There's Something Different About Jamie

By SC Walker

Published on Dec 23, 2021



DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic depictions of sex between men. If you are under 18 years of age or not allowed to read such material in your jurisdiction, please be advised.

This story belongs exclusively to the author. No reposting or republishing without the author's explicit permission.

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Robert had the perfect life. Perfect job: check. Perfect apartment: check. Perfect live-in boyfriend? Check.

Every day after long hours at the office as upper management at a large marketing firm, he looked forward to seeing his boyfriend, Jamie. To Robert, Jamie was the cutest boy in the world. Barely 21, he still had the youthful looks of a teenager. With his blond hair and blue eyes, he looked like an absolute angel.

Robert was bisexual, but when it came to men, he always went for the more feminine types. He actually met Jamie on the subway when the twink was crossdressing as some anime character on the way to a convention. Robert thought he was chatting up a cute girl, but it turned out to be a guy instead!

Though, he didn't mind. Jamie may have been a boy, but his body shape was decidedly feminine. With his slim waist and wide hips, he looked like the perfect bitch for breeding. And with his hobby of crossplay, Jamie liked to dress up in frilly lingerie or costumes like school girl uniforms for Robert's amusement.

Not only was the sex mind-blowing, but Jamie was a sweet and devoted partner, and Robert adored him. They had just as much fun cuddled up together on the couch watching a movie as going out on the town for dates. It didn't hurt, of course, that Jamie was an excellent cook, which was to be expected since he was in culinary school. Since Robert was the only one with an income, Jamie contributed to the household as much as possible by cooking and cleaning. Robert sighed to himself. Man, I really hit the jackpot. He had found the perfect boywife to spend his life with.

Whenever Robert walked in through the front door, he was immediately greeted by the high-pitched chirp of Jamie's voice, who would get up on his tiptoes to give Robert a kiss on the lips. The size difference between them was just the cherry on top. Robert was tall and handsome, with a slight salt-and-pepper coming in on his hair, despite his relatively young age of 33. While he wasn't overly muscular by any means, he kept himself in fine shape by going to the gym several times a week. The fact that he could lift Jamie up with ease was one of the other things he loved about the younger man.

And then, inevitably, after a delicious dinner that his adorable boyfriend had prepared for him, he would make his way to the bedroom. Jamie would soon join him, dressed in something lacey or feminine, showing off his round, bouncy bubble butt. Robert would barely be able to control himself as he ravished his sexy feminine boyfriend, fucking like animals to work off the meal they had just eaten. After sex, they always spent the rest of the night cuddling together. It was a routine, sure, but it was paradise.

I wonder what Jamie has made for dinner... actually, I wonder what kind of outfit he's put on for me tonight. Robert had to suppress those thoughts until he got back to the apartment, lest he pop a huge tent in public.

"Honey, I'm home!" Robert called out as soon as he opened the door.

"Welcome back, babe! I'm in the kitchen!" A deep, scratchy voice replied.

Robert stopped dead in his tracks. That definitely wasn't the lilt of Jamie's girlish voice. He turned the corner into the kitchen, only to be shocked at the sight of a stranger standing in his apartment, cooking at his stovetop. A tall, handsome stranger with bulging muscles all over his body, looking like he hit the gym six days a week.

"Babe!" The man said again, smiling widely at Robert then approaching. Robert thought about running away and calling 9-1-1, but too many thoughts were running in his head. Who is this? A thief? But why is he cooking? Where is Jamie, oh my God, did he do something to Jamie!?!

Before Robert could make a break for it, the muscular man wrapped him in his thick arms and bent down to give Robert a kiss on the lips. Robert recoiled in fear and tried to push himself off from the stranger.

"Babe, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Robert stood his ground. He was the "man" of the house, so to speak, so it was his responsibility to protect Jamie, wherever he was.

"Who the hell are you, what did you do to Jamie?" Robert spat out.

The athletic man standing before him looked totally shocked and confused. "W-what are you talking about, babe?"

"Where is he!? If you don't tell me where he is, I'm going to call the cops!"

