Their Every Fantasy

By Amy Tetsuka

Published on Apr 2, 2002


Same disclaimer as in my first story boys and girls. Please enjoy:).

Ashley and Mark went to St. Mary's the next morning together, after sleeping a long well-deserved sleep. They both awoke anxiously awaiting the next day of school, hoping to make Ashley's fantasy a reality. Mark was already a little hard thinking about Ashley seducing a young girl, and the thought had passed Ashley's mind as well.

As soon as they got to the catholic private school, they decided it would have to be somebody young, a virgin, and just to make things challenging, a good little catholic schoolgirl. They spotted their target almost as soon as they were in the door. She was the sister of a friend of Mark, who the couple was on a first name basis with, but were not great friends.

Her name was Ann, and she was Mark's idea originally. Mark had often fantasized about the thirteen year old, who was really quite the opposite of his love. She was bigger then the petite Ashley, but definately not fat, just a larger size. He remembered a few times when he had found himself thinking about the pale red-head while Ashley was sucking on him, he had begun to imagine it was her sucking on him, instead of Ashley. He imagined it was Ann's large rounded cheeks he was grabbing, not Ashley's little tight ass. He imagined it was Ann's full, parted red lips that were carressing him, not Ash's dark thin ones. So, when Ashley asked him who they should bring into their dark little fantasy games, he immediately suggested Ann. Too quickly in fact, and Ashley winked at him knowingly.

They saw her as they entered the school, leaning over a locker, applying bright red lipstick in the mirror. Mark had quickly told Ashley what he knew about the freshman as they approached her. She was raised a good catholic and although she dated and messed around with the guys she did date, she was "saving herself" for marriage. Mark also knew from her older brother that she had a long-standing crush on Mark.

"Hey Ann." Said Mark casually, leaning against the locker next to her, with his arm slung casually over Ashley.

She looked up, nervous for a moment but quickly smiled at both of them closing her locker.

"Hi guys. What's up?" She asked, nodding to Ashley who she didn't know as well. Ashley remained quiet, her eyes giving the virgin a onceover.

"Well, we were just talking about you hon. We're going to see a movie on saturday, and we were wondering if you wanted to come."

Ann looked a bit confused at first, but nodded right away.

"Yeah, sure! But, er, I don't want to nose in on you guys, if it's a date..." She said, adding the last bit quickly.

"Hey, it's no problem... you could even bring a date if you really felt weird about it. Swing by my place around nine." Ashley said coolly, her amber eyes gazing into Ann's green ones.

"Er, okay..." said Ann, shifting rather uncomfortably from Ashley's long gaze.

With that, Ashley and Mark sauntered off, hiding their giddy excitement at having laid the trap for their virgin. They spent a lot of time planning the next few days, and more time day-dreaming. They knew it wouldn't be easy, Ann was pretty prude as it was with guys and considered herself completely straight. She knew that both Ash and Mark were bisexual, and accepted it but made a point of noting she thought it was pretty weird whenever the subject came up.

Their plan was to get Ashley and Ann alone at some point during the night, where Ashley would plant the seeds of ideas in Ann's young mind by hitting on her, perhaps bringing up how good it felt to be with another woman, and definately using Ann's crush on Mark to her advantage.

Saturday night came quickly enough, and Mark and Ashley were hornily awaiting the arrival of Ann. When they opened up the door of Ashley's apartment (Paid for by her quite wealthy father) they were both shocked to discover Ann had brought a date. He was a quiet, dark haired fourteen year old named Felix wearing long baggy shorts and a tight t-shirt. Both Ashley and Mark had not expected Ann to bring a date, but he was rather cute they noted to themseleves and quickly improvised. Mark hustled Felix out of the apartment, saying they needed to go buy the tickets in advance, in case they were sold out.

With the boys gone, Ashley quickly turned on the girl-talk. Sitting with Ashley in front of a huge TV screen, she managed to gather that Ann found Felix pretty hot and had decided to ask him out, since she needed a date.

"Well, is he big?" Asked Ashley slyly, sticking her tongue in her cheek as if to imply the goodly catholic red-head had already had her mouth fucked by the shy dark-haired boy. Ann giggled but shook her head.

"This is our first date! I don't know!"

"Ahh, but I bet you've wondered, hrm." Asked Ashley, still with her teasingly sly voice.

"Of course! I wonder about a lot of guys..." She said, obviously getting in the mood.

"I bet you wonder about Mark, huh? I see the way you look at him, girl, you want him, don't ya?" She added slyly, patting Ann's leg.

Ann was wearing tight low cut white jeans and a baby doll tee with a heart in the center, stretched by her large tits. She turned a furious shade of red when Ashley finished speaking and shook her head.

"No, I wouldn't think like that, Mark's your gu-" She was interrupted by Ashley who cooed softly and patted Ann's leg, rubbing her hand "innocently" up and down it.

"Hey, it's okay. Me and Mark are very open, we love eachother, so we don't mind it when we do stuff with other guys or girls. I know he's got a darling crush on you, doll." Ashley explained, her brown eyes locking with Ann's, who began to object but fell silent as soon as she heard Ashley mention Mark's crush.


"Oh yeah, babe. He even moaned your name once or twice when he was coming down my throat... It was hot." Said Ashley slowly, gauging the virgin's reaction very carefully. The pale girl turned so red she looked like she was going to explode. She tried to speak, but was obviously a bit shocked.

