Theres Always Hope

By John xxx

Published on Mar 27, 2012


1 Month Later...

Tyler POV: I walked through my room throwing everything into drawers. The room needed to be organized, spotless, and inviting. Actually, I was just overreacting. The room could be trashed and it wouldn't matter. This was to be the first night Luke stayed in my dorm, and I was ecstatic. Victor told me earlier in the day he was going to a house off campus to party for the weekend. He said it was a "lock in" type deal and for sure wouldn't be coming back. So I got the idea that Luke should come and stay at my dorm for a night or two...just to change things up. Our relationship was nothing but amazing. The more time I spent with him, the more I cared for him. I slept in his dorm almost every night...I wish I could have just moved in with him...but I would feel bad completely ditching Victor. He was super nice, but my heart was in a different place. Luke and I gelled together perfectly; we always had a good time together no matter what. We had only been together for one month, but it felt like years. I did everything with him...we studied together, walked to class together, ate together, made music together, and slept together. But even though we spent the majority of the time in each other's presence, we knew when to back off. Everybody needs some alone time, and when we felt we needed space, we gave it to each other. But never for very long.

After about 15 minutes of cleaning my dorm...which really didn't need to be cleaned, I heard a knock on the door. It was about 9pm on Friday, so the halls were fairly quiet with everyone either getting shitfaced or traveling home for the weekend. I opened the door and saw Luke standing there with a bag and a smile on his face. I swear I lose my breath whenever I see him. He walked in giving me a kiss on the cheek and I slapped his ass playfully as I was shutting the door, making him laugh. He learned very quickly that I'm a touchy person. Once I know it's ok to be touchy, I don't take the permission lightly. Whether we were in a restaurant, class, walking, or with friends...I got in as many cheap touches as possible, and I could tell he liked it. And believe it or not...we hadn't even had sex yet. This wasn't just because we wanted to wait. As the school semester continued, we got busier and busier making our alone time much less. Usually when we were together we just wanted to relax, and that was fine with me. We both plopped done on the futon and played a solid two hours of xbox, and I got my ass kicked in every single game. And it's not because he's just that's because I'm just that bad. After we were done watching me suffer, I put in a movie and laid the futon out into a bed. I grabbed a few pillows and blankets off of the loft and we lay down to watch the movie. I positioned myself behind him so I my body was perfectly molded to his. Throughout the movie I randomly kissed him whenever I had the urge. A little over a month ago I thought I would never experience moments like all seemed too perfect. It was everything I dreamed it would be. About half way through the movie I could feel him push his ass back into me. I felt myself turning on...slowly but surely. I wrapped my right arm around his body feeling him through his shirt. It was nearing the end of the movie when I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't focus on anything but Luke, and I wanted him right there and then. I slid my hand down to his waist and up his shirt running my fingers over every curve of every muscle. I began kissing the back of his neck, pushing my lower body into his.

Luke POV: The movie was almost over when I felt Tyler's hand move up my shirt sending chills through my body. It felt so good having his hands on me, I couldn't get enough of it. He rolled over on top of me and without missing a beat I could feel his lips connecting with mine. I moved my hands to his back, tracing his muscles with my fingertips. I knew right then that this was the night, the night we were going all the way. Everything felt so perfect. Tyler started thrusting his hips in slow motion forwards and backwards. I moved my hands down and grabbed the bottom of his shirt lifting it over his head. When his shirt was off and on the floor I sat up and lifted my shirt off of me, never loosing eye contact. I tossed my shirt on the floor and we started where we left off. He leaned all the way down so his body completely covered mine, it was a feeling I will never forgot. His body pressed to mine and I could feel the passion in his touch. The kissing became quicker and rough, intensifying after every breath. He then broke the kiss and moved down to my neck, kissing and biting every inch, making me moan with pleasure. He then moved to my chest, slowly licking and kissing all over moving lower and lower. I could feel his tongue on my abs tasting each one. Just when he got to the waist line he pulled himself back up so we were looking each other right in the eyes. And he said something I'll never forget.

"You're perfect, and I love you." He said. I could see he meant every word from his eyes, they were so intense. And those few words may have seemed cheesy, simple, and maybe even lame. But to me it meant the world. It was the first time either of us said I love you'. With any other guy or girl I always get omg you're soooo hot', or `you're soo fucking cute'. But this was different, it was meaningful.

