These Retirement Days

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on May 13, 2003


This is the 20th chapter to my ongoing story. All comments are welcome at

These Retirement Days 20

We made it through the afternoon part of the tournament and all decided to have a long evening meal while we talked about the tournament and the arrangements Joe had made for us to stay at his room. We had tried to get Lance to join us but he had plans to be with Joe.

The men were pretty tired so we all decided on a nice evening in our rooms with no big group sex planned. Bid Dick seemed pleased with this arrangement as we all finished our meal and had an after dinner drink. Several of the men began to yawn and we all agreed to head back to our rooms.

Little Dick said he wanted to take a hot shower as we entered our room. He said it in a way that we knew that we were welcome to join him. It only took him a couple of seconds to undress and get into the shower. I decided a good shower along with a massage would be nice, so I removed my clothes and headed into the bathroom.

We took turns lathering each other up and then massaging each others muscles as the hot water sprayed on us. I had managed to give Little Dick a complete body massage with the exception of his family jewels. I had noticed that his cock was hard as I rubbed the muscles on the inside of his thighs. I had managed to keep my hands and any other part of my body from touching it. I was just about to take care of his cock with my mouth when Big Dick asked if there was enough room for him.

We got on either side of him as we both lathered him up and cleaned his entire body. It only took his cock a few seconds to grow to its full length. Little Dick had latched onto it and was rubbing it with his hands and ever so often would slide it down his throat. We could tell Big Dick wanted more action but we were going to take our time. After several minutes of fooling around with each other I knew we had to take our play to the bed.

When we got to the bed I told Little Dick to lay up at the top of the bed as I crawled between his legs and sucked his cock into my mouth. I told Big Dick to lube his cock up and climb aboard. I spread my legs apart as I started rooting around on Little Dick's cock and balls. He was moaning and had started rubbing his hands through my hair so I knew he was happy. I felt the weight of Big Dick on the bed just a second before I felt his cock sliding up the crack of my ass.

The head of his cock paused at my asshole just before it forced its way inside. Big Dick took about three hard thrust before he had all of his cock inside me. Once it was inside he lowered the rest of his body on top of me as he slowly pumped his cock in and out. He was taking his time as he would force his cock into me and then take several seconds to draw it almost all the way out.

I was moaning as he gently fucked my asshole, which felt, like he was massaging my insides. I started taking Little Dick's cock and balls into my mouth, as I wanted to please him as much as Big Dick was pleasing my ass. We managed to continue in this position for a good five minutes and I knew that we needed some relief.

I started bouncing my ass back at Big Dick and he got the message as he picked up the speed of his cock. He raised his weight up on his arms and started pounding his cock in and out as fast as he could. I could tell from the sound of his breathing that he was very close to cumming. I increased the pressure of my sucking as I took Little Dick's cock into my mouth and rolled my tongue around the head of his cock as it moved in and out of my throat.

Little Dick grabbed my head and started pumping into my face as I felt his orgasm coming to a head. He moaned and grunted as he thrust his hips forward as his cum blasted down my throat. He must have shot six good loads before his cock started shrinking. I sucked and licked on his cock making sure I didn't leave any cum on it.

We heard Big Dick grunt as he rammed himself into my ass as his cock erupted. I could feel the cum spread inside me just as my asshole tightened up on his shaft and the electrical feeling I get with an orgasm hit my body. We both jerked a few times on the bed as we rode out our orgasms. Big Dick kept his cock inside me as he lowered himself back on top of me. I started squeezing my ass, as I was able to use my muscles to milk his cock. This also caused his cock to stay hard.

Little Dick looked down and asked if that was all there was tonight. I grinned at him and told him to move beside me and spread his legs. When he had managed to do this I looked back at Big Dick who was beginning to thrust his hips again, and told him that Little Dick was all his. I rolled to one side as Big Dick's cock was forced out of my ass. He raised himself up and moved over to where his cum coated cock was now positioned over Little Dick's ass.

He placed his cock at Little Dick's asshole and with one long slow thrust, slid it all the way in as Little Dick gasped. Once it was inside Little Dick reached up and wrapped his arms around Big Dick's neck as his legs locked themselves around Big Dick's ass. Big Dick was at the mercy of Little Dick but didn't seem to care. They started pumping at each other as the bed began to bounce. I rolled off of the bed and move to the other one as I watched the two enjoying each other's body.

I remember dozing off as the two had slowed down to a rhythm that was going to allow them to go at each other for a long time. The bouncing of the bed and the moans coming from each of them soon had me sound asleep.

