The Zone

By J.T. Bottom

Published on Jan 18, 2003


After Martin left I headed to my room to think. My Mother was in the kitchen and thankfully left me alone the rest of the afternoon. As I was laying in bed I wondered how he had managed to take a picture of me being fucked by his roommate without me realizing it. He must have came in the room when Jake was really fucking me hard because I didn't remember hearing or seeing any flash. Also, how did he know where I lived? The photo was at least somewhat explainable, but how had he known my address?

Given the circumstances, I had no choice but to meet him. After his little display in front of my house I had no doubt that Martin would not hesitate to follow through with his threat. He had shown that he didn't care what problems he might cause me and since I was heading off to college in a couple of months I could not let anything jeopardize my plans. I'm not sure what my parents would do if they saw that photo. They would probably assume that I was raped or forced into doing those things, but if confronted I don't believe that I could actually lie. The truth would eventually come out. They would know that I willingly went to a strange man's apartment for sex and once that truth was out I wasn't sure how my family would react. For all I knew they would cut me off completely. Although at 18 I was desperate for freedom and couldn't wait to get out of my parents' house I was not quite so willing to have that freedom without the financial benefits that my parents would no doubt be providing me. If my parents cut me off financially I wouldn't know what to do. I've never known what it was like not being taken care of financially. No, I had to go meet Martin and find out what he wanted.

I headed out around 4:00 telling my Mother I was heading over to friend's house nearby. Surprisingly, she did not ask for anymore details, only to "be sure and be home by 10:00 or call if you are going to be late." After walking a few blocks I hailed a cab and within 15 minutes I was being dropped off in the parking lot at the park. I paid the driver, and then headed into the park and towards the bathroom where this whole thing started.

I was beginning to get a little nervous as I approached the bathroom, but as I came closer I saw that Martin was nowhere to be found. I went inside and found no one and after searching the area I decided to wait and sit under a tree near the restroom where I would have a good view of the surroundings.

I sat there about 30 minutes and watched several men use the restroom. Although I couldn't tell for sure, it looked like most were using the facilities for their intended purpose however a couple of older men tended to hang around just a little too long and appeared to be cruising the place.

No one hung around for more than a couple of minutes and it made me think that fate must have thrown me a curve for me to have come to this particular bathroom at exactly the same time Martin had been in there. I wondered why he had been in there and whether he was there cruising or was just using the place to take a piss. I guess it didn't make a hell of a lot of difference at this point.

It was getting close to 5:00 and I was starting to get nervous again. I didn't have a clue why Martin was doing this or what he wanted. When I had met him last week, he had made it appear that I had a choice as to whether to hook up with him or not. I obviously had decided that I didn't want to do anything like that again, but evidently that was not the decision that Martin wanted to hear. I assumed that he took the picture as insurance to use in case I didn't call. But then again, he took the picture before we had any discussions about me calling him and "working" for him in the first place. It just didn't make sense.

I was thinking about these things when I noticed a Latino kid about my age walk into the bathroom. He was wearing the typical baggy pants that were 10 sizes too big and a white tank top shirt that showed his skinny, yet muscular body. His head was shaved and although his skin was dark, it was not nearly as dark as most of the other Latino guys that I had seen. He went into the bathroom and came out within a few seconds. He obviously did not have to use the bathroom, as he was not in there long enough. He walked around the small building and then started to gaze around at the park as if he was looking for someone. Finally, he happened to glance my way and without any hesitation started to walk in my direction. I was a little surprised that he was heading towards me, but I didn't give it much thought, as my mind was still pre-occupied with what was going to happen when Martin showed up.

He came to where I was sitting and asked, "Are you waiting for Martin?"

I was expecting him to ask me for a cigarette or maybe a couple of bucks, but I didn't expect this. I was a little stunned as I responded, "Yeah."

"He asked me to come here and get you. We need to head back to his place. Let's go." He then turned around and started to walk away. I quickly got up and started to follow him as my mind raced with questions. Who was this kid? How many people knew about this? What in the hell was going on?

"Hey, just a second. Wait up!" I called after him. He stopped and turned around looking at me. When he did I was able to get a better look. He was about my height and probably weighed around 150. He looked much more muscular up close and not quite as skinny as he did before. He had a little goatee, but there was not much hair and it was very thin. I noticed that his skin was very smooth and appeared to be completely hairless. Upon closer inspection he was actually quite handsome. "Who are you? Where's Martin?" I asked.

"He's back at his place getting things ready. He didn't have time to come out here and get your ass, so he asked me to do it for him." He didn't tell me his name and I didn't pressure him any further as he appeared to be a little upset, although I had no idea what about.