"Babe, why are you saying this?" The muscled stranger seemed to be on the verge of tears. "You're scaring me, why don't you recognize me?"

That stopped Robert dead in his tracks. "W-what? Who are you?"

A single tear rolled down the stranger's face as he choked out his reply. "Robbie, it's me, it's Jamie."

What?? That's impossible! Robert couldn't believe what he heard. There was no way that was true. What happened to his cute, adorable girly boyfriend? Even if Jamie had started going to the gym, there was no way he would have such a sudden change in size and stature overnight. And Robert distinctively remembered kissing Jamie, slim, petite Jamie, goodbye after breakfast.

"Y-you're not Jamie, that's impossible!" Robert's eyes darted around the room. Several feet away was the knife block on the kitchen countertop. If he was quick enough, he could grab the knife and use it to threaten the stranger, to find out where Jamie REALLY was.

The stranger must have realized what Robert was up to, and with his obviously superior athleticism he got to Robert first, wrapping the man up in a tight hug so that he wouldn't be able to fight back.

"Babe, Robbie, what's going on?! Do I need to take you to the hospital?"

"Get off me! Who the hell are you? Do you really expect me to believe that you're my boyfriend!? You don't even look anything alike!"

That was only partially true. While it was true that where Jamie was slim, the stranger was wide and muscular, they did have some traits in common. The same mop of sandy blond hair. The same piercing blue eyes. The same porcelain-like smooth skin. No... it can't be.

"Babe, this is how I've always looked, since you met me!"

Robert turned on his heel and ran to the bedroom. That's right, he had to check. The photos on their dresser, from the various trips they had taken. The one from the beach, from last summer! Where Robert wore red swim trunks and Jamie looked adorable in a lime green speedo cut to show off his figure.

Only, Robert was greeted with a very different photo. He and the red swim trunks were the same. The green speedo was also the same. Only, the man wearing it was a large, muscular hunk. The same one that had been standing in Robert's kitchen.

No, no, I must be seeing things? Is this a prank, did someone photoshop the pictures?? In a panic, Robert pulled out his phone and was ready to dial the police when he was stopped by his phone wallpaper. The last time he looked at his phone, it was the same picture as always. Jamie, with his adorably soft features, smiling into the camera. Only now, the picture was of the handsome man, with his sharp defined jawline, giving the same loving expression that his Jamie had in the original picture.

There was no way for someone to change the picture on his phone background without him noticing. Robert scrolled through his phone's camera roll to confirm his fears. In every picture that originally featured his sweet Jamie, the slim twink had been replaced by the muscular stranger.

"Babe? Are you okay?" Robert jumped as he was startled by the stranger so close to him.

"G-get away from me!" Robert took several steps back, hitting the wall with a THUD, only to realize he had backed himself into a corner, literally.

The stranger took several steps back, to give Robert some space, and wrapped his arms around himself as his face was filled with concern for Robert.

"I don't know who you are! There's no way you're my Jamie! My Jamie is adorable, a cute slim little twink! Not some muscled-out bodybuilder!"

The stranger recoiled in stunned silence. Another tear dripped down his cheek as he mustered up the words. "Babe, why would you say that to me? You know how sensitive I am about that!"

What Robert didn't know was that the stranger in front of him was cute and feminine until he got into high school, where a sudden growth spurt had changed him into the absolute specimen he was now. He was self-conscious of his size, despite the doctor telling him that it was just his genetics, that he was naturally muscular. Before Robert, the men he dated would usually be turned off once they realized that despite his appearance, Jamie wasn't "masc" at all, and much preferred more typically feminine hobbies. If only it wasn't for his body, he would be able to cosplay as his favorite cute anime girl characters like he had always wished he could.

Of course, Robert didn't know any of that. Because his Jamie had never gone through a growth spurt. He had never turned into a big, muscle stud.

Realization dawned on his face. The body was different, the shape had changed, but the expressions on the man's face hit him with recognition. The same hurt, shocked expression that Jamie had whenever he was teased or insulted by strangers on the street, or when Robert's bigoted father had called him a "sissy" despite promising to be on his best behavior (which made Robert promptly cut off contact with his parents until his father apologized, which he never did). The puppy-like big blue eyes, the way he sucked in his top lip and hugged himself as tears fell down his face. There was no more denying it. That was Jamie.

