Theres Always Hope

By John xxx

Published on Jan 8, 2012


Thanks for reading on! Hope you enjoy!

Tyler's POV: Walking back from the gym there was two things on my mind. legs really fucking hurt; I never should of worked out that hard. Two...there's other fish in the sea and I shouldn't get pissed over the stupid comment earlier. He's straight, and not worth the anger. This is usually how it goes when I have feelings for a guy when I meet him. I get my hopes up just to be shot right back down. It's a shitty feeling. I know it seems stupid, I've only known him for a day, how could it be so bad? Well, the answer is...I don't have a fricken clue. I just get easily attached; a little too easily. Anyways...I put my key in the lock, and opened the door. Victor, and two other girls, where sitting on the futon...playing xbox. At first I got a little upset seeing Victor hanging with two very attractive girls, but I let go right away.

"How's it goin?" I asked very casually, not directed at anyone.

"Not too bad, how was your workout?" Victor replied, I found it strange the two girls were too into the game to say anything...awkward.

"Pretty intense, I'll definitely be feeling it tomorrow" I replied. I looked over at the clock on the microwave and noticed it was already 4:00pm. I worked out for well over two hours. I didn't realize I was there for that long. Victor and the girls were playfully bickering back and forth about the game. I looked over at the screen and saw they were playing Black Ops.

"Oh, by the way...this is Annie" victor said pointing to his right "and this is Paytin" he said pointing to his left. "Paytin and Annie, that's Tyler" We all exchanged some head nods and they got right back into the game. I was actually surprised he introduced me. After I put my wallet and keys down on my desk, just to make things awkward, I threw off my shirt and headed over to the dresser. Out of the corner of my eye I could see all three of them staring at me. I silently laughed to myself, pulled some clean boxers out of the drawer and headed into the bathroom. I thought about pulling off my gym shorts to but...I didn't want to become known as the hall perv.

Victor's POV: Since Tyler left to go workout...I had nothing to do but play xbox. So I turned on some music...relatively loud, and fired up the xbox. I threw Black Ops in the tray and grabbed a bag of chips out of the food drawer. This is going to be one long ass afternoon if all I have to do is play video games...I thought to myself. After playing for about 30 minutes I heard a knock on the door followed by a few giggles. I paused the game, got up, headed towards the door, and opened up to find two very cute ladies staring at me.

"Can I help you" I asked very curiously.

"Oh yea, sorry. This is Paytin, and I'm Annie. We just heard your music and thought we'd say hi." She then peeked past my shoulder and apparently saw the paused game screen."OMG Are you playing Black Ops?" Annie said kind of excited.

"yup" I replied.

"Can we play to?" she asked.

"Sure" I replied letting them in. Honestly, I really wanted them to leave me alone but...I decided not to be an asshole. And it wouldn't hurt to get to know a few new people. I wondered for a minute if Tyler would mind they were in here...but quickly let it go as they were sitting down on the futon. I grabbed some extra controllers and sat down between the two of them. As we were playing, I was surprised by how into the game they were. They were very competitive...although they both completely sucked. We got into a few different conversations about what school was going to be like and where we were from. Just basic stuff. I learned they were really good friends from high school and they lived a few doors down from Tyler and I. We played for a really long time and it was actually really fun. After about an hour and a half of playing, I heard a key in the lock and Tyler came through the door. I really hope he didn't mind they were in here.

"Hey, how's it goin" he said walking towards his desk.

"Not too bad, how was your work out?" I replied still looking at the TV screen.

"Pretty intense, I'll definitely be feeling it tomorrow." He said. I laughed a little at the comment.

As I was getting back into the game I almost forgot to introduce the girls.

