Theres Always Hope

By John xxx

Published on Feb 15, 2012


Here's chapter 5. Let me know what you think!!

Tyler: I woke up the next morning around 10 to find Victor completely naked on the other side of the room. OMFG. He must have thought I was still sleeping. So I did the logical thing and closed my eyes halfway so I could still see, but open enough so he wouldn't know I was awake. The only other thing I had to worry about was not pitching a tent underneath the covers...but I had it under control. It looked like he just came out of the shower. He had a few drops of water sliding down his perfectly sculpted back, and his hair was wet and messy. He was facing the wardrobe and all I could see was his firm ass which was smooth and hairless. I moved my eyes down to his legs which where muscular and lightly coated with brown hair. He turned towards me and gave me a full frontal shot. This was such an invasion of privacy but I didn't care... Between his legs was a perfect size cock, it looked like it could easily get to 8" when hard, and not only that, but it was cut and perfectly shaved. I wanted to jump off the loft and attack him right then and there, but the show had to come to an end eventually...he slid his boxers up, threw on a shirt, and plopped down on the futon. His looks never fail to amaze me.

I was so caught up in staring at Victor I completely forgot about the text I sent to Luke last night. I panicked, and completely forgot about the fact I was pretending to be asleep. I sat up and started fumbling around for my phone. I looked under my pillow, under myself, and under the covers. Couldn't find the little fucker. I hopped onto the ladder and found it lying on the edge of the loft. It took me three tries to put in the right passcode, and when I looked at the update bar, I found no new text messages. Not one. Fuck my life. Maybe he just wasn't up yet? Or he now thinks I'm straight and doesn't want to talk to me? Or he thinks I'm gay? I didn't know how to feel. "Important text message? You basically fell out of bed to get to it haha" That came out of nowhere. I completely forgot about Victor being on the futon. "Yea, something like that" I replied, and headed into the bathroom to take a shower.

I spent about 30 minutes in the shower trying to figure out what to do...should I text him again? Call him? I shut off the water and started to dry off. I was putting on my boxers when I heard my phone beep a few times. A text message!! I raced out of the bathroom, grabbed my phone, put in the unlock find it was just my mom asking how things were going. Fuck...I sent her a very brief text and went back to getting dressed.

The rest of the day I couldn't do anything but stare at my phone waiting for Luke's reply. Not only was I staring at my phone, but I also stayed logged into facebook to see if he would maybe come online, but there was no sign of him all day. It was killing me not knowing what was going to happen.

Soon enough it was almost time for bed, and still no reply. What was he trying to do? It's not like he can hide from me...we sit next to each other in a class. It was a degrading I thought I actually found someone whose alone and desperate like me, and he just doesn't even care. I felt worthless. I decided I would try to get a reply out of him before I went to bed.

Tyler: Hey, just wondering if you got my text last night...? Just wondering...

That's the best I could do. I laid back in my bed and hoped for a reply that I didn't expect to come. And was I ever wrong. Within the next five minutes I got a text back.

Luke: Hey, I dropped my phone in the sink when I got back last night. It fried fml. I got a new phone today, but I lost all the text messages I got before I dropped it. What was the text about?

I had no idea of what to do. Send the text again? Fuckkk this decision was a lot easier when I was drunk but...I had to take a chance. I had to know how he felt, so I typed in the same question as last night, cringed, and sent it.

Tyler: I just wanted to let you know I had a great time last night:). Also...don't take this the wrong way but, I'm just curious...are you gay? It just seemed like that movie meant more to you than just a couple bros hanging out. No big deal if you are, you're still a cool guy. See you in class tomorrow.

My heartbeat started racing and my breaths became short. I couldn't wait for his answer. If I was ever going to die young, it was going to be right then, because a heart attack felt very possible. After about three minutes I got a text back. I almost didn't want to open it. I was terrified by what I might find, but after building up a little courage, I made myself open it.

Luke: Um I'm not gay...I'm bi. And yea, that movie did mean a little more to me. I was hoping you would notice and say something but...that didn't exactly go as planned. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable and I would really appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone.

I think I almost cried. I was so happy I could barely control myself! I instantly started thinking about how was going to respond. I debated just walking over to his dorm and kissing him at the door, but I thought that might be too aggressive. So I settled with sending a text back telling him how I feel.

Tyler: haha well, I definitely wasn't uncomfortable because I'm bi to ;). And I promise I won't tell anyone. I think I really like you, and I hope you feel the same way...

I sent that with a pretty good idea of what the reply would be. I was convinced he felt something for me, and that alone gave me hope. All of these years searching and waiting for someone to actually notice me, and finally I find a guy that could save me from the constant feeling of loneliness.

Luke: I do feel the same way, are you doing anything tonight?

It was a short reply, but it's all I needed. I took one deep breath, took in the moment, and felt completely at ease.

