Theres Always Hope

By John xxx

Published on May 24, 2012


Welcome back! I'm super uber duper major sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out. I'm thoroughly embarrassed /: I got arrested for attempted robbery and I haven't had access to a computer for a while :( Just kidding...I had finals at school and I couldn't find any time to write. But...I'm back at it! I know this chapter is short, but I wanted to get one out there. The next one SHOULD be soon following. Enjoy!

Tyler POV: I heard the knock on the door and froze. Who could it be? It couldn't be Victor...he had a key. Why the fuck wouldn't he just open the door. I momentarily debated opening it, but I was really curious to see who it was. So I stood up, headed to the door, and twisted the handle. I was nervous. How could I explain to anybody why Luke was here...on my futon...half the morning? Truth is...I couldn't. And the more I thought about it, it didn't really matter. I was proud to have Luke with me, and as long as he didn't care, I didn't mind other people knowing. So I pulled open the door, prepared for whatever appeared on the other side. And to my was Victor. He had a bag slung over his shoulder, and a curious expression on his face.

"How's it goin?" he said, and barged past me into the room. He placed his bag in front of the wardrobe, turned around, and gazed at Luke. Luke looked back at him with a firm expression on his face, waiting for a reaction. Victor then nodded his head in Luke's direction with a very welcoming smile, and started taking off his shirt. "I'm just going to hop in the shower and change my clothes. I'll be out of your guy's way as soon as possible." He said walking into the bathroom with change of clothes in his hand. What the hell just happened? I was far from confused. I looked at Luke and he looked just as surprised. Victor must know exactly what's going on, and he's ok with it? Both Luke and I put on shirts and sat on the futon staring at the tv.

"He must just not care..." I said, looking over at Luke. I wanted to know how he felt about it.

"Must not. But if it ever goes south, you can just move in with me" he leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. It's amazing how love controls your mind, it trumps every other emotion. Just the slightest contact or display of affection can clear your mind and make every worry go away.

"Well...I practically already do haha" I replied, and it was the truth. I barely ever slept in my dorm in the last month. I could see the question in Victor's eyes every time I walked in the room, but he never bothered me about it. Will that change? I wondered if I should talk to him about it, just to see if he really was ok with it. It would be nice to know that he didn't care for sure.

After about 15 minutes Victor walked out of the bathroom fully dressed with a perfectly normal expression on his face.

"What are your plans for the day?" Victor asked, sounding completely natural.

Victor POV: When I came out of the bathroom they were sitting fairly close on the futon watching tv. I acted natural and went to my wardrobe putting away my dirty clothes and towel. I decided to say something to break the ice...more like bash the brick wall.

"What are your plans for the day?" I asked looking back at the two, then back to putting shit away. I could see them look at each other out of the corner of my eye, then Tyler cleared his throat to say something.

"Uh, not really sure yet. To be determined. What about you?" He replied.

"Probably going to the library to study a little bit." I replied. That wasn't really my plan. I wanted to sit on my ass all day and watch TV but...I didn't want to stay in their way. And I needed to study anyways.

"Awesome" he replied. I couldn't imagine how awkward this must be for them, but I didn't care. I put my books in my backpack and headed out the door.

"See you guys later" I said shutting the door.

Luke POV:

"Well...that wasn't awkward haha" I joked scooting closer to Tyler.

"I'm just glad he didn't flip out and go all homophobic on us haha" he replied. "I'm gonna take a shower, want to come?" he said getting up and looking back with a dirty smile. Without missing a beat I stood up and followed him into the bathroom. Tyler turned on the water while we were both stripping down. Within seconds we were both completely naked. I could feel his eyes on me, and I'm sure he was getting the same vibe. I stepped into the shower, feeling the warm water spread over my skin and slide down my body. Tyler followed behind me and before I could turn around I felt his hands on my hips. His body pressed against mine, and his breath tickled the back of my neck sending shivers through my body. He kissed my shoulder while his hands roamed the front of my body. I pushed myself back into him; I could feel his cock press into me getting harder. After a few minutes or so of Tyler kissing and biting at the back of my neck I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around, shoved him against the shower wall, and attacked his lips. I let my hands wander down to his hips and pulled them into mine. I broke the kiss and started kissing his neck down to his shoulder. I backed up a little and kneeled down, examining his body. The water running down him drove me crazy, it made his muscles stand out and his skin shine. I licked and kissed his abs, moving lower and lower. I was about to get to the good parts when we heard a knock on the door.

