These Retirement Days

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on May 26, 2003


This is the 21st chapter of my ongoing story. All comments are welcome at

These Retirement Days 21

The rest of the tournament was really a blur to me as I could only daydream about what we had all gone through the last two days and what we could possible do tonight that could be any better. As I looked around at the others I could see they were not totally into the games they were playing. When it was over four of us had qualified for a much bigger tournament that was to be played a month from now.

We managed to get through the ceremonies after the tournament and headed back to our room. We all decided that there was enough food in the kitchenette that we didn't need to go out plus we all were wanting to strip down to something more comfortable than our pants and shirts. We all agreed that we would keep our underwear on for now but when one looked around you could see the signs of cocks in different states of growing.

Joe had not made it to the room, as he had some official duties before he was through with the tournament. We had each had a sandwich and kicked back a couple of beers before he made it back. He came in smiling as he grabbed a beer and started removing his clothes. He looked around and asked what the order of events were for the night and no one had any specific ideas. Joe said he had an idea as he removed all his clothes and then lay down in the middle of the floor. He poured a beer all over his body and said he needed someone to help him clean it up.

The underwear went flying as we all moved in on this round mound of sexual lust that was covered in beer and needed licking, Little Dick had moved the quickest and had attached his lips to Joe's cock and balls. He had managed to take all of Joe's cock down his throat as the others located places on Joe that they could lap at the beer. Lance had gotten another can of beer and was slowly pouring it on Joe's belly. As the beer rolled off his stomach the other men were catching it with their tongue which caused Joe to just moan.

Lance moved over behind Little Dick and started pouring some beer in the crack of his ass. He dropped down licked the liquid up as Little Dick moaned and pushed his face further into Joe's crotch. Lance worked on Little Dick's ass for a few minutes before he started pushing his cock into it. Little Dick had to stopped sucking on Joe so he could concentrate on the huge cock that was stretching his asshole.

Lance and Little Dick had started rocking back and forth as they began to enjoy their fuck. A couple of the other men pulled Joe's legs up and one of them had pushed his cock into his welcoming asshole as he moaned out. His mouth was quickly filled with a cock as all three men started moaning and pumping into each other.

I was about to go get my cock ring and pump when someone grabbed my hips. It didn't take but a second for me to recognize Big Dick's firm hands on me. His cock was not lubricated and when he forced it inside me there was a lot of pain. I gritted my teeth and waited for his cock to get coated with my ass juices. He seemed to know he was causing me some pain so he slowed down as his cock worked its way inside me. After a few small thrust he knew he was able to continue. The pain had left and I could feel the heat building up just inside my asshole.

I was beginning to enjoy the fucking my ass was receiving as I heard the moan and groans of all the men around us. I heard Joe say that the cock he was sucking was empty and he needed another one. When I raised my head I watched as Lance and Little Dick moved so that Little Dick was straddling Joe's head as he leaned over and started sucking on Joe's nipples. Lance had kept his cock inside Little Dick and when he noticed Joe sucking on Little Dick's cock he started pumping his cock back in Little Dick as his balls slapped against Joe's forehead. I knew that if Lance was doing a good job that Little Dick would be able to feed Joe a couple of loads of cum before he came himself. I closed my eyes, as the warmth of Big Dick's cock was really feeling good in my ass. I was working up to an orgasm and Big Dick had slowed his fucking down a couple of times to keep from cumming.

We all managed to keep the orgy going for a good 45 minutes before we had to take a break. After that we sat around drinking beer and watching some TV as we managed to move about and play with each other. The room smelled of cum and as soon as one man shot his load another would get horny again.

Joe had enjoyed himself and was still very horny as he told us that each of us had to rape his asshole before we were allowed to go to sleep. He said he wanted it as rough as we could give it to him. He said he didn't know what had happened to him but every since that night with Lance he couldn't seem to get enough cock. We all agreed we would try to help him with his problem.

Joe moved to the main bedroom and said he was ready for anyone that felt they were ready. One of the men followed him and within a few seconds we could hear Joe grunting as the man started fucking him as fast as he could. I noticed the other men were getting hard again and knew it was a good time to use my pump and put my cock ring in place. Joe had started telling the man to fuck him faster and harder and we could tell when Joe had his first of many orgasms.

When the man came out of he room he was covered in sweat and it took all his energy just to walk strait. Another man passed him as Joe was asking for more cock. We could hear the slapping of Joe's ass and the man's thighs as they made contact with each other. I knew this man wouldn't last long so I moved to the doorway and told Little Dick he was needed in the room. He came to the door and I told him that it looked like Joe needed something to suck on while he took the cocks up his ass.

Little Dick knew he wouldn't bring much pleasure to Joe's ass but he could let him suck on his cock while the other's made him moan and groan. Joe grinned up at him as he moved close enough that Joe could get his mouth on Little Dick's cock. Little Dick moved up to where he was lying across Joe's chest with his knees on either side of Joe's head. As the man pounded into Joe's ass it would bounce Little Dick as Joe sucked his cock. I could tell all parties were happy with what they were getting.

