Theres Always Hope

By John xxx

Published on Nov 21, 2011


-Main Character-

This story is almost all fiction. And just a little about me...if you care, I'm currently a college student in Michigan. I'm 18 years old and this is the first story I've written. So if it's terrible, that's probably why. Some of the story is connected to my life but not very much. Once again it's almost all fiction.

The main character in this story is Tyler; he is 17, about 170 pounds and around 6 feet tall. He has long dark blonde hair that's always fixed in a messy style and blue eyes. His skin is moderately tan with a hint of red. His build is muscular but toned (not to bulky). His entire body is trimmed with the exception of his chest which is shaved. Tyler is completely straight acting. He is bi-sexual, but guys interest him much more. Tyler is very mature for his age, and prides himself on being respectful to everyone. He is out to only a few people; his mom and a few close friends. Throughout the story I may switch up the point of view (POV) to give a better perspective of all characters. The way I'm attempting to write this may seem slightly strange. It's a mix of narration and journal. It should be relatively easy to follow; I also did my best to make it seem as real as possible. It will move kinda slow, but once again, I'm trying to make it realistic.

There's Always Hope

Chapter 1

Tyler's POV: Throwing the final belongings in my car, mixed feelings began racing through my body knowing I was about to begin a whole new life. It was move in day at college, and in order to get all my stuff packed, it took two cars...I know, I have too much crap. Anyways...both of my parents and my sister were coming along to help move everything into my dorm, which was bound to be a challenge. It's about an hour drive to the University I was accepted to, far enough away to not have to deal with parents, but close enough for a few decent meals and free laundry. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, it's just being free of them is obviously one of the main perks of college. The plan for the day was to move everything in then have lunch with my roommate and his parents in an effort to get to know each other. I exchanged a few emails with him and added him on facebook a month or so ago so we could figure out who was bringing what. I thoroughly stalked his page, including all his pictures. Slightly creepy...I know. Just was curious to see who I was going to be living with. He was definitely cute, no doubt, his name is Victor, which I thought to be kinda different but...oh well, and he looked completely straight which was kinda a downer, but I like to think there's always hope.

"Ready to go?" My dad announced snapping me to reality.

"Yea, I think. I'm probably forgetting something but...I'll just grab it when I come back" I stated.

The drive pretty much sucked, it included music, my sister sleeping, and nothing but highway. I'm pleasantly surprised I didn't dose off and drive into a ditch; at 8 in the morning with no coffee, my driving becomes relatively fatal. Traffic was really shitty throughout the campus; it took at least a half hour to travel to my hall. People were rushing everywhere, and I was kinda dreading the work I knew was ahead. Once we finally parked in the right lot, I got out of my car, casually leaned on the door and took out my cell phone to give my roommate a ring to see where he was at.

Victor: "Hello?"

Me: "Hey, it's Tyler, where are you?"

Victor: "Umm in the lot outside the hall, you?"

Me: "Same, meet you by the door?"

Victor: "Yea, sounds good"

It was a big lot...and we obviously couldn't see each other. I started walking up to the door, I started feeling a little nervous, my heart beat started to accelerate and my breaths became short. I didn't really expect this's hard for me to avoid it when meeting a cute guy (which I'll be spending the next two semesters with) for the first time. I got to the door first so I took a seat on the steps to wait and hopefully calm down a little. I felt a little awkward sitting by myself watching people constantly walk by me so I took out my phone (which I almost always do in awkward situations) and started messing around with it to look occupied. After a few opening and closing of applications I saw him walk around the corner and head my way. I stood up, put my phone away and prepared for the official greeting.

"Hey, how's it going?" he said reaching his hand out for a handshake.

"Pretty good, ready for the move?" I said meeting him halfway for the handshake.

"Kinda haha, let's go get our keys and get started."

A million thoughts and judgments invaded my mind as we started for the door to get our Ids, keys, and dorm information. All I could think about is he's super cute and I hope I wasn't staring too much. I'm surprised I even responded to him when he said "hey". He looks even better than he did in his pics on facebook. He has semi-long brownish blonde hair and a stunning smile that is slightly tilted but absolutely perfect. He stood just a little taller than me and his skin was a light tan. His piercing grey blue eyes stuck out like crystals in sunlight and fit perfectly with his skin tone and face. I'd like to say it was love at first sight but...I've felt like this with several guys and it never has a fairy tale ending we were approaching the counter I let all of these thoughts and emotions go. Standing in line was really awkward; neither of us could start a conversation and we just stood there staring off into space. I, once again, took out my phone a few times to make myself look occupied. Finally we got everything and started back towards our cars to begin the challenge of getting everything up to the dorm. When we reached to the parking lot we both headed to our cars and agreed to meet up at the room. Back in the summer we decided that a loft would the best choice for a room set up, it creates more space...soo the first thing we'd have to do is put that my dad and I grabbed the lumber and headed towards the room while my sister and mom grabbed a few small things. Once we got to the room Victor was already in there with his parents. While our families were getting acquainted, Victor and I wandered away towards the RA's (Resident Assistant) which we were directed to do from the chick at the check in counter.

"Hey, how's it goin you guys? My names Sam and I'll be your RA for the next two semesters. Have a seat on the bed if you want...I have some stuff you need to fill out"

Both of us took a seat on his bed while he shuffled through some papers and looked for some pens. Neither of us really responded to him...he looked pretty determined on getting everything. He handed us some papers on a clipboard and we started scribbling down answers. The forms consisted of a roommate agreement, suitemate agreement, and a basic questionnaire. We got it done in about 5 minutes and Sam handed us our laundry cards and sent us on our way. There was a small line heading into his room on our way out, looks like we were the first ones. We got back to the room and our dads were both working on the loft while my mom and sister were chatting with Victor's mom being completely useless...oh well.

