Then the Roof Comes Down

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Feb 2, 2001


Hello again! This is the third installment of '...then the Roof Comes Down," a story of science fiction and fantasy. First, however, here are the legal statements:

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The Author of "Then the Roof Comes Down," is Andrew van Ryan.

Copyright 2001. The author reserves all rights.

This story is fictional and only the two characters, Andy and Terry are based on real people. Everyone else in this story are figments of my nightmares.

You may contact me at with your comments.

...Then the Roof Comes Down

by Andrew Simon van Ryan

Copyright 2001. All Rights Reserved

Part Three

"Wait a minute!" Andy cried and started to get up from the bed.

"Whoa, Whoa! Where do you think you're going?" Terry cried out.

"Just let me up for a moment."

Andy pushed his way past Tj and returned to the closet. Peering inside, he observed Terry's' clothes were all there, as were his shoes and other effects. He sighed with relief and returned to the bed.

"What was that all about?"

"Just checking something. Now I know I was dreaming. Sleepwalking too, I guess. Have I ever done that before?"

"Not since we moved in together. Did you ever when you lived with your parents?"


"Hmmm. First time for everything I guess. So what was in the closet?"

"More to the point, it's what wasn't, or at least what wasn't in my nightmare."

"Which was?"

"Your clothes. Actually, everything of yours that's in the closet now was gone. That's why I fainted, I thought you'd left me."

"Now I know you were dreaming. I'd never leave you, Andy."

"I know that. In my heart I do, but that's also why I it was such a shock. Seeing all your things gone was just too much for me."

"Well, I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere. Are you going to be OK now?"

"Yeah." He answered with a sigh. "Just don't leave me alone, OK?"

"OK." Tj smiled. "I'll get back in bed." He stood and began removing his clothes.

"Hmmm. Parents."


"My parents. You said something about my parents. My step father and my supposed mother."

"Oh, let's not get back on that subject, OK? You said you didn't want to talk about it anymore today."

"Yeah, you're right. I really don't." Andy sighed and gazed at his boyfriend.

"OK, Now move over and let me in there."

Andy lay in the bed with Terry holding him, yet he couldn't get back to sleep. His thoughts were keeping him awake and the nightmare had seemed too real. Soon it was getting close to the time they'd planned on going out and Andrew spoke up.

"Terry, I don't want to go out tonight. I want to stay in."

"But everyone is going to be expecting us!"

"Call and tell `em we're not coming. I'm not going out tonight."

"Are you sure? Everyone's going to be disappointed if we don't show."

"I'm sure. This has all been enough for one day."

"OK, but I'm disappointed too."

"Oh, Terry. I'm sorry, but you must see how this has affected me."

"I do, Andy, I do. Let me go call and tell them we're not coming." He said and began to rise from the bed.

"Can't you just use the phone in here?" Andy protested. Terry sighed deeply.

"I suppose so."

"Wait." Andy muttered. "It is my birthday. I guess we should go out, even if it's just for a little while."

"That's right. I think you'll feel better once we get to the party. You'll see!"

Terry gazed at Andrew and smiled. "C'mon. We'd best start getting ready."

Later, when they reached the party, Andrew seemed to have livened up some. Still, the nightmare remained in his thoughts.

"Hey, look everyone! It's the birthday boy!" Martin shouted as he opened the front door. The assembled group began singing `Happy Birthday' as Andy blushed.

"We were beginning to wonder if you were coming." Martin said to Terry.

"Yeah, I was too. Andy had a nightmare during a nap earlier and It really upset him. He wasn't going to come out tonight at all, but he changed his mind at the last minute."

"Well, I've got just the thing for nightmares! Tequila Sunrise! C'mon let's go to the kitchen." Martin said cheerfully. Terry reached out and took Andrews' hand, pulling him along as the group finished the birthday song.

"Thank you all!" He shouted before disappearing into the kitchen behind Tj and Martin.

"So, Andy. Tj said you had a bad dream."

"To put it lightly."

"Well, this will fix you up. Here!" He handed Andrew a rather large glass containing Andys' favorite drink.

"Bottoms up!" Martin smiled.

"OK" Andrew grinned and downed the whole glass.

"Here let me fix another." Martin offered.

"I guess I know whose driving home tonight." Terry stated.

"You, of course. It's my birthday!"

By midnight Terry was certain Andy was near the point of passing out from drinking. Enlisting Martin to help him, Terry herded Andrew into the little Triumph sports car.

"Thanks Martin! I'll call you tomorrow!"

"Bye, TJ! Good bye, Birthday boy! Sweet dreams!" Martin shouted and waved as the car pulled out of the driveway.

"Let's hurry. I wanna have birthday sex." Andrew slurred.

"We're on our way, Andy. Just be patient."

"I wanna suck your cock."

"I might even let you." Terry giggled.

TJ pulled the small car into the garage and shut the door. Walking around to the passenger side, he helped Andrew out.

"C'mon, let's get inside. Here we go." He said putting his arm around Andys half limp body. As they entered the house, Andy looked like a new born colt trying his legs for the first time. He weaved and bobbed as TJ steered him towards the bedroom.

"OK, here's the bed. Let's set you down." Tj had just finished saying when he felt Andrew going completely limp. He swung Andys' body `round just in time to land him on the bed as he passed out.

"I guess this means you're not going to suck my cock?" Terry mused at his unconscious boyfriend.

"Oh, well. Let's get you undressed and into bed." He said to himself. "We can have sex in the morning." Stopping to gaze at Andrew for a long moment, Tj then added "If you're not too hung over."

He struggled with Andys' clothes, finally stripping him nude and then pushed him around to where he lay on the bed length wise. Succeeding in pulling the covers out and over his naked boyfriend, Terry smiled and undressed. Climbing into bed, he leaned over and kissed Andrew on the forehead.

"Sweet Dreams, my darling Andrew. I love you forever." Andrew replied by beginning to snore lightly. Terry just giggled and turned out the light.

Next: Chapter 4

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