"Jamie? Is that really you?" Robert said apprehensively, as if approaching a tiger.

Jamie nodded, trying to fight back tears as he looked up hopefully at his boyfriend. Whatever had just happened, some kind of psychotic break perhaps due to overworking, which caused his boyfriend of several years to not recognize him, had seemed to be over.

"Babe? Are you feeling better now? You know who I am, right?"

"Y-you're... Are you really Jamie Turner?"

Jamie's face burst out into a sunny grin at Robert's recognition of him. "Yes, babe, that's right, it's me! And what's your name?"

Robert was taken aback by the question, but answered reflexively. "Robert Jones."

"And what's the date today?"

"October 8th."

"That's right! Oh thank God, you're okay now!" Jamie breathed a sigh of relief, and went in to hug his boyfriend, only to see Robert recoil again in shock.

"Babe, I'm not gonna hurt you. You know that, right? I was just really worried, you didn't recognize me just now."

"Jamie? Is that really you? What happened to you?"

"What? Nothing happened to me, I'm the same as always!"

"No, that's impossible! Like I told you, just this morning, I saw you. You were shorter than me, and much skinnier, and you didn't have any of these muscles."

"Did you hit your head, or have some kind of dream? I've looked like this since I was fifteen. You know I always wished that I could be more like a twink, but this is the body I was born with. Babe, you're scaring me. Please sit down, let's talk this out."

Robert sat down on the couch, the same blue suede couch that he and Jamie had spent many nights cuddling together. The Jamie-who-wasn't-Jamie brought him a glass of water and sat down next to him.

"Robbie, drink this. Take a few deep breaths. Is it possible that you developed some kind of sudden, I don't know... face blindness?"

Robert considered the possibility for a second. Was there something wrong with his memory, or his perception? It definitely wasn't face blindness. If anything, the muscular man sitting next to him had an almost identical face to his Jamie, only more chiseled and sharper. So the only explanation must be...

"Listen to me, I think I'm going crazy. I'm sorry, Jamie, I just saw you this morning, you didn't look like this. You've NEVER looked like this! Maybe after several years of hitting the gym religiously, and somehow growing nearly a foot, maybe. But changing so suddenly? It's impossible. I'm telling you, I must... I don't know. Is this some kind of parallel world? Am I dreaming?" Robert pinched himself to be sure. Nope, he felt that. He wasn't dreaming.

"Babe, I don't know why you think I look like that. I've looked like this since the day you met me. You remember, don't you? We met on the subway, I was going to an anime convention? I wanted to dress up as a cute girl, but people were giving me weird stares and you defended me from some guys who were harassing me."

Robert did remember that. Because it was exactly how he met Jamie. Only, in his memories, Jamie was small and cute. No matter how hard he thought, tried his best to remember at any point if Jamie looked like he did now, he fell short.

"Jamie!" Robert cried out in relief. It really was Jamie! But, how? And why? Robert wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's torso and hugged him tight. He was used to being able to cover Jamie's body with his own, but now he could barely fit his arms around the man's built and muscular torso.

Despite the fact that Robert had accepted that, somehow, the man standing in front of him was, in fact, Jamie, he still felt awkward and uncomfortable around the man that looked like a stranger. Robert decided that maybe he was just tired or hungry, so they got up to eat dinner. They ate the dumplings that Jamie had prepared in silence. It was one of his signature recipes, and it tasted the same as it always did, reinforcing that the person who had cooked them was Jamie after all.

After several weeks, Robert still couldn't get used to the man that wished him good luck at work and welcomed him home in the evening. Jamie had tried to give Robert kisses as part of his greetings, but Robert recoiled every time.

