
By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Jan 9, 2019


Theo 2


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Theo 2


After dropping Theo off at the main gate of the base, I began to feel uneasy. Somehow over the previous 3 days being around him, I'd begun to have feelings for the boy. It was unusual for me. Most times I never allowed myself such luxury. We'd only had that one sexual encounter. But I felt protective of the boy. Returning to my bed I missed the warmth of his body next to mine,the cuddle, sleeping spooned against his smooth back. I told myself that it would all go away when he didn't call the next day.

In the morning I woke with a cold shudder and an empty space next to me. I was in a foul mood all morning. I avoided Carlo and my guests. Around 11AM my cell range. As strange number popped up. I picked up the cell saying "hello" to whomever was on the other end. Theo's voice, sounding very happy, greeted me. He spoke loudly to be heard over the background noise, " Do you still want to meet me? I'll be finished here and wait for you outside the main gate in an hour and a half." I tried to control my emotions with a simple reply "Ok, see you then." Immediately I made 2 calls. First, I called Carlo telling him that dinner tonight would be family style to celebrate Theo's leaving the corps. He and all of the guests would be invited. My second call was to a rather special leather shop near the base. There I order two gifts for Theo to celebrate his departure from the Marines and entry into a new life.

On the one hour ride to the base, I cursed every red light, every traffic delay. I really didn't understand my emotional reaction. I just knew I was happy. Finally, pulling up to the bus shelter outside the main gate I saw Theo standing with some other grunts, all apparently newly discharged. Each one with his filled duffle bag. Theo rushed up to the passenger side window "Can you give my two buddies a lift to the bus station in town?" I said sure and popped the trunk for all of their bags. Theo jumped into the passenger seat next to me and gave me a hug. The other two climbed into the back seat saying thanks. They carried on a lively conversation as we rode. I told them that I had to make one stop before dropping them at the bus station. I pulled into the ordinary looking strip mall and parked in front of the leather store. I told Theo that I'd only be a minute and rushed in. I inspected the gifts I'd ordered for Theo. Satisfied, I paid for them asking that they be wrapped in black paper with silver ribbons.

Returning to the car, I senses a changed mood. I looked at a smiling Theo and then at the two in the back seat. They both looked somber. "OK, what's up Theo?" I asked. Without missing a beat, Theo said "I told them that I now wanted to belong to you." "You did what? Don't I have a say?" I stammered. Crest fallen Theo just mumbled "I thought you wanted me." The mood was broken by the rwo in the back seat. One of them said "Dude, he wants to belong to you.Don't you get it?" The other boy said "Come on Theo needs a man to guide him, to protect him, to love him." I grabbed him with both my hands on the sides of his head. "Is that what you want?" I whispered. He nodded yes as his tears began to flow. I leaned over to kiss his tear stained cheeks. Recovering, I asked the other two if they had plans for the next two days. Both boys told me that they had none. I asked if they wanted to spend a couple of days at my place. They rapidly agreed telling me that they'd like to make sure Theo was safe. The hour long drive was filled with Theo's description of the guest house and its facilities.

We arrived at the first set of gates. They were impressed with the tight security I'd installed. After passing through the second gates and driving up the long driveway, we arrived at the front entry. Carlo met us at the door. Behind him peeking through the doorway I could see the four guests. I told Carlo that we'd have two additonal guests for dinner. I told Theo to take his buddies to the attic drom quarters and then give them a tour of the place. He ran off with the other two close behind. I headed to my office with Carlo running behind me. "Are you sure about this boss?" he asked. I looked up at him saying "No, but I'm hoping he's the right one."

Dinner that night was a festive affair with Theo's two buddies telling us all stories of their overseas adventures. At the end of the meal I made a toast to Theo and presented him with my two gifts. He unwrapped them to find a black leather dog collar with his initials in silver and a matching leather wrist cuff. Everyone applauded. Carlo announced that it was time to go to the special room to make Theo officially part of our family. With lighted candles all of us descended to the locked door in the basement. Taking the key from me, Carlo unlocked the door and we all entered. Quickly candles were lit around the room and cloths discarded. There was a black, leather covered platform in the center of the room. Carlo gave each of the naked, stiff membered men rose petals which they tossed onto the platform. The seven men all stood around the platform with lighted tapers. I stood at the foot of the platform with Theo in front of me. First I fastened the cuff to his wrist, then the collar around his neck. I asked him if he willingly submitted to my authority? In a loud voice he replied "YES!" I pushed him back onto the leather platform. I raised his legs placing each one on my shoulder. One last time I asked "Do you submit your self, your body to me?" Theo this time screamed "Yes". Carlo came up with a container of oil and poured some on his hole. I rubbed the head of my cock in the dripping oil saying "I now take your submission to be true." With those words I plunged all of my ten inches into his body. I heard gasps from those watching and deep moans from Theo. Out of the corner of my vision I saw his two buddies, his witnesses, gasp and pull on their hardened cocks. They were not alone as the others watched me claim Theo as my own.

As I took Theo, others submitted to their own base desires. Pairs and groups fell to the floor enthralled in their search for release at the bodies of their neighbors. I spent the night bringing Theo to every possible sexual awakening. His moans and my own echoed in the dimmly lit room. He, probably for the first time in his life, knew what it was to be loved, truely loved. He experienced repeated orgasms, he felt himself being filled over and over again with the evidence of my deep feelings for him. As the night wore on and the room emptied we were left alone to savor our bliss. I knew in the morning that the men would drag their tired but satisfied bodies to breakfast. I knew that Theo would proudly side at my right hand fully contented. He would've have found his own superior man.

hope you enjoyed this part, in the words of the old Stones song "Hope you got some satisfaction" comments welcomed:

Next: Chapter 3

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