These Retirement Days

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Apr 1, 2003


This is the 13th chapter of my ongoing story. All comments are welcome at

These Retirement Days 13

I was up bright and early the next morning and was happy to see the light on in the room above Lance's garage. I gulped down a cup of coffee and went to the bathroom to make sure I was well cleaned out before applying some lube up my ass. I refilled my cup and headed to Lance's.

He was sitting on the sofa watching some news when I entered the room. He smiled at me and told me to come on over and sit down. As I sat beside him he reached over and fondled my cock and asked if I was getting enough attention during our little sex romps. I told him that if I weren't getting anything out of it that I would let him know.

Lance's hand was feeling good on my soft cock and he had begun to play a little with my balls. He was a lot more gentle than usual but it was feeling fine to me so I let him continue. He eased his hand beneath my balls and started worming his finger toward my asshole. He said that was what he did to his wife all the time and she would let him play with her pussy and clit but she would quickly let him know if he was going to get his cock inside her. He said that he was real good at working her into an orgasm with his fingers, but it usually left him hot an horny.

Lance slid his finger inside my ass as I moaned and he moved in and started sucking on my breast. He was licking and nibbling on my tits as his finger as rubbing around just inside my asshole. This new approach was felling great as I was getting shivers from his attention to my breast. His hands were feeling great as one worked my asshole while the other continued to play with my soft cock. He was rolling his thumb underneath the head of my cock, which made me wish I had brought my pump.

Lance pushed me around on the sofa as he forced my legs up toward my head. He tongued his way down my chest until he was able to suck my cock in his mouth. I felt my cock stir a little but he soon left it and continued on down until he had his mouth on my asshole. He would kiss my asshole and push his tongue deep in side then pull it out. He would trace his tongue up the seam between my asshole and balls. This sent electrical chills through my groan and made my ass hungry for his cock

I was moaning and started begging for his cock. He moved back to my asshole and after giving it a long French kiss he moved away. He slid his body up on top of mine as he had me wrap my legs around his waist. He said that if I wanted his cock that I had to act like a whore in heat and ask for it. I was too excited to even worry about what he was asking as I grabbed his face and pulled him into my chest.

I felt his cock rub against my asshole as I thrust up toward him. He had intended to keep it away from me until I begged for it but I guess he had been turned down by his wife and couldn't hold back any longer. He pushed the head of his cock into my asshole as I gasped. He was able to hold back but when I squeezed my legs more of his cock entered me. I told him to go ahead and fuck me that I didn't need anymore foreplay.

He started pumping harder into me as more and more of his cock found its way inside. My asshole started going through spasms as my orgasm took over my body. I heard Lance tell me to relax my legs before I broke him in half. I giggled as I released my leg lock on him while the pleasure flooded my body. He started pumping again as I felt my asshole gripping his monster cock as he pulled out and opening up to take it back in when he pushed forward. We were in a great rhythm now and I knew I could come several times if he could last that long.

Just as I started tensing up I felt his cock swell. I felt his hot cum as it rushed up the full 14 inches of his cock before it erupted into a hot shot inside me that spread around his cock and down the sides of his shaft. Each blast caused my ass to squeeze his cock as if it was milking the hot thick cum out of him. Lance would moan each time his cock erupted and after about six blasts he collapsed on my chest.

I wrapped my legs around his ass and held him inside me as I felt the cum oozing out of my asshole. He started to pull out but I wouldn't release the grip my legs had on him. He grinned at me as he laid his head back down on my chest and said he would get up when I was through. I felt my ass start to force his cock out of me and heard it when it hit the sofa beneath me.

Lance got up and got a wet cloth and cleaned my ass and the sofa before he picked up his cup of coffee. He said that was great and wished his wife would let him fuck her more than once a month. I told him that at least he did get it once a month. He looked back at me but didn't say anything. He asked what my plans were for today and I told him it was my turn to host the bridge game again. I told him that really it wasn't but the guy that was suppose to host it was in the hospital for a couple of days having some test run.

