There Is No Love

By Ryan Westmen

Published on Sep 1, 2011


Usual disclaimers apply, all copyright goes to me `the author' and may not be used without my consent, you know the drill.

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ALSO!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH to my amazing editor Lisa :) You're great and this story would be unreadable without you :)

P.S. this ---oOo--- means a flashback, and when you see it again it means the end of the flashback, and back to the present, got it? Good!

Here we go:

Kai's P.O.V.:

Being human, the one thing I thought I was good at, it turns out that THAT is breaking me apart. The human condition; to feel emotion, to feel love; the only thing that is capable of tearing you apart, ripping you to shreds. Love is the only emotion we go to the end of the world and back for, true love is beautiful.

Love is constantly developing like a Polaroid before your eyes; little pieces of the clearing from the unsightly cloud of black, the picture, your picture, the one you never want to see. A picture that changes your view of everything and of everyone. My Polaroid is framed by me with crimson blood gushing out of my nose, courtesy of two dark pigments of cloud that couldn't keep their emotions under control. Fuck my life. The cool towel struck my nose with a vengeance; can nothing in my life even go half right? It's like I'm stuck in an episode of some sorry teen drama. Fuck Mike, Fuck Tyler, next time I'll leave them to just bash the fuck out of one another.


Tyler sprang from his swing, sending it flying backward, rattling the chains holding it airborne. His back tightened as I saw him charge at someone, who the fuck is he going at? Then I heard his voice, the one voice I wish never heard, especially given the situation. Mike. Crunch! Tyler tackled Mike to the ground, his skull falling back, driving hard onto the bark covered ground of the small park. "You motherfucker, how could you hurt Kai like that?" Tyler barked, his voice filled with a venomous rage. In all my years of friendship, I have never heard Tyler angry or scream at me, or anyone around me. His voice was deep and masculine, sending chills up my spine. He was going to kill Mike.

"Get the fuck off me pretty boy," Mike's voice bit back with the same, if not more rage. SLAP! That was it, the first hit was made; Tyler's hand collided with Mike's strong jaw, and the crunch could be heard from where I was sitting. As soon as I heard the sound I jumped from my swing and sped over two the hulking boys locked in an intense fight. Mike and Tyler were hitting each other with everything they had; faces, chests, legs, all body parts were getting an onslaught from the other. Mike managed to get up from the ground and it just became more violent; both were bleeding, bruising, and welling with pain. The ferocity of their fight had me frozen to the spot. Did I miss something? This is over more than just what I told Tyler. The power and force they were attacking each other with, this had been building for years. Neither was slowing, both as determined as the other to come out the victor.

"Stop!" I screamed pushing my way between them, but it was no use, they pushed me out of the way and went back for each other, growling with hatred for the other. No words were exchanged after the first punch was thrown; just an angered filled cloud surrounded them, telling the other everything they had to say.

"I SAID STOP!" I screamed again, clawing my way between them. CRACK! A stray elbow came colliding with my face, sending my head reeling. The pain washed over me like a wave, my eyes welled with the force, and crimson liquid began drooling down my face onto my shirt and the bark surrounding me.

"Fuck Kai!" they both exclaimed in unison. The anger left their faces, their rage vanishing completely. They were at my side within seconds, trying to help ease the pain of my bleeding nose.


Why is it so hard to just forget and move on with your life? It takes parts of your life to try and erase the pain, the pain brought on by love. The constant nagging feeling clawing at your heart, telling you, 'it's a lie'. No matter how much you wish it weren't true, it is. Love is a cold, heartless bitch. One door finally closes and then it is violently pushed back open. Love is just playing with you, letting you think you're finally moving on and then bam, it brings back the heartache tenfold. The heartache that is caused by the same people over and over again; why is it always the same people that seem to play with your heart? Never fully letting it go; never letting it recover; just constantly harassing it with more vicious scars.

I can't lie, it does hurt. Every day that I see one of them it hurts, and now we have to add this newest addition to the long list of heartbreak, to the never ending list of pain, pain of the heart.


"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I screamed holding both of my shaking hands to my nose, which was bleeding like a faucet. The pain was spreading through my entire face; this is going to leave a mark. I tried shaking them off but neither of the big boys would let me get up. "I said get off!" I snapped, this time they both backed off enough to let me stand and nothing else.

