Then the Roof Comes Down

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Jan 29, 2001


Hello again! This is the second installment of '...then the Roof Comes Down," a story of science fiction and fantasy. First, however, here are the legal statements:

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The Author of "Then the Roof Comes Down," is Andrew van Ryan.

Copyright 2001. The author reserves all rights.

This story is fictional and only the two characters, Andy and Terry are based on real people. Everyone else in this story are figments of my nightmares.

You may contact me at with your comments.

...Then the Roof Comes Down

by Andrew Simon van Ryan

Copyright 2001. All Rights Reserved

Part Two

"I shall begin with the facts surrounding your birth. Dr. Panayiotis Zavos of The Andrology Institute of America and the Kentucky Center for Reproductive Medicine and Invitro Fertilization in Lexington, Kentucky, pioneered the technique. Using regular cells or undifferentiated stem cells from a man, inserting them into an ovacyte, a woman's egg stripped of its genetic material, the cell is then stimulated to divide which creates an embryo equipped with all the specialty cells that make up a copy of the man. This is then implanted in a woman's uterus. After this, it is no different than any other pregnancy."

"Stop. I don't want to hear anymore about it today." Andy said shaking his head slowly. "Not today."

"OK, Andy." Terry said softly. "No more today. Come on, let's go lie down for a while. Maybe a nap will take away some of the stress."

"Yeah, maybe. What time is it anyway?"

"It's about 4:00 PM. Remember, we have a party to attend tonight at 9:00 and we need the rest. It'll go very late, no doubt. C'mon now."

Terry stood up, offering his hand to Andrew. He glanced up at Terry then back to the floor. Reaching out a trembling hand, he grasped hold of Terrys'. Pulled to his feet, Andrew paced along just behind Terry as they headed for the bedroom.

"What if he wants me to be like him?"

"I don't think he wants that, Andy."

"Good, 'cause I could never marry a woman. I'm in love with you."

"I know, Andy. I know." Terry said as he stopped and turned to look at him. A smile beamed across his face. "I love you, too."

Terry had been right about Andys' stress. Within no more than ten minutes Andy was sound asleep. Terry hadn't really felt the need for a nap. He only wanted to get Andy to relax and now that he was asleep, Terry slipped from the bed. Being as quiet as a mouse, he picked up his discarded clothes and slipped out of the room.

Andrew lie alone in the bed drifting deeper and deeper into slumber.

"Terry?" Andy said as he reached out across the bed. No answer. The room was dark, letting him know that it was after 6:00 PM already. "Terry!" He called. "Hey, where are you?"

Andy reached to the night stand and snapped on the light. He sat up and rubbed his eyes before looking around the room. Turning towards the dresser, he focused his attention on the clock.

"Oh, Shit! Terry?!" He shouted. The clock read 9:30. Andrew jumped out of bed and grabbed a pair of sweat pants from the drawer. Quickly pulling them on, he entered the hallway.

"Hey! Terry? Where are you?"

Still not getting an answer he hurried to the living room. Exiting the hallway he took only two short steps before halting. Andy looked around the living room, now feeling very puzzled. What was going on here? Things were all out of place with the furniture moved, paintings on different walls, even the grand piano was in the wrong place. He slowly gazed about the room, studying it. Everything seemed to be there, yet it had all been moved around.

"What the hell?..." Andrew whispered. He slowly began to wander across the room, wondering why Terry had rearranged all the furniture. Why do it all by himself as well, he wondered. Reaching the kitchen, he called out again.

"Terry? Where are you?"

Still he received no answer. He stood in the doorway and thought for a moment. Tj certainly wouldn't go to the party alone, leaving Andy behind at home. Maybe he was in the shower, Andy reasoned. He turned back, crossing the living room and reentered the hall. Reaching the bathroom door he opened it and found the light was off, the shower not running. He shut the door and stood motionless, head hung down and deep in thought. The sudden ringing of the phone caused him to jump and gasp out loud.

"Fuckin' phone..." He sighed. Entering the bedroom he stepped to the night stand and picked it up.


"Hi, Andrew! Are you ready to go out?" A female voice asked.

"Who is this?" He demanded.

"What? What do you mean who is this? It's Linda, Andrew! Are other girls calling you at home?"