I asked him if he played bridge and would like to sit in for the sick man. He said he hadn't played in years but as long as the others didn't expect too much he would try. I told him that was great and with a little luck it might end up being more than just cards. I told him what had happened at the last few games and he said he was sure he wanted to come.

I told him my wife was leaving at 10:00 and wouldn't be back until the next day so he could come over after she left and help set up for the games. He asked if he needed to bring anything and I told him that I had plenty in the frig for the two of us. I took a gulp of my coffee and almost spit it out because it was cold. I stood up and pulled my warm ups back on and told him I would see him in a little while. I noticed he was slowly working his cock back into a hard state and asked him what he was planning on doing.

He laughed and said that he often would get himself hard and suck his own cock for a while. I said I would like to see that if he didn't mind. He reached down and sucked the head and about three inches of his cock in his mouth without having to strain to reach it. He bobbed his head up and down while he jerked on the shaft. I told him that it looked hot and I wished I were able to do the same. I told him I was going to leave him to his self-indulgence and would see him later.

The rest of the morning went smoothly and some of the men started showing up early. Lance came over and I introduced him and told them he would be playing in the place of the sick man. We sat around drinking tea and some had a beer while we waited on the rest of the men. When they were all there we started the first game and it went along as normal. After a break someone asked how come we didn't have our cute little service boy. Big Dick said he was out of town and I was sure that the two had been seeing more of each other.

I noticed that the men started scratching themselves a lot more than usual and figured the testosterone level was rising in the room. A couple of guys started hinting about the fun they had the last time and the subject got around to the size of cocks in the room. One of the guys said he knew Little Dick had the smallest cock in the room. The other guys laughed at this and Big Dick made some reference to his name and Lance looked over at me. I shook my head no letting Lance know that Big Dick was not as big as he was.

Big Dick noticed Lance laughing along with the others and figured that since Lance was no taller than Little Dick that he was probably not much larger in the cock department either. Big Dick said that if anyone had a cock bigger than his that he would take it up his ass. Lance giggled at this and I knew the gauntlet had been thrown down. Lance asked if that included him and Big Dick said it did. Lance said that if the bet was that the loser had to take every cock in the room he might take him up on it. Big Dick was in not to be out done and was sure Lance was bluffing about the bet.

Big Dick said he would take the bet as he stood up and started rubbing his cock through his shorts. The others stood up to get a good look at both of the men's cocks. Big Dick reached to his side and pushed his shorts and underwear down as he gave everyone a good look at his nine inches. As he stroked his cock we all could see the pre cum bead up and drop to the floor. Big Dick grinned at Lance and asked if he could do better than that.

Lance started playing it up as if he had been beaten as he pushed his shorts down but kept his boxers on. He reached underneath the waistband and started letting his cock slowly push out of the fly of his shorts. Lance's cock was not hard and I was really getting a kick out of the way he was playing his hand. He slipped his shorts down and his limp cock was about seven inches long. Big Dick said it had to grow some before it came even close to his. Lance looked over at me and grinned as he turned around and sat down on the table. He leaned forward and as the men gasped he sucked the head of his cock into his mouth.

Lance's cock instantly started growing as he let it go deeper in his mouth and throat. Lance slipped the now wet cock out of his mouth and stood up so everyone could see his hard purple 14 inches of cock. I heard Big Dick gasp as he realized he had lost the bet and was now going to have to take on all the cocks in the room and also the monster he was staring at. I told them I would go get some lube so we could all enjoy Big Dick's ass.

When I had returned the men had made Big Dick lay back on the table with his legs up in the air. They had lined themselves up in order of smallest cock to largest cock. I reached over and squirted some gel into Big Dick's ass and all he could do was turn red. Little Dick was first and about all he could get in was the head of his cock. He pumped for a few seconds and we noticed his body jerk as he sprayed most of his cum on Big Dick's balls and ass.

