Their Bitch

By Roger Kent

Published on Dec 21, 2020


Their Bitch part 2 -Authoritarian

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Their Bitch part 2

Covid 19! It's a bastard . It'd certainly messed up my sex life. The two guys who like to "use" me regularly are getting frustrated at my non participation. The problem is I have an older partner who is quite high risk and is isolating because if he gets Covid it could kill him. So therefore I have had to stop seeing the two guys in case I catch Covid from them and bring it home.

They are being very understanding but we are getting so frustrated. My partner knows when I visit them and is perfectly ok with it usually but this Covid thing is another matter. Now we are in lockdown and only allowed to go out for food and essentials.

As it's nearly Christmas the two guys have asked me to pop over and collect a present they have for me. My partner has told me to just nip over, collect it and go. I must not go into their house in case they are asymptomatic and carrying the virus . Obviously it's agreed they will only come to the door, I will be wearing a mask and they will hand the present over and I will go. Nice and safe.

So I set off and arrive and park my car in the street. Put my mask on and knock at their door. John answers the door and unexpectedly says that I need to come in as their present is heavy!

" oh ok but only for a few seconds as under lockdown we shouldn't meet !" I say. " oh for fucks sake , I can't carry it on my own ! " he replies.

I wonder what it can be and venture in . He shuts the door behind me and indicates me to go through. As soon as I turn my back and take only a few steps when he grabs me around the chest and bundles me to the ground face first. His partner Dave suddenly appears and both of them force my hands behind my back and I feel metal handcuffs being put on my wrists.

" what the fuck ! " is all I can say as they pin me down.

"Well you didn't think we were going to wait forever did you ? You are our slut bitch and our balls need emptying ! We knew you wouldn't agree to come in voluntarily so we felt a bit of persuasion was needed !"

I feel them undoing my trousers and pulling my pants down .

" we won't take long so your partner won't ever know"

A hard slap on my arse makes me yelp and I hear them unzipping their jeans and laughing. One of them sits on the floor in front of my head legs wide apart . He leans back against the wall . He grabs my hair to raise my head and pulls my face onto his cock . It's only semi hard at this point . He grinds his cock over my face and I feel his cock stiffen.

"That's it smell my cock and lick it you tart" he orders me.

At the same time the other one is pushing a lubed finger up my bum. He pushes and pulls me and orders me to get on my knees . It's so awkward as my arms are cuffed behind me . My head is falling forward onto Dave's big groin.

" This is going down your throat ! " Dave laughs . He gets into position and the position I am now in I cant help but fall forward which forces his cock right down my throat. I am choking and gagging on his cock.

"Yes that's it bitch gag and choke on my cock"

He controls my head by grabbing my hair pulling my head up and down. Meanwhile John is pushing his cock into me. I let out a moan as he pushes his hard cock fully in. Of course it's muffled as my mouth is full of Dave's cock. My arse is getting pounded. In and out , in and out. Also my mouth is going up and down, up and down. Two hard cocks pounding me.

I do love them using me but I realise this is wrong . I mustn't tell my partner as I promised I would be careful in case of Covid. I have no choice though. If he finds out he may put a stop to me ever coming here again. I mustn't tell. I am hoping they won't take too long as questions will be asked like "How long does it take to collect a present?" Both of them know the situation though and usually we have sex for a much longer time but today it will be different. I feel their cocks pulsating. My hair is being pulled and it's hurting as my head is being bobbed up and down and I then I feel a torrent of cum shoot into my mouth. " swallow it slag " Dave commanded .

They know I don't enjoy swallowing cum so that's why they make me do it. Its a control thing. I am there to please them and not me. Strangely when I am ordered to do something its more erotic. He eases his cock out of my mouth and wipes it over my mouth and face. I know he likes to do it to degrade me even further.

John is telling me what a stupid bitch I am and is slapping my arse as he pummels my arse. He lets out a cry as he shoots his load into me . " yesss that's it you whore . "Finally I hear his breathing slow down and he withdraws his cock and says " right we are done here you stupid slag ! Time to fuck off"

I feel the cuffs being undone and I struggle to my feet and pull up my underpants and jeans . I feel some cum running down my inner thighs and I can still taste cum in my mouth. I sort of stumble to the door just a few feet away.

" oh you best take your 3 presents with you ! " John says,

" what ?! three presents ?" I reply

" Yes here's one " they hand me a lovely Christmas cake. Dave is an excellent cook.

" What about the other presents ?" I ask

"Oh you've had them already. The second present was a mouthful of cum and the third present was an arse full of cum . So say thank you for each one, you filthy bitch"

I thank them for each one and they open the front door and push me out and slam the door behind me . The whole encounter was over in ten minutes maximum. This would have to be our secret. A secret never to be told to my partner. I will take the cake back and my partner will be delighted but he must never know what had happened.

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