Tyler: Nope, nothing at all

Luke: Want to come over hang out? I have a room to myself... Tyler: Yea, sure...what room? Luke: Clarry hall 135 Tyler: Aight, I'll be there in a little Shittttt now I have to jump in the shower, brush my teeth, shave (In all areas), pick out some clothes, potentially brush my teeth again, and put some cologne on. I just got out of the shower literally 30 minutes ago, but I wanted to make sure I was at my best. So I rushed through it all as fast as I could...I didn't want to keep him waiting. I was putting on my shirt when I heard a voice from the other side of the room... "Damn Tyler, got something important to go to?" Victor asked sarcastically from the other side of the room scaring the shit out of me. I completely forgot he was there. I was so focused on preparing myself I blocked out everything else. He must have thought I was crazy... "Oh, uh, yea. Something like that" I managed to blurt out while fumbling to get my shoes on. I didn't even care what he thought. I couldn't believe it was happening. I was going to see a nice attractive guy that actually liked me. My mind started racing through all the possibilities the night could unravel. Would we kiss? Would we touch? Would we have sex? Would we even sit near each other? None of the above would make me uncomfortable. I won't lie; I've had a lot of sex with a lot of different guys. And I know that sounds terrible, but in the past I felt it was the only way to get attention from guys. I've always strived for more than a hook up. But every guy that got into my pants seemed to keep his interests below the belt, and that crushed my dreams of meeting a decent guy. But tonight, I want to be proved wrong. I want to be shown that there is a guy for me. A guy that likes the way I look, act, and talk (not just when I'm moaning or begging for more...). So I strut out the door with nothing but high hopes.

Victor: What the hell? You would have thought the fire alarm just went off. First thing I know, Tyler's staring at his phone as if life depended on whatever the hell he was doing on there. Then he suddenly leaps off the loft, rushes to the bathroom, and turns on the shower. He's either throwing up, or needs to be clean fast. And I'm going with clean fast. He must have gotten an inviting text from that girl he was talking to earlier. And I didn't even care anymore. At least I didn't think so. Tyler was so different to me than other guys, I can't explain it. The beginning of school he was nothing but nice to me. We hung out all the time, joked a lot, and made a lot of friends together...then all of a sudden he...just...faded away. He wouldn't hang out with me, he wouldn't really talk to me, and he wouldn't even smile around me. I'm still confused. Here I thought I could be potentially living with a person that cared for me more than anyone else ever has, and he just changed. And I officially gave up trying. If he has better things to do than be around me, I'd have to let it be. And that thought, for some odd reason, was almost unbearable. I didn't want to lose him, and I didn't know why. Luke: I can't believe I actually gave up hope. I never would have thought Tyler would come forward like that and make a move. I threw my phone on the couch, ripped off all my clothes, and headed to the bathroom. Tyler could be here any minute, and I wanted to be as fresh as possible. I turned on the water and impatiently stepped into the stream before letting it get hot. The cold water sent a chill through my body and I jumped back. Fuck that was cold. Everything always seems slower when you're in a rush... It finally got warm and I stepped in letting the water run down my back. I fumbled for the shampoo nearly knocking everything off the shower rack. My mind was all over the place. What are we gonna do? Maybe a movie? Would he spend the night? How should I act? What should I wear? I was soo nervous, but excited at the same time. After I cleaned up, I grabbed my tooth brush and stood directly in front of the mirror. The last thing I wanted to happen tonight was to disappoint Tyler in any way. And I doubted my body would be a problem. My entire upper body was smooth, except for a barely visible happy trail. I was a dark tan that never faded over top of muscles that were defined, but not huge. I had a few freckles spotted over my stomach, chest, and back...I've been told it's kind of cute (: My legs were lightly covered with light brown hair, barely visible near my upper thighs. I loved my body, and I hoped Tyler would to. After brushing my teeth, I put on some long pajamas and a logo t-shirt. I didn't want to look desperate by dressing up. Tyler: The closer I got, the more nervous I became. Some black dude was exiting the hall as I was a approaching it and let me in. Each building on campus requires a card swipe to get in, and I didn't have access to other halls... I almost started shaking when I got to his that point I was praying I would actually be able to say something when he opened the door...literally, I was fucking praying. I won't lie, I'm not a very religious person, but at that moment, I was. I knocked twice on the door and waited. I felt like a little kid being sent to the principal's office...not knowing what to say, not knowing what to expect, not knowing what was going to happen, and terrified. He opened the door and fortunately said something first. "Hey" I almost melted right there, that's all I needed to hear to put a smile on my face. I stepped inside the room... "Hey, hows it goin?" I spit that out trying to sound as calm as possible, which was unfortunately impossible, so I probably sounded like an idiot. "Not too bad, how about yourself?" His voice was pure god like. It still hadn't fully matured yet, so it still had that teenage boy rasp to it. It was orgasmic. And I've always heard and believed that the key to any successful relationship is to be honest, so I thought I'd start here... "I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous..." ok, maybe just tell most of the truth, `little' was definitely not the way to describe my nervousness. And this was somewhat weird; I've been with several guys before and never had a problem with being calm. But this was different. It wasn't just a hook up; I actually had to impress him with my personality, not my penis. "Thank god haha, me to..." that gave me a sigh of relief, at least we were both in the same boat, even if it was destined to sink. "...I was thinking we could just watch a movie?" He looked so unsure of himself, it was cute. "Yea, that sounds good" I said and smiled. He plopped down on his couch and gestured for me to sit next to him. Which I did. I didn't sit too close to him for fear of being too pushy. He must have already had a movie in, because all he did was turn on the tv and press play on the xbox controller and the opening credits started popping up. "Want anything to drink?" he asked getting up and heading towards his mini fridge. "Umm yea, sure. Anything you have is fine." I stared at him as he grabbed the drinks off the shelf. I couldn't believe I was actually in that situation. My stomach was in twirls. He turned around and we made direct eye contact. For the first time in forever, I didn't feel guilty keeping my eyes on a guy. I didn't care if he caught me staring. I wanted him to know I liked what I saw. He walked towards me and handed me a coca cola. Our hands touched a little in the exchange, and I could feel a shiver of goose bumps expand from my body. It was an amazing feeling, and I wanted more. I had never felt that way before, not even around Victor. Luke shut off the lights and sat down on his side of the couch, and locked his eyes on the screen...I then turned my attention to the movie.

