Their Every Fantasy

By Amy Tetsuka

Published on Apr 6, 2002


Same warning as usual. If you shouldn't be here, go away! Also, I want to apologize for the second part. It's incomplete, I had to send it before it was finished due to time reasons. Here is it's continuation. Also, thanks to those who have e-mailed in with suggestions, keep 'em coming!

Ashley's stomach was tying itself in knots, though her smooth dark features betrayed nothing but her sexy smile. She led Ann by the hand, into her large walk-in closet. Ashley was wearing a tight skirt and an unbuttoned denim jacket around a revealing black lace bra. She turned and looked Ann over, smiling brightly.

"I know just what you'll need to get Mark's eye, hon." She said, leafing through the huge amounts of clothes she kept in her closet. She picked out a tight black shirt, of which the upper half was only wide lace, revealing the top of the wearer's breasts, as well as a pair of shorts that hugged the thirteen year old's hips and made her large cute ass look beautiful.

"Here put this on." Ashley said, playing the role of the slumber party girlfriend, giving advice on looks.

"Uhm, should I just change in here?" Asked Ann, looking around. Perhaps a bit self concious, or perhaps a bit disturbed by the admitted bisexual Ashley seeing her naked.

"Oh, it's nothing I haven't seen before." Said Ash as innocently and non chalantly as possible. She had trouble containing the fact that she was now dying to have her hands all over the red-head.

Ann began to undress, shimmying out of her tight jeans first, to reveal girlish white panties. Ashley giggled a bit as she saw the hearts that decorated them.

"Babe, if you want to get with Mark, you'll need something a bit more... adult then that."

As usual, Ann was blushing a deep red and accepted a thinner, lighter pink panties. Pulling off the white ones, Ashley's eyes bored into the catholic girl's large rounded behind and had to restrain herself from squeezing it. Next, Ann shed the pink t-shirt to reveal a similar bra holding up her large pale breasts. She began to pull on the lacey shirt, when Ashley put a hand on her bare shoulder and surpressed a giggle.

"Sweety, you don't wear a bra with that shirt." She said, as her hand traced down Ann's side and unhooked the bra. Ann shivered at the touch, arching her back slightly.

"Ashley... if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were coming on to me." Ann said quietly, only half-jokingly.

Ashley paused for a moment, her mind imagining just jumping the virgin right there, grinding her sex against Ann's barely clothed ass. She used all the restraint in her body though, and just laughed.

"Trust me, it's hard not to, considering how damn hot you are."

Ann spun around, wide-eyed, then quickly realized her large pink nipples and jiggling white breasts where exposed. She struggled with the tight black shirt as she gave Ashley a long look.

"You really think I'm good looking? Does Mark think so?" She said, adding the last part nervously, as if another girl thinking she was pretty instantly marked her as gay.

"Oh yeah, darling, we both think you're really cute. I told you, he thinks about you sometimes, when he's inside me."

Ann, who had earlier just stuttered at this, managed to speak this time.

"Thinks about me?"

"Yeah. When he was fucking my mouth really fast once, you know, pulling on my pig-tails... he started calling me Ann. Not to weird out or anything, but I thought it was really hot. As for Mark, he wants you. I can tell."

"And, you don't mind, if, I try and... get with him?"

"Not at all, love, not at all. You sure your date won't mind if you two go off to mess around, though?"

"Well, to be honest, I think he's more interested in boys. I only brought him along because I needed a cute date." She said, blushing.

"Ah... so he takes it from behind, huh?"

"Well, he doesn't admit it, but I see the way he looks at guys."

Just then, they heard the door open. Ashley gave Ann a friendly pat on her pink ass as she pulled up the borrowed shorts.

"Show time."

"Oh my god, wait, wait!" Ann said, suddenly hysterical.

"What's wrong?"

I... I don't know how to suck. I mean, I've done it before, but not well. What do I do?"

"Hrrm.. depends. If you're doing all the work, make sure to use everything you can. Swirl your tongue around the head or the underside, grab his balls with your hands, with Mark, you could even finger him" Ashley explained, despite the face Ann made at the last tip.

"If he's fucking your face, though, just tilt your head back and relax. When he comes, you don't have to swallow, just let it dribble out, you can clean up after. Okay?"

Ann nodded,licking her lips.

"I think so."

They made their way back into the living room, where Felix and Mark were sitting waiting. Mark did not need to pretend to be wowed at how damn sexy Ann looked in the outfit Ashley had picked. He made a whistling noise and nudged Felix conspiratorially, who was really too zoned from having just plunged his cock down Mark's throat, to notice or care.

"Looking good lil' friend." Said Mark, motioning for Ann to spin around. She did and Mark secretly wanted to rip the clothes of right then and there. He looked over at Ashley, who winked, suggesting that the first phase of their plan had worked. Now, they needed to get Mark and Ann alone. Once they had realized Ann had brought a date, they had intended for Ashley to seduce him while Mark "comforted" her, but now things were different. Ashley quickly went to the kitchen and made drinks, dropping a few sleeping pills into Felix's.