"Are you ok Kai?" Tyler's deep voice calmed some of the hate I was feeling toward both of these boys. It calmed me, but not enough to make me ignore what just happened, and how I ended up with a bleeding nose

"No, I'm not alright. What they fuck is wrong with you two? You don't just go and bash the fuck out of each other, how fucking mature of the both of you. Honestly, I can't deal with this right now... I'm leaving!" I screamed as I pushed past both of them. A strong hand came down on my shoulder, stopping me from walking away "Let me go, now!" I barked. The hand was removed and not a second too soon, I would have fucking broke it if I had to turn around.

"Kai, I'll walk you home." Tyler said as his voice became louder, he was jogging up next to me.

"Fuck off, I get home myself, you two can go back to bashing the fuck out of each other" I scowled. I am fucking out of here.


Honest to God I am over boys. I am over the shit that follows them around like flies, their young, juvenile hormones driving a burning passion to make mistakes, to fuck up everything, to blur out your Polaroid. Yet with all the fuck ups I still keep running back to the people who fuck my life up, but not with Mike and Tyler intervening in my emotional course. I can see how stupid I was for believing Aaron; believing he loved me, believing he would always be there to fade the dark pigments of my Polaroid into joyous color. No, he was always the one forcing me into things, into awkward, disgusting situations, playing with my emotions like a rag doll, thrown in the toy box, only to be used for a splash of color, or excitement. Aaron was the dark cloud stopping my picture from coming into focus, from revealing what my life should be like, not some dusty old play toy.

This is it; today the story of Kaiden is begun, being drafted into a best seller. Today my life begins; I'll break all the chains which are holding me back, breaking every single link, Mike, Tyler and especially Aaron. I'm leaving the past where it lay and wiping my slate clean of any imperfections, oh yes today my life begins.

Tyler's P.O.V.:

"FUCK!" I screamed to my empty room, the sound echoed off the cold walls, like my heart without Kai. What was I thinking? Of course I always wanted to get my own back on Mike, but to find out he did that to Kai, seriously? And I thought I hated the guy before. I punched my pillows over and over letting out my built up anger. My bruised, beaten knuckles seared with pain again, my body was sore. I had purple and blue bruises all over my strong body and a decent sized cut underneath my left eye. I can't give up on him again; I just realized how much I need him, how much I love him. Me, Tyler! I love Kai. A soft knock at my door took me from my idealistic state.

"Ty, baby. You want some dinner? I'm just about to start," my mother came in through the door. I don't have time for this; if she comes closer she will see all the bruises and the cuts. I have to get rid of her.

"Ahh... nah mom, it's ok; I'm not hungry." I said turning my face into my beaten pillow, in an attempt to hide my face.

"Okay, is everything alright? You're always hungry," her soft voice seemed to calm me down; mothers always know how to get you out of a bad mood. I didn't turn my head. I need to go and see Kai, I need to explain to him what happened, I need to tell him how I feel. I mean seriously I love him.

"Everything is fine; I ate just before I came home. I'm actually going to go and chill with some of the guys, that cool?" I asked, she won't say no, she never can say no to me spending time with my friends.

"Sure, just make sure your home by midnight; you have school tomorrow," she said making her exit from my darkened room. Now or never right; I have to tell Kai tonight, before I lose my nerve. I have kept it in too long; it's time for him to see just how much he means to me, to see just how much I care for him.

I jumped from my bed heading straight for the bathroom; I have to look nice for my Kai. I scrubbed everything, softly cleaning away the pain from earlier today. Fucking Mike, who the fuck does he think he is? I never liked him, not since he took Kai away from me when we were little kids, replacing me as the best friend; he turned out to be a good best friend didn't he? I'm glad I got to rough him up a bit, he was a lot worse than I was; I saw his face before I left him there today, all bruised and bloodied.


Kai stormed off, he wouldn't even stop when I put my hand on his shoulder, and he is so pissed at us, at me. I turned to face Mike, no one stopping us now asshole. When I turned I was shocked by how much damage I actually caused to his face. His right cheek was split open and a crimson stream was flowing freely down his tan face. Both of his eyes had massive bruises and there were bruises along his jaw line, and his shirt was torn and dishevelled. I really did a number on him. Fucking asshole deserved every bit.

"Look Mike, I know what you did to Kai, and you better stay the fuck away from him. I mean don't even look at him, don't even think about him, or I will fucking kill you; it won't be fast either. I will torture your pathetic ass until you feel what he is going through, got it?" My voice a deep growl, my anger seeped through the pores on my body; I had so much hate for this kid.

"I can't do that Ty, and no one, especially you, can tell me to stay away from him," he retorted with a bark. I lunged forward and wrapped my strong hand around his throat, squeezing with hate. His throat tightened with the added pressure.

