
By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Nov 29, 2018


Theo cajuncock

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Theo cajuncock

Once upon a time in a sunny Southern state there was a young boy, Theo. He lived with his grandma and mother in a small, 2 bedroom trailer among many other similar trailers. Yes, they were tailer park trash. Theo's dad had moved out when he found out his girlfriend was pregnant, a not unusual thing at the time. He was raised by the two women. His grandma made do with government handouts and the generousity of the good church folks in town. His mom worked as the night waitress in the diner just off the interstate. Theo never knew that there was any other kind of life. Most of his cloths were from the Goodwill shop or other handouts. They did not starve but neither did they know luxury. As he grew older and went to school he saw more of the world outside of the trailer park. The school bus would begin it's morning run at the gates of the trailer park and then proceed to the "nicer" neighborhoods to pick up the other students. Those parents had told the driver, alongwith a few extra dollars, that would be the route. They didn't want their precious darlings to see how poor people lived.

High school was theo's only look into the wider world. Having little spare money there was no extra for sports activities after school. Theo would be dropped off at the last stop. Some days the driver would walk him back to his grandma's trailer, always carrying a bottle in a brown paper bag. Grandma and the driver would sit and drink telling Theoto go out and play with the other kids. Now, like most, this trailer park's spaces were close together to fit as many in as possible. Often theo would see the trailer rocking back and forth while his grandma entertained the bus driver. He never wondered why this happened because other trailers did the same.

As puberty hit, Theo was installed in his grandma's small bedroom on a pallet on the floor. When he heard his grandma snoring he'd get up and make sure the half empty bottle's top was screwed on tight. Grandma didn't like having her liquor wasted. His mom would often come in after 2AM having closed the diner and dragging some man into her bedroom. Theo could hear the noise they made. Most times his mom didn't even know or rememnber the man's name, just calling out "Yeah,stud." Some nights Theo would be awakened by the moans and the sound of skin slapping on skin. Curious, he'd quietly crawl to the other bedroom to see the man's ass pumping roughly. Some mornings as he showered in the small bethroom, a naked man would come into piss. Theo would stand in the shower staring at the hard cock unashamedly. Once or twice the man would turn to show the boy what a grown, naked man looked like. Theo would blush and the man would whisper "Hush boy you don't want to wake your ma." If the man was still horny he'd order the boy to kneel and then he'd rub his cock across the boy's pink lips. Theo licked his tongue out to the tip grasping at the tiny, clear bubble at the tip. The man groaned and quickly moved back, away from the young boy. Theo had been taught to always obey his superiors, all the adults around him. This man was no different. These small incidents framed his view of the world in his simple mind. He was to obey all superior men. That was just about anyone educated, richer, more worldly.

Theo's graduation from high school was just another day for him. He wouldn't go to the ceremony since he didn't have good cloths or even shoes like the other boys. He told the school to just mail his diploma. He knew that after graduation he was on his own. His grandma often told him that once he finished school he was on his own since the government would no longer send checks to support him. It was no surprise to him. He knew that the government money supported his family. Without his portion of the money his ma and grandma would have scrape by. His first stop after leaving school was the Marine recruiter. The first time he saw the recruiter he knew that this was the kind of man he'd have to obey. He signed up even though the marine warned him that he'd need to bulk up in order pass the physical and boot camp. For the 3 weeks before he was scheduled to leave he worked out for hours each day. He gained 20 lbs. in that time. He was eager to meet the Marines who'd escort him and the other recruits to Carolina for boot camp.

Boot camp was not easy. The marines break the recruits down to rebuild them into Marines. Theo was the perfect candidate. He already believed that all other, stronger men were superior to him and had to be obeyed. He was the compliant, 17 year old recruit. It soon became obvious that he could be manipulated. Officers and NCOs found that this naive boy could be used as their personal toy. Many a night he'd be hauled out of bed and told to report to an officer or an NCO where he'd receive "special" training or so he was told. His body was used and abused. He thought that it was all a part of the training.

That's how I found him. After two tours overseas he was shipped stateside for his separation from the corps. He'd taken a few rounds on the last tour on the front. Now bedecked with combat ribbons, he was facing a unsure future. His options and benefits had been explained by the military counselors. It was days before he was due to leave. He'd been given his backpay and a separarion bonus. I saw him, hitching a ride outside a local base. I'd been in the city enjoying a sleezy weekend at the gay bars, adult book stores, and gay saunas. I was on my way back to my 500 acre farm in Virginia, better known as "the estate". I was a former tech company exec whose firm had been bought out by an larger international company. My parting compensation package with the usual non-compete clause afforded me time and the money to pursue my long held dream to open a secluded, gay guest house and camping site.

I circled back to pick him up. Stopping, asking him where he was going. He replied anywhere away from here. He jumped in, throwing his backpack into the rear seat. On the drive I introduced myself, Carl, and explained that I ran a guest house about an hour away. I was short handed since the college boys I'd hired for the summer left to return to school. I offered him a job until the end of the season in November. He said that he was free for the next three days until his final separation from the corps and was willing to try it out. Over the hour long ride I explained that my clients were mostly men looking to relax away from their jobs and family. I also cautioned that I was not an easy boss and expected my instructions to be followed without question. I was testing him to see if he would be submissive. He reacted as I expected telling me that he was used to following orders. I further promised to get him back in time for his final discharge duties.

We arrived back at the guest house just in time for lunch. My Hispanic houseboy, Carlo, had just finished serving lunch to the four remaining guests. I greeted each of them asking if everyone was happy. They all smiled with a smug satisfaction. I knew that Carlo had kept the guests sexually satisfied in my absence. I told Carlos that when he was finished serving lunch to bring a pitcher of Long Island iced teas and whatever remained from lunch or some sandwichs to my rooms along with a uniform for Theo since he might be helping out for a few days. I noticed the winks and smirks from the four men at the table. Perhaps they would extend their stay a few more days.