"Oh, by the way, this is Annie and this is Paytin" I said pointing at both of them. "Paytin and Annie, that's Tyler". I saw Tyler give them both a little nod, and then I turned my attention back to the T.V. screen. What happened next kinda surprised me a little bit; Tyler took off his shirt and walked right in front of us. I thought he was going to strip all the way down for a second. I couldn't help but examine his body again. I don't know why, it was like an instinct. For a moment I wondered what it would be like to touch him, to feel his muscles and curves. To sense his warmth and smooth skin. Apparently I wasn't the only one staring. As Tyler walked into the bathroom I could see both girls basically drooling out of the corner of my eye. After Tyler shut the door, we all turned our attention back to the screen. What happened next was even more surprising. Annie, who's on my right, slide here right hand onto my thigh and slowly started climbing my way. While Annie was making her first move, Paytin started positioning herself to follow Annie's lead. I didn't know what to do, my head started spinning a million directions and I froze. Annie leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on my lips, followed by a more forceful press slipping her tongue in beneath my teeth. Paytin started nibbling on my neck working lower and lower. I felt nothing but awkwardness. The more uncomfortable I got the more my senses started coming back to me, what if Tyler came through and saw what was going on? Do I actually want this to happen? As these thoughts came flooding into my mind my arms began to push both the girls off me. I sternly rose to my feet

"This can't happen...I'm sorry." I said, in a serious but sensitive tone. "You're both really nice girls but...I just can't do it." They both sat there with a defeated look on their face, but it wasn't challenging my decision. "Would you mind leavi.."

"Come on, it's just a little fun" Annie said cutting me off, with a really slutty/seductive look on her face. She stood up and basically started to attack me again. It didn't look like she was going to take no for an answer... I pushed her off me.

"I really don't want to be a dick about this, just please get out" I walked over to the door and opened it, and motioned for them to leave. Luckily...that got my point through and both of them trudged out the door.

Tyler's POV: I got out of the shower and started to dry off when I realized it was awfully quite in the room. I just assumed the girls left and Victor resorted to doing something else. After I was completely dry I threw on some boxers and grabbed the door knob ready to enter the room when I heard Victor talking.

"I can't do this...I'm sorry" he said in a kind of panicky and uncomfortable tone. "You're both really nice girls but...I just can't do it."

`Can't do what?' I thought to myself removing my hand from the door knob. I didn't really want to walk in on the situation.

"Come on, it's just a little fun" one of the girls said. And then it hit me. Those girls didn't come over just to play xbox. They definitely wanted more. But...why was Victor trying to get out of it.

"I really don't want to be a dick about this, just please get out" Victor said frustratingly. I heard the door shut and nothing but silence followed. I figured it was safe to walk in now so I opened the door and entered the room. I saw Victor sitting back on the futon. His face was red with embarrassment...or anger. I couldn't really tell.

"Not your type?" I said in a joking kind of tone. I really wanted to know why he passed that up.

"Um...yea, something like that..." he said sounding nervous.

I really didn't want to sound like I was interrogating him but...I really wanted to know why he didn't do it.

"Well...if I were you...I probably would have gone for it, they're pretty hot." I thought saying that might get a little more out of him.

"Yea just didn't feel right. I don't know why..." he replied.

"Fair enough" I said nodding my head in agreement. I still didn't get it. Any normal college guy would have all over those girls. A normal college guy wouldn't be able to resist. But Victor didn't really seem to be interested at all. To get my mind off it I opened up my laptop and started brainstorming what I could do for the rest of the day instead of sitting on my ass. My brainstorming inevitably failed and I ended up staying the room the rest of the day with Victor playing xbox. We kept the door open again and met a few people passing by that lived in the dorms. Blake, and his roommate Devin came over for a little bit and played xbox with Victor and I. Devin seemed to be a pretty cool kid. Of course I checked him out head to toe at first sight. He seemed to be in shape, but just like Blake...definitely not my type. He was Mexican...short brown hair and brown eyes. Not very attractive in my opinion but whatever...he cracked a few decent jokes and we all had a good time. But...eventually everyone got bored and they headed back to their room. It was about 9pm when I decided to go to bed due to a lack of anything better to do.