He then began kissing me again, our hands moving all over each other, trying to feel everything at once. I pushed him off me and rolled on top of him, kissing down his neck to his chest. I let my left hand wander down to his crotch; I could feel him boning up. I caressed his cock in my hand. He wrapped his arms around me pulling his body to mine. I moved my hand to his belt and started undoing it, never breaking the kiss. I pulled down his shorts and boxers, and I felt his cock spring up and hit my hand. Tyler moved his hands from his back to my shorts, pulling them down one inch at a time. I helped him pull my pants the rest of the way off, leaving us both completely naked.

Tyler POV: From every kiss I lost my breath, and every touch made me shudder. I could feel him slowly thrusting his hips into mine, sending an orgasmic rush through my body each time. His right hand moved off the bed and onto my chest, feeling its way down to my hip. He broke our kiss and moved down, staring directly at my dick. He grabbed it and started licking up and down the shaft. The feeling of his tongue was almost enough to drive me over the edge, I had never been that turned on in my life. Usually it takes forever for me to get off, but at that moment, I could have cummed from a kiss. After what seemed like an hour of teasing, he took the whole 7" into his mouth letting it ease down his throat. I let out a quite moan, trying not to let the entire hall know what was going on. I swear you can hear every fucking word said in that place. He moved up and down, changing patterns and rhythms, keeping me on edge the whole time. I ran my fingers through his hair down to his shoulders, feeling his muscles harden with every movement. He stopped and moved up so his knees were at my sides, then leaning down giving me a quick kiss. He cleared his throat to say something.

"I want you in me" he whispered, leaning down for another kiss. Without a word I reached behind me and into my desk drawer grabbing my bottle of lube. Still kissing, I lubed up my cock, then his ass. I ran my finger across his hole, feeling the crown. I let one finger enter slowly, moving deeper and deeper. I pulled it out and started pressing in two fingers, barely making it in. I could feel how tight he was. I pushed them farther in; making him moan through our kiss, then back out. I repeated the movement several times, and then moved my hands to his hips, pushing his ass down towards my cock. He broke the kiss and leaned back, bracing his arm behind him against the futon. I could feel his ass hit the top of my cock. I guided it against to his hole, waiting for him to lower himself onto it. After a second or two, he began moving lower; letting it into him, then back up. He did this again and again, letting it in further each time. The feeling was indescribable. Each movement became more aggressive, increasing in speed. I let my hands wander from his hips up his body, caressing every inch. He was now moving at a steady fast pace, up and down. I could see the pleasure on his face, mixed with pain and lust. I stroked his cock in one hand and his cupped his balls in the other. It didn't take long before I couldn't hold off any longer.

"I'm gonna cum" I said softly. He started moving faster and harder.

"Me to" he said between breaths. At the moment of no return, I thrust my hips forward trying my hardest not to let out a loud moan. He pushed against my cock, letting me cum. Within seconds he cummed on my chest letting out a quiet whimper. I could feel the warmth of his cum covering me. I looked him directly in the eyes, never wanting to forget how he looked. He then leaned down to give me the final kisses of our first time.

He got off me and laid on the bed letting out a deep breath. I pulled the covers over us and moved over as close to Luke as I could get. He grabbed my hand beneath the covers, tightly interlocking his fingers to mine. Within minutes, we were both asleep, leaving behind one of the best nights of my life.

Victor POV: Well...the lock-in was pretty awesome. Everyone was getting drunk and was having a good time, but about halfway through the night shit got weird. I was talking to a girl for a while on the couch about nothing in particular. She was a nice girl, good looking...but I had no intention of getting with her that night. It wasn't even on my mind. After what seemed like forever, she just attacked me. She started kissing me, shoving my face between her tits, and grinding wildly. It took me second to react, the room was crowded and loud...but I caught glimpses of several people watching with amused faces. I didn't know what to do...I had no desire to sleep with her, I don't know why, but that's how it was. So I pushed her off me and stormed out of the house. I needed to get out of there, I needed to talk to someone. I wanted somebody to understand, to make sense of my actions. I hoped Tyler was actually sleeping in the dorm tonight...for once. He always seemed to brighten my mood...even though he's not around much. After I got about 100 yards away from the house, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Dude, what the fuck are you thinking? You had her man, you could be fucking that chick right now!" It was my friend Zack that invited me to the party. "You a faggot man?" He added it to it, laughing it off. I knew he was just kidding, and it was no big deal. But I got pissed, and I have no idea why. Why would he just assume I wanted to bang her? I hated that typical guy stereotype. All of a sudden the thought came to me, Tyler would never give me shit about girls. I let it go quick, I had to reply to Zack, even though he was pissing me off.

"Just not feeling it tonight bro, I'm gonna catch some sleep. Enjoy the rest of the party." I thought that would sum things up enough.

"Whatever bro, I'll talk to you later." He replied.

