These Retirement Days

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Nov 21, 2003


This is the 30th chapter to my ongoing story. All comments are welcome at

These Retirement Days 30

I was feeling a bit horny and not able to find anyone to help me out. Lance was out of town and I had gone to the bathhouse but there was no one around. It was a holiday and I guess everyone was home with their families. My wife had gone with one of her women's groups to do some charity so I was free to do as I pleased.

I drove to the movie theater hoping to find some action but again was disappointed since there were only a few guys there and they all seemed to have paired off together. I sat back and decided to check out the movie while I slowly rubbed myself. I was just about to leave when a rather rough looking character came through the door. He was a pretty big man and had that air of a biker or outlaw but upon further inspection I could tell it was more of an attitude with him.

His hair was wind blown as if he had been riding a bike, but I could tell with a good combing that it would look as good as any haircut from one of those fancy hair salons. His face was covered with a couple days growth of beard, which gave it a look of being dirty. He was wearing a leather type vest with a white t-shirt beneath. His arms were covered with fur but there were no tattoos that I could see. He had a pretty firm looking pot gut that was only apparent by the vest being open and his jeans being tight around his waist. The jeans were well worn and comfortable looking along with his leather boots.

He looked around and just as I had been seemed a little disappointed at the prospects. He walked over and sat down beside me and made a comment about the place being dead. I told him I knew just what he was talking about. He took another look at me as his eyes roamed up and down my body. He asked what kind of action was I looking for. I told him that I was pretty horny and was needed a good injection in both ends. He smiled and asked if I wanted to go back to his place and maybe be part of a little party he and his buddies were trying to get together.

I told him that I wasn't too sure about going with someone to a place I knew nothing about. He told me that I didn't have anything to worry about because he and his buddies were really businessmen during the week and want-a-be bikers on the weekends. He assured me that I was in no danger and one of the guys was even a doctor. I thought for a second and when I noticed him rubbing the big bulge in his pants I knew I was going with him.

We walked outside and I was not surprised to see his motorcycle in the parking lot. I told him I would follow him. He made sure he didn't travel too fast so I could keep up. We pulled into a pretty nice neighborhood and once we got to where we were going I noticed the place was pretty secluded with a lot of trees and a high security fence. As we pulled up to the garage area I noticed a few more bikes and figured they belonged to his friends.

The man met me at my car and again assured me that I was in no real danger even if the guys tried to look mean. We entered the garage apartment and I could hear the men before we got to where they were. Each one was dressed in similar style to the man I was with. I took a quick survey of the men and guessed they ranged in age form just over 40 to maybe one or two in their early fifties. A couple of them had what could be called beer guts, but most of them were in fairly good shape even though there were no body builders in the group.

They all gave me a good looking as they sipped on some beer. The man introduced me as the guest of the party and asked if I wanted anything to drink. I figured a beer might loosen me up so I took one and drank about half of it before stopping. One of the men moved up beside me and said that if I needed anything to really relax me that he had some poppers I could use. As he was telling me this he started feeling my ass and when I gave no resistance he looked around and said we should get the party started.

Several of the men moved up beside me and started taking my clothes off as they made sure they rubbed their hard packages against me. Once I was completely disrobed they moved me to one corner of the room and placed me on a swing made out of leather straps. They had me down on my stomach as I felt several hands rubbing my ass. Very soon a few of the fingers entered the crack of my ass and were spreading something cool and slippery on my hole. Just when I thought it was going to be nice and slow I gasped as a cock was forced deep inside me.

The man started calling me all kinds of degrading names as he fucked me fast and hard. I was trying to catch up to his pace so I could relieve some of the discomfort when a little brown bottle was placed under my nose. Just at that moment the man grabbed my head and pulled back as he rammed his cock all the way inside. This caused me to gasp and draw a deep breath. I felt the warmth spread over my body as the poppers took affect. The bottle was held under my nose for a couple more breaths.

My body seemed to melt in a wave of warmth and the cock ripping in and out of my ass felt like a hot poker that was only increasing the feeling inside me. The man had stopped calling me names and was only grunting as he was getting very close to cumming. He released my head and grabbed my hips as he thrust into me with all his might. His cock erupted inside me with each thrust as his hands gripped me with enough force to leave marks. I heard him gasp for air as he pulled his limp cum soaked cock out of my ass.

Another cock entered me and started pumping. The next few men didn't take long at all as they each left a load of cum inside my now leaking asshole. Once the fucking of my asshole had stopped they stepped up and turned me over in the swing. They strapped my arms to the ropes holding the swing up and then spread my legs apart and up in the air. I was hanging there with cum leaking out of my asshole as most of the men were having another beer.