"Is it ok if I come in and just go to the bathroom?" a voice asked through Tyler's suitemates door. I felt his body tense up, mine to. It took him a second to reply...

"Uh, I'll be out in just a minute" Tyler replied. We both looked at each other and silently laughed a little.

"Aight" his suitemate replied. We quickly cleaned up and headed back into the room as silently as possible.

"Well that totally ruined the moment" Tyler said, moving closer to me. He grabbed both of my hands interlocking our fingers and pulled me into a kiss. "Ready for some breakfast?" he asked

"Yup" I replied, pulling him back for another kiss.

The rest of the day was relatively uneventful. Tyler and I hung out for a bit and we decided to split ways for the rest of the night so we could study.

Tyler POV: I got done studying and decided to go back to my room for the night, I wanted to see if Victor would say anything. I arrived at my door, took a deep breath, and entered to the room prepared for whatever may happen. Victor was sitting at his desk, he gave me a quick welcoming smile then went back to whatever the hell he was doing. I threw my stuff on the futon, sat down, and opened up my laptop. I kept glancing over towards Victor waiting for him to say something but...not shit. An hour or so went by and I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to know why he hasn't said anything.

" you not know, or not care that Luke and I were sleeping in here together last night." I asked out of the blue. I could see it caught him off guard a little, but he answered fairly quickly.

"It's honestly not that big of a deal to me. I'm assuming you two are...uh...together?" He stuttered back.

"Yea, kinda have been for a while now. And you don't care?" I responded, I wanted to know how he felt about the whole thing.

"Nope, it's fine. What did you think? That I'd walk in screaming faggot then throw all your shit out the window and make you move out?" He responded sarcastically laughing a little.

"Well...yea, kinda haha" I responded, laughing back.

"It's perfectly ok with me, your stuff can stay in the room." He said, still smiling. We both went back to what we were doing but I had one more question.

"Why didn't you stay at the party? I thought you said you were staying the night...hence the reason why you found Luke with me" I was still curious to know why he came back.

"Uh things got out of hand and I didn't want to be there." He responded...there sounded like there was a lot more to the story but...he obviously didn't want to talk about it, so I just let it be. I texted Luke about my talk with Victor, thought he might be curious. I was definitely relieved everything was ok. Things could've been a lot worse.

Victor POV:

Tyler officially knew I was ok with him not being straight, which was a relief to me. The last thing I wanted was him thinking I hated him, I couldn't bear that thought. Every time I saw him I couldn't help but feel happy, and I couldn't control it. We were both lying in our beds, and I assumed Tyler was I sat up and looked over at him. He looked so peaceful lying so still, I wanted to be near him. I felt attached, he dominated my thoughts. And what sucks the most is I can't tell him. He's already with Luke, and he seemed happy, and I would never do anything to ruin that. After I stared at him for what seemed like forever, laid back down and went to sleep.

Tyler POV:

My eyes were closed, but I could feel it. I could feel his eyes on me and they wouldn't go away. I opened my eyes for a split second and there he was, staring right at me. He looked deep in thought, and after what seemed like forever. I heard him lye back down, sleep soon following. Why was he staring at me like that? I didn't understand...

That's it for now! I'm looking to have the next one out asap. Once again...any comments, suggestions, love notes, hate mail, and any other type of email you could possibly construct...send to and I shall reply. Thanks!

Next: Chapter 9

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