The man fucking Joe started groaning as he emptied his balls into Joe's asshole. He stepped back as his cum dripping soft cock fell out of Joe's asshole. I moved in between Joe's legs and with one quick hard thrust buried my cock in Joe's asshole. I heard the wind leave Joe's lungs as the sudden intrusion caught him by surprise. I started drawing my cock all the way out of his asshole and then ramming it back in. He would grunt and then push his ass back against me. I started feeling his asshole tighten up around my cock as I pushed it in. I knew I was hitting his prostate and would have his cock shooting in no time.

His stomach tightened up right along with his asshole as his cock jumped and started spraying cum almost on Little Dick's head. As soon as his cock shot its first load, I started pumping faster into him as I continued to rub his prostate. Joe's body felt like it was going into convulsions as it jerked out of control. He relaxed back into the bed and I started pulling my cock out and ramming it back in him as hard as I had before. Little Dick gasped as he started filling Joe's mouth full of cum. I had Little Dick almost bouncing off of Joe's face as I slammed into his ass.

As I watched Little Dick go through his orgasm it triggered one of my own as my body tensed and the pleasure flowed through my body. I caught my breath and continued my rape of Joe's body. Since I had my cock ring on I knew I would be able to make Joe cum several times before I would have to stop because of exhaustion. I managed to make him cum two more times before a felt a cramp coming on in my leg and had to stop.

Big Dick was ready for Joe's ass and managed to make him gasp for air when he rammed his cock into him. Little Dick had managed to remove himself from Joe's mouth when his cock became too sensitive for Joe to suck on. Little Dick moved beside me and started massaging my calf as he asked if I would be able to attack his ass like I had done Joe. I told him to give me a few minutes and we would see what we could do. I kept the cock ring on and after Little Dick had finished massaging me, I figured I would give him a try.

He had stood up and was about to leave when I grabbed him and forced him to the floor. He was taken by surprise as I rammed my cock into him. He yelled out but quickly was moaning and begging for more as I did my best at trying to please him like he had asked. I did get him to cum a couple of times before I had to stop. My leg had cramped up on me and my cock was beginning to feel a little tender from the rough sex.

I grabbed a glass of water and drank it quickly hoping it would help with the cramp and also grabbed another beer knowing it would help me relax. I removed my cock ring and felt some relief as the pressure left my cock. We started finding places to sack out as Big Dick had done all the damage he could do to Joe and Lance was now doing his best to please him.

We woke up the next morning and managed to all use the shower as we gathered our things to head back home. We all looked like we had been on a weekend drunk but I knew it was because we were sexually drained from the last few days. We didn't have much to talk about on the ride home. I know Lance and I headed for our beds so we could take a long nap.

My wife had gone out for the day and I had been asleep for a couple of hours when the phone woke me. Lance said he had just got a call from Red and he wanted him to meet him at the station. Lance said he started to tell him he wasn't up to it but the idea of having sex with a stranger at the jail had caused his cock to get hard. Lance asked if I wanted to go along and watch even if I didn't feel up to doing anything.

I was excited myself and told Lance I could be ready in about ten minutes. We headed to the station and Lance told me he had no idea of what to expect once we got there. He said Red had not said anything about whom they had but said that they needed Lance's cock to get their message across.

We entered the station through a back door and Red met us and carried us back to the back rooms. We looked through a mirror and noticed what appeared to be a fairly large boy sitting in a chair by himself and it was apparent he had been crying. Red said that the boy's name was Johnny Jones and was the son of one of the local political big wigs. Red told us that a younger boy of about 13 had come into the station and told them that Johnny had taken him to his house and forced him to do some things he didn't want to do.

Red went on to tell us that the boy didn't want it to get out what had happened to him but he was scared if something wasn't done that Johnny would come at him again. Red said that he had told the younger boy that they would see what they could do so they had picked Johnny up. Red said that they had kept him there for a couple of hours and started drilling him about what he had done and found out that this wasn't the first boy he had done this to.

Lance asked what he wanted him to do. Red said he wasn't really sure if he would do it but Red and the other cop that was working the case had decided that the boy needed to experience some of his own medicine. He said they had thought about doing it themselves but didn't want Johnny to be able to say it was a couple of cops if he decided to tell anyone. Red said they had it set up so that they were going to put him in a cell and later let Lance in the cell as if he was arrested too.

Lance asked just what he was expected to do, and Red told him he could do anything he wanted but to be sure and fuck him good and have him taste some cum. Red said he had forced the boy's to eat their own cum after he had raped their asses and made them jerk themselves off. Red said that he had a black guy in the next cell that was the janitor at the station and had agreed to help out with the boy.

