Theres Always Hope

By John xxx

Published on Jan 20, 2012


Welcome back for chapter 4! Once again, any feedback on the story is greatly appreciated.

Luke's POV: Walking into my first class of my first day at college couldn't have been any worse. Well, it could have been a lot worse, but it still sucked. I went to bed way to late, and against my will, woke up too early. And guess what...I'm tired. Anyways, when I got into the classroom almost everybody was already there. I could tell we had assigned seats because everyone had a folder in front of them with their name on it. So I started wandering the room looking for my folder. It was super awkward to, the room was dead silent and I could feel everyone's eyes staring at me as I walked about. I started walking to the back of the room to check a folder lying back there and found something even better. A hot guy! Yes...I'm not straight and yes hot guys make me happy. I approached the desk to find my folder sitting right next to his. My luck couldn't be any better. I took a seat next to him and decided to introduce myself.

"Hey, how's it goin man, I'm Luke" I reached out my hand for a handshake. He just stared at it for a second, I was actually starting to wonder if he was actually going to shake it. But, he did, and he replied...

"Just tired, you?" and all I could think is he has the sexiest voice EVER. His whole presence while saying that sent chills down my spine, he was damn cute. I wish people could just walk around with a name tag saying what there orientation was; it would make finding the right guy so much easier. When I didn't reply for a second he looked over at me obviously wondering why I didn't answer.

"Same" I barely managed to choke out. Really? That's the best response I could come up with? I'm a fucking dumbass. I was so pissed at myself. We didn't talk the rest of the class but I couldn't help but look his way every once and a while. I didn't even know him and I felt somewhat attached. I wanted know more about him; where he's from, what he likes, what he hates. As this thought was running through my mind everybody started to get up to leave. I felt the need to say something to him so I hacked out a "see ya tomorrow" then got up and left. It took me a minute to realize how stupid my last statement was...I wouldn't see him tomorrow. We only have that class twice a week. Fuck my life. Oh well...didn't seem like he noticed. My next class for the day didn't start till later in the afternoon, and a nap sounded amazing. So I headed back to my room, but before I climbed in bed I decided to check my facebook. While I was wandering aimlessly on there I decided to see if I could find Tyler's profile. I typed in his first and last name in the search bar and hit the enter button. The first person that popped up was definitely him. I clicked on his picture to find his profile was set to private...lame. So I added him and got into bed.

Tyler: The next two weeks were relatively uneventful. I got into a rhythm of going to class, working out, playing xbox, studying, and practicing some new music. Classes were pretty far, not too much homework. Victor seemed to be doing well in his classes to. He spent most of his free time hanging out with some new friends, playing xbox, and studying. We honestly haven't really hung out much. And I liked it that way; because I knew the more I'm with him, the deeper I'll fall for him. And falling for a straight guy is almost the worst thing that could happen to a bi I'm sticking to the isolation.

It was a Saturday and I was bored. I had no homework to do, Victor was out doing something...not exactly sure, probably fucking his whores, it was a shitty day out, and I was too lazy to go work out. So...there I sat, watching tv, playing xbox, and facebooking. Classic lazy college student. I was halfway through a round of team death match on Black Ops when I got an IM on facebook...from Luke. I briefly freaked out. He was so hot! And I'm not really used to hot guys talking to me without me talking to them first. This is rare, and I was pretty pumped about it.

Luke: Hey

Tyler: Hey, watsup?

Luke: Nothin much, just bored. It's a pretty crappy day out.

Tyler: Lol yea, it is.

Luke: Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?

Tyler: Nope, unless you consider being lazy a

Luke: Haha nah, doesn't count. Would you want to catch a movie?

Tyler: Yea, that would be awesome. About what time?

Luke: Umm how about meet in the movie theatre lobby at starts at 7:10.

Tyler: Sounds good, see you then ;)

Fuckk, why did I add the winky face? I'm such an idiot. Oh well...maybe he thought it was funny? I don't know. But what I do know is I'm about to watch a movie with a super cute guy. I had about 4 hours until the movie started so I decided to chill for a little while longer then get ready to go. And it was the LONGEST 4 hours of my life. I couldn't stop thinking...what am I going to wear? What's he going to wear? Should I show up early? Maybe a little late? And the list goes on and on. I was actually starting to annoy myself with all the questions. I was like a 15 year old girl going on her first date...minus the vagina, tits, and annoying chick accent. When the time came, I decided to go with some dark American Eagle jeans and a white V-neck t-shirt. Sexy...but conservative. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, threw on some cologne, and decided to show up on time. I was beyond excited. When the time came I threw on my shoes, took one last look in the mirror, and headed out the door with high hopes. When I got to the theatre, Luke was already there waiting in the lobby. I was nervous to say the least.