After about 15 minutes of desperately trying to focus on the movie, I couldn't take anymore. I needed to be next to him. It took me another 5 minutes from that point to build up enough courage to do something about it. Just as I was about to make a move towards the other side of the couch, Luke slide right up next to me. I tensed up for a second then let it go, I didn't expect it. I looked over and he gave me a smile I would never forget. It made me feel completely at ease. I slide my arm around his side and underneath his arm, resting my hand just below his chest. Without missing a beat he moved his hand over top of mine, and our fingers interlocked. At that point, I had no fucking clue what was going on in the movie, nor what movie we were actually watching. I could feel the solidness of his body underneath my hand and arm. It was an electrifying feeling, knowing I was holding such beauty.

I watched the movie for another 15 minutes or so when I felt him slide his lower body further down the side of the couch, and rested his legs on the foot rest. His head rested entirely on my lap, our hands still grasping each other's. I looked down at his face and I could barely control myself. I could feel myself boning up, so I turned my attention back at the screen for hopes I could keep it down. And it surprisingly worked, I kept myself under full control, and I was proud of it.

The movie was nearing its end, and I didn't know what would happen after the credits. I looked down and started at his face for a second, examining every curve and color. His lips were red surrounded by more tan skin. His eyes were a piercing blue grey, I could stare at them forever and forever be happy. I couldn't control myself; I unlocked my hand from his, and placed my palm underneath his jaw. I could see the confusion in his face. I then leaned down and placed the softest most passionate kiss on his lips as I possibly could. His face turned from a look of confusion, to compassion, I could feel the pressure of his left hand behind my head as he pulled my face back into his. Without hesitation he slid his tongue into my mouth, not leaving a single spot untouched. Never losing contact, he sat up from my lap. I then turned my body towards hiss, and climbed on top of him letting my right hand wander to his hip, my left caressing the back of his neck. Our mouths moved in complete unison, tongues fighting for dominance. I tilted his head to the side and started kissing down to his neck where I started to nibble and suck. I could hear him moan a little from the contact. I then moved down to his collar bone and softly kissed just above his shirt. I wanted to cry I was so happy, words simply can't describe how I felt. I wasn't just making out with a guy, I was making out with a guy I liked. A guy I was going to see after the night ended. I turned my attention back to his lips; I could feel his hands on my back. They slowly moved to my hips, then to my upper legs. Without even thinking I broke our kiss and ripped off my shirt, I have noo idea why. Just reaction I guess. His hands immediately moved to my abs and pecs, slowly squeezing every inch. He looked back up at me and I dove right back into a kiss. I placed both of my hands behind his head embedding my fingers in his hair. I could feel his hands move to my belt buckle, undoing it without looking. Next he started undoing the button to my jeans... be continued.

Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. Any comments, suggestions, criticisms, hate mail, love letters, conversations starters, and requests to be put on the email list, please send to I AM ALSO LOOKING FOR AN EDITOR. I'd like to get second opinions on the chapters before I post them. I'm also looking to start another story, so it could be a long term job if you want ;). If you're interested, let me know. I'm going to start the next chapter IMMEDIATELY! Thanks for reading!!!

Next: Chapter 6

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