I woke up at about 7am the next morning to the sound of my alarm obnoxiously screaming the sound I dread. I hate early mornings. I sat up and looked to the other side of the loft to see Victor still the hell did he sleep through that? I'd be surprised if half the hall didn't wake up to it. My alarm is unusually loud...and for good reason. I'm not a big fan of mornings which, makes an annoying alarm pretty much mandatory. I slowly climbed down the ladder and flipped on the coffee maker...yes I'm a coffee drinker. Caffeine makes me happy. When I turned around to head over to my wardrobe I noticed a tent coming up from Victor's blanket. I took a moment to take in the sight, and after that moment I realized how creepy I was being and continued over to my wardrobe. I was only awake for 3 minutes and my day was already made. I grabbed my shower stuff and headed to the bathroom. I decided since it was my first day of classes I would put a little effort into looking nice. I shaved my face, chest, and other important areas. Not that I plan on taking my clothes off in front of someone never know ;) After that, I brushed my teeth and hopped in the shower. Luckily, when I talked to Blake last night, neither him nor Devin had early morning classes which meant the bathroom wouldn't be crowded every morning. Victor and I shared the same 8am class so we would be the only ones up...if he ever wakes up. After my shower I dried off and headed into the room to find Victor still sleeping. There was only 20 minutes left before we had to leave for class so I decided I should probably wake him I threw on some boxers and headed over to his side of the loft to wake him up. I climbed halfway up his ladder so I could shake him awake but I stopped just before I touched him to creep for a second. He was so cute sleeping. I got lost in his cuteness and all I wanted to do was wake him with a kiss and a smile. I felt a longing in my body, and all I could do is put the feeling aside. I shook his arm and say his face come to life...

"Time to get bro, we have to leave in like...20 minutes" I said climbing off the ladder.

"Ah fuck, fuck mornings" he said positioning his legs to climb down the ladder. I laughed a little at his comment.

"Agreed" I replied digging into my drawer for some shorts and a shirt. Victor headed in the bathroom and was out in literally 10 minutes...I was impressed. I was on the futon when he started rummaging through his drawers for some clothes. He seriously needs to start getting fully dressed in the bathroom or's hard to keep a boner down with a strip tease occurring every morning and night. After he got dressed we both headed out the door towards our first class...which we had together. We made a little small talk on the way, mostly about how we were dreading classes all day. We walked into the classroom and there were folders on each of the desks with names on them. Really? Assigned seats? I thought I'd be leaving that shit behind in High School. Oh well...Victor and I split up and I found my folder in the back row. Not gonna lie, I enjoy being in the back row. I opened up the folder to find an overload of information about the campus. More than I wanted to know. Just as I was getting to the last sheet of useless information I sensed someone wandering my way. I looked up to see the hottest fucking guy I've ever seen in my life. I repeat myself. The hottest fucking guy I've seen in my life. He stood about 6 feet tall. Very tan skin with short light brown hair. There was something about his physical demeanor that really got to me. He looked down at the piece of paper next to me and took a seat. I really gonna have to sit next to this?' was the only thought in my head. How the fuck am I supposed to pay attention with a walking orgasm sitting next to me?' Damn. I was coming to a point where I just didn't want to associate myself with attractive people.

"Hey, how's it goin man, I'm Luke" fuckkk now he's talking to me. He reached his hand out and...I stared at it for a second. Even his hands were attractive. Before it got awkward I reached out my hand and replied...

"Just tired, you?" I said, attempting to sound like a normal person.

"Same" he replied. Besides that we didn't really talk for the rest of the class, except for the end when he shot out a quick "see ya tomorrow".

The rest of the day dragged on. Nothing exciting really happened and the classes were cut short since it was the first day. I got back to the dorm and debated taking a nap but...Victor still had once more class which means I'd have the dorm to myself for about an hour. So, I flipped open the laptop, grabbed the lube out of the drawer, and searched for my favorite porn site ;) now that I had a roommate I had to jump on my opportunities. I enjoyed myself for a solid 30 minutes and after was definitely time for a nap. Before I climbed up to my bed I decided to check my facebook. I plugged in the username and password and pressed enter to find a new friend request. Luke Thesing. The kid I sit next to in my first class. Why the hell did he add me? How did he find me? We don't even know each other.

Thanks for reading Chapter 3! If you have any comments / suggestions / reflections please send them to Once again...the more emails I get the more motivated I am to write the next chapter. Thanks again!

Next: Chapter 4

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