These Retirement Days

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on May 8, 2003


This is the 19th chapter of my ongoing story. All comments are welcome at

These Retirement Days 19

We managed to find our tables and the games got underway but for me it was hard to keep my mind on what was being played. We managed to win our first match but it was because of the play of my partner. We played a few more games and were doing fairly well and I had managed to get my mind back on the games at hand.

The others were doing enough to stay in the tournament but we all knew that after lunch the weaker teams would be bowing out. The closer it got to the lunch break which was several hours long the more my mind drifted back to Lance and how excited he had been that morning. I made a couple of amateur mistakes and we lost our last game before lunch. Big Dick became very angry with me but was able to control his temper as we walked out of the hall.

He asked me what had happened and I started telling him that I was thinking about Lance instead of the game. He was still mad but kept it to himself. Lance came over and said his friend would be busy during the lunch break but we could find something to do until we had to be back. I told him I was ready as we looked at Big Dick. He was thinking things through when he let out a long sigh and said he was up for some fun also. He said he would tell the others we were going back to the hotel when Lance said he had access to a room next door.

When Big Dick returned he said the others was going back to the hotel for some fun of their own. We followed Lance out of the hall and around the corner to a fancy hotel that was attached to the hall. We rode the elevator up to the sixth floor and since there was no one with us Lance reached over and rubbed Big Dick's crotch. When the bell rang for the door to open Lance removed his hand and we followed him down the hall to his room.

We stepped into a large room that was three times the size of the one we were staying in. Lance said there was a large whirlpool bath if we wanted to use it now or later. Big Dick was removing his clothes as Lance had gotten him going in the elevator. His cock was standing out and was beginning to drip some pre cum. I pulled my pants off and laid on the edge of the bed as I pulled my legs up toward my head.

Big Dick pushed his cock into me with a lot more force and violence than usual. I figured he was still mad at me for the way I had played the last game. He was pounding into me hard and fast as he clinched his teeth. Lance said it looked like someone was a wee bit mad as he watched Big Dick rape my ass. I had managed to get use to him and he was actually bringing me to an orgasm. When my ass muscles tightened up he couldn't hold back any longer as his cum filled my ass. He pumped into me a few more times before he stopped as he caught his breath.

Lance said it was his turn as he moved behind us. Big Dick started to pull his cock out of me when Lance told him to stop. He said it was his turn to rape an ass. I felt his cock rubbing around my asshole and against Big Dick's cock. I felt Lance push against Big Dick as he grunted and all he could say was holy shit as Lance started driving his cock deep into his ass. Big Dick grabbed a hold of my shoulders as he leaned over trying to relieve some of the pressure of Lance's cock.

I watched his face as he strained against Lance's huge cock. Lance started ramming his cock deep and hard into Big Dick, which caused him to slam into me. I could tell that Big Dick's cock was getting hard again and the pain was leaving his face. He moaned a couple of times and started pulling his cock out as Lance pulled his back. When Lance rammed his back in it forced Big Dick to ram his inside me. My ass was getting hot as the little electrical shots started shooting through my balls and cock. I knew I was just seconds away from an orgasm.

I guess Lance was working Big Dick's ass just right because I heard him moan as his cock erupted in my ass. Lance could feel him shooting as he continued to pump against his prostate. Big Dick moaned each time his cock let loose a volley and I was beginning to think he was never going to stop. I could feel the cum being forced around his cock and out of my asshole as Lance refused to let up with his thrusting. Big Dick's moaning had become just audible, as his body was limp against mine.

Lance yelled out as his cock blasted Big Dick's asshole with his cum. I could feel Lance as he rammed his cock deep in Big Dick's ass. After about six blasts he sighed and slowly pulled himself out of Big Dick. Big Dick moaned as Lance's cock was removed and I felt the hot cum that ran out of his ass, down his balls, and then on my balls and cock.

Lance looked at me and said it looked like we had fucked everything out of Big Dick, as he appeared to be sleeping. I rolled over which caused Big Dick to slide off of me as his cock was pulled out. Lance said he would go start the whirlpool as I tried to revive Big Dick. I managed to get him to his feet but he looked as if he was walking in his sleep as I led him to the whirlpool bath. We all climbed in and seemed to melt into the hot water.

We stayed in the bath for a good half-hour and when I felt a hand fondling my cock I knew that Big Dick had come back to us. He opened his eyes and said that was one hell of a fuck. I suggested he move so that one of the jets could spray water up his ass. He adjusted himself a little then moaned as one of the jet streams forced the hot water up his ass. He sat there for a few seconds with a big grin on his face. Lance looked at him and said it appeared he was well fucked for the time being.

Lance said he told Joe that we were at the tournament but had not pointed us out to him. He asked who else had come with us and I filled him in. Lance said he had a plan that Joe knew nothing about and wanted to know if we would be interested in helping him carry it out. I told him we could at least listen to his plan even if we didn't help.