The next man was a lot bigger and I could tell that Big Dick was feeling more of this cock as the man went at it hard and fast. I took the opportunity to use my pump and put my cock ring on. When I returned the fourth man was slapping into Big Dick's ass and his own cock was hard again. The next man's cock was one of those that look almost as thick as they are long. When he forced it in Big Dick had to squirm to get adjusted to it. The man gave it to him hard and I figured this was all of the other men's chance to give it to Big Dick.

When the man came Lance said it was my turn as he took a rag and clean most of the cum running out of Big Dick's ass. I moved in behind Big Dick and pushed my cock all the way in with one thrust. Big Dick gasped but quickly moaned as I noticed his cock pulse and jump. I started fucking fast and hard, as I wanted to make him cum before I did. Just as he shot his first load I felt my own body stiffen as I felt the wave of pleasure pass over me. I slowed down and pulled my still hard cock out of his ass as everyone moved in to watch Lance and his monster go to work on Big Dick's ass.

Lance slowly forced the head of his cock inside Big Dick as I noticed the relief flow over his face. It was short lived as Lance rammed his cock deep in Big Dick's ass. He yelled out but Lance didn't let up as he continued to pump into the juicy asshole. He finally stopped when he had all of it buried up to his pubic hair.

Big Dick had stopped yelling and was now breathing hard as he took the time to rest from the onslaught. Lance told them to watch as he rolled his hips around as his cock rubbed every part of Big Dick's ass. Big Dick's cock jumped and Lance started pumping again. Big Dick was moaning now and started begging for Lance to fuck him faster and harder which he obliged. Big Dick's cock looked like a fountain as his cum shot a good three feet into the air above him and then landed on his stomach and chest. Lance jerked his cock out of Big Dick knowing he would beg for it to be put back in.

Lance stepped up like he was going to push it back in when Little Dick pushed Big Dick out of the way and threw himself upon the table. He said he had to try Lance's cock and the other men could fuck Big Dick again. The men rolled Big Dick over on his stomach as they proceeded to take turns fucking his loose juicy ass again. Lance stepped up and placed his cock against Little Dick's asshole and I could see a glaze cover his eyes.

It was apparent to me that Little Dick was overwhelmed with lust and Lance's cock was the only thing that would satisfy him. Lance eased his cock into the tight asshole as Little Dick grunted and moaned as it went deeper and deeper. Little Dick started rolling his head from side to side as he grabbed the side of the table and told Lance to fuck him hard.

Lance started slow but was soon fucking Little Dick hard and fast. I watched as the cum started shooting and then flowing out of Little Dick's cock. I figured it would stop soon but it didn't. With every stroke of Lance's cock the white milky cum rolled out of Little Dick's cock. It was apparent to me that Little Dick was in heaven as his cock, pubic hair, and balls were now covered in cum. Little Dick was in a trance as his body had given over the monster cock that was milking the cum out of his balls.

Lance grabbed Little Dick's hips as he rammed his cock deep inside him. He grunted as his cock emptied itself deep in Little Dick. After a few more thrust Lance pulled his cock out as Little Dick moaned and asked for it to be put back in. One of the other men moved in and pushed his cock into the gaping asshole. He started pumping into Little Dick, which at least stopped him from begging.

I looked down and noticed that Big Dick was getting up to his knees so I took the opportunity to push my cock into his asshole. It took it with ease and Big Dick didn't seem to mind as he pushed back against me. I managed to ride his asshole for a good five minutes before my orgasm shook my body. The others had managed to clean up and were getting their sandwiches. Lance and one of the other men had taken Little Dick to the bathroom and had managed to bring him back around with a good bath.

I helped Big Dick up and headed him to the bathroom so he could take a shower or bath. We all sat around nude as we finished off our meal and for a while no one said anything. Finally one of the men asked what had happened to Little Dick. When no one said anything I said I believed Little Dick had found what he really needed and that was a very big cock up his ass. Little Dick said he believed so too and said it felt like he was having one continues orgasm. He looked at Lance and told him if he could do that to all men that he would be filthy rich and there would be a lot of frustrated wives around town.

Next: Chapter 14

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