These Retirement Days

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Mar 19, 2003


This is the 11th chapter to my ongoing story. All comments are welcome at

These Retirement Days 11

He led me out to his car and opened the door as he pushed my head down and forced me in the back seat. The car smelled of old beer and sweat along with urine. There were a few spots of what appeared to be blood. He told me to sit there and be quiet as he got into the front and started driving off.

I leaned back and closed my eyes as I tried to figure out what trouble I was really in. I felt the car turn a couple times but didn't want to look. Figured as long as I kept my eyes close I might wake up from a bad dream. When the car stopped I had to look and was really surprised when we had stopped in a dark alleyway. The cop got out the front of the car and opened the door.

I moved to get out but he pushed me back in and told me to stay where I was. He started removing his pants. I felt a little better but a wild idea of him raping me and then taking me in went through my mind. I guessed he could see the fright on my face as he stepped out of his pants. He was starting to pull on his cock as it responded and was growing again.

He moved in beside me and said that if I would cooperate that he would consider letting me go with a warning. He reached over and released one of the cuffs as he fastened it to the metal screen just behind the front seat. He started unbuckling my belt as he said he had lost his wife several years ago and had tried dating but didn't enjoy it like he did when he was much younger. He said that what he really wanted was just the sex and it had become too much work to get what he wanted.

He said that he had enjoyed his wife's asshole a lot more than her pussy in the later years and the more he noticed asses the stronger the urge had become. He said he had thought about making it with some guy but had been too scared to take the chance. He said until I had given him a blowjob he had never had a man other than a doctor touch his cock. He pulled my pants down and had pulled my shoes off as he continued to talk to me.

He said the blowjob was great but he had not gotten the relief he wanted from it. He said the only way he knew of getting me out of the theater and not make it look suspicious to anyone who saw was to arrest me. His hands had started moving around my balls and cock as he started pushing one hand beneath my ass.

He noticed I was not fighting his advances so he pulled my legs up and pushed them back toward my head. He had big hands that had fingers that appeared to be larger than normal. His fingers located my asshole and as he pushed into it I felt his finger slide in and knew the cum inside was helping. He grinned as he started pumping his finger in my ass.

I asked if he could release the handcuffs so I could get in a more comfortable position. He stopped and looked at me before he unlocked the cuffs. I moved a little further back on the seat, which allowed me to pull my legs up a little higher. His finger slipped in easier so he pushed a second one inside me. He grinned as he pumped his fingers into my now sloppy asshole.

He adjusted himself on the seat to where his cock was level with my asshole. As he reached past my legs he positioned his cock right at the entrance to my hole. I was pretty turned on myself so I pushed my ass up at his cock. He took the hint and lowered himself toward me. There was some pressure against my asshole just before the big head popped inside me. I jumped and moaned as the waves of warm pleasure shot through my ass.

I heard him moan as he pushed his cock even further inside me. His cock was nice and thick and as it went deeper into me it also stretched my asshole further. His cock felt to be just the right size to continue the electrical charges shooting inside my ass. He fell forward on top of me and I reached up to catch him as his cock sank all the way inside me while his balls slapped against my ass.

I quickly unfastened his shirt as I ran my arms around him and pulled his soft hairy chest and stomach to me. He moaned as I thrust my ass up at his cock. He quickly started pumping his cock in and out of me as he started moaning and telling me how hot my ass was. He said he hadn't had anything that felt this good for years. He was really getting into the fucking as he was pounding his pelvis into me.

He was slamming into me as hard as possible and I was quickly working up to an orgasm. When I started tensing up he slowed down and looked at me but grinned when he realized what was happening. He grinned and picked the pace up again as he was now dripping sweat on my chest and stomach. He was gasping for breath but I knew he was not going to stop until he reached the end of his hard drive.

He started cussing and calling me all kinds of names, which sounded great with his Irish accent. He opened his mouth but no sound came out as I felt his cock pulse inside me. It was a couple of seconds later before I felt the second spray of hot cum deep in my ass. His body jerked involuntarily as the last few loads of cum forced themselves out of his cock.