Lance said his cock felt like it was in agreement with their plans so Red left the room and we watched through the mirror as he had Johnny stand up and empty his pockets. He had him remove his ring, necklace, and then empty his pockets before he had him remove his belt. He told him they did that to all the people they put in lockup. He placed the things in a big envelope and we noticed that Johnny had to hold his pants up since they were the new style of baggy pants.

Red led Johnny out of the room and we waited for him to return. When he did he had Lance remove everything just as Johnny had before he led him to the cell. Red took me and told me he would put me in a cell where I could watch the action.

I entered the cell across from the one that Johnny had been placed in and noticed how scared he seemed to be as they led Lance in. Lance moved to one side of the cell as Johnny moved to the other. Johnny had actually moved beside the cell that contained the janitor. The janitor moved beside Johnny and started asking him what he was in for. Johnny was not telling him anything so the janitor said he knew that the man in the cell with him had been arrested for rape. He then laid it on thick as he said he had been arrested for raping young white boys.

Lance could hear the conversation and when Johnny looked in his direction Lance made sure he rubbed his cock a couple times. Lance started toward Johnny and I guess Johnny figured the black man in the next cell would somehow keep anything from happening. The black man reached out and grabbed Johnny's arm which caused Johnny to jump as he started to pull away. He quickly realized he wasn't strong enough and looked around as Lance started removing his pants.

Johnny started sobbing as he watched Lance undress and it didn't help when the black man told him that they were only going to do to him what he had made all those little boys do for him. Johnny's eyes got larger as he knew he was at the mercy of Lance and the black man. Lance had stopped before he got to the boy as the black man continued to talk to Johnny. He told Johnny that they would do only those things he had experienced with the younger boys.

Johnny said he didn't understand what he was talking about but the black man started repeating what Johnny had told the cops earlier. Johnny's face turned a little pale, as he knew they knew what he had forced the boys to do for him. The black man rubbed Johnny's head and told him to move his lovely face against the bars so he could get all of his cock down his throat. Johnny started sniffling but did as he was told. As soon as Johnny's cheeks touched the cold bars the black man was forcing his hard cock in the boy's mouth.

While the black man was enjoying Johnny's mouth, he reached through the bars and held Johnny's head pressed against them. Johnny started out sobbing and gagging but when he realized he was getting no relief he concentrated on trying to breathe. Lance moved behind him and it only took a little jerk to make Johnny's pants fall to the floor. I knew Lance was going to enjoy himself but at the same time would not really hurt the boy. I was pretty sure that Red knew it to, otherwise he wouldn't have arranged it. I noticed Lance had brought along some lube and covered his hard cock before he moved in behind Johnny.

When Johnny felt the cock rubbing along his crack he tried to pull away from the bars but the black man held him in place. I could hear him tell Johnny he was now going to feel what all those little boys had felt when he had forced his cock up there ass. The black man rammed his cock as far down Johnny's throat as he could so Johnny would stop fighting them. Lance pushed the head of his cock inside Johnny's asshole and waited for it to relax before he made another move.

Lance rammed his cock almost all the way inside Johnny with one quick thrust and I could hear the muffled scream that managed to leak out around the black man's cock. Lance grabbed the boy's fat ass and started driving his cock deep in the boy's ass. The boy's body at first was fighting against Lance's thrust but after a while he was working with it. I couldn't hear him grunting anymore and it looked like all three were enjoying themselves.

The black man was the first to loose his load as he grunted and thrust his cock down Johnny's throat and held it there until his orgasm had passed. When he pulled his cock out of Johnny's mouth we could all hear the moans, as it was obvious that Johnny was no longer feeling any pain from Lance's cock. Johnny was begging for the cock as Lance picked up his pace. We were able to see Johnny's body tense and then jerk as he shot cum on the cot below him. Lance slowed as Johnny's asshole clamped down on his cock.

A few more strokes and Lance was filling Johnny's ass full of hot cum. He leaned across Johnny's ass for a few seconds then stood up and pulled his cock out. Johnny protested and said he didn't want him to take it out. Lance turned and looked at us and said it looked like ole Johnny boy was a natural pussy boy and might need some help through the night.

Red moved over to the cell and said he could accommodate Johnny with a supply of cock if he wasn't too uppity about who was attached to them. Johnny said he didn't care whose cock it was as long as they filled his ass and mouth full. Red helped Johnny to his feet and led him down to another cell that had plenty of horny men that would satisfy any need Johnny could come up with. Red stopped at the cell door and told the men they could use the boy toy but they could not do anything that might make him bleed or need a doctor.

Of course the men agreed as they pulled a cot to the middle of the cell and helped place Johnny on it. They pulled his legs up in the air and his ass was filled quickly with a big black cock as another cock was pushed in his mouth. Johnny started moaning immediately as Red left the cell. He yelled back at the men that they only had a couple hours before they had to take the boy home.

We walked back out the doorway as the men lined up to enjoy Johnny's body. Lance and I headed back home and I asked him if he was going to be up for a cup of coffee once we got there.

Next: Chapter 22

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