A few drinks later, when everybody was a bit inebriated, Ann looked over to see her date, Felix, fast asleep. She tried to look depressed about this, but both Mark and Ashley could tell she was only interested in Mark, who she had crushed on for a very long time, at this point. Finally, Mark made his move.

"Hey, Ann, why don't you come into Ashley's room with me? I want to show you some of her posters." Mark said, nodding once to Ashley.

Ann looked between Mark and Ashley, smiling politely.

"Well, yeah, but, won't Ash come to?" She asked, making eye contact with Ashley's blue irises.

"No, no, I'm going to have another drink." She said casually, giving Ann an encouraging nod and waving her off.

Mark led Ann into the large bedroom by the hand, both knowing full well the purpose of the trip was not to look at posters. The two had been hot for each other for a long time, and Mark knew it. He sat on the bed, and patted the spot next to him. Ann sat down, smiling into his eyes.

"You know, you look really, really good in that outfit Ann. I mean killer. Then again, you always look hot to me." He said casually, putting an arm around her. She leaned a little and Mark quickly kissed her, her full red lips parting instantly.

Their tongues clashed, and Mark ran his over her lips before pushing it further into her young mouth. His hands groped her large breasts through the thin fabric of the borrowed shirt, while she quickly stripped off her shorts, taking the pink panties with them. He grinned and pulled off her shirt, eyeing the naked freshman. Licking his fingers, he began to toyingly squeeze her nipples which hardened to the touch. Tracing his fingers all over her stomach and bouncing pale breasts, he unzipped his fly and leaned back on the bed.

"Get on your knees." He said, taking on a commanding tone. He had been hard ever since he had first sucked Felix's cock earlier in the day, and was willing to be forceful now.

Ann quickly obeyed, slipping down to her bare knees. He grinned as he stood up,looking at her exposed pink breasts and noticed for the first time her pretty bush was bright orangish red, the same color as her hair and right now the hairs were glistening with her anticipation. Mark's shaft flinched in his pants at this relevation and he reached behind her pretty red head, closing his hands firmly around her cheeks. He tilted her head back and without another word, shoved his meat deep into Ann's wet painted lips, and downwards as far as it could go, until the girl gagged, the large cock to much for. He laughed as his uncut cockhead tickled her tonsils and then began to quickly push her head back and forth on his cock, forcing it in and out of her small lips. She made like mming sounds as he reached down with one hand, again toying with her nipples. He didn't know why, but he was unusually dominant with Ann. As things heated up, Ann used her hands to squeeze and knead the older male's sack while he dug his hands deep into her hair, shoving it on to him.

"Do you like that? Do you like having your pretty little pink virgin mouth fucked? Hm? Say it!" He commanded, reaching behind her to grab her large jiggling buttocks while she tried to speak with a mouthful of penis. All the while, Ashley was watching from a creek in the door, waiting for the perfect moment...

Mark began to roughly grab and pull the girl's ass with his one free hand, the other pulling on her hair as hehumped her face, forcing the penis deep into her poor mouth. After a long heated session, Ann trying hard not to choke on the long smooth dick, Mark began to reach his breaking point. He arched his back, the cock going deep into her mouth, tickling the tonsils again, while his hand came down in a hard clamp on her fleshy anal cheeks. Finally, he came two hot gooey loads into Ann's mouth, one of them went straight down her wet throat, the other filled her mouth, dribbling out onto her chin. Moaning loudly, he released her head and leant against the bed, his wet cock still rock hard and spasming with joy.

Ann stood, her knees sore, her hair tussled, and her mouth full of come, and that's when Ashley came in. Even though Ashley had made it abundantly clear that it was okay for the thirteen year old to mess around her boyfriend, this was too much for Ann. Here she was naked with a mouthful of come, on her knees in front of a beautiful guy, and in walks his girlfriend. She blushed deeply and began to apologize, but come only spilled out over her chin onto her chest. Ashley giggled, walking forward. Without hesitation, she kissed Ann deeply, the wet come sticking to both their lips.

Mark could only watch as Ashley forcibly kissed the younger girl, kicking the warm semen off her lips. Ann hesitated, but she was so pent up and wet, she didn't even realize what she was doing.

"Sorry... I just had to taste him." Ashley said with a mischievious grin. Ann was in a state now, staring blankly at Ashley. Ashley giggled innocently and tilted her head.

"What's wrong?"

"I.. I need to come so bad." Was all she could mutter, her hands slipping down to her swollen pussy. Ashley grinned, kissing Ann's neck, who didn't hesitate. She moaned and tilted her neck, while her fingers spread her own lips, the other hand very gently poking the area around her clit.

"Do you want me to make you come?" Asked Ashley seductively, whispering in Ann's ear, wetting it with Mark's come, which both their mouths shared now.

"Unnh, please!"

"Then you have to promise me that you're mine, okay? You belong to me and Mark, and we will fuck you every which way."