It wasn't that Robert was actually scared. He realized that this Jamie was just as sweet, gentle, and sensitive as his Jamie. It was just that, he looked completely different, with a perfect v-shape torso, topped by two huge bulging pecs, leading down to a trim waist which was offset by a massive, muscular bubble butt. He was the ideal muscle hunk, if you were into that. While Robert could appreciate the man's incredible body, he liked his men girly and slim, and found himself not attracted to the new-Jamie.

Jamie had tried to initiate sex several times, but each time Robert turned him down. The thought of having sex with the muscular Jamie did absolutely nothing for him. He even felt odd sleeping next to this Jamie since now that he was much larger, the balance of the bed felt completely off. Robert had moved to sleeping on the couch.

Robert started picking up more hours at work, so that he could minimize his time in the apartment. Several nights, he got back so late that Jamie was already asleep, with leftover dinner portioned out on a plate for Robert, wrapped in plastic wrap with a sweet note telling Robert how much Jamie missed him.

Robert knew that he was treating Jamie coldly, but he couldn't help his lack of attraction to the new look. Every other thing about his life was exactly the same, from his job, to his family, to his friends. Each person he asked told him the same thing: that Jamie had always been that jacked.

Robert finally gave in and went to the neurologist, saying simply that he had been having issues with his memory lately. After several rounds of tests, the doctor gladly told him that everything was completely normal, and his memory issues might be related to fatigue. Whether this was some kind of psychotic break, or some weird selective amnesia, Robert was beginning to doubt his own memories of that cute, sweet Jamie.

Which still didn't help the elephant in the room. Robert just couldn't bring himself to be attracted to Jamie. He loved how he could pick Jamie up effortlessly, how cute Jamie looked in lingerie or his crossdressing outfits, how tiny and tight his waist was... the new Jamie had none of that.

One night he got home slightly earlier than usual, he found Jamie sitting on the couch waiting for him expectantly. Robert realized Jamie wanted to say something, but sat in the chair rather than next to him on the couch. Jamie noticed and looked especially hurt at that.

"Babe, can we please talk? Ever... ever since that day, a couple of weeks ago, when you didn't recognize me for a while, you've... well, it's like you don't even love me anymore."

Was that true? Did he not love Jamie anymore? But other than his body, Jamie hadn't changed. He was sweet and attentive. He liked cute things like stuffed animals, and hated horror movies. One night a couple of weeks ago, they tried watching one, and Jamie cowered into Robert's shoulder like he always did. Jamie still took such good care of Robert, despite the fact that for the past several weeks he'd been treated like a stranger.

While Robert's initial impression of Jamie was of how cute he looked, that wasn't what made him fall in love with him. What did was Jamie's upbeat personality, kindness, and how he was unabashedly proud of his unconventional hobbies. That hadn't changed. So what kind of scumbag would Robert be to say that he had fallen out of love with his boyfriend after his looks had changed, even so dramatically?

"Jamie, babe, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's just. I don't know, you heard what the doctor said. Everything is supposed to be fine, but you literally don't look the way that I remember you. You're still you, but you look like a different person. I can't help but look at you and miss my cute Jamie, the one that would turn me on so much when he put on frilly lingerie."

Jamie's face lit up. "Babe, is that it? Well, you never gave me the chance to show you!"

"Show me what?" Robert asked.

"Wait here, I'll be right back!" Jamie excitedly entered their bedroom, leaving Robert on the couch. After several moments of waiting, Jamie stepped back out. Only, now he was wearing a set of black lace negligee with pink bows on it. The top portion cupped his massive pecs perfectly, and the panties accentuated the curve of his tight bubble butt. Jamie stood there shyly with the embarassed facial expression that he always made when he wore sexy outfits for Robert.

Robert was shocked at how good the outfit looked on Jamie's muscles. It was a totally different feeling than the way they looked on old-Jamie's girlish figure. There was something... so hot about seeing such a perfect specimen of masculinity in such feminine clothing. And much to Robert's surprise, his dick responded to the sight.

"Do you like it, babe?" Jamie's face was bright red as he nervously fidgeted in front of Robert. It was odd to see such a muscular man acting all shy, even odder considering he was dressed in black lace panties and bralettes that, despite their femininity, seemed to accentuate his masculine features even more.

