Then the Roof Comes Down

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Feb 4, 2001


Hello again! This is the fourth installment of '...then the Roof Comes Down," a story of science fiction and fantasy. First, however, here are the legal statements:

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The Author of "Then the Roof Comes Down," is Andrew van Ryan. Copyright 2001. The author reserves all rights.

This story is dedicated to my good friend, brian d. maj.

This story is fictional and only the two characters, Andy and Terry are based on real people. Everyone else in this story are figments of my nightmares. You may contact me at with your comments.

...Then the Roof Comes Down

by Andrew Simon van Ryan

Copyright 2001. All Rights Reserved

Part Four

The early morning light was long gone. The sun was high into the morning sky now as Terry woke. Looking at his sleeping boyfriend, he stifled a giggle. Ducking beneath the covers, Tj slid down to where he could reach over and take Andrews cock in his mouth. He slowly began to suck, lick and tease at his boyfriend. Andrew slowly began to wriggle in his sleep.

"Ummm." Andrew moaned. Terry responded by beginning a constant rhythm. Andrews cock stiffened as he began to wake. Andy felt the sucking of his cock and responded by beginning to move his hips in rhythm. Now fully awakened, Andy began to moan his delight.

"Oh, yeah! I'm going to cum soon. Just keep doing that!"

Terry picked up the pace ever so slightly, bringing Andrew that much closer. He felt Andys' body tense and then unload into his waiting mouth.

"Uh, uh, uh, Oh, Yeah!" Andy shouted as his hips first bucked, then froze in a thrust forward position. He discharged his full load, stream upon stream as he shook from head to toe. Finally collapsing back onto the bed, he lay there panting as Terry licked the last from the head of his softening member. Andy sighed deeply before he spoke.

"Oh, shit! That was incredible, Linda."

"Linda?!" Terry shouted and sat up, pulling the covers away to stare at Andrew face.

Andrew heard the voice and looked down just in time to see Tj emerge from beneath the covers with an angry, yet confused expression.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Andrew screamed, flinging himself out of the bed and back peddling across the floor on all fours.

"Who the fuck are you?!" He shouted.

"Who the fuck is Linda?!" Terry shouted at virtually the same instant.

The two boys froze and stared at each other with unbelieving eyes.

"Where's Linda?" Andy asked in a panic.

"Who the fuck is Linda, Andrew?" Tj demanded.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" Andy questioned in a fearful tone.

"What the hell do you mean, who am I? Andy, have you lost your mind?" Terry cried just as it hit him. Andrew must have been having the nightmare again.

"Wait, wait, wait! Its the nightmare again, Andy. You've been dreaming. Just calm down and everything will make sense, OK?" He urged Andrew, who by now had backed himself all the way to the wall. He was wide eyed, panting and his expression said he truly didn't recognize his boyfriend.

"Andy, It's OK. Calm down." Terry urged. Andrew stared at him for a very long time before he spoke up.

"Did you just suck my cock?" He asked.

"Yes." Terry calmly replied.

"Oh, fuck..." Andy whispered. "Where did you come from?"

"Andy, be calm and try to think. It's me, Terrence. Your boyfriend, remember? We live together?"

Andy sat there shaking his head and staring.

"You don't remember going to the party last night?"

Andy stopped, then began nodding. "Yeah, I remember the party."

"Right, we went to a party and you drank too much. I drove us home and got you into bed just as you passed out."

Andrew began shaking his head again.

"No, Linda and I went to a party together. I got drunk, yeah, but she brought me home. I thought she left, but then I felt her. Oh my god. You were sucking my cock."

"Well at least you've got that right." Tj remarked. He was beginning to feel frightened by what Andy was saying. "OK, tell me, who is Linda?"

"My girlfriend." Andy answered.

Terry shook his head. "Andy, you don't have a girlfriend. You and I have been boyfriends for over two and a half years and neither of us has ever dated a girl. We're gay."

Andrew felt a sting of fear. He'd known inside he was gay since he was fourteen, but he'd never let anyone know, never admitted it to anyone. As he stared at Terrys' naked body he felt panic, yes, but he felt his hidden desires begin screaming to be freed.

"G.. gay?" He stuttered. "Us?"

"That's right, you and I. We moved in together six months ago, after your mother died. Remember?"

Andy shook his head. "No I don't. I really don't. I.. I don't know anything. My mother is dead?"

"OK, tell you what. Let's put our robes on and go to the living room. I'll make some coffee and we'll talk, OK?" Terry suggested. Andy looked at Tj, then glanced at the floor. Looking back up, he nodded and said quietly "OK."

Terry got up, walked slowly to where Andy was leaned against the wall and reached out his hand. Andy stared at it.

"Go on. I'm not going to hurt you." Terry urged. "I love you, remember?"

Andy slowly unfroze and began to inch his hand towards Terrys. When their fingers touched, Andy gasped. It was the sensation he'd longed for night after night and day after day since he'd first realized it. Gazing up into Terrys gentle brown eyes, Andrew felt his heart melting.

"Oh my god..." He whispered. "Oh my god."

"I'm not dreaming now?" Andy questioned after gazing at Tj for a long extended moment.

"No, Andy. We're both awake." Terry said softly and began to gently pull his boyfriend up from the floor. Andy slowly rose until he stood in front of Terry. At six feet, four inches Andrew was considerably taller than Terry, who stood five foot, seven inches. Andrew looked down at Terrys beautiful face and shivered. He swallowed heavy before he spoke.

"How long have we been boyfriends?"

"Two and a half years."

Andy swallowed hard again. "Are you sure?" He asked. Terry nodded.

"Who else knows?"

Terry gazed at him quizzically. "Everybody who knows us, I guess. It's not like it's a secret."

Andrew shook his head slightly. "How come I don't remember this?"

"Let's put our robes on and talk in the living room." Terry repeated.

"OK." Andrew whispered. "Wait. What did you say your name is?"

"Terrence, but you call me Tj or Terry. Doesn't that sound familiar to you?"

Andrew shook his head. He stared into Terry's eyes, searching for something, anything.

"Terrence, ummm, Terry? I really hope this isn't a dream."

"Now that sounds more like the Andy I know." Terry smiled. "C'mon. I'll get our robes."

Next: Chapter 5

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