"Yes, yes, please, just let me come! I need to come!" Groaned the pent up catholic schoolgirl. Without hesitation, Ashley wrapped her arms around Ann's waist, pressing Ann's wet pussy to her tight skirt. She began to tease the teenager, circling her nipples, pinching her ass, running a hand very gently over her soaking pussy, all very lightly, until Ann could take no more.

"Enough! Just do it! Make me come, make me moan, just do it!" Screamed Ann in painful extascy, lying out on the bed, spreading her smooth pale virgin legs. Ashley opened up a drawer and pulled out a small clip, which she attatched right on to Ann's swollen clit. Ann let out a gasp at the touch of the cold metal, but it had only just begun. Pressing a button, the thing began to vibrate very gently, making Ann groan loudly. Ashley crawled on top of her, kissing her all over, lapping at the drying come staining her breasts, while slowly, the intensity of the strange vibrator grew and grew, causing Ann to thrust her hips hard against Ashley. After only a few minutes of Ann moaning and gasping at Ashley (and her sextoy's) hands, she let out a long loud cry, her ass arching off the ground, lifting her rumbling pussy up against Ashley's bare stomach.

"OH GODDDDDD, OH FUCKING GOD, What's... what's... aaaaaaaaanuhhh!" She cried out loud, the wave of orgasm starting from her dribbling pussy and flowing all over her naked come-soaked body. After being frozen for a moment, her limbs stretched at strange angles, her mouth carved in an unbelieving O, she collapsed under Ashley, content. The older girl climbed off her, dipping a finger in the juices that stained her stomach. Tasting it, she giggled and began to undress, revealing her firm petite rounded tits and incredibly tight tanned ass to the pale thirteen year old, who was still dazed from her incredible come.

Ashley let her rest for a moment, while rubbing her nipples, making eye contact with her boyfriend. They were both enjoying this an incredible amount, all their planning was paying off. Then, she walked over to the half-concious girl soaked in her own and Mark's fluids and shook her shoulders.

"Wake up, sweetling. It's my turn." She said, as Mark and Ann got off the bed. Now it was time to fullfill Ashley's fantasy. Mark started, hanging his legs over the base of the bed, as his tongue passed over her inner thigh. He had become an expert at both sucking cock and lapping pussy over the years, and he enjoyed both. As he got Ashley properly he wet, she beckoned to Ann with a finger. The girl, who was too shattered by the incredible stimulation to realize she was being used and having her morals shattered, walked forward slowly, until Ashley grabbed her by her orange bush and lowered her down to her level. Pushing her chest out, Ashley reached up, and pulled Ann's head down onto her breasts.

"Kiss my sweet little innocent one. Suck on them... Lick them... fuck them with your dirty cock-mouth." She said sweetly, rubbing Ann's face in her petite breasts. She became a bit cruel, biting down gently on Ann's ear, and she realized in a way, she was jealous of Ann. Mark was obviously incredibly hot for the pale freshman, and although she knew Mark loved her, she found herself envious of Ann's large breasts and rounded white asscheeks. So, she began to take out her jealously, while Ann's tongue first appeared, still wet with Mark's tongue. It left a gooey trail around Ashley's right tit, as her tongue circled slowly. It picked up pace as Mark began to slowly fuck her pussy with his tongue, and Ann began to physically suck on Ashley's nipples. The small dark nipples hardened in Ann's mouth, urging her on. She grazed her teeth against Ashley's dark breasts, nibbling gently on the nipples. Mark made small circles in Ash's clit, while he wasn't probing her with his tongue at a speedy pace.

Ann became more involved in the threesome, her hands reaching under Ash, squeezing her small perfect asshole while she spread her legs over the bed, so her still-wet pussy was once again pressed against Ash's bear stomach. Ashley watched the girl and her lover fuck her all over, licking, lapping, squeezing and everything else with a pleased grin. She was silent until close to the end, when she began to pant loudly,her hips lifting up to Mark's parted lips. Her hands pulled on Ann's bright red hair, forcing her red lips onto Ash's breasts. She began to near her Climax, and cried out Ann's name, pulling hard on the girl's hair.

"MM, suck them Ann! Suck them! Good girl, that's a good girl! Come on, Ann, make me come! I want you to make me come all over Mark, make me gush sweetpie." She called out softly, and then rather suddenly, almost violently, broke out into a loud moan. Her body arched almost completely off the bed, giving Ann's figners room to probe deep into Ash's tight ass, and finally she came a bright long come, splashing Mark's eyes. It was a long orgasm, and she held Ann's face pressed to her smaller breasts until she was finished, the girl not even trying to struggle.

Once she was done, all three of them lay there, content and pleased for now. Ann would wake up with a hangover and sore orifices, knowing that she had been used, and would be again by the pair, and Mark and Ashley still had many more fantasies to explore. The virgin licking her tits had been Ashley's idea, now it was Mark's turn to pick a fantasy... Stay tuned.

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