They Called Him Buck

Published on Aug 2, 2012



His real name was Kerry Soron, but everyone called him Buck by the end of our second year.

We knew him as Kerry when we four agreed to share an apartment after one year in the dormitory.

The day after we all moved in, it was a snowy Sunday keeping us inside, watching sports on the old TV and constantly laughing at each other drinking beers with scramble egg or pancake breakfast.

Kerry entered the living room. We didn't take notice at first, probably due the football game we were yelling our heads off watching or the beer, not sure which.

He sat down on the couch making me and Ted move to give him room. We saw his body out of the corners of our eyes but didn't realize he was naked until we all jumped up watching some idiot on the TV doing something.

"Shit man, is that the way you watch football?" someone asked and we all laughed.

"Hell this is the way I live, get used to it" Kerry said. And we learned what he said was true. Whenever he was at home in our apartment, he was naked, reading, on the computer, doing chores, cooking, watching TV, sleeping or just hanging out, literally.

We got used to it. In fact, being naked in our apartment became a habit for each of us, not all the time but whenever we felt like it. After all it saved laundry at least that was our explanation when friends came over.

And that's how the name started. Guys asked "Where's Buck" and Kerry would appear in his usual nice, smooth, trim, compact, dangling half hard and smiling bare naked self.

I digress because there's more.

Ted roomed with Kerry and I roomed with Val.

"Is he naked all the time in the bedroom?" Val asked early in our roommate week. Ted said "sure, why not?"

So we let it drop. But I noticed Ted was always smiling and never complained like he used to about Sue, his on again, off again girlfriend. He used to bitch when we were all in the dorm that she never put out.

"Not even a hand job"

We kidded him that Sue was really a lesbian and he was her beard for which he got pissed off.

But after we became apartment roommates, he never bitched.

"Aren't you seeing Sue anymore?" Val asked one evening as we sat passing around a joint. I notice Steve kept playing with his cock during that late night discussion about life.

We were all naked by then so the states of our arousals were clear to see.

"Ya" He blurted out with a puff of smoke.

"And is she putting out finally?" I probed further.

"Naw, I think she's frigid" he said and we all laughed since it had been a long time he'd been seeing her. I wanted to ask more but assumed he had just gotten used to masturbating like the rest of us instead of having sexual play with another human.

Kerry arrived and sat down stripping like Superman as he did so to inhale his share of the joint.

"So, why doesn't Sue ever come over?" I decided to pursue the question.

"She would freak seeing us like this" Ted responded.

"Hell, warn us and we'd dress up, even Buck would....he can sleep in our room if you guys need privacy" I guess I was stating rules for any of us that had a female guest.

"He doesn't need to" Buck spoke accepting the joint. Then he inhaled and crawled to where Ted sat breathing out smoke on his crotch.

We all laughed. Antics bordering on intimacy were part of our lives; after all we were horny college boys.

And we continued to laugh when Buck acted like he was sucking Ted's cock....eventually we realized he wasn't acting.

Ted looked at us and shrugged, laying back and letting Buck do what we realized he had done before.

I admit my cock hardened watching our friends give and get a blowjob. Val seemed more shocked then I was. But his hand had drifted to play with his own hardening member.

"Shit guys, do you want us to leave?" I asked figuring they wanted privacy.

"Hell no" Buck aka Kerry said "Makes it more fun and when I'm done here, I'll do you too"

Ted orgasmed with a loud cursing...which I suspected he exaggerated for our benefit.

The sight of our buddy Kerry smiling, his lips wet with Ted's sperm was weird, I admit but I didn't push him away.

His hand had moved to Val's cock and was jacking him while licking mine.

Now I had never had a blowjob from anyone, no cousins, buddies back home, old men, girl friends or ... well nobody.

All I can say is it was fantastic and Kerry seemed to like it...that made it even more exciting actually. I watched him lick places I had tried to reach in years gone by. I saw his throat open to take the full length of my decent sized thick boner and I watched him jack Val...but eventually closed my eyes and concentrated on the sensations I had only read about.

I was stoned to be sure but it was really happening and the intensity of the orgasm that was building up was more then I could imagine.

What happened in my brain were memories. I saw guys naked in the high school locker room where I had been two years before. I saw hot swimmers, hunky football players; even my brothers horsing around in our bedroom naked and upon reflection I realized I never "saw" any females...even after my gut released several streams of sperm.

I opened my eyes just as Buck's throat finished gulping and the last bit of cum hit his face and bare chest.

I lay there panting, amazed at what was happening and watched Buck move his apparently still hungry mouth to Val.

