There Is No Love

By Ryan Westmen

Published on Nov 18, 2011


There Is No Love Chapter 7

Usual disclaimers apply, all copyright goes to me `the author', and may not be used without my consent, you know the drill.

Email me at:

ALSO!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH to my amazing editor Lisa :) You're great and this story would be unreadable without you :)

P.S. this ---oOo--- means a flashback, and when you see it again it means the end of the flashback, and back to the present, got it? Good!

Here we go:

Kai's POV:

My life is finally looking up; my life is finally clearing from dark circled oceans of pain and heartache, clearing into blue pools of love and acceptance. Ty finally confessed his feelings for me and I couldn't be happier, even he is looking much happier with his feeling out in the open. Waking up with his big, warm body pressed against my back was perfect. His strong arm wrapped around my chest draping over in front of me where our hands interlocked. Calm water. I rolled over inside Tyler's strong embrace to face him. I shook him to wake him but he didn't move. I tried again and nothing, the corners of his mouth twitched trying to suppress a smile that was just itching to break free.

"Maybe a kiss would wake me up," he whispered without opening his eyes

"Maybe a punch in the stomach would too," I giggled back. He smiled and well, I couldn't help myself so I leaned in and connected my lips with his. The same wave of burning passion swept through my body. Thank God I didn't imagine it or seriously I would cry.

"That was nice," he huskily whispered after I pulled away. "Maybe a little tongue next time," he smiled.

"What, and smell your sorry morning breath... I don't think so," I giggled getting out of bed, "we need to get to school." I made a move to get out of bed, when a strong arm wrapped around my waist pulling me back down on top of Tyler.

"Or we could just stay here all day and really get to know each other." He said with a very sexy smirk

"We could do that, but I really wanna go see my girlfriend Rachel. She's really pretty and I don't think she would approve of what you're doing." I said smiling. Tyler smiled back

"And what am I doing?" Nuzzling my neck, he breathed in my smell.

"You're corrupting a sweet, innocent boy." I laughed out when he started tickling me and licking my neck. He kept going until I couldn't breathe, and by this time he was on top of me, straddling my hips. His body weight felt so comforting, resting on top of me. It looked like he had morning wood too. I smiled looking down at it; it was definitely an impressive piece of equipment.

"Like what you see huh?" He asked cupping his package with his right hand.

"I don't know, it's a little on the small side don't you think?"

"Oh really?" he leaned right down close to my ear. His warm breath splayed across it, he felt so warm, so secure lying down on me; his body weight creating a barrier protecting me from the outside world.

"How's this for small," he breathed in my ear, a warm flush went to my cheeks as I felt his cock grind into me. Oh man, that is not small at all. Then when I was unsuspecting he tickled me again, sending me into another fit of laughter and erratic breathing.

"We need to get to school." I said trying to move him off me.

"One more kiss?" he asked, and how in hell could I say no to this sex god straddling my waist. You'd struggle too, right? Our lips connected, this kiss was wet and I was enjoying every bit of it. Tyler pulled back first leaving me wanting more of those delicious lips of his.

"C'mon, I'll make breakfast."

Tyler jumped out of my bed and strode down to my kitchen. Wait, mom's still here, shit. I followed him down throwing his shirt at him, it must have came of somewhere during the night. He caught it and kept walking down the stairs into the kitchen. His shirt slung over his broad shoulder and he went and got some items from the pantry then the fridge; bread, tomatoes, and cheese.

"You might wanna go and put some clothes on if your mom's home." His smile brought up both sides of his mouth, and a dimple surfaced. I never noticed that before. I only had boxers on; how the hell did I lose the clothes I was wearing?

"I'll be right back." I quickly ran upstairs and threw my clothes back on. Making my way back down, I almost screamed. Tyler was standing in my kitchen waving a massive knife around like some maniac killer.

"Shit, put the knife down." I instructed quietly.

Tyler laid the knife down flat on the countertop. "I'm not going to hurt you, and you know I am a master chef," he explained.