"Excuse me? You stay the fuck away, got it?"

"No, I won't. Guess... we will.... have to fi-i-ght for h-i-im," he choked out between short breaths. I squeezed his throat tighter; he was still standing his ground

"Stay away from him, or I will kill you right here, right now." I growled, my eyes narrowing on his, his hardened gaze yielded to mine. Guess I'm the alpha male around here. "Got it?"

"Y-y-e-a-a-a-h," he choked. I released my death grip from his throat, leaving a throbbing hand print across his neck. He got that message loud and clear; no one fucks with my Kai.


After spending ten minutes in the warm, soothing pressure of the shower, I got out and dried off throwing on some of my nice clothes. I put on a deep blue button-down shirt and black jeans which showed off nicely in all the right places. I grabbed my keys, wallet and phone and made a quick dash for the door. Please don't let my mom see me or stop me. I flew out the door and to my car, turning the ignition and flying out of my driveway off to Kai's house. What will I say when I get there? 'Look Kai, I know I fucked up, but I love you' No way; that would freak him out. I need to be more subtle... Screw it; I'll just make it up on the spot; I'm too nervous to think of something amazing to say to him. As I got closer and closer to Kai's house my nerves built more and more, my whole body was shaking with a nervous anticipation of what the outcome of this night will be. I pulled up in front of his house. I turned the car off and was frozen in place.

I can't do this, if he rejects me I'll die. I love him too much to be rejected by him, but I've waited too long to just give up, I let Aaron have his turn, hell I even let Mike take him from me when we were younger. If I was stronger then, there probably would have been a completely different outcome to the situation I'm in now. We could have been dating instead of him getting fucked over by two of the most important guys in his life.

I sat for ten minutes taking slow, deep breaths, running through every scenario in my head; it's now or never, right? This is the last chance to make my mark; to show who I am and how much Kai means to me. I opened the metallic car door and stepped out into the cold night air, the bruises on my face instantly perked with the cool environment, a slight sting playing across my face. I slowly walked up to the front door where I took four deep breaths and held the last one as I knocked on the door. Just relax, seriously Tyler, he won't laugh at you, he's too nice to do that. He will probably give me one of his sweet smiles which make my stomach flip and my heart beat that much faster.

"Oh Tyler, how nice to see you again, it has been too long since you were here last." Kai's mom smiled and me warmly. For a middle-aged woman she was still gorgeous, a spitting woman image of Kai. She stood about five feet six inches tall with long, wavy brown hair which reached the middle of her back. She had the same high cheek bones as Kai, and the same emerald eyes.

"It has been a while hasn't it? Is Kai home?" I asked shuffling nervously on my feet.

"Yes he is, come in. You can see him on one condition; tell me what happened to your face honey." She moved aside and I walked into the homey place. Shit I completely forgot about my face, well I can give her a short version of the truth.

"Of course, well, Mike and I got in a fight over a girl and it didn't end up too well; he is twice as bad as me though." I said with a nervous laugh. A girl? Really? You couldn't have just said Kai. I mean, you're going to confess your love to him tonight, and the best you got is 'some girl'?

"Do I know this special girl who has you both love struck?" She asked with the same caring smile she always seemed to carry with her.

"Ahhh... Oh...Um, She's new; just came from Australia." I replied, looking down at my shuffling feet, just make the lie worse Ty, I mean seriously.

"Oh, well dear that's terrible, making you two fight. I guess love does some crazy shit," she said with a small laugh. "You still remember where his room is right? It's been that long; I wouldn't blame you if you forgot." She said smiling and heading back to the lounge room to finish watching whatever was on. His room, how could I forget where my love's own little sanctuary was, his one place he can claim as his in this dark, dark world.

I headed down the roomy corridor until I reached the smooth, wooden door; Kai's door. I knocked softly, too softly for anyone to actually hear me.

"MOM! I'm not in the mood, just leave." Kai's angelic voice rang from the other side of the door, his voice was annoyed but he still sounded like an angel to me, my angel. I softly pushed the heavy door open, my heart stopped when I saw him lying on his bed, in just his underwear. His tight bubble butt formed perfectly with the curves of the boxer briefs.

"Ahhh... It's not your mom." I said softly my cheeks flushed with a warm blush, oh man; this is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

Authors Note: Just asking if you guys could email me, I want to know how many people actually want this story to continue. :S

Comments, thoughts, suggestions, anything, email me:

Peace out. :P

Next: Chapter 6

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