache already! I just hope I can get him in bed or at least suck that fab cock I spotted earlier."

Stan's house was nothing special, not some over the top mansion, but then even a modest house this close to town wasn't cheep either. Both cars fit side by side in the drive, Sam was amazed that Stan didn't pull his into the garage, but then he really didn't know the man that well. They both got out and locked their cars, "It's not much, but it's mine free and clear. Come on in, make yourself at home." Stan said as he unlocked the front door with his key, pausing long enough to press a few keys on the alarm pad to turn it off.

Sam noticed the front yard was well maintained, a single large tree to shade the front lawn that flowed all the way to the house, no flowerbeds. Inside was clean and once the lights were on it looked quite comfortable. "You live here alone? Um, your kid with the ex I take it."

Stan tossed his suit coat over the back of a chair, "Mine alone. Yea, she's a great kid but we both thought it best for her mom to raise her, girl stuff you know. So, can I get you a real drink? Beer? Anything?" They both went into the well appointed kitchen, granite counters, dark cherry cabinets and a full bar area that opened into a great room with the den. Stan walked over and flipped a switch on the outer wall, the back patio lit up.

"WOW! Nice yard. You said a spa, you never said you had an oasis in your back yard." Sam was stunned looking out at the Jacuzzi that spilled over the edge into a full sized pool. The slide was shaped like a grotto, water fell down into the pool as well, backlit in green.

Stan smiled, "Yea, I like my outdoor time. But I have one rule for my pool..."he pointed over to the side, at the sign on the fence.

"Clothing not optional?" Sam inquired, turning to Stan who was now at the bar.

"No clothes allowed in the pool area, well, to be honest the house but I won't press the issue inside." He smiled over at his younger guest...'hope he goes for it.'

Suddenly it made sense to Sam, with wide eyes he looked back at Stan, "You mean you go naked? Wow, I mean, I wouldn't have guessed half of what I've learned about you tonight already. You mean it? You really don't wear clothes outside?"

"Outside, inside, wherever I can get away with it. But I'm a gracious host, I don't press the issue with guests... unless they don't mind it..." he let his question trail off as he watched Sam's face squint up in thought. "Here, gin and tonic." He didn't have to ask, he noticed the drink on the bill when he paid. Sam took the glass and took a sip. "Care to relax out there or inside? It's a beautiful night out, no wind. Shall we relax in the spa?" Stan could see the unsure look on his face, and the newly forming bulge in Sam's slacks... "Don't worry about walking around nude here, I've seen just about every size, shape, design on both men and women. Plus from what I saw in the bathroom, you've gone a nice cock. Are you going to join me or what? You can either change here, or in the bathroom, wherever is fine with me."

Sam took in and released a deep breath, "I don't mind going naked, just still, well... I find you quite attractive and I've been sporting at least a chubby all day..."

"Well you know how I think about you already, but why would such a hot stud like you be sporting wood for someone like me? I'm flattered." Stan said as he deiced to be a bit devious and started unbuttoning his shirt right there.

Sam watched Stan set his drink down on the table and begin undoing his shirt, the wooly chest hair was not exactly thick but gave some nice coverage, he wanted to run his fingers through that mass of hair, "I'll be honest with you, I don't have a phonebook of guys to call up because I... I like older guys not the ones that keep pushing their phone numbers on me... oh god, you're so fucking hot." He watched as Stan pulled his shirt out of his slacks and draped it across his arm.

"Older guys huh, what luck for me." Stan had a devious smile on his face as he picked up his drink and started to walk away, "Bathrooms and bedrooms are this way." Stan didn't look back, he only hoped beyond hope Sam was following him.

      • To be continued... - - -

Thank you for reading my work. Please feel free to comment and sending any feedback or feelings of my story. I accept all constructive feedback. Stay tuned for the real hot action, coming next.

; - ) SLA

Next: Chapter 2

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