Robert didn't know what to think. He always liked how feminine Jamie was, and was decidedly turned off by this newly masculine Jamie. But something about the lingerie... it seemed to bring out the feminine side of Jamie again.

"You look... hot." Robert breathed out as all the blood rushed to his dick. He was surprised to see Jamie's own dick tenting in the panties. It seemed like the new outfit was having an effect on him too.

Robert got up and pulled Jamie into the bedroom, pushing the larger man onto the bed. "Fuck Jamie," was all Robert could say before he smashed his lips against his boyfriend's, tongues rolling over each other as his hands traveled around Jamie's hard body.

"Oh, babe, I missed your kisses." Jamie moaned as Robert began kissing down Jamie's neck, working his way to the man's chest. His Jamie loved having his nipples played with, so would it be the same for this Jamie?

"Ohhhhhh!" Jamie moaned again as Robert took one of the pointed nubs into his mouth and started licking and sucking it. With his other hand he fondled the other pec, like how one would grope a woman's breast.

Twisting and pinching the free nipple with one hand, Robert started to bite and nibble on the one in his mouth. Jamie arched his body and squirmed underneath Robert. Robert had to admit: something about taking this larger man, and making him completely submissive to his touch... it was like a new side of his sexuality was blooming.

"Fuck, fuck, Robbie, suck on my tits!" Fuck, that was all Robert needed to hear. A big muscle man sounding like a bitch in heat. He began to lick and suck more savagely, switching his mouth to the other nibble to give it some more attention. As he bent forward to lick around the muscular mounds, he felt something hard rub against his hip.

Goddamn. It was true. Old Jamie didn't have a very large cock, which was fine because he didn't use it much. But this bigger Jamie was, well, bigger all over. It even looked like he was more hung than Robert! This didn't bother Robert though, if anything it turned him on even more, since it was clear who was the bottom here and who was the top.

With a muscular Instagram-ready body like this, Jamie could easily get any man in the city. And he chose Robert. He cooked for Robert. He cuddled with Robert. And now, he was letting Robert fuck him. The gap between his appearance and personality just made him even cuter in Robert's eyes.

Robert kissed down Jamie's stomach, tracing the outlines of his six-pack with his tongue, enjoying the feeling of his tongue over those hard muscles. He grasped Jamie's hard cock through the lingerie, rubbing it up and down and noticing the wet spot forming on the panties at the tip of Jamie's cock. The soft, silky material felt amazing on Jamie's dick, making it even more sensitive.

"Mmmmfff..." Jamie moaned as his tool was getting pleasured by Robert's hands. "Robbie, that feels too good, if you keep going I'm gonna..."

Robert promptly pulled his hand away from Jamie's throbbing dick. He didn't want his boyfriend to cum just yet. He instead bent down and lifted the man's muscular tree-trunk like thighs up, so he could expose the pink, twitching hole in between his round glutes. Robert was surprised to see a slit right over Jamie's hole, an opening in the panties that provided easy access.

"Damn, what are these babe? Crotchless panties?"

"They're, uhm, they're made for women. I'm wearing them backwards."

At those words, Robert couldn't help himself. He dove face first into Jamie's hole, using his expert tongue just like he had used on Jamie's chest. He spread open Jamie's hole, which he could tell was already cleaned and lubed up. Robert was struck again at how much Jamie took care of him, including thinking ahead and getting himself ready like this. Had he been getting cleaned and lubed every night, in the hopes that Robert would finally have sex with him again? The thought just made Robert even hornier, and he knew he had to give his boyfriend the fuck of his life to make up for the weeks of coldness.

Jamie's hands gripped the sheets as Robert lapped and sucked at his sensitive hole. "Babe, Robbie, I'm ready, please, please fuck me..."

Robbie pulled his face away from Jamie's hole, admiring the twitching pink opening. He looked up into Jamie's eyes with a devilish grin, then brought his hand up and flung it down, smacking Jamie's bubble butt with a hard WHACK.

