These Retirement Days

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Apr 24, 2003


This is the 15th chapter in my ongoing story. All comments are welcome at

These Retirement Days 15

The following day was not going well for me, as everyone seemed to be off doing his or her own thing. I noticed Lance and his wife leaving early in the morning before I had a chance to have my morning coffee. My wife had something she was going to and I was left with no plans. I called Red and got his answering machine so I knew he was at work. I took a long soaking bath as I tried to figure out what I would do today.

I decided to go by the theater and see if there was any action there. When I arrived there was practically no one there and after sitting around for half an hour there still was no action. I tried Red again hoping that I could catch him home but again I only got his machine.

I was feeling pretty horny and no where to go. I drove back to the parking lot close to the theater and decided to give it one more try. When I entered the theater my heart sank a bit since there didn't seem to be anymore people in the place than before. I sat down and started watching the show as I slowly rubbed my cock. I was about ready to leave when a man came into the theater and looked in my direction. He didn't try to hide the fact that he was interested in me as he came right over and sat down beside me.

He rubbed his own cock a few times before he said anything to me. He asked if I was looking for some action. I told him I was and wanted to know what he was looking for. He reached over and rubbed my crotch as he started telling me what he was looking for.

He said he had a stepson at home who had to be the biggest sissy or a fag that needed to be brought out. He said the boy was a little over weight but only a few pounds. Actually said he had a nice round plump look to him. He went on to say that the boy had never been out on a date with a girl and the porn he had found only showed men. He said the kid wasn't too long from moving out on his own and he wanted to know if he really liked cock.

I asked him if the kid wanted to try a man or what. He said that he was at home grounded because his mother had found his stash of porn and was punishing him. He said he was supposed to come up with some type of punishment to please his wife. He said he figured he would try and help the kid out by letting him experience some sex he was sure he had only fantasized about.

He wanted to know just what I would do with another guy and if I was interested. The idea of breaking in a virgin was very exciting so I told the man about my condition and that I would have to get my toys to really make it worth while. The man kept rubbing my crotch as he asked how long it would take me to get my things. I told him I kept them in my car just incase I needed them. We agreed to meet at the parking lot as we both got up to leave. I noticed his package had his pants bulging.

When I grabbed my little bag he told me to ride with him that he would bring me back when we were finished. I climbed in beside him in his truck as I noticed his pants were still standing out in the front. As we started out the parking lot I reached over and rubbed his cock and asked if he was going to join in the fun. He grinned and said that if things went as he thought they might he was going to have just as much fun as his son and I.

I unzipped his pants and reached inside his boxers and pulled his cock halfway out of his pants. He had more than enough foreskin as his cock was hard and there was still a good inch of loose skin covering it. I grinned as I laid my head on his thigh and sucked the skin into my mouth. I made sure the head didn't enter as I decided to have some fun and see just how excited I could get the man.

I used my tongue to open the foreskin as I slid it inside until I could touch and taste the head of his cock. Each time my tongue touched the head he tried to pump his cock into my mouth. I grabbed the foreskin in my teeth and pulled it away from his cock. He moaned a little when I reached up and pulled the skin as far away as I could while I buried my tongue inside it. I rolled my tongue around the head of his cock and tasted some pre cum as he told me if I didn't stop we would end up in a wreck.

I pulled myself away from his cock and sat up as he told me we only had a couple minutes before we would be at his house. We pulled into a nice house in a normal looking neighborhood as he raised the garage door and pulled inside. We went on inside as the man yelled out for Jake. He told me that there was no one home except them and his wife would be at work until around nine. I heard the boy yell back that he was in his bedroom. The man grinned at me and told me to follow him.

When we stepped into the room the boy was turning his computer off and from the look on his face I figured he had been looking at some porn. When I noticed the tent in his shorts I knew he had been. His father glanced at the boy's shorts and just nodded. He told Jake that his mother had wanted him to come up with some punishment for him. He said he had decided that any punishment should be fun for him. He pointed at me and said that I had come along to help out with the punishment.

He looked at Jake and told him to take his clothes off. He said that since he liked to look at gay porn then we were going to find out if he might like doing what he had been looking at. Jake's face turned really red as he slowly pulled his shirt over his head. Jake did have a nice looking body as there was almost no hair on his chest and a small trail running from his belly button down into his shorts toward his cock. Jake's nipples were standing out and hard which was a good sign. His father stepped up and pinched each nipple, which caused a moan from the boy's lips.

His father stepped back and told him to loose the shorts too. Jake started to turn away from us but his father told him not to. As he pulled his athletic shorts off we both sighed, as he was not wearing any underwear. Jake had one of those nice fat short cocks that are great to suck on. The only thing about it that was displeasing to me was he had been cut. He did have a large mushroom head, which at the present was leaking some pre cum.