"That's... reassuring." I laughed softly.

He slid the knife over the bench. "Come here and you can cut the tomatoes."

"Awww, but I hate cooking. How about a deal? You answer one of my questions and I will help cut the tomatoes."

Tyler looked up through his eyelashes. "Ok, deal cutie."

I moved around in front of the cutting board, pushing him away. He came behind me and placed his hands on either side of mine. "First, pick a tomato," he lowered his head so his mouth was next to my ear. His breath was warm, tickling my skin. "Good, now let's cut it." His body was so close I could feel its warmth radiating through me.

"You see, cooking isn't taught it's inherited, like this cute butt." Ty's hand came back and grabbed my butt cheek making me giggle and moved forward, away from him.

After we finished eating, Tyler carried our plates to the sink and rinsed them off. I grabbed the dish towel and wiped off the excess water. It didn't take long to finish the dishes even though we were in the cramped space near the sink.

His body was millimetres apart from mine. I'd like it closer but I think he just likes teasing me. Tyler took the towel from me, walking closer, guiding me back against the sink. "I want to kiss you right now," he whispered

"You're too cocky." I said pushing him back a step. He trapped my hand against his chest and yanked my long sleeve down my wrist, covering my hand with it. Just as quickly he did the same thing with the other hand. My hands were captured to his strong chest. He moved closer so we were pushing against each other. Suddenly he lifted me onto the counter. My face was level with his. He flashed me one of his inviting smiles, his perfect teeth alight with love. I scooted to the edge of the counter, my legs dangling either side of him. Tyler spread his hands on the counter, just outside my hips. Tilting his head to one side, he moved closer. My nostrils were assaulted with the smell of him; his sexy scent that drives me insane. I inhaled two sharp breaths, the things this boy does to me. "We need to go." I breathed

"Go here?" His mouth was on my shoulder, sending waves of pleasure through my body. "Or here?" His mouth moved up my neck, soft touches and wet kisses were encasing my thoughts. His mouth created sensations I haven't felt in a long time. My brain couldn't process anything but pleasure. Tyler's mouth was roaming up over my jaw, gently sucking at my skin. Tyler's hands moved to my thighs, slowly rubbing higher and higher until he reached the prize. He slowly rubbed his hand along the length of my dick. A small whimper worked its way into our kiss. He kept rubbing my dick, jerking me slowly through my pants as we made out by the sink. His tongue snaked across my teeth, exploring every part of my mouth and lips. By now I was slowly moving my hips forward in time with his hand rubbing my crotch, intensifying the feelings that were already surging through my body. I pulled Tyler closer, harder into me. I was kissing with more passion, more lust. I needed to get off now, and what better person to do it with than the one giving me so much pleasure. My hips moved more erratically as my orgasm drew closer. I knew it was coming and so did Tyler. His hand moved faster along the length of my cock. I softly moaned into his mouth...

"Oh wow, sorry; didn't realize you were up." We both snapped our head towards... MOM! Tyler backed away and I jumped off the counter. My face was burning with all different shades of red. How much had she seen? Embarrassing much?

"MOM! Really?" I whined

"Sorry, I didn't realize you were up, nor had company. Hi Tyler." She smiled, giving me the look that screamed: I approve.

"Hi ma'am." Tyler managed to get out, his face almost as red as mine.

"I didn't know you were..."

"He's not."

"Then why was he..."

"He wasn't."

"Are you tog..."

"Mom, go to work." I harrumphed out impatiently.

"Ok fine, see you when I get home sweetie, and Tyler I guess I'll see you later too." She made her way out the door, just before I thought I was gonna faint from embarrassment.

"Let's get to school." I suggested walking up the stairs to get changed.