I heard the "hellos" and "What took you so longs" from the men as another one came into the room. This man didn't appear to be any bigger than any of the others but he was just another example of you can't judge a book by its cover. One of the men said they were now going to see just how to fuck an ass as the man started toward me while removing his shirt. I could tell his pants were all ready bulging and was curious to see just what he had.

He stepped up and picked my balls and cock up and pushed them back toward my stomach as his other hand moved down and slipped a few fingers inside my asshole. He said he could tell that they had loosened me up for him. He dropped his pants and took his cock and rubbed it against my cock and balls as he waited for the reaction from me. His cock made mine look like a little boy's. It had to be a good ten inches long but was one of the thickest I had ever seen. I had heard of beer can size cocks but this one was the first one I had seen that really was that thick.

He rubbed the enormous head of his cock around my ass until it was well coated with cum then placed it against my asshole. He looked right at me and I could tell he didn't want to hurt me but I should brace myself. He first just applied some pressure but as soon as my asshole opened up and let part of the head of his cock inside he thrust forward. I was able to keep from yelling out and when the head of his cock popped inside he stopped for a second. He pulled back a little then pushed forward again. I was sure his cock was going to rip my asshole open.

The pain was not easing up and I was beginning to think that my idea of joining the party was not such a good idea. One of the men noticed I was having a hard time taking the big cock so he pushed the poppers back under my nose. Just as the they started taking affect I felt a wonderful feeling in my groin. I felt myself going through an orgasm as my ass tightened up and my body jerked. The man rubbed my ass as he slowed down for a few strokes until he felt my asshole relax its grip on his cock.

He was really pumping into me now but lucky for me his cock was nice and slick now and was sliding in with a lot more ease. My asshole was really hot now and as he pulled back I started pumping back against him. The two of us really got a rhythm going and the men gathered around to watch. My ass had become loose enough that he was now able to pull the head all the way out and was able to ram it back in without causing me any pain.

One of the men started telling the others to watch how my pussy was sucking the cock into it. I could see the hands of some of the men as they were enjoying themselves while they watched. The man started fucking me faster and my pussy started making loud squishing noises. The man grabbed my legs as he started grunting as if he was in pain. His cock was shooting his hot cum deep inside me as he was holding on to me to keep from falling. Once his orgasm passed he stepped back and almost stumbled into one of the men.

Another man stepped up and rubbed his cock just inside my asshole and said that it was stretched too much to give him any pleasure. One of the other men stepped up and said he knew a way that both of them could enjoy the hot cum dripping pussy. He rolled me over on my side and tied my leg up in the air. He stepped up behind my ass and slipped his cock inside me. He then told the other man to do the same from the other side. The two cocks together were still not quiet as large as the one that had stretched me but it must have felt great to them as they both moaned when they started pumping into me.

They were having trouble getting a pace that allowed both of them to move in the same direction. Finally one of them stopped while the other pumped into me and I guess the rubbing of the two cocks was all they needed. I noticed one of the other men jerking his cock so I told him to move over to me and I would take care if it for him. He didn't hesitate as he pushed his cock all the way down my throat.

I started moaning, as all three cocks were feeling great. I was floating on a cloud of lust and pleasure and didn't want it to ever end. One of the men lost his load in my ass and the cock in my mouth quickly replaced him. As another cock was placed at my mouth I could smell the cum before tasting it. The cock made one last pulse as I felt the cum shoot into my mouth. I continued to suck on the cock as the man left it in my mouth.

For the next hour the men took turns using my ass and mouth as they wanted. The action slowed down and I was placed on my back again. This time when the large cock was placed at my asshole it was slowly pushed in. The man leaned over and started sucking on my tits as he took his time forcing his cock in and out of my ass. He was able to bring me to another orgasm before he filled my ass again. He patted my ass as he pulled his cock out and let me rest. I dozed off for a few minutes and was gently nudged awake when the man who had brought me there said I could use the shower in the house to clean up.

I was in the shower for a couple of minutes before the man stepped in with me. He took a wash rag and started cleaning my back for me as I just let the hot water run over my body. When I turned around I noticed his cock was hard so I dropped down and sucked it into my mouth. He moaned as he leaned back against the shower and let me take all the time I wanted. Because of all the action before he was not about to cum any time real soon and the water had actually started to get cold.

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up to my feet before turning me around and pushing his cock up my ass. He pumped real fast into me as his orgasm got closer and closer. When he started shooting he grabbed me and hugged against my back as he thrust his cock into me.

We rinsed off in the cool water and helped each other dry off before I dressed and told him I had to be going. He thanked me for the party and said I was welcome to come back anytime I wanted. I told him I could keep it in mind as I left to head home.

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