Their Every Fantasy

By Amy Tetsuka

Published on Mar 31, 2002


Okay, this is my first story to nifty, it was originally written because a friend thought he was too much of a "erudite" to get off on pornography, so I wrote this up for him, and he persuaded me to send it in. It's not exactly deep, but tell me what ya think it needs/lacks, so I can improve on the next parts! You can e-mail me at

Also, if you do not like the ideas of intercourse between members of the same sex, young teenagers preforming sex acts, or sex in general, please stop reading now. Same goes for if you are under the legal age in wherever you live to view pornographic material, or if it's illegal to read/view pornographic material where you live at all. The part that's good for "one-handed typing" is near the end so be patient! Also, although there's only mentions of any guy guy or girl girl action, both will be strongly featured in part 2, which should be ready tomorrow. Please enjoy!:)

Introduction Ashley Furnatados and Mark Tamely were kids in love, simply put. The two walking, talking balls of hormones (Like every other teenager) had met each other quite randomly at a shopping mall food court, catching eachother's eye.

Despite being the younger of the two at fifteen years, Ashley had found herself attracted to Mark's boyish features, his unorganized blonde hair, his bright dancing blue eyes as well as his arms, legs and chest which despite being rather pale had that perfect amount of muscle so that he was strong (and cute!) but not ripped like some greased steroid-popper on TV. She had tried to make her move graceful, sitting across from him at the dingy mall food court, making innocent small talk like asking for the time. She quickly learned the blonde boy was shy by the fact he spoke quite little, even when she started to flirt a bit. She was worried he wasn't interested, she even began to worry he might've only liked other cute boys (A thought not too strange to her, she had many gay friends.) until she caught him staring at her breasts. That was her que, as she interpreted it...

Mark had seen her from a mile away, a pink-breasted girl with pigtails. He had found her hot from the moment he focused his eyes on her, this gorgous girl with a deep natural tan, italian or greek he guessed. She was wearing an unbuttoned white dress shirt with a pink tube-top underneath it, her long sandaled legs stopped only at the tight white skirt that curved a small ass. Mark kept walking but caught her eye as he took one last look at that adorable ass. He was amazed to find her sitting across from him only a few minutes later, asking for the time. She made a little small talk with him, which was hard to do while pretending not to notice her cute tight tights stuck in the pink shirt, with two points for nipples just barely visible. Once she had small-talked a bit, Mark decided to start flirting, and had her hook line and sinker from the moment he told her what a turn on pig tails are.

Ash left her number with Mark, who spent an entire day wondering about when it was too soon to call....

And so it began. By the first date, the two found they had a lot in common. They were both very openly bi-sexual, they both loved giving blowjobs, and most of all they were both usually submissive in sexual roles, (Ashley however was just the opposite in any other situation.) A second date came next, then a third. Both had very sexually active relationships in the past (both with men and women) and they both knew and acknolwedged that if they pushed things too fast it'd ruin a good relationship. So they decided on the "Base a Week" method. They started making out on the third date, and every week or two they would step up the level of sexual activity. The next week, they started groping, slipping hands under shirts as well as fingering and hand jobs. The week after that, the shirts came off as Mark started to tongue Ashley's perky (not huge, but not small) breasts and she circled his nipples with her pierced tongue while her hands slipped inside his pants. This went on until the pair had explored much of the normal (For teenagers) sex life together. Although niether was very controlling, Mark usually listened to Ash, and she liked it that way. As such, Ash was usually the submissive when they were in the bedroom, since she could ask him to be dominant. Mark was used to being on all fours or having his face pushed deep into a girl's muff, but willingly adapted to his new role...

All went well, until the horny duo got a little bored, and that is where our story begins.

Mark was rebuttoning his shirt, his cock still out of his black trousers. It was still hard but was empty more or less and glistening from Ashley's mouth. Ashley was getting off her knees, scratching a tooth. They kissed shortly, Mark enjoying the fragrance of his own cum in Ash's mouth as she ran her tongue ring along his teeth.

"Mmm. That was good..." Ashley said, sitting next him, pulling on her socks first, then her slim pink panties, which dampened slightly, her pussy still wet from Mark's magic figners.

Mark nodded once, but didn't asnwer. He was a little bored, and she could see it. Still mostly naked, she swung onto his lap, his erect penis pushing against her wet panties.