The next morning I woke up and noticed that the two were still sleeping so I decided to take my shower before they got up. When I returned Little Dick had rolled over and his legs were spread as some cum was leaking out of his asshole. Big Dick got up and ran to the bathroom as I heard the piss hitting the water in the toilet. I heard the water running in the shower as Little Dick started to wake up.

I finished dressing and gathered my things as Little Dick got up and gathered his belongings as he moved around completely nude. The site of his ass cheeks moving back and forth with the cum running down his legs was getting me excited so I told them I was heading to the restaurant for some coffee. He said he would be along as soon as he took his shower.

I was on my second cup of coffee when the rest of our group made it to the table. I told them that we could pack our things and check out before we went to the tournament, and could unload at the lunch break. They all said they had their things packed as we all ordered breakfast.

Once we got to the hall we located our tables and went about playing bridge. It was going fairly well for us and looked like Big Dick and myself would be in contention for final rounds. We finished the morning session and got up to take our lunch break. Lance met us as we left the main room and said we could bring our luggage up to the room and that Joe would be joining us in about 15 minutes. He seemed pretty excited and I could tell his cock was pressing against his pants.

We all carried our overnight luggage up to the room as we noticed the large buffet of sandwich meat along with some beer getting chilled in the sink. Lance told us to help ourselves that Joe had provided the food. We weren't shy as we all started fixing ourselves a sandwich and popping the top on some beer. Lance told us that Joe had to do some paperwork about the tournament but said he would only be a few minutes. We weren't doing much talking as we all dug into our sandwiches and beer. We all were exciting as we were thinking about what might take place when Joe got there.

The door opened and Joe stepped in as he asked how we all were doing with the food. Some of us were able to answer while others could only mumble because their mouths were full. Joe grabbed a beer and seemed to drink it all down in one gulp. He said he really did enjoy beer but his business associates were into wine and fancy drinks. He popped the top on a second beer and drank about half of it before he sat it down and asked how we were going to break in his throat.

Several of the men almost choked as the forwardness of his question hit them. I laughed and so did Lance as the shock of the statement affected the men. Lance said that he felt it would be best for Joe to suck on my cock before I put my cock ring on. He said that way Joe could get use to having a cock slide down his throat that wasn't hard yet. Joe said it sounded great to him as he pulled his clothes off and sat down on the floor in front of me. He reached up and started removing my pants as I could tell he was really excited about what he was about to do.

He sucked my cock into his mouth and gulped a couple times as my soft cock slid down his throat. I noticed he almost gagged and I suggested he slow down and learn to breathe through his nose. He managed after a few more attempts to swallow my cock and not gag. He actually started moving his head back and forth as my cock moved a couple inches up and down his throat.

He pulled his face off of my cock and said he wanted to taste some cum now. The men had started removing their clothes and I suggested that he have a taste of Little Dick first. I knew he would get a full load in his mouth and it wouldn't take very long. Little Dick walked up to Joe's face as Joe first licked the little string of pre cum that was swinging from the head of the cock. He moaned and pushed the cock into his mouth. Joe was not taking any time as he moaned and rooted around on Little Dick's cock.

Little Dick grabbed Joe's head as he pumped into his face. It only took a few seconds before we all watched Little Dick's body tense up and then jerk as Joe started swallowing the cum shooting in his mouth. We watched as Little Dick's body relaxed and we knew he was spent for now. Joe pulled his mouth off of Little Dick's semi hard cock as he trailed his tongue along the shaft and gave the head a quick kiss. He grabbed his beer, took a quick drink and asked who was next.

The men moved in and lined up according to the length of their cocks as Joe started sucking on one while fondling two others. I grabbed my bag and hooked myself up to my pump. Joe was sucking on one cock when another of the men lost control and started shooting his cum at Joe's face. Joe quickly pulled the cock out of his throat and swallowed the one gushing cum. He managed to get the last few shots of cum before returning to the other cock.

He had managed to suck off everyone except Big Dick Lance and myself just as I got my cock ring in place. I figured I needed to go next because my cock was not quiet as big as Big Dick. This time when Joe swallowed my cock it took a little bit more time to get use to the size of it. Joe managed to get my cock moving in and out of his throat and was really enjoying it as I rubbed my hands through his hair that was wet from sweat.

My blowjob lasted a few minutes before my body jerked as I enjoyed my orgasm. I stepped back and noticed that Joe had a funny look on his face. He looked at me for a second then said he remember that Lance had told him about my condition. Before he could say anything else, Big Dick grabbed him by his ears and started force feeding him with his cock. Joe struggled for a second but once Big Dick's cock was inside his throat he relaxed and started sucking on it.

