Theo in Control

By Sven Benters

Published on Jan 24, 2021


This is a fanfiction story with the characters Theo Vanderway (Tyler Johnson) and Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor)

This story says nothing about the actors being gay or something it's just pure fiction.

Copyrights © CBS Young and the Restless

Theo walks inside at the Abbott mansion "Hello is someone there" he hears nothing and walks into the living room.

"Who's there?" comes from upstairs.

Theo looks towards the stairs and sees Kyle halfway down the stairs, wet, wearing only a towel.

"Oh it's you" Kyle sneers.

"Yes it's me, I have as much right to be here, as you" Theo replies.

"Whatever" Kyle says and goes back upstairs.

An annoyed Theo doesn't keep it there and goes upstairs to follow Kyle. Meanwhile Kyle drops his towel to get dressed when Theo opens the door, startling Kyle who stands front and center before Theo. Theo looks at naked Kyle and grins "You are happy to see me or what"

"Ugh, shut up, what the hell are you actually doing here" Kyle says annoyed.

Theo stares at Kyle standing naked.

"Uhm... why don't you take a picture?" Kyle says, crossing his arms to make a point.

"Maybe I should" Theo says and grabs his phone and takes a picture before Kyle can hide his cock.

"Hey, what the hell man" Kyle says angrily and walks over to Theo "Give me that phone and delete that picture" Kyle demands.

"No way, this is gold" Theo says laughing.

Both Theo and Kyle struggle.

"Man it looks like you want me" Theo jokes.

"Just shut up, give me that phone" Kyle says angrily.

"Well maybe I will if you do something for me" Theo says.

Kyle stops fighting for the phone "Like what?"

"Get on your knees and suck my cock" Theo instructs.

Kyle laughs "Good one, I almost thought you meant it"

"I do" Theo reveals.

"What no way, I'm not... I mean we are cousins" Kyle says.

"Do you want that picture to be deleted or what?" Theo asks.

Kyle looks angry towards Theo "That would be incest"

"I don't care what it is, I want you down on your knees sucking my cock" Theo demands.

Kyle looks at Theo, seeing Theo means it.

"What are you waiting for, you don't want me to delete that picture anymore?" Theo asks.

"Fine okay" Kyle sneers and gets on his knees.

Theo smirks, he puts the phone in his pocket, he pulls his blazer off, throws it on Kyle's bed and unzips his pants, taking his cock out.

"Start sucking" Theo commends.

Kyle looks at Theo's cock, hesitating, he can't believe he's about to suck cock.

"Do it now" Theo instructs "Open that mouth and suck it"

Kyle leans forward, he takes Theo's cock in his hand but suddenly Theo slaps at his hand "Use only your mouth"

Kyle opens his mouth and takes Theo's cock in his mouth.

"All the way" Theo demands.

Kyle takes Theo's cock deep and suddenly gags, pulling away from Theo's cock.

"Is that all you can do?" Theo asks.

Kyle looks up at Theo "Please Theo" he begs.

"You know what I want, and I want you to do it well otherwise I won't delete that picture"

An annoyed Kyle takes Theo's cock back inside, placing his hands on Theo's ass to hold on and tries to take all of Theo's cock.

"Mmm... yeah that's it, take my whole cock deep, make me hard" Theo moans.

Kyle feels he has to gag again but tries to hold it in.

"Stroke your own cock while you suck me" Theo instructs.

Kyle suddenly stops and looks up at Theo.

"Did I tell you to stop, suck me and stroke your own cock" Theo says and puts his hands in his pocket, looking down as Kyle continues sucking him again.

Theo standing with his suit on, with a naked Kyle sucking and stroking his own cock, he grins, enjoying seeing this. Kyle sucks on Theo's cock that has gotten completely hard and feels Theo putting his hands at his head.

"Brace yourself while I face fuck you now" Theo announces.

Before Kyle knows it Theo starts to face fucking him rough and hard, Theo pushing his cock back and forth inside Kyle's mouth, hitting deep, making Kyle feel he needs to gag but to keep it in Kyle squeezes Theo's ass. Theo enjoys face fucking Kyle hard and continues with it. Because of the stroking earlier Kyle's cock is hard and bouncing while he takes Theo's cock deep in his throat. Drool drips from Kyle's chin. It's like he almost can't breathe, feeling Theo's big hard cock hitting deep in his throat, making Kyle choke on it and feeling he needs to gag. Sweat forms on Theo's forehead from face fucking Kyle hard and rough.

"Take it, fucking take it" Theo says while grunting deeply and breathing heavy

Kyle keeps his hands on Theo's ass squeezing to hold on.

"Mmmm fuck yeah" Theo says out loud, enjoying face fucking Kyle.

"Fuck I'm coming close" Theo announces.

Kyle feels like Theo is about to push his cock through his skull, so hard and rough Theo face fucks him.

"Brace yourself, I'm about to cum" Theo says.

Suddenly Kyle feels a warm amount of cum filling his mouth and shooting in his throat.

"FUCK YEAH" Theo shouts.

Kyle's mouth is so full with Theo's big cock and shooting cum that he has no option but to swallow, the thought of him swallowing cum makes him want to gag but it all goes so fast, he has swallowed it all and before he knows it Theo let's go of his head and Kyle drops to the ground on his hands and knees, catching his breath.

"Damn you are a great cock sucker man" Theo says while putting his cock back in his pants.

Kyle looks up at Theo who puts his blazer on "Will you now delete that picture?" he asks.

"No way, I'm going to keep it so we can have another round like this soon" he winks and walks off.

Kyle too tired to get up and run after Theo sits on the ground, catching his breath and trying to figure out what actually just happened.

To be continued.....

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Next: Chapter 2

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