"You know, we haven't moved up in the last few weeks, baby." She mentioned quietly, referring to their "Base a Week" system.

"What's left to go up to? I thought ass-fucking you was the last step." He said jokingly, but there was truth to his statement.

She looked at him with a crooked grin and straddled his dick lightly.

"Mmm, don't forget my little strap-on friend. I ass-fucked you, too, and you loved it."

"Of course! I hadn't been fucked in what seemed like forever before that, it felt great. But you're avoiding my point. Where do we go from here, love?"

She shrugged a little and thought for a moment, scratching herself just below her nipple. As usual Mark had his eyes fixed on her dark breasts, and just as his cock had been going limp, in twitched to hardness as she touched her breast. She giggled and looked at him funny, knowing now that he liked watching her touch her own breasts. She began to squeeze them in her pink-nailed hands, moving to circle to nipples in a mock show for her love. She moaned a loud false moan, but was already feeling that anxiousness in her stomach at the feeling of breasts.

"That's a fantasy of mine... watching you play with breasts." He said hoarsely, eyes stuck on the pinkish-purple nipples.

"That's a fantasy? You have more imagination then that!" She said teasingly, stradling his now reformed six-inches as she began to seriously play with her nipples, tweaking them adeptly.

"Well... no. I.." He paused, but was urged on as she pushed her cheeks against his cock.

"I like to think about you playing with a younger girl's tits." He admitted, adverting his eyes from hers when she giggled.

"It's stupid, I know."

"It's not stupid, Mark, it's hot!" She said, and felt his cock twitch again.


"Really. I've got one like that, only, me and you seduce a freshman from school, get her really horny, then convince her to have a threesome." Mark's cock was up to it's full 6.5 inches now, pushing the light greek girl up.

"And you go down on me while she does my tits, rubbing them, licking them, and so on." She explained, and he realized she was twisting her nipples and pushing them as she explained her fantasy. Mark looked at her beamingly, and reached around her, squeezing the fabric of her panties and the tight anal flesh behind it.

"I know what we can do. We can start living out fantasies... That will be our next step."

She looked at him incredulously and giggled, but Mark was getting firm enough in his sexual role as the dominant to know what to do. He looked at her sternly, and yanked the sticking panties from off her lower region, exposing the small well-trimmed rectangle of dark pubic hair he loved.

"Are you serious?" She asked, but he answered only pulling his hands, opening up her tight cheeks. She let out a gasp as he pushed the tip his rehardened cock into her rectum, squeezing her goose-pimpled nipples.

"Okay! We'll do it!" She said, drawing a breath from the loving pain. His manhood was unlubricated except for her drying spit, and the sharp hurt was evident in her yelping moan as he squeezed her hips, pushing her onto his cock. One of her hands reached down to her glistening patch of hair, tracing a nailed finger over the slit. She used that had to spread her wet pussy lips, and the other two fingers began to fuck her from one end as the other was penetrated by her man's cock. Both of them were making light pants and gasps, as Mark's hands tightened around her thighs, pushing her up and down on his uncircumsized cock. She straddled energetically now, her fingers in pace with each thrust of him into her. She felt his hands spread out and dig their nails into her spread cheeks just as she leaned in to kiss his collar-bone.

Egged on, he began to thrust with his hips as well as pulling her up and down onto his engorged member. The increased velocity made Ash go faster and faster with her two dark fingers, fucking herself as he fucked her in her tight newly punctured ass.

After only a few more thrusts at this pace, it was too much for the fifteen year old, who bit down gently into Mark's shoulder as she came, her body arcing high above him, the cock pulling out of her ass for just a moment. However, as juices leaked out of her pussy and down onto his blonde pubic hair as well, he gripped her arced body hard and slammed it down onto his spear, bucking wildly, feeling his release closer and closer. She moaned slightly, still twitching in orgasm, her hands seizing up from the gentle pain and extreme pleasure. That's when he came, a hot steaming white load that burst up into her ass and soaked down the walls inside her, dribbling out onto his cock.

They were frozen there, for a few beautiful minutes, staring into each other's eyes. Sex was certainly not boring, but they both admitted that they were thinking of the fantasy as they fucked, the fantasy they would make a reality tomorrow at school. A young thirteen year old freshman named Ann didn't know it, but by this time tomorrow, she would be moaning both the lovers' names.

Next: Chapter 2

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