Past Jamie's butt was so round and bouncy, apple-shaped like a girl's. This Jamie's ass had a much different shape, but was equally bubbly, if not more. Despite his low body fat, it seemed like Jamie still had a nice layer of fat over his muscle, making his bubble butt pliable yet hard at the same time. Jamie yelped in surprise at the rough treatment, but it just made him spread his legs even more.

"Fuck you where?"

"My, my ass, baby, please fuck my asshole." Jamie whined. Despite the deeper and scratchier tone, it was beginning to take on the same feminine quality that old Jamie's voice had.


Robert repeated the spanking, this time coming down even harder and leaving a red mark on Jamie's pale flesh. Jamie moaned this time, clearly so horny for cock that he'd do anything for Robert.

"My... oh baby, fuck my pussy, please, fuck my tight pussy like a girl."

Robert didn't need to be told twice. He stood up and pressed his cockhead against Jamie's already slick pussy and pushed it in. There was barely any resistance as he sunk inch by inch of his cock into his musclehead boyfriend's cunt. Robert and Jamie moaned in unison as his tight walls were spread open by Robert's cock.

Robert pumped his hips back and forth, pounding Jamie forcefully. When Jamie was smaller, Robert knew he had a limit to how rough he could get. But with this new Jamie, it was clear that his body was sturdier and he could take more of a pounding, which Robert took great advantage of.

Jamie's muscular glutes must have given him greater control over his ass, because his pussy was sucking and gripping Robert's cock with every thrust. Robert felt like he couldn't pull out even if he wanted to, which he didn't. Jamie's pussy was everything he remembered, if not more. The man underneath him may be twice the size of his beloved boyfriend, but he would know this familiar tightness anywhere. This was Jamie. This was Jamie's pussy.

"Ahhh!! Babe, you're hitting that spot!" Robert grinned at Jamie's moans as he aimed his cockhead at the little nub inside Jamie's pussy, the pleasure button that sent shivers down the hunk's spine. Jamie responded by clenching Robert's cock with his pussy, working hard to make his dominant boyfriend cum.

The relentless assault had its intended effect. Jamie shivered as his cock came hands-free inside the lace panties, soiling it with his cum. As Jamie shot into his panties, the hole clamped down on Robert's cock and milked him with all its might. It wasn't long before Robert's own balls drew up and he began unloading a massive load of cum inside his boyfriend's cunt.


Maybe it was from the weeks of pent-up frustration, or something else entirely, but Robert felt like he couldn't stop cumming inside Jamie. Each volley of hot sperm coated Jamie's cuntwalls and filled him up. The man's once perfect six-pack was slightly less visible due to the slight bulge in his stomach where Robert's jizz was collecting.

After emptying the entire contents of his balls inside Jamie, both men fell onto the bed and let out a sigh of contentment. "Robbie, thank you so much. I missed you."

Robert looked over and saw in this man, this Jamie, the same boyish features that he was used to. It wasn't that his face was changing again, but rather than Robbie seeing past the slight difference to see that this was Jamie, but most importantly, this was his Jamie.

"Jamie. I'm so sorry about the way I've been treating you. I've been in a really weird place lately, but I'm over it now. I know you're my Jamie, I love you for who you are, and well... I think I've come to like how good it feels to dominate such a big man!"

"Oh Robbie! I love you too, I'm so glad to hear that you aren't sick of me after all! If you like this, I'll wear these whenever you want, I'll even crossplay for you like I've always wanted!"

The thought of Jamie in a sexy schoolgirl outfit, pecs bulging out of the white shirt, skirt riding up over his round bubble butt, made Robert's dick twitch. Somehow, he knew that he was going to like that.

Robert pulled Jamie in close. While he was no longer able to easily hold his boyfriend, it felt kind of good to be the one held by Jamie's powerful arms. Jamie buried his face in Robert's neck, like he always had after sex, as the men enjoyed their usual post-sex cuddle. And Robert knew that while his uneasiness wouldn't go away immediately, he could accept that he loved, and lusted after, this Jamie just as much as the one he remembered. He was happy. So happy, in fact, that he never wondered what could have prompted the change again.

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