"Can you help lift this up?" Victor's dad said as he was struggling to lift up on of the platforms for a bed.

Victor walked swiftly to the other side of the room and bent over to pick up a side of the platform...which obviously gave me the perfect opportunity to check out his ass...which I took absolute full advantage of without hesitation. And I wasn't disappointed, he looked sexy. When he leaned over his shirt pulled up just enough to reveal his American Eagle boxer strap and a little bit of the design. I liked his style for sure. Anyways, I finally realized it probably didn't look good for me just to stand there and stare during the whole set up process so I headed in his direction to help out. The rest of the assembling went well and we had everything in the room and ready to go within 2 hours...and if you would have seen the amount of stuff we had...getting everything done in 2 hours is astounding. And I'd have to say the room looked pretty good. We had a futon, 32" TV, mini fridge, xbox and a drawer thing to hold our food and stuff. Besides that there were two wardrobes, a dresser, and a piece of carpet the covered the majority of the floor. The way the rooms were set up we had to share a bathroom with two other guys...which wasn't a big deal. They weren't there yet so I was thinking I'd go over there and introduce myself later on.

"Any preferences on a place to eat?" My mom asked as we were finishing up in the room.

"Any thing's fine with us" Victor's mom replied.

"K, there's an Applebee's not too far away that should work" My mom stated.

"Sounds good" Victor's mom replied with a friendly smile.

Everyone seemed to be getting along real well which I thought was cool. Anyways...we all headed to our cars and took off towards Applebee's. Lunch went great, the conversation flowed fairly well and everyone had a good time. We talked mainly about school and what it was going to be like. I learned quite a bit about Victor. He has one younger brother, he's actually pretty mature (which I think is sexy), he likes to keep a neat room, (thank god, I hate a messy rooms), and he's in the same program I'm in (didn't think about asking him that earlier...). When everyone was done, the parents paid the bills and we headed outside. Both of our parents offered to come back to the room to make sure everything was all set but Victor and I insisted we'd be ok. I have a feeling he was just as excited as I was to be out of there control. So we all said our goodbyes, which weren't too difficult because both our parents lived relatively close, and headed to our cars.

I got back to the dorm before Victor and that's when it really started to hit me. I was on my own. A million thoughts swarmed my mind and a variety of emotions swept through my body. I could do anything and go anywhere without saying a single word to anyone. As I was standing there in the middle of the room having this epiphany, Victor came through the door behind. We both kinda nodded at each other and started organizing stuff that was still lying around. It was pretty awkward, I'm not gonna lie. Neither of us could think of anything to talk about. After about 10 minutes of throwing clothes into drawers and organizing school crap I was finally finished with putting all my stuff away. I plopped down in my office chair and flipped open my laptop. As my computer was starting itself up, I looked to the other side of the small room where Victor was still unpacking his clothes. This was the first chance I really got to just look at him. I couldn't see any flaws. The longer I stared the more I liked what I saw. One thing I couldn't really tell for sure is exactly what his body looks like...can't really tell until I see him with is shirt off...which I was definitely looking forward to.. Looking at the clothes he was unloading into his drawers I could see he's mostly a preppy dresser. American eagle, Hollister and Aeropostle seemed to dominate the majority of his wardrobe. He must have sensed me staring at him because he turned and gave me a little grin. I tried to look away before he saw me but...I must be slow. He just turned back and continued unpacking. I felt a little embarrassed, but I figured he just thought I was observing what he was doing, not he himself. I flipped on the T.V. and grabbed water from the mini fridge. Victor finished up with everything, sat down on the futon and opened up his laptop.

Victor: "Looks like we like the same type of shows"

Me: "Good, then we won't have to fight for the remote haha"

Burn Notice was on which happened to be one of my favorite shows. I thought it was cool he liked it to. The rest of the afternoon was pretty boring; watched T.V., made some small talk with Victor, facebooked, talked to some people walking by our dorm (Victor and I thought keeping our door open might be a good way to meet new people), made some ramen noodles and finished off the day playing some Xbox. When Victor and I were done playing I started getting ready for was getting a little late. The next day was a Saturday so at least I could sleep in. I climbed up the ladder to my side of the loft and tossed the remote over to victor.

Me: "It's all yours, I'm gonna catch some sleep"

Victor: "Same here" he said getting up from the futon.

After he got up he took his shirt off giving me another great opportunity to check him out. He had quite a bit of muscle. Nice toned pecks with firm shoulders. His whole body was a light tan and was pretty much hairless. He didn't have a six pack, but he wasn't fat at all. I liked everything I saw and decided I should turn away before he caught me staring...again. As I was closing my eyes, only one thought lingered in my mind. How was I going to live all year with the perfect guy sleeping in the same room every night? He seems perfect. He's mature, good looking, polite, nice and once again good looking. I'm developing feelings for him fast, and I can't help it. It's like a fire inside me and every move he makes is fueling it. I eventually feel asleep, my question unanswered.

Hey, hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I know it's moving slow and it's relatively uninteresting but I promise it will get better. If you have any suggestions or comments at all I'd be more than happy to take a look at them/apply them. Just send me an email at I'll have the next chapter out asap.

Next: Chapter 2

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