Mike's POV:

A new day and a new me; I'm focussed on getting what I want and nothing will stop me, not now. I got out of my bed which was a mess with sheets, clothes and body parts. I got up and looked down at Logan lying there peacefully. He was hot but lifeless. His body was hard and tan and his six-pack tightly moulded to his golden skin. He was attractive but he looked like a blow up Ken doll. His skin was cold and plastic-feeling, and he had nothing behind his blue eyes. He had no depth; he was just aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I made my way to my bathroom and started the shower. The hot water started warming my body and matching my smile. Today was the day my plan kicks into high gear. Tyler, you're fucked, and Kai, you're gonna be mine. I know he still has feelings for me; I can see it, the way he looks at me with his emerald eyes. I'm a lightweight and Kai is in control of my heart.

I got out of the shower and stared at myself in the mirror. I was attractive, there was no denying that. I was tall and packed with muscle from football. My dark hair was a mess from the rough night of sex and the long hot shower and my blue eyes refilled with a joyous glow from knowing what waits ahead of me. I get my Kai back, my baby boy.

Ugh... school, wow I hate this place. If it wasn't for Kai and my friends I would just avoid it, ignore it. I mean it isn't even important right? Ok, well it's important now; now that I have a plan to complete.

"So... we coming out as a couple yet?" Logan leisurely dropped while we pulled into school.

"Ahhh... no... not yet. I'm ahhh, not ready yet. I can't yet." Oh shit, I wasn't ready for that one. If only this was Kai; I would scream it out in the halls; yell at the top of my lungs in a heartbeat.

"Ok, well you better be ready soon because I think I may be in love with you." He looked over at me with a stupid grin on his face. His blue eyes were glazed over with happiness. What the fuck do I say to that?

"You love me? Ahhh... I mean, isn't that a... a bit soon? We've only dated for like, not even twenty-four hours yet, I mean, seriously?"

"Yeah, but when you know, you know, right? So Mike, I love you." He grabbed my hand and pulled it down to his thigh, then leaned over for a kiss. I can't do this, no not now.

"That's great, but we will be late for class." I quickly retracted my hand and leaned away as he leaned in. He stopped and his eyes shot open. If looks could kill I'd be dead. His steel blue gaze felt like it came straight from hell. I flew out the door as fast as I could. I practically ran into school. What have I gotten myself into? I mean, he loves me already? I don't even like him; I just need him for my plan.

I walked through the front entrance to school and there was my baby, standing at his locker, finding his books. He's so cute; his tight, grey jeans hugged his cute little bubble butt and his black shirt hugged every slight curve on his slender body. I mean this kid is a walking wet-dream. Standing next to my angel, was him; the biggest asshole in the world; Tyler. My eyes turned into slits, burning a hole in his back, fucking dickhead. How is Kai even letting him that close? I mean the jerk hit him in the nose, what is happening? He completely ignores me but Tyler is like the apple of his eye. There is a bit of a difference between what we did to Kai, but still the point is, we both hurt him. We should get the same punishment right?

I need some space or I'm gonna walk over there and fuck his shit up. My teeth were clenched tight, my fist shaking with rage from seeing this asshole, just being there next to Kai and Kai not even acting like he pretty much broke his nose. I'm gonna kill that fucker. I stormed off to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. Fuck, this plan may be harder than I thought. Nope, I can do it. I just have to suck it up until my plan is finished, and then Kai will come running back to me. Hopefully, if all goes according to plan. Ok Mike, phase one is a go. I splashed some water from the tap on my face; the refreshing coolness running over my flushed face. I breathed deeply five times and headed out the door. Today, oh today is just the beginning.

??? POV:

Oh how I remember this shithole the government calls an education institution. So many memories I have here, so many people I have to remember from here. I swear I have had some form of sexual encounters on every inch of this school. Oh the days, I'm sure this place never forgot my face; all the memories it has of me, all the memories I have of it. And it's amazing how, no matter how hard you try to leave, something or someone always makes you come back. Like birds of passage we may migrate, but hell, we always return. Walking up to the grand entrance of the establishment, I realized just how much has actually changed since I left. The walls were painted; the floors sharply polished, new lockers replaced that of old rusted tin. Even the people had become... friendlier. It's weird, and I never remembered people being this happy to be here. Jeez, I'd only been gone what? A month? And it's like I've moved to a completely new city. What is happening? It's hard to get your bearings in a place so new, and yet I knew every square inch of this place personally.