"Hey, how's it goin?" I said walking up to him. "Ready to go buy the tickets?". I said that assuming he hadn't already gotten his...

"Nope, I already got em" he replied, handing me a ticket. What the fuck? He bought my ticket? I was shocked, and at a loss of words.

"Oh, um, thanks dude" I said, doing my best to smile. How was I supposed to respond to that? Bro's don't buy bro's movie ticket...which is exactly why I became even more excited. That's when I knew that this had to mean more to him than two dudes hanging out. We started heading towards the theatre and he paused for a second looking back...

"Oh, I forgot to you want something to drink?" now he was asking me for something to drink. I was silently freaking out inside. But he already bought my ticket so I didn't want him to spend any more money on me.

"Nah, I'm alright. Thanks tho" with that, we headed into the theatre...I followed him to the back of the rows where we took the two seats in the corner. Fuckkk, now he wants privacy? How could this night get any better? The previews started and we made a little small talk about classes and university life. He was a really cool guy. Once the movie started we were both pretty quiet. He had his hand on his knee during most of the movie, and I wanted desperately to reach over and grab it. I just didn't know how he would react. My emotions were on edge, and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to say something, or give him a sign. But I didn't want to ruin anything. So I held back.

Luke: I was beyond nervous. He must think I'm a total faggot for everything I'm doing. I just don't know any other way to say "I like you" without actually saying it. We walked into the theatre and I headed straight to the back, as another "sign". I was doing whatever I could to show him how I felt, without actually outing myself. The whole movie I was silently begging him to make a move. Anything that would show he was getting my hint. But his eyes stayed on the movie and his hands stayed in his lap. When the movie ended we got up and started heading out of the theatre. On our way out, we talked about the movie a little...although I didn't really see much of it. I was too busy thinking about Tyler. When we walked out the door, we said goodbye and parted ways. All I wanted was for him to notice my effort...and do something about it.'s like he didn't notice anything at all. Well, at least I tried...

Tyler: I was on edge walking out of the theatre. Is he going to say something? Should I say something? I couldn't find any confidence. So we both said goodbye, and that was it. It just didn't make sense. When I got back to the room, I opened up a beer (Yes, I drink beer. Yes, I know it's illegal...but only if you get caught ;)) , flipped on the tv, and slowly became more and more angry for not saying anything to Luke. He clearly had some feelings for me. No straight guy buys another guy a movie ticket and offers to buy a drink to. That just doesn't happen. But why did I have to be such a pussy? Why couldn't I just say something...make a confident move? I finished my first beer on that question and without hesitation opened another one. And then another one...and another one. I was opening up my fifth beer when Victor walked in. I didn't really acknowledge him...I was too busy being pissed at myself.

"Hey, uh are you ok?" he asked. Shit, do I really look that bad?

"Um, yea...just kinda having a stressful night." I slurred that out the best I could. I was definitely getting drunk...

"Something happen? Anything I can help with?" he asked. He actually looked a little concerned. That's when I got a decent idea.

"Um actually, yea you could. Let's say you just went to a movie with a super hot girl. You're not dating, you're just friends. But you really feel she likes you as more than a friend, and you know you do to. But yet, neither of you made any moves or said anything about it the entire movie. What would you do now?" I thought asking Victor in this way might help me...if he could actually understand what I was saying. I probably sounded like a complete idiot.

He replied fairly quick..."Oh, I'd probably just shoot her a text afterwards asking if she had feelings for me." Ahh fuck. That doesn't really help. I can't just send Luke a text asking that without even knowing he's gay or bi.

"Why? Are you in that situation?" Victor asked curiously.

"Eh, kinda. It's a little more complicated. Thanks for the help though" I replied with a little smile on my face. And it dawned on me at that moment exactly what I should I took out my phone.

Tyler: Hey, just wanted to say I had a good time tonight, thanks for the invite:). Also...don't take this the wrong way but, I'm just curious...are you gay? It just seemed like that movie meant more to you than just a couple bros hanging out. No big deal if you are, you're still a cool guy. See you in class.

I sent the text. `Perfect' I thought to myself. If he's straight, than I can play that off as if I'm straight to. If he's actually gay...then that could be the best text I've ever sent. I stayed up for a few more hours hoping for a reply but...didn't get one. I struggled to keep my eyes open but I was exhausted. So I closed my eyes and fell asleep, my question still unanswered...

That's it for chapter 4. If you have any feedback, comments, suggestions, or criticism at all, please send it to Thanks!!!

Next: Chapter 5

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