I told Carlos and the guests that I'd be showing Theo are the place before we had our lunch. I wished everyone a good day. I explained to Theo that I catered to a very exclusive clientele who expected discretion and paid highly to have their privacy guarded. All of the guests had to be vouched for by a member and investigated by my own private detective firm. We first went out for a quick tour of the immediate grounds including the pool and gardens. The grounds crew of outside help I'd hired was busy preparing the grounds and gardens for the winter. We went back inside where I showed Theo the indoor pool, sauna and exercise facilties. He was curious about one red door that locked securely locked. I explained that it was for special parties. Upstairs by the private elevator we entered my quarters. It was a simple two room apartment. Each room had a working fireplace and the bathroom had a full jacuzzi bath with a large shower. Shortly after we entered Carlo arrived with a rolling tray with our lunch and the Long Island iced teas. Over his arm he held a long draped robe. Carlo was wearing the indoor uniform- a almost transparent light blue sarong. I motioned for Theo to sit as Carlo present our simple lunch of salad and sandwichs. The long on the boy's face was pricless. I don't think that he'd ever been served in such a manner. As we ate I answered all of the boy's questions. Yes, the men and Carlo were gay. No, he didn't have to engage in sex with the guests unless he wanted to. Yes, the guests often left tips for very good service to individual employees. Oh and yes, that was the normal indoor uniform. I explained that his duties would be mainly housekeeping- making sure the bedrooms and attached baths were clean and tidy. At the present with only four guests he might be called on to clean the three reception rooms and the indoor pool area. But as I expected the weather to be nice for the next four weekends we would expect a full house for the eight guest rooms. His workday would begin by helping Carlos with the breakfast service when he'd have his own meal. Other meals would be served by a catered staff. After the rooms were cleaned and any other duties finished the rest of the day was his own.

After we ate, I switched to my dominent mode. I ordered him to strip naked and dress in the indoor uniform. Without hesitation he was naked in a minute, his cloths folded neatly next to him. I held up a purple sarong. He had no idea how to put it on. I drapped it around and on his body. As I knelt to straighten the sarong I noticed his hard cock tenting the material. Standing up quickly, I yelled "Did anyone tell you to get hard marine?" He snapped to attention, yelling "No, Sir, No, Sorry sir!" "Well do something about it Marine!!" He looked at me frigthened, not knowing what to do. I snickered and yelled again "Are you a man or a boy? You don't know how to handle your own body?" I jerked the sarong to the floor leaving him standing naked, at attention with his hard cock pointing straight out from his blond bush. Yelling again I screamed "Well show me that you know how to use your weapon, Marine." As he pulled frantically on his tool, I walked around behind him noting the way his ass muscles dimpled as he tried to rid himself of his hardon. I stood in front of him as he came on my polished wooden floors. Breathing heavily, he again stood attention, his cock still dripping the last drops of his release. I looked him up and down not smiling before I spoke "See the mess you made? Get down on your knees and lick that worthless mess up." He dropped to his knees, bent over and began licking that cum up. As he did this I unzipped my pants, pulling my stiff cock out.

When he finished cleaning the cum from the floor he looked up, still on his knees. I nodded down to my 10 inch boner saying "See the problem you caused grunt! Now I know that you've been fully trained to solve problems. Do you think that I want to walk around for the rest of the day with this problem? Solve it! Now!" He leaned into bury my cock into his well trained throat. I let him suck for a few minutes wetting it while I held back my orgasm. I pulled out of his mouth. Still kneeling he looked up at me frightened that he'd displeased me. Smirking, I started again "That doesn't seem top solve our problem ,does it? I know that you've been taught other ways to solve such a problem." He immediately turned around leaning his head on his crossed arms. His movements opening his legs wide exposed his pink pucker. I plunged my well coated cock all the way in with a single thrust. He moaned at the sudden intrusion into his guts. But in a few minutes he began pushing back onto me as I knelt motionless behind him. Each time he pushed himself onto my cock he moaned loudly, whispering "Yes, Sir, use me." I soon reached a point of no return, collapsing on his back. I got up, redressed him in the sarong and zipped my shorts up.

Acting as if nothing unusual had occurred, I asked him if he would like to see his dorm? Head bowed he softly answered "Yes, Sir." I took him up to the attic by the back stairs. I explained that in the high season we'd expect 8 to 12 guests to fill the rooms downstairs so the four single beds would be occupied by staff. I pointed to the large shower room and enclosed toilet off to the side. I returned to the library, my office. There I reviewed the employment contract with him and handed him one of the house walkies pointing to the "C" button for me and the "CJ" for Carlo. He was told to report to Carlo to see if he needed any help before dinner. That night's meal would be family style and he'd be expected to eat at the long table with the rest of us. He bowed and backed out of the room.

The next two days went smoothly without any need for me to intervene. The night before he was due back I heard a scratching at my door. Theo walked in humbly. I asked if there was a problem. He apologized telling me that he had to be back on base by midnight so he could complete his final tasks and paperwork before his discharge. I was annoyed but told him to get his things and meet me at the front door. I found him waiting by the door. There was silence between us as we walked out. Once in the car I handed him his pay envelop, inside was my card with my cell number. If he wanted to come back to work he should call me an hour before I needed to pick him up at the main gate. He reached over to grab my arm to tell me "Expect my call tommorrow." I felt his hand rub my crotch. I knew that he's be my obdient boy.

Hope you enjoyed this little tale

Next: Chapter 2

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