Big Dick moaned as Joe's throat took over and started working him up to an orgasm. He didn't last long as he grabbed Joe's sweaty head and started ramming his cock as deep as he could down Joe's throat as his cum shot out of his cock. Big Dick shot about six times before he pulled back from Joe.

Joe gasped for a few breaths but said nothing. He looked around and told Lance he was ready to try him now. He finished off his beer as Lance moved over to the sofa and sat down with his hard cock standing up in the air. He pulled the foreskin back and told Joe to come on over and try it on for size. We all gathered around, as we wanted to see if he was going to be able to take it without chocking or gagging.

Joe crawled over and licked his lips just before opening his mouth and taking the head. He licked around and bobbed up and down as he let it touch the back of his mouth. He moved up and down and we all could see the saliva as it spread over the cock. He placed the cock at the back of this throat and pushed down on it a couple of times. He was able to control his gag reflex.

He pulled his mouth off of the cock and took a couple of deep breaths and then placed the cock back in his mouth. He started slowly going further and further down on the cock as we all seemed to be holding our breath. He managed to get about 8 inches inside his mouth and throat before he pulled back until it was out of his throat. He went back down and managed to get a few more inches before he came back up for some air.

He pulled completely off of Lance's cock as he grinned at all the hard cocks around him. He moved back over Lance's cock and with one continuous movement moved his mouth down the length of the cock until his nose was buried in Lance's pubic hair. He bobbed his head, a little which only moved him a couple of inches up and down. Lance moaned as we all watched him loose his load way before he wanted to. Joe let most of it shoot right down into his gullet but pulled his head back and caught the last few loads in his mouth.

Joe pulled off of Lance and said for someone to hand him another beer. He drank all of it and moved over to the bed. He lay down on his back with his head right at the edge of the bed and said he was not ready for us to rape his throat. He said he wanted as much cum as we could produce for the next thirty minutes. He looked at me and told me that I was the only one that could fuck his ass right now, as he pulled his legs up to give me access to his asshole.

The men took him at his word as they started pumping into his throat as I drove my cock in his ass. His asshole tightened around my cock as I started pumping as fast as I could. I was working up to a good orgasm and knew that I could use his ass as long as I wanted while the others filled him full of cum. It didn't take but a few seconds before Joe was moaning and swallowing a load of cum. The men were all determined to see just how long he could eat cum as they were using his mouth like a hot pussy.

When the next man started shooting my cock was going through the motions as my own orgasm ripped through my body. I managed to keep moving as my cock ring kept my cock hard. I picked up the pace as I felt the muscles in Joe's ass tightening up. His cock was hard and started spraying cum on my stomach as well as his. He moaned as another cock filled his mouth and I noticed some of the cum running out the corner of his mouth. He had stopped swallowing when his orgasm started and now he was trying to catch back up with the cum running out of his mouth.

Big Dick moved in for his second go at Joe's mouth and I was a little surprised when he was not as aggressive as he had been the first time. He took Joe's head and leaned it back as he pushed his cock into his mouth and down his throat. Big Dick was taking his time as he slowly fucked Joe's throat. He was not able to do this very long as I watched his hips pick up the pace. Just when Big Dick was starting to cum he pulled his cock out and held the head of it at Joe's mouth. We were able to see his cum gushing out of his cock and filling Joe's mouth. Joe started swallowing but never closed his mouth. Several times I was sure the cum was going to run out of his mouth but Joe managed to swallow it before it did.

Lance had been standing beside Joe and was rubbing his cock against Joe's chest. Joe looked up at Lance as he stepped around and placed the head of his cock in Joe's mouth. Lance grabbed his cock with both hands and started jerking his hands back and forth as he kept the head in Joe's mouth. Lance made himself cum as Joe drank it down. Lance managed to give him more than he could handle as it ran out the corners of his mouth and down the side of his face.

Joe sat up and said that was fun but he had to take a shower now but wanted us all to be ready for a lot of fucking and sucking later on after the tournament. We all said we would be ready as we helped Joe up and into the shower. Little Dick went into the shower with him and once when I looked in it was obvious that Little Dick was washing Joe's cock, but he was using his tongue to do so. I heard Joe moan and knew he had managed to shoot another load as they finished their showers.

Joe came out and the rest of us started lining up for the shower as we all needed to get back to the tournament. Lance said he would go last since he could take a nap when we left the room. We all got cleaned up and grabbed some more food as we waited a little while before we had to leave. Lance had spread out on the bed and I noticed Little Dick glancing at his cock several times. I winked at Little Dick and told him he could enjoy it after the tournament.

We all got on the elevator and there was a since of contentment around all the guys along with a glow of satisfaction. I was thinking just how wild could it get tonight.

Next: Chapter 21

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