Lance told us that Joe had really gotten off with being raped at the police station and he had told Lance that all the other men in the jail cell had managed to get him off, but it still wasn't as great as the first time. Lance said he had gone out and bought some rope and had decided that he was going to play out a fantasy for Joe. He said Joe's biggest fantasy is being tied up and then raped. Lance said he was going to tie him up but the part that Joe didn't know about was that he wanted the six of us to rape Joe also.

Big Dick had managed to come back to earth and said it sounded great to him and he was sure the others would go for it. He asked Lance when he planned to sit it up. Lance said the tournament play was to be over by 8 o'clock and they would be back at the room by nine. He said it would take him about ten minutes to prepare Joe and we could come by at 9:15. Lance gave me the room number and told me to call before we left to make sure everything was ready. We agreed with the plan as we got out of the whirlpool and started drying each other off as we got ready to return to the hall.

We made it back in plenty of time and even managed to grab a sandwich when we realized we had not eaten anything. Big Dick seemed more relaxed and in a better mood than he had been in the morning session. Play began and we managed to win all of our games except one but had done good enough that we would be playing the next day.

As we left the hall to get something to eat Big Dick filled the others in on the big gang rape that was planned for later. They all wanted to know if it was safe and did they know who it was and so forth. He finally told them that Lance, whom everyone there knew had set it up and it was safe. Once they felt there was no risk of getting in trouble they all seemed a little excited, as there were a lot more rubbing and scratching than normal.

We all sat down to a good meal and even had some wine to help loosen us up a little. Two of the men were out of the tournament but the other four of us were still in it. We chatted a little about what we thought our chances were of winning. After several glasses of wine Little Dick suggested we back off on the alcohol or some of us wouldn't be able to even fuck our on hands.

We made it back to the rooms and as we all used the restrooms and prepared ourselves for the rape I could hear the moaning as some of them started playing with themselves. It was getting close to time for us to leave so I called the number hoping we could go a little early before an orgy broke out in our room. Lance answered and said he was halfway through but should be finished by the time we got there. The men all jumped up when I said we could go.

We were met at the door by Lance and he ushered us in quietly as he wanted it to be a total surprise for Joe. We walked into the bedroom and several of us gasped as we noticed the large man on the bed. His arms were pulled back and tied to the head of the bed. His legs were bent and drawn up and to his sides and were tied in place. His hairy body was exposed to everyone as we could just make out his asshole and there was a small mound of foreskin where his cock was hiding. Lance had placed several pillows beneath his ass, which helped push his ass up higher for a better angle to be fucked.

Lance spoke out in a loud voice and said it wasn't room service but a few guys had come by to enjoy his ass. Joe's head popped up off of the bed as he got his first look at the rest of us standing there in different stages of undress. Lance looked at us and lined us up in order of size of our cocks. He got to me and I told him I had brought my toys and would be ready for my turn. When he got to Little Dick he stopped and told him he wasn't sure he had the right equipment to do any damage to Joe, but if he were willing he would let him take his cock up his ass. Little Dick seemed pleased at this suggestion as he reached out and pulled on Lance's cock.

Lance told everyone that they were to be as rough as possible as they fucked Joe's ass. The first man moved to the edge of the bed and we heard Joe grunt as the cock was forced inside him. The man wasted no time as he pounded into the hairy ass of Joe. The others had moved around and was either running their hands through the long fur that covered Joe or pinching his breast. One of the men had moved close to his head and was rubbing his cock across Joe's lips. Every time he opened his mouth the man would pull his cock away. This went on for a few minutes until the man in his ass shot his load.

He was pushed out of the way as the next man attacked the asshole with his cock. Joe moaned, as this cock was a little bigger. I noticed that all the fur on Joe's body was now matted down with sweat. His cock had emerged from the little mound of foreskin and was leaking quiet a bit of pre cum. Lance had taken Little Dick and placed him on the other bed and was feeding his cock to his ass. He was taking his time to make sure Little Dick was enjoying himself. Before Lance could get all of his cock into Little Dick the second man had sprayed Joe's ass full of cum. When the next man started pumping into Joe I grabbed my bag and took out my pump so I would be ready for my turn.

Little Dick had started moaning as he pumped his ass up at Lance's huge cock. He wrapped his legs around Lance and I knew he was not going to let him loose until he had drained all the cum he could out of Lance. I turned my attention back to Joe as I got my cock ring in place. Joe was so sexy looking with all his hair sticky and wet looking as it stuck to his body. He was beginning to pump his ass back at the cock as it pumped into him. His asshole was being stretched as the cock was pulled and pushed in and out. The man at his ass grunted as his body jerked a few times. When he pulled out there was a stream of cum that followed his cock.