Now Val had been jacking himself wildly and later with Kerry's hand got close to cumming I guess, cause when Kerry's mouth captured his cock, the cursing told us he was releasing his own pent up fluids.

"Shit" was all Val could say, along with the familiar grunts.

Buck stood and casually walked to the frig while wiping his arm across his mouth. We just watched him without a word until he asked.

"You guys want beers?"

We laughed. The sight of his naked body, hard cock, and wet lips, him standing there casually was just too much.

The beers seemed to clear our minds. Nobody spoke about the sex we had just had, there were no gay comments or apparently concerns about it.

The horror film that captured our attention seemed to divert our minds easily and perhaps gratefully.

The next morning, I and Val were eating scrambled eggs he had made. My bathrobe was open as usual, I didn't care. Val wore his usual boxer shorts with the bulging open fly offering anyone a view of what bulged underneath. I had eyed it often just as I gave a brazenly clear view of my self.

Ted appeared wiping sleep from his eyes and muttering greetings as he retrieved the cereal from a cabinet.

Buck followed him smiling and humming. Naked as usual he wiped his hand down his masculine tube and said "hey".

Ted said to him, "That was something else, I always wondered if it would hurt, it didn't." he shrugged. My eyes locked onto Val's and he shrugged.

"But it didn't did it?" Buck said as he patted Ted's butt.

I knew something more then a blowjob had occurred. I eyed Bucks' cock. It was decent size, not as long as mine I knew but nice, smooth, uncut and seemed to be half hard at the time. I wondered what it would feel like......

But anyway, back to the "Buck" thing. As I said whenever friends would come over to hang out, watch sports, smoke or work on projects, they were introduced to Kerry's habits.

Eventually word seemed to get around and his nickname Buck. Even we called him that and Kerry didn't mind.

What started as a nickname and a special weekend event spread more rumors. The Party at Bucks was full of girls and guys, music, beer, loud talk and eventual cops telling us to quiet down.

I'm not sure they were prepared to see so many naked people dancing among those who weren't. But despite the sight, they just told us to turn off the music and make sure there weren't any underage girls drinking and no drugs of course.

We turned down the music and nodded in agreement.

It wasn't until after they left, I realized that Buck and I were standing there totally naked talking to them. It was a sight and many phone cameras recorded our bare butts and the cops facing us.

Twitter accounts circulated them quickly.

The party subsided and friends who couldn't or wouldn't leave, found places on the couch and floor, one even in the bathtub to crash.

I watched Buck dancing with two guys and knew what would happen eventually. I wanted to watch a bit longer but got too tired. So I stood pissing ignoring the guy in our bathtub adjusting his body so he could sleep.

Marion, a guy I had known in the dormitory, was in my bed when I decided to crash. And I just got in with him. I didn't plan it or think about it. Like many other things in our lives since we moved into the apartment, we just accepted things that happened.

Like the feeling of Marion's hand on my cock that night.

When he left, I was wide awake. I got another beer from the frig surveying the sight of bodies sleeping everywhere. The scent of sweat, locker room aromas and other smells filled the air. The snow was falling outside.

Buck appeared patting my bare butt.

"Come on, it's time" he said

I followed him into the bedroom he and Ted shared. Ted was sleeping but that didn't stop us as I crouched on the bed and experienced new sensations.

Buck's reputation for nudity was only part of his talents as I learned that night too.

Val had gone for the weekend. Ted had crashed saying he was too tired to drink; now that's tired.

I lounged on the chair, happy the weekend had arrived and lifted my bottle to greet Buck as he arrived.

"Your boyfriend coming over?" he asked as he peeled his tee shirt and jeans off.

"Boyfriend? Oh you mean Marion, we're just friends, you know like the four of us" I said

"Shame" Buck said

For some reason I asked the unspoken question. "So are you gay or just fucking around?" I asked.

"Are you?" he asked as he went to the frig. I eyed his nice firm buttocks as the flexed with each step.

"Dunno yet, but it's easier fucking around with you guys then the damn games women play" he said.

I agreed. Ted would too if he were in the living room.

"So I guess it's just you and me then" Buck said standing close to me drinking with one hand and stroking his cock with the other.

I watched it grow hard. I figured he'd be sucking my cock soon so I let him move his hands to my boxers and pull them off my legs. My cock had already responded to the anticipation.

"Nice" he said and reached for it. His warm hands went over my boner, his fingers encircled my ballsac letting my boys relax and hang lower.

"Tonight, you're my bitch" he said.

It wasn't angry or bossy, just matter of fact. I moved forward and imitated what I had seen him do. I wondered what it was like and figured that eventually I'd try to suck Val's cock in the privacy of the bedroom we shared...just as Ted and Buck apparently had been doing since we all moved in...perhaps before in the dorm.