He collapsed on top of me as his hard cock went soft but remained inside my ass. His body was heaving as he tried to catch his breath. We laid there for a couple of minutes before he raised himself up on his arms and looked down at me with a little grin across his face. He started rolling his ass around ever so slightly as I felt his cock start to grow inside me.

I decided to join him as I rocked my pelvis back and forth. It didn't take his cock but a few seconds to reach its full stiffness. He pulled his cock all most all the way out and then slowly pushed it back in. He looked down at my face as he continued to do this. My ass was sloppy with all the cum that was leaking out and it was beginning to make a squishy noise. He grinned when he heard the noise then rammed his cock into me, which caused me to gasp.

He started pumping at a quick pace and I could tell he was going to be fucking me for a while this time. He had both of us covered with sweat when he stopped and asked me to roll over on my stomach. I did as he said as I spread my legs as much as the back seat would allow. He forced his cock back into my ass and was riding me like a dog. He leaned down and was kissing the back of my neck and shoulders as he kept changing pace.

We must have rolled around in the back seat of his car for a half-hour before he finally grunted and released his load deep inside my ass. He slowly pulled himself off of me and I felt him wiping the cum out of my crack and when I looked back I noticed he had used his underwear. When he was through he slipped the cum soaked shorts back on as he pulled his pants over them. He said it would make him horny when he got home and pulled them off.

He helped me get dress and told me to get up front with him and he would take me back to the theater if that was where I needed to go. We drove by where I had parked my car and since I didn't see Lance I figured he had either got a cab home or was still inside the theater. I got out of the cop's car at the corner as he handed me what looked like a ticket. He had actually written his phone number on it and said to be sure and call whenever I wanted to get with him. As he started to pull away he said he hoped I called soon.

I made it back into the theater and was not really surprised as I saw Lance standing in front of the fat black transvestite. He had his limp cock about half way inside her/his mouth as some guy was pumping into her/his ass as fast as he could. There were a few more guys standing around watching and I could tell by the limp state of their cum dripping cocks that they had each had a turn at the black man pussy.

Lance noticed me as I came in and jokingly asked what had I been up to. As he chatted I noticed his cock was getting hard and the transvestite was having trouble keeping it in his/her mouth. The man fucking his/her ass started spraying cum all over the black ass as the men started to hoot.

Lance pulled his hard cock away as he said he wanted the black pussy on her back. They helped fix a place as they tossed some of their pants and shirts on the floor. The transvestite moved over and lay on his/her back and lifted his/her legs. Some of the men grabbed the legs and pushed them far enough back that it forced his/her ass to be nastily gapped open. Lance moved behind the cum covered hole and rammed his cock into it as if he was trying to stab it to death with his cock.

The transvestite grunted from the onslaught as Lance's cock buried itself out of sight. The fucking was so rapid that the two were splattering cum all around them. One of the men dropped to his knees and forced his cock into the transvestite's open mouth. He was fucking the mouth almost as hard and fast as Lance was fucking the asshole. The sounds of someone being really fucked hard were filling the theater as several other men moved over to see the show.

There were a couple of other men who ventured over and were holding a couple of good ten-inch cocks. Lance had gotten caught up in the fantasy of raping the asshole and had lost control as his cock erupted. Lance was physically pulled off of the ass as the new members to the gangbang took his place. Lance sat down as he tried to catch his breath and I handed him his clothes as I told him we both needed a good hot bath.

We made it to the bathhouse and enjoyed a good steam bath before showering off and heading home. We shared what had happened to each of us when we were separated and I reminded Lance that he still owed me the fuck we had started at the fence. He laughed and said he just knew we were caught when my wife and then his showed up. We pulled into the drive and as we started in different directions I told him I was bringing my pump with me when I came over for my morning coffee. He laughed and said he would be waiting as he slapped his ass and walked off.

Next: Chapter 12

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