My eyes were shooting all around the place, taking in the new additions. Guess I have some work to do, welcoming the new features in my own way. Oh that boy is cute; I'd like to welcome him here. As I was admiring the view, some bitch ran into my back knocking me forward. Seriously, no clue what the fuck was happening, she looked up into my face and smiled.

"Oh man, sorry mate I'm so sorry." Australian. Hmmm, interesting.

"Hey, that's ok, I'm new, and could you tell me where the main office is?" Might as well try and make friends while I'm here even though I know my way around still, this girl is gorgeous. Guess she would be the best.

"Oh yeah, I can show you. I'm new too. Well I've been here for a week now. I'm Rachel." She extended her hand out to me. I grabbed it and she had quite a grip, wow. I smiled and let go.

"I'm Aaron."

"Ok Aaron, it's this way. Quick before class starts." We walked down a long hall of lockers, and there he was; my man. That hot motherfucker that had had me craving him since I left. His muscled arms were tightly clad in his shirt. His muscled bubble but I could eat for days. I started walking over to where he was standing.

"Hey, it's over here mate." Rachel called. Ugh, bitch I know where it is. I turned and flashed a fake smile. Walking over I headed into the office to collect my schedule and all the other shit you need to do to enroll. Yawn. So fucking boring, but I guess I'll have to struggle through.

"Here is your schedule. Your first class is English. The bell will ring shortly and then the second tardy bell rings two minutes after that. I suggest you don't be late. Have a great day." The woman behind the desk said, signalling me to leave with a friendly smile that has been trained over years. She's new; I wonder if she'd like to be welcomed by me too.


Ugh. Class; the worst part of school. Why can't we just come here and have free sex time? Would be so much more fun and educational. You'd learn a life skill.

Kai's POV:

Tyler is so cute leaning against the locker looking at me with a smirk. "Quit staring at me, people are starting to look." I said annoyed but with a smile on my face.

"I can't help thinking of that kiss this morning and when you mom walked in. I thought I was toast," he said starting to laugh, and I joined in. Looking back now it was funny; mom looked just as embarrassed as us. She didn't know where to look, but I guess it's her own fault for disrupting us in such an intimate moment. We were both pretty much hysterical at the look on my mom's face when she walked in. As we were slowly dying from laughing so much at the situation earlier this morning, Rachel came up next to us.

"Hey guys, what's got you two laughing?" she asked looking between Tyler and I.

"Oh, just something that happened this morning." I replied, trying to control my laughter. Oh mom, I'm sorry.

"Ok, so there's a new kid here today and he is a total babe." Rachel said looking at me. "You would appreciate him Kai." She said with her eyes going into a dreamy state.

"Oh really? Why's that?" I asked my interest piqued. If Rachel was this into him already that's kind of amazing.

"Oh, just because he is tall and blonde, and he has the bluest eyes ever. Nothing like Tyler's, but they're definitely gorgeous. And muscles' well from what I could see, he had an amazing upper body, those jeans he wore hugged his legs too. Mate I'm telling you, he was totally hot." Rachel said recalling this hottie she saw. The way she described him fit Aaron's description, but that's stupid; he's gone and is hopefully never coming back. How dumb do I sound? Of course Aaron isn't coming back; that's idiotic.


"Oh well, we have the next class now. I'll tell you the really hot part at lunch," Rachel added with a wink. There's a really hot part? I walked off waving to Tyler; he had to go the other way for his class. I was walking along when I felt someone walk up next to me keeping pace with me.

"Hey, can we talk please?" Mike's voice was soft and sincere, he was hurting and I could tell. As much as I wanted to scream at him NO! I found myself being sucked in by my old best friend.