I should say that in the dorm I had a nerd uptight roommate, Dale. He never seemed to have problems getting dates or even laid..At least that was his reputation. Perhaps it was because he had a very long dick or the fact his Dad owned a very big internet company..He was totally rich.

Ted and Val were roommates down the hall. Kerry lived on another floor. He was brought into our group at the campus pool where Ted, Val and I swam nearly daily.

Mariontoo swam with us; he lived downstairs and always complained about his roommate, a jock who, he said was always jacking off. "The room smells of cum" he complained. So he used to come to our room to study. Dale didn't seem to mind and once I came home late to find Marion on the floor in front of him. Hell, Dale had a long cock and I already knew Marion was gay.

Buck pushed my head back. I figured I was doing it wrong. I had never had a cock in my mouth before and tried to do what he had done to me once or twice since that first night.

"My turn" Buck said as he spit in his hand and rubbed his cock. I had moved back to the chair.

I wasn't even thinking of what came next. Buck moved forward and moved his broad shoulders under my legs. They rested there as he lifted me so I slid backwards.

From the instant my semi drunk brain realized what was happening, the cock pushed into my butthole. To my surprise it was open enough to allow that...probably being both a bit drunk and aroused enabled it to happen.

He moved into me telling me to "breathe normall7" and "relax".

I tried to do both feeling something inside me that almost felt like I had a huge "log" trying to get out.

His hips moved and it rubbed me inside. I closed my eyes and lay back letting it happen. My hand stroked my cock which seemed to soften and harden throughout the experience.

I wanted to watch his smooth, nice body gyrate…Buck too had closed his eyes concentrating on either my virgin butt's sensations or some other mental images.

I returned to my own, thinking of Marion, Dale's very long cock, Val's, being sucked off in front of the other guys, the sight of so many half clad drunk friends lying around the house and faces from my memory.

I was startled when Buck slapped my bare butt and opened my eyes. His chest glowed, his stomach was tightened showing muscles I hadn't seen on him before, his face grimaced and he was in a trance, his hips flexing with increased speed.

He was going to cum inside me. I paniced not sure I wanted that. He obviously had fucked others, would I get sick or worse?

The feel free to do whatever we wanted life, suddenly warned me and I muttered.

Buck seemed to hear me pulling his cock out of me so fast, it surprised and hurt me a bit...but even more, made me ejaculate repeatedly.

And as much as I was surprised by my own body's reaction, I was amazed at the river of sperm his cock showered me face, my chest, my crotch then moved back to my face, giving my absent mindedly open mouth and tongue a coating.

"God you are hot" he said and he adjusted my legs shoving his cock back into my still open hole.

I wasn't sure I wanted it but Buck didn't ask me.

He was fucking me fast and furious. I wanted him back inside me and closed my eyes feeling each sliding sensation with relish until his grunts told me this time, his second one, he was sperming my intestines.

"You ok?" he asked.

I opened my eyes seeing him holding his softening cock. I still felt him inside me but he had it in his hands.

"That was...." I didn't know what to say.

"Glad you liked it. When you recover you can do me." He turned around and slapped his own ass.

I reached out and touched it. I wanted to fuck it. But I was exhausted.

"Not sure I can right now" I admitted.

We stood side by side in the bathroom to urinate. I didn't reject his hand and he put mine on his as we pee'd.

It felt weird feeling his water flow through his flesh, not like I had felt my own.

"Come one, we’ll sleep and when you’re ready...." He led me into my bedroom and we moved our cum coated bodies together in my bed.

I think I called him Marion during the night....probably the first time I came while fucking him.

I was tired but I heard him say "Now you're ready for Val" and we slept like lovers.

We four had a great year as you now know. Buck got us to try things we had never talked about and never did too much afterwards. It was our year to experiment.

Dale listened when I told him the next summer at his huge mansion. Val and Greta asked me to be at their wedding. Ted was there too. Buck was in Europe...probably out doing the Europeans free sex records.

Dale took his time and I learned what the girls knew. It turned out he had known Buck aka Kerry back in the dormitory too.

The next year, I shared an apartment with Marion. My senior year I was back on campus a RA in the dormitory. Marion and I had split up. Ted and Val went to different campuses.

Buck visited and we enjoyed our reunions as often as he showed up. The lower level classmen got used to seeing him naked .... And I knew he visited many of them in their dorm rooms too.

After all he was Buck. Everyone knew him as Buck. I don't think I ever called him Kerry after the first few weeks we became whatever we were....roommates? Lovers? Experimenting? Exploring?

Whatever we were. Whatever we discovered we were, he was and still is Buck.

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