"Really? I mean, uh, that's sort of..." She swallowed hard and shifted in her seat, obviously Ashley had implanted the right feelings.

"It's cool, Ann. Why don't you try to hook up with him tonight? You want it, he wants it... I'll even help you pick out what to wear." Said Ashley with a bright grin, patting Ann's leg again.

"Uhm.. are you sure? And, what's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"Well, babe, I know what gets him hot. Come on, I've got plenty you could wear, it might be a bit small, but it will only bring out those nice tits of yours..."

Ann giggled loudly and was led by the hand into her Ashley's huge walk in closet...

Meanwhile, the boys had bought tickets and were heading back when Mark decided to have a little fun. Where as Ashley's strategy for these situations was very mental, Mark's was physical. On their way back to Ash's apartment, they stopped into a small coffee shop to talk. Mark quickly brought up the fact that he was openly bisexual and asked Felix what he was. The younger teenager said he was straight, but confessed to Mark he did find guys attractive, sometimes. Mark began to tell him how guys gave great head...

"Oh yeah?" Asked Felix, his dark eyes meeting Mark's. Mark grinned and nodded, licking his lips.

"Yeah, I love to give head, personally. A female friend of mine showed me how, and apparently I'm pretty damn good at it." Mark explained with a smile.

Felix was obviously more open then Ann and laughed nervously.

"You're giving me a stiff one, man..." He said, jokingly.

Mark, who didn't accept it as a joke placed a hand under the table, squeezing Felix's crotch. He was indeed hard and Mark unzipped his shorts.

"Dude, what are you doing?!" Felix asked, looking around to see if anyone was looking. The cafe was quiet though, no one noticed.

"Ya like that?" Asked Mark, rubbing Felix's firm cock through his boxers. Felix leaned back moaned a little, nodding once. Mark deciding he had teased enough, pulled his hand out.

"I gotta go to the bathroom, why don't you head back to the apartment?"

Not waiting for an answer, Mark got back up and headed for the bathroom. Felix was not happy however, and followed him in, locking the bathroom door behind him. Mark spun around and raised an eyebrow as Felix dropped his pants, his cock already a little moist with precum.

"We're not done yet, Mark." He said quietly, motioning for Mark to come forward. Mark laughed and tilted his head.

"Oh no?" But secretly, Mark loved it when someone was dominant with him, it was a refreshing change from how Ashley liked it. He stepped forward a little and Felix quickly kissed him, licking Mark's lips.

"I thought you were straight." Mark added with a grin, savoring the taste.

"Stop teasing me and suck it, cockslut..." Said Felix, squeezing Mark's shoulders down forcefully. Mark fell into the submissive role he had all but forgotten and slipped down to his knees, brushing his cheek against Felix's tan cut cock. Felix instantly took control and entwined his hands in Mark's blonde hair shoving his cock into Mark's parted lips. Mark's pale hands reached up, carressing the smooth hairless balls of the thirteen year old. His tongue went to work fast, circling around the head of the cock, as Felix jerked his head back and forth slowly, fucking Mark's mouth. Mark groaned in a sexy teaste, muffled by his mouth full of penis, and slipped one hand up from his balls around to Felix's muscular ass, circling the cheek slowly. The other hand reached around to the base of Felix's cock and squeezed it gently, turning it left and right. Felix let out a pleased sound at Mark's excellent cock-sucking skill and squeezed his hands tighter around Mark's head, moving it faster up and down his shaft.

"That's good, cockslut. I like how you suck me..."

From there, it didn't take long. Felix's shaft, which was not too long, but very thick, began to pulsate under Mark's quick and agile tongue and turned on, Felix began to shove his cock in deep thrusts into Mark's mouth. As Felix was moaning much louder, Mark reached around his hand that had been squeezing and circling the young boy's cheeks and parted the two tight cheeks while his other hand's finger found Felix's hole and poked into it. Felix's ass clenched right away, and his hands tightened around Mark's ears.

"Oohhh, you slut, yeah, good boy..." He coaxed, his cock jerking back and forth, into Mark's mouth one way, Mark's finger into his ass the other way. Mark felt a warm pulsation from the underside of Felix's cock and shoved his finger a bit deeper, finding Felix's prostate and circling it. At this, Felix cried out, his orgasm flowing over him, enhanced athousand fold by the stimulation of his prostate.

Mark knew what was coming next, and tried to pull free to avoid the hot shot of come from Felix's cock, but he couldn't. With a twitch, the thick dark cock shot once, twice, then three warm sticky loads into Mark's mouth, who swallowed as much as he could, with much left over sticking to his teeth and tongue. Finally, Felix let go, moaning so loud the owner of the cafe had no doubt heard.

"OOOOHH, GODDD, I'M COMING!" He cried, shocing his cock one last time deep into the warm depths of Mark's mouth. Mark held him there for a moment, licking the sides of his cock clean of the come.

After a quiet moment, Felix pulled up his shorts and boxers and helped Mark up.

"So, how do I taste, man?" Asked Felix, rather dazed. "Sorry if I got a little out of hand there, it's just, I've been horny all day, thinking about Ann and then you were teasing me..."

"No problem... I liked it. I told you, I love to suck cock. And, you taste great. Here..." He said and kissed the fourteen year old lightly on the lips, letting him taste his own seed.

Felix made a mmm sound and opened his mouth a bit more.

"Come on, we got to get back." Mark said, his mind now more focused on having Ann and Ashley at the same time, his shaft stiff in his pants.

to be contiued...

Next: Chapter 3

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