He headed back to the house, and I started walking towards the dorms. It was a super long walk...I just wanted to get to bed. I kept thinking Tyler was probably in there fucking some chick, and I was gonna have to find somewhere else to stay tonight. I did tell him I was going to be gone, so I wasn't going to be surprised if he had some company. I put my key in the lock and opened the door, trying my best to be quiet. I saw two bodies on the futon and snickered a little to myself. Called it! I didn't want to be a cock block, or an invader of privacy, so I went to my wardrobe to grab an extra set of clothes. Once I had a small bag packed, just something to put on in the morning, I headed for the door. I took one more look at the futon on my way out, it was then I noticed. I froze at the door; I could feel my jaw drop and my body tense up. Tyler wasn't spending the night with some chick; he was definitely lying next to a guy. I stared in disbelief; I didn't know what to think. I shut the door and stood in the hall letting it sink in. He was gay? I didn't want to believe it, but it made sense. Tyler always seemed different; he was always so...I don't even know how to describe it. He wasn't a typical guy...he was kinder, more thoughtful, and sensitive. It wasn't obvious, but I could see it. I then let my mind wander even explained everything. Why he had been gone so much, and more distant. I snapped back to reality and realized I needed to find somewhere to sleep I texted a few friends in the dorms, remained on the floor, and waited for a reply...I didn't want to pound on someone's door and wake them up. I couldn't get the picture of the two lying next to each other out of my head, they looked so peaceful. I recognized the other guy too; I think I had a class with him. Within minutes of sending out a mass text message, I had a reply and a place to stay. One of my friends I met down the hall said it was ok if I crashed on his couch. So I grabbed my stuff, headed to his room, and knocked on the door. He opened it and I could tell I definitely woke him up. So I said a quick thank you, plopped down on the couch, and prepared for a long night with no sleep. I couldn't get my mind off it. I felt I shouldn't care, but I couldn't help it. I was almost angry...Tyler was practically my best friend at the beginning of school, and he ditched me for someone else. What made the whole situation worse were the familiar feelings I was feeling inside me. I felt anger, curiousness, shock, and jealousy. And it was then I needed to accept something. I always knew it, but ignored it. I forced it to the back of my mind like a coward, but I couldn't take it anymore. I felt too strongly to keep it away. I let the words form in my mind, and silently said them to myself. `I'm bi'. I felt shocked admitting this, but relieved at the same time. I let the moment sink in, and within moments I was asleep.

Luke POV: I woke up the next morning around 10am with a huge smile on my face. Mornings are so much easier when you wake up next to the person you love. Tyler was still sleeping, so I grabbed the remote and turned the tv on with the volume down low. I sat there for about 15 minutes before he woke up. He stretched for a second and looked over at me wearing a tired smile. He sat up and leaned in giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Good morning" he said, still trying to wake up.

"You're definitely not a morning person, are you?" I said laughing under my breath. It seems it takes him at least a half an hour to wake up every time...

"No shit" he replied.

He then began looking around the room, and his expression went from tired to worry. He stared at the wardrobes like he was trying to remember something.

"FUCK!" he exclaimed, slamming his head back onto his pillow. He covered his face with his hands, I could he was growing angrier. I was completely lost...

"What is it?" I asked, getting nervous.

"My roommate definitely came back last night...I'm really sorry. He said he was going to be gone..." he replied. I didn't know what to say...and I really didn't care to be honest.

"How do you know?" I was still a little confused...

"The wardrobe door is open, and his sweatshirt is hung over it...I remember closing it last night" he replied, slowly sounding less worried. I was surprised at how much I didn't care that his roommate saw us. I actually thought it was kinda funny.

"It's fine babe, no big deal." I leaned down to give him a kiss, but just before I reached him I heard a knock on the door. Both of our heads sprung up. I looked over at Tyler and I could tell he was startled, but he stood up and headed for the door.

Victor's POV: I woke up around 10 and replayed everything in my mind from last night. I decided I really wanted to see what was going on. I was curious, and anxious to start acting on these feelings I was having. I didn't know how to do it. Should I just tell Tyler how I've been feeling? I decided that was a bad idea... If he actually is with that guy, I didn't want to ruin anything. But one thing I did know, is that I wanted Tyler to know that I know he's not straight. And I wanted him to know that I'm ok with it. So I decided to go back to the room...

That's it for chapter 7. Hope you enjoyed! PLEASE give me some feedback. I'm BEGGING you. Not's cool either way. But still...I'd really appreciate knowing if you liked the story or not. Or if you've been reading it. It's nice to know how many people have been following. And I reply to ALL emails...I promise ;)

Next: Chapter 8

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