I could tell the boy was very close to cumming but having to undress in front of us was so embarrassing to him that I was surprised his cock was still hard. I reached out and rubbed his cock and noticed his balls pulled up against the shaft and was about to explode. I told his father to get undressed and I would show them a fun trick for both of them. The man took only a couple of seconds to have his clothes removed as his son just started at his big cock with all the extra skin. I took the man's cock in my mouth and pulled the foreskin back as I sucked and licked the head and shaft of the cock. I offered it to Jake and he moved in slowly showing he really didn't know what to do.

As the cock head entered his mouth I noticed him hesitate, as he tasted his father's cock. He proceeded to slide the cock back and forth but he wouldn't let any of it down his throat. I pulled him away as I told them to get closer. I placed the head of the boy's cock against his father's and pulled the foreskin back over both of them. I started jerking the skin back and forth making sure it never came off of the boy's cock head. The boy was close to cumming so I picked up the pace.

His father grabbed his shoulders and helped hold him up as Jake's cock started shooting his hot cum into his father's foreskin. The boy jerked about 8 times as his legs became weak and he almost went to the floor. I tightened my grip on the foreskin as the boy's cock started to go soft. Jake started to move away but I told him to stay. I pushed him to his knees and he was at eye level with his father's still hard cock. I was holding the foreskin, which made it look like he had an enormous head on his cock.

I told Jake to open his mouth, which he did, as I pushed his head toward the cock. As I released the foreskin, Jake's cum gushed into his mouth. I pushed his head forward as I told him to swallow. Jake's dad reached down and started peeling the foreskin back as his son licked the cum from it. He moaned a time or two and I knew he was about to loose his own load. Jake started to pull off but I pushed his head back on his father's cock

Jake's father started pumping his cock into his son's mouth so I got down so I could tell Jake just what to do to be able to take more of it. I told him to place the head of the cock at the beginning of his throat and push it further in while swallowing. The first time Jake gagged a little but went right back to trying it again. The next few times he was able to keep from gagging and his father reached down and grabbed the back of his head. He timed it just right as he rammed his cock all the way inside Jake's throat as he swallowed.

I noticed Jake's eyes get larger as he realize all nine inches of his father's cock was inside his mouth and throat. He pulled back a few inches and forced it back inside. His father had all he could take as he bucked his hips forward as his cum erupted down his son's throat. He held Jake's head still as he continued to fill his throat with cum. He finally pulled most of his cock out of his son's mouth as the last couple of blast filled Jake's mouth. Jake managed to keep all the cum in his mouth before swallowing. He licked his father's cock clean as the foreskin rolled back over the cock.

Jake and his father moved back and sat down on the bed as I removed my clothes and grabbed my bag. I sat down in the chair and placed the cock ring on before attaching the pump. Jake and his father just watched as I pumped my cock into an erection and made sure the ring was in place to keep it hard. I explained to Jake what and why I was doing and he seemed to be all right with it.

I looked at Jake and asked if he was ready for the rest of his punishment. He had a questioning look on his face as he looked back at his father. I asked him where he kept his lube and he had that caught look on his face. I told him anyone with a cock had a stash of lube somewhere. He got up and reached beneath the head of his bed and pulled out a small jar of Vaseline. I grinned at him and told him I bet his father even had some stashed somewhere. His father said he did, as Jake seemed to get over his embarrassment.

I told Jake to lay back on his back on the bed as I pulled his legs up and pushed them toward his head. He appeared to be a little scared as he wasn't really sure what we were about to do but I was sure he had a good idea. I spread some Vaseline on my finger and rubbed it around his nice tight hairless asshole. I pushed against it and told him to relax and it would feel so much better. He relaxed just a little and I took the opportunity to push my finger in. He screamed a little as the pain hit him but his father moved up and rubbed his chest and stomach as he got accustom to the finger in his ass.

I started slowly moving the finger in and out as it became easier and he was no longer feeling any pain. I managed to slip a second finger inside, which didn't cause him to respond any different. When I forced the third finger in his asshole tightened up a little at first but relaxed as he started moaning. I grinned up at his father who had managed to move around until his cock was dangling right over his son's mouth.

I moved my knees up against his ass as I positioned myself to force my cock into him. I rubbed some more Vaseline on my cock as I leaned forward as the head pressed against his asshole. I looked up at his father as I thrust my hips forward. Jake let out a grunt as his mouth flew open. His father dropped the head of his cock along with all that foreskin into Jake's mouth. Jake clamped down on the cock as I forced more of my cock into him. I started moving back and forth slowly, as I was able to inch my cock deeper and deeper. When I felt my pubic hair pressed against his balls I knew he was ready.