"Yeah sure, but make it quick." I said not taking my eyes from the corridor in front of me.

"Look, I know I fucked up big time, but I miss you Kai. I miss us; I miss all the good times we spent together. I'm trying to say I'm sorry and I never meant to hurt you. I know what I did was fucking terrible and looking back on it now, I realize there were a million other ways I could have handled it. But I picked the one that would make my best friend hate me. I miss you Kai and I never meant to fuck you around. But it happened, and if I could take it back, trust me I would do it in a heartbeat." He looked down at his shoes, playing with the ground. He seemed so real, so sincere. I have to forgive, he is Mike. The one I used to look up to and adore; hell he was my first crush. He doesn't know it but that first one always holds a special place in your heart.

"Look Mike. You fucked up big time. You pretty much ruined my life. It still hurts every day. What you did to me was wrong, so wrong, in so many ways. You were supposed to be my best friend and then you turn around and do this to me. I mean seriously, what was going through your head that would convince you that what you were doing was right? You must have known it would backfire and ruin everything we had. Look, I hate myself for what I'm about to do, but I guess I'm in a good mood and you are my best friend, well were. I forgive you, can we be friends? I'm not saying you will be my best friend again or ever. But I'm sick of fighting and sick of feeling like shit all the time, so truce?" I can't believe I'm doing this, but it's Mike, and no matter what, he will always be in my heart. I mean we were best friends and we spent so much time together; we were like family and long ago I loved him. But he's going to have to earn his stripes back.

"See you at lunch then maybe?" Mike asked. His faced was washed over with relief and happiness, this really was hurting him. His smile wasn't fake or forced, it was actually real. Real Mike was coming back. Just like real Kai was making his way back into the world.

Lunch. YAY! I love lunch! It's probably my favourite part of school, especially now since Tyler is waiting for me. I walked into the cafeteria and sure enough there he was. Leaning against the counter, his shirt snugly fitting the muscles carved onto his chest and his broad shoulders filling up all the extra space. The shirt hung tight against his abs. Those rock solid pockets of steel. His jeans hugged his legs perfectly and his face, oh man, his face.

"Hi," I said standing next to him, moving through the line

"Hey, how was class?" He asked, smiling down at me. His perfect teeth shone in the fluorescent cafeteria lights

"It was awesome actually. Mike and I talked." As soon as I said his name, Tyler's whole body stiffened, but his smile stayed plastered on his face. Don't try and hide it Tyler; I know you're pissed.

"What did he want?" A vicious undertone came through and I thought maybe I shouldn't have told him this.

"He wanted to talk and we did. He apologized for what he did to me, but this time it was different. I believed him; he was hurting I could see it. I know you won't be happy, but I forgave him." I explained. At that moment Tyler walked off to find a table to sit at. I grabbed my tray and his tray and moved to find him. He was sitting alone so I sat next to him and put his tray down.

"Look, you're mad, I get it. I don't understand why you're so touchy with him. After such a great morning let's not ruin it now, ok?"

"Yes, ok its fine. Let's drop it." We sat in silence eating and I was staring over at him and he didn't look that happy. Actually he looked fucking pissed and I don't blame him. I mean he has every right to be pissed, but I don't like pissed Tyler. It's not much fun. As we were sitting there in silence I kept peeking up to see how Tyler was reacting. He's never been this bad before. As we were eating, Rachel came up beside me and placed her tray on the table

"Hey guys, so this is the new kid I was talking about." She smiled out in her Aussie twang. I looked up at the tall, blonde boy. Instantly, all the colour left my body; everything went weak, limp. Aaron...

Ohk Guys here the newest chapter I finally got time to write. Hope it keeps you satisfied for just a tad longer because I honestly have n idea when I will get time next. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks I have written half a chapter, so I might send that out if I take too long for a whole chapter

Hope your all enjoying the story. Comments Thoughts suggestions, wanna chat email me at:

Peace out :P

Next: Chapter 8

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