Theater Arts


Published on May 28, 2006



This is a true story. Only the names have been changed. In 1993 I was a freshman at Cal State LA, and living in an off-campus apartment with two roommates. I was an engineering student, but I was taking some theater arts courses in the evenings for fun, as electives. I was cast in a small role in one of the department's plays, to be directed by a junior named Jason.

Jason was French, and had grown up in Paris and Los Angeles. He was athletic, and was on one of the schools swimming teams. He had dirty blonde hair, which he wore long, and he never had any problem getting girls. He always had a girlfriend or a girl hanging around him anyway.

I am basically straight, and I was totally straight at this time. I had fantasized about having sex with guys, and I had fantasized about having sex with girls as well, but I really hadn't done very much of either. But I was focused on meeting girls, getting a date, and maybe getting laid. I just wasn't having very much luck.

Jason lived in a giant loft in downtown LA with two or three other theater students. They were constantly having parties at the loft, and it was a place where many students and friends gathered to hang out, make music, work on art and theater projects, and stuff like that.

One time when a bunch of us were rehearsing, we worked late into the night - which was not unusual, we would sometimes work all night. The others left and Jason invited me to stay over since I had a longer drive, and one of his roommates was away. I agreed and crashed in the roommate's bed, and slept through the night, and every ting was cool. When I woke up I heard sounds of cereal and silverware and stuff from the kitchen area, and went out to see what was up. The other roommates were there, along with one of the neighbors, fixing coffee and breakfast, reading the paper and whatnot. I helped myself to coffee and sat down.

Previously Tony, one of my friends from the play, had made a passing reference to Jason's dick, to several of us. He said something like, "my dick is not as big as Jason's, but..." When one of the girls asked him about it, he said that he knew that Jason had a big dick because Jason often walked around the loft naked. Tony said it was because Jason liked to show off how big his dick was. Jason apparently said it just made him feel comfortable, and that it was a "European" thing. Whatever. I really didn't think anything of it, like I was dying to see Jason naked, or imagining how big his dick was.

So anyway we're sitting there eating cereal, wiping sleep from our eyes, talking about this and that, and whammy here comes Jason naked without a stitch of clothes on his hairy-assed body. And just as Tony had said he did have a really big dick. Probably about the biggest one I had ever seen I guess.

One of the roommates glanced at the other, then at me, and kind of shrugged his shoulders. I tried to play it real cool, like this was something that happened at breakfast at my house too. Sipped my coffee, picked up some newspaper, looked down. Tried to look anywhere but at his dick. He walked over to the counter, poured some coffee, walked over to the table where we were sitting, and stood right next to me. I looked up. His uncut dick was like two feet from my face. Oh shit. I was not used to this.

I have a very pale complexion - probably from spending half my life in the computer lab - and I could feel a wave of heat on my neck and chest. I have a tendency to flush bright red when I get nervous or embarrassed, and I could feel it now, blossoming and rushing up my neck, around my ears and across my cheeks. Then I realized I was staring at the one place I wasn't supposed to look, his dick. Damn it. I looked away abruptly.

Jason was just standing there talking to his friends like nothing was up. They were talking about a class, a test, or some bullshit. I can't remember what. But he didn't say a word to me, didn't acknowledge that I was sitting right there, didn't make eye contact. I pulled the news paper up in front of my face, and shifted in my seat. But out of the corner of my eye I couldn't help seeing his dick.

Then that was it. I hid behind the paper as best I could, and then I just started staring right at his dick. I knew everyone could see how flushed I was. I knew they knew I was getting a rush off Jason's naked dick, but somehow I couldn't stop staring at the thing.

The truth was I was never attracted to Jason. I will admit that there were young guys who I had been attracted to, but they were always skinny, smooth, and very young looking. Jason had a full build from swimming and working out, a broad chest, and a lot of hair on his body and butt. I never had any thing like this in my mind, but now all of a sudden I felt an extremely powerful attraction, not necessarily toward Jason exactly, but toward his dick for sure.

Jason turned and walked into the bathroom, leaving the door ajar. I heard the shower running after a minute or two. The neighbor got up and said goodbye. One of the roommates said he had stuff to do in his room. Neither made eye contact. The other roommate sat at the table having his breakfast, and gave me a quizzical look. I stuck my nose in the paper and didn't say a word.

After a few minutes I mumbled that I had to use the bathroom, and I went inside. My mind was rushing. I could see the bright red splotches on my neck in the mirror when I entered the bathroom. I stood in front of the toilet, and took out my dick. It was as hard as it had ever been. What was happening to me? Was I turning into a total fag, is that what I was all along?

The shower curtain was clear plastic. Jason was washing his hair, seemed to have his eyes closed. I stood in front of the toilet with my dick sticking straight out. I stared at Jason's body and dick. He rinsed his hair quickly and started soaping up his body. He faced forward, and didn't look my way. He started soaping up his dick and balls. His dick was soft, but started getting even longer as he flopped it around. The pink head began to poke out of the foreskin, and grow even longer but he was still basically soft, dangling. He stared straight at the front wall of the shower.

He began to rinse off. He turned toward me. I zipped up and ran out of the bathroom. I waited at the kitchen table with the remaining roommate. I didn't say anything. Neither did he. I stared at the paper, not reading. My hands were shaking.

Jason was in there like ten minutes. When he came out he was wearing boxer shorts and had a towel draped around his neck. He walked toward his room. I said I had a question about the scene we were going over last night. He said come in his room. He went in. I followed. He closed the door and locked it. He took a copy of the script and laid down on his bed, on top of the covers.

He tossed the towel to the side, and reclined back on a stack of pillows. He raised his legs and took off his boxers, and tossed them aside too. With the script in his left hand he began reading from the scene we had been practicing. With his right hand he started stroking his dick. He read the lines in a mechanical way. His dick got really stiff really fast. When he finished a line, he said read. I read a line. He read a line. He stroked his dick. I sat down on a chair near the bed, and stared, leaning in to get an up-close view of his hard meat.

He was pumping his foreskin slowly up over the meaty head of his dick, and then back down again. I had never seen this. My mouth was dry. I had trouble saying my lines. I reached out to try to touch his dick. He grabbed my wrist firmly, and shoved my hand away.

Say your lines he said tensely. I said my lines while I stared at his dick. I wanted to touch it and suck it. It started leaking a lot, and he started pumping faster. I tried to grab it a again, and got my hand on it for a few seconds. I couldn't reach my hand around it. It was soft but firm and very hot. I liked it. This time he grabbed my forearm, and threw me half way out of my chair. Then he spread his legs all the way apart, and really started jacking, and humping his fist, flexing his legs. I could see his butt and butt hole, and a full view of his scrotum and dangling balls. His belly muscles tightened, and then he shot. About five or six squirts, shooting across his chest, and filling up his belly button.

He grabbed the towel to wipe off. He said he had some things to do. I said fine I have to go. I drove home and locked myself in my bedroom, and jacked off four times.

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