I leaned over and sucked one of his nipples into my mouth as I started pumping faster and faster into him. I could feel his body responding to my fucking and knew I was rubbing his prostate. He was fucking back against me as I raised myself up so his father could see. I pulled my cock almost all the way out and stopped as he fucked his ass up on my cock. Jake's father could only say, "Damn", as he watched his son being turned into a slut boy. I was too excited to hold back any longer so I rammed my cock back into him as he lifted his legs up and wrapped them around my ass.

I felt my orgasm coming on and pumped faster as it started taking over my body. The muscles in my entire body tensed up and I could feel the strength leaving out my cock as it pulsed and went through the contractions of shooting sperm. I jerked about four times before I was able to gain control of my body. I looked up at Jake's dad as he was feeding his son's mouth with his hard cock.

We made eye contact and he knew I wanted him to change ends of his son. Jake's father pulled him to the edge of the bed so he could get a better footing as he lined his cock up with Jake's slippery asshole. I moved upon the bed and placed my slippery hard cock at Jake's mouth. I watched as Jake's father rammed all nine inches of his cock deep in his son's asshole. Jake's body bucked up at the intrusion but we all noticed the cum flying through the air from Jake's cock. As his father pumped into his ass, Jake's cock would erupt. After several of these sperm convulsions Jake's cock only jerked with nothing coming out.

Jake's father grabbed his legs just below the knees as he picked him up just enough that his asshole was lined up with his cock. He started pumping his cock fast and hard into his son as their bodies were slapping together. I could tell Jake's father wanted to fuck him fast and hard but he also wanted Jake to enjoy it. From where I was it appeared he had achieved what he wanted.

The father started grunting as he pumped faster and faster, and just before he shot his cum deep in his son's ass he moaned and eased him back down on the bed. He uncontrollably pumped his cock a few more times as his balls emptied themselves. I noticed that Jake's stomach was covered with is own cum and my cock was beginning to ache from the cock ring. I pulled my cock out of Jake's mouth as I removed the ring.

I was still feeling horny and decided I wanted some of the action in my ass. I knew it would be a few minutes before either of them would be ready for some action so I moved over and started licking the cum from Jake's chest and stomach. When I got to his cock I took my time as I cleaned it and licked his balls as well. I could feel the life returning to his cock and increased my licking.

When his cock was hard again I rubbed some Vaseline on it and moved to the middle of the bed. I got on my hands and knees and told him to fuck me. I could tell by the way he was moving that this also was new to him. He placed his cock at my asshole but when he felt some resistance he stopped pushing. I forced my ass back at him as his cock head popped inside my ass. Jake's father told him to fuck me hard and fast, he said that was what I was wanting. He moved around to my head and offered me his lovely limp foreskin covered cock to nurse on.

Jake started pumping faster and faster and even though he was not that long his large cock head was increasing the heat inside my asshole. He was doing a good job of loosing me up for what I really wanted which was his Dad's long cock. Jake was grunting faster and faster as I knew he was about to cum. He grunted as I felt his cock pulse and shoot what cum it could in my asshole. He leaned over on my back completely spent as his father moved around behind me. He had Jake move beneath me and take my cock in his mouth. He pushed my ass forward so that Jake was able to look right up at his cock as he rammed it into my sloppy asshole.

He pumped into me long and slow at first as he let his son watch the action up close. When he felt his body working up to an orgasm he picked the pace up and used shorter strokes. This was great for me as I went through a couple of orgasms as he rubbed my prostate. I felt the first blast of his cum but he quickly pulled his cock out of my ass as he forced it into his son's mouth. I heard Jake choke a little as he tried to catch all the cum shooting into his mouth as he tried to pull my cock out. I heard his father moan as the last few shots of cum left his body. We all collapsed on the bed as we tried to catch our breath.

The three of us took a shower together and we managed to make a sandwich out of Jake as he fucked me while his father used his cock to explore his asshole. This time we took our time as we managed to get a rhythm where the cocks were moving just right for Jake. When he came it was so violent that we had to hold him up as he melted in his father's arms. We managed to get Jake dried off and laid him out on his bed as he fell fast asleep. I watched as his father reached over and slipped a finger in his asshole. Jake moaned and spread his legs but didn't seem to wake up.

Jake's father thanked me for helping out and said it looked like he had a pussy boy to enjoy until he decided to move out on his own. He said that until then they would get to know each other even better. He told me that he and his wife worked opposite shifts which left him and Jake at home a lot. I told him that if he ever wanted to share Jake that I had a couple of friends that would keep him going for a couple of hours. He said he would keep that in mind as he took my phone number down. We managed to get dressed as he took me back to the parking lot. While on the way back I told him about Lance and Red, which seemed to get him excited again. He said he probably would call but right now he needed to get back home and put his hard cock deep in his son's ass. He thanked me again as I stepped out of his truck and he drove off.

Next: Chapter 16

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