"Linda?" He responded, trying to recall any Linda he might know of.

"You know, Linda your girlfriend? Are you drunk or on pills?"

"Girlfriend?" Andy questioned. Who was this and what kind of a joke was she pulling on him? Then a thought stuck him.

"Did Tj put you up to this?" He snapped. "Is he over there? If he is, tell him I'm not laughing! I don't think this is funny at all, Miss whoever you are! And tell him to get his ass home right now!"

He put the phone down with a bang.

"What the fuck is he up to?" Andy said staring at the phone. Just as he started to relax slightly, the phone rang again.

"Fuck!" he said jumping at its sound.

"Hello?" he said in a stern voice.

"Andrew, what the hell are you doing?" the girls' voice demanded.

"What am I doing?" He replied. "Look, damn it! I'm in no mood for stupid phone games! Tell Terry to get his ass home now! We're supposed to be going out tonight! And tell him I didn't like waking up alone! Good-bye!"

Slamming the phone down he shouted out.

"And don't call back, you fuckin' nutty bitch!"

He flopped down on the bed and crossed his arms.

"All right, Terry. If this is your idea of a joke, it sucks." He said. Gazing again at the clock, he noted it was now two minutes to ten.

"Terry...." He whined. "Shit! This is supposed to be my birthday! If the rest of my adult life is like this first day, I wanna' be a minor again!"

He leaned back against his pillow and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes.

"Huh! Everything's going along fine, I turn eighteen and then the roof comes down, WHAM! Now how's that for luck?" he uttered out loud. He paused for a moment and then added "Tj, where the fuck are you?"

Thinking Terry would appear fairly soon, Andy decided he'd best get ready to go out. After all, they were late already. Rising from the bed, he walked over to the closet, flipped on the light and stepped inside. The sight stopped him dead in his tracks. None of Terry's clothes were there. His shoes were all missing, as well as his ties and hats.

"Oh, my god, he's left me." Andrew barely mumbled as he felt his head begin to spin. He reached out, but it was too late. Andy passed out, collapsing in a heap on the closet floor.

"Andy?! Say something! Are you all right?!"

He could hear Terry's' voice calling to him, as he became conscious. His eyes slowly fluttered open and he moved his head to look at Tj.


"Andy! What happened? How did you get in the closet?"

"Oh, my head." Andrew muttered as he attempted to get up.

"Here let me help you." Terry said grabbing his arm. He helped Andrew up off the floor and over to their bed. As Andy was lying back, he suddenly remembered.

"Where the hell have you been and who was that girl you had call me?" He said sounding suddenly quite annoyed.

"What? I was in the living room. What are you talking about, a girl?"

"You were not in the living room! I was just out there. You were no where in the entire house and then that girl called, saying she was my girlfriend and all. I don't think this joke is funny, Tj. Not at all."

As he was telling him off, Andrew began to notice Tjs' expression. One thing Andy was good at was telling his boyfriends mood. Right now it was a mood of horrified confusion.

"Andy, I think something's wrong. I'm going to call the Hospital and...."

"Wait! Tell me what you were doing while I was asleep." Andrew queried.

"I wasn't tired, so I got up and sat in the living room, watching TV."

"The whole time?"

"Yes, I never once got up until I heard a thump from the hallway. I came in here and found you passed out on the floor. Andy, what's wrong?"

Andrew stared at Terry. He searched his eyes with his, knowing if this was a joke Terry wouldn't be able to look at him. Terry didn't look away and Andrew saw nothing but fear and concern in him. Realizing Tj wasn't lying, Andy broke the gaze.

"I don't know, Tj. I don't know. Perhaps it was just a bad dream..."

"Nightmares again?"

"Yes, a nightmare."

"Are you gonna be OK? I can call the Hospital an..."

"No, I'm all right. Just sit here with me and let me think a minute."

Terry looked carefully at Andy's face. He was deep in thought and seemed a million miles away now.

Had it been a nightmare? It felt genuine at the time, but this wouldn't have been the first time a nightmare had seemed so tangible to him. No, Andy reasoned. It was just another nightmare, one that only seemed to be real. That's when he looked at the clock. It read 6:30 PM. Andy relaxed and sighed.

"Yeah, it was only a nightmare."

Next: Chapter 3

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