Joe yelled out for more as I rammed my cock into his sloppy cum hole. He moaned and his cock jumped as I pushed past his prostate. I kept my cock at the same angle and pumped as fast as I could as I watched Joe strain against the ropes that was holding him. His cock shot cum into the air as some of it landed on my face and chest. This was enough to make me have an orgasm, but since I had my cock ring on I stayed hard and was able to keep fucking. I managed to bring him to a second orgasm before Big Dick told me to give someone else a go at that sloppy asshole.

I moved out of the way as Big Dick rammed his cock all the way in with one forceful plunge. Joe grunted as his cock jumped again and Big Dick started slamming into his ass. Joe was grunting with each thrust but he kept a smile on his face. His asshole was so sloppy from all the cum that we could hear the squishy farts that was coming as Big Dick's cock forced the air and cum out of him.

I heard Little Dick yelling out yeah repeatedly as Lance continued to drive his cock into him. Little Dick's cock had managed to coat himself and Lance's stomach with several volleys of cum, and he was spraying some more. Lance looked over at Big Dick and noticed his ass tightening up just before he shot his load into Joe. Lance slowed his pumping as he let Little Dick slowly come down from his orgasmic high.

Lance removed his cock from Little Dick so I moved in and slid mine inside to keep Little Dick happy. I pumped long and slow which was just what Little Dick needed as his body relaxed beneath me. I glanced over just as Lance drew his hips back before ramming all fourteen inches of his monster cock into Joe's ass. Joe yelled out, as his cock seemed to match his head. His cock shot up to attention and sprayed cum a couple feet into the air. I knew Joe was swimming in pain and pleasure at the same time and one felt just as good as the other.

I picked up the pace in Little Dick which was met with a big smile as he pulled his legs up to give me more room to fuck. Lance couldn't hold back as he grunted and emptied his cock into Joe. He pumped a few more times before lying down on Joe's sweaty cum soaked body. Lance rubbed his stomach and chest all over Joe's fat stomach.

One of the men asked if he could help clean Joe up as he moved down and started licking Joe's asshole. Joe moaned as he enjoyed the tongue bath he was receiving. Little Dick sent some more cum onto his stomach as I went through another orgasm myself. Lance got us all some cool drinks as the man was enjoying himself at Joe's asshole.

We watched for a few minutes and I noticed that Big Dick's cock had started to grow again. Lance noticed also as he moved over and rubbed his own semi hard cock against it. Within seconds the two were hard again and Lance said he had an idea. He told the man to leave some cum in Joe's asshole so they could use it as lube. He told the men to release the ropes that were holding one side of Joe and roll him over on his side.

This placed Joe's ass at the edge of the bed as Lance told Big Dick to move to one side. He had him push his cock into Joe and hold it there. Joe moaned again as the cock entered fairly easy. Lance moved to the other side of Joe and placed his cock beside Big Dick's. As Lance started pushing his cock into Joe we all gathered to watch. Big Dick was moaning right along with Joe. It took a few minutes but Lance managed to work his cock into Joe's asshole right along side Big Dick's. Joe was moaning and staining from the two dicks that were now lodged deep in his asshole. His cock was hard and oozing pre cum and then cum as the two men started fucking him.

Joe started moaning, grunting, and cussing as he rolled his head from side to side. His cock looked almost like he was peeing as the cum kept up a steady stream as the two cocks looked like they were going to rip him open at any second. Big Dick came first but it only set Lance off as we watched the cum squirt out of the asshole as Lance and Big Dick forced there cocks into it. We all just watched, as we could hardly believe Joe could take the two cocks and that all that cum had come from the three of them. When they pulled their cocks out of Joe he let out a sigh as he collapsed on the bed. We quickly untied him as he just lay there with cum running out of him.

We managed to get Joe to the whirlpool and although it was crowded we all got in. Little Dick had moved to the middle and was offering his ass to anyone who could get their dick inside it. He was fondling the other cocks he could reach trying to get them hard for his use too. I removed my cock ring and had managed to back against one of the men who was hard. I was slowly moving up and down on his cock as we both enjoyed each other.

We all seemed to wind down as we introduced ourselves to the now coherent Joe. He said he had really enjoyed that and wanted to know if we were going to be around tomorrow night. I told him that four of us were still in the tournament and unless we got put out quickly we would probably hang around and spend another night. He looked at us and said we could be his guest tomorrow as there was plenty of sofas and bed space for everyone, besides he didn't figure there would be a lot of sleeping anyway.

We all agreed that we would check out in the morning and then stay with Lance and Joe after the tourney. He seemed really pleased that we had accepted and he then looked at us and said he still one cherry to lose. We looked at him and he said he had never had a cock down his throat and wanted to learn how to do it and then see how much cock he could take during one night.

We slowly removed ourselves from the whirlpool and located our clothes. Once we were all dressed except Joe and Lance, we told them we would see them the next day.

Next: Chapter 20

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