"Well, can you at least tell me what's going on? Martin asked me to meet him here and that's all I know. I wouldn't even be here, but Martin..." I stopped, not quite ready to tell him the entire story.

"I've seen the picture man, so don't worry about it. Let's go and I'll explain in the car." He then turned and started walking towards the parking lot again. After hesitating, I quickly followed and soon enough we came upon Martin's familar beat up junker sitting in the parking lot. The kid unlocked the car, climbed in, and then reached over and unlocked my side of the door. Once again I was getting into Martin's car at the park and getting ready to head back over to his place. Just like Martin, the kid opened a pack of cigarettes, lit one up, and then started the car and headed out of the parking lot toward Martin's apartment. As we drove away he didn't say a word and didn't explain any further about what was going on. I couldn't stand it anymore. My nerves had all they could take and I was getting to the end of my patience.

"You said you would explain in the car what in the hell was going on, so tell me. All I know is that Martin picked me up last week, took me back to his apartment where both him and his roommate royally fucked the shit out of me, and then this afternoon he shows up at my house demanding that I be at the park at 5:00. So please tell me just what in the fuck is going on!" All the stress of the situation was finally coming to a boil and I was shaking and almost in tears. I had had all I could take and was losing it.

"Man, just calm down," he said as he glanced at me nervously. "No one is fucking with you, so just calm down."

"Then tell me just what the fuck is going on?" I demanded, still quite upset but starting to get a little under control again. "And who are you?"

"The name is Arturro. Nice to meet you." He put his cigarette in his mouth and reached over with his right hand to grasp my trembling hand. "Don't be freakin on me or anything. I don't need the hassle. Just calm your ass down and everything is going to be fine, you got that?" I nodded in agreement. At least he was talking now. "I know why you are here. Martin told me, so no need to worry about any of that shit. I don't want to get into any particulars, but Martin kinda did the same to me so I know how you are feeling about now. All you need to know is that everything is cool."

"Martin took a picture of you too?" I asked, stunned.

"Like I said, I don't want to get into any particulars. Let's just say I don't want to be here anymore than you do, but there is no way around that right now, so you might as well get used to it."

This was getting stranger by the moment. Apparently I was not the only one who had been tricked by Martin. He had evidently tricked this kid as well, although he wasn't supplying any details. Since he was talking I decided I would at least try to get some additional information out of him. "So what is going on this afternoon? Why are we going to Martin's place?"

Arturro continued to drive for a few moments apparently ignoring my question, before replying, "We need to do a little work." He took another long drag off his cigarette before blowing it toward the windshield. "Martin has these parties for special friends of his, and he likes to supply them with whatever they want. Usually all they want is to get fucked up, smoke some shit, do some lines, whatever. Most of them like to fuck some pussy." He took another drag on his cigarette, his face looking like he was thinking about something serious, before continuing but speaking softly, "Some of his buddies don't want no pussy."

I didn't get a chance to think about what he meant by that because he was already starting to turn into the apartment's driveway and pulling around toward the back parking lot. I didn't say a word, and just starred at Arturro and wondered what in the hell I had gotten myself into. I was desperately trying to figure a way out of this, but nothing was coming. I was in this for the entire ride and I started to realize that when Arturro parked the car and got out. I got out of the car and followed him to the stairway that I had emerged from a week earlier. I followed behind him but instead of going to the door where I had gone last time, he turned and knocked on the other door that was at the opposite side of the landing.

After a couple of seconds I heard the lock being turned and the door opened and Jake appeared, standing in the doorway smiling. He wasn't wearing the shabby clothes that he wore the last time we had met. He had now cleaned up rather well. He was clean shaven, had his hair slicked back, and had on a pair of black slacks with a white silk shirt. If I hadn't recognized his face, I probably wouldn't have recognized him at all.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to come and pay us a visit. Come on in boys, come on in." He then stood aside as I followed Arturro into the apartment. Although I was extremely nervous and a little scared, part of me was beginning to give in to the realization that there were circumstances taking place that were now very much out of my control. The only thing I could do now was to stay alert and just try and figure out exactly what was happening and see if there was anyway I could somehow undo this mess that I had gotten myself into.

After walking through the doorway, Jake closed and locked the door behind me. As my eyes adjusted to the dim light in the room I noticed that we were once again not alone. There were several women dressed in what my father called "slut wear" who were standing around a small bar that had been built into the corner. As I looked around I also noticed that unlike the other apartment, this one was bigger and much nicer. There was the bar area that had stools and a stocked liquor cabinet. There was a den area that had a big screen TV, and a huge stereo system, and a fireplace. The walls had real wood paneling, which gave the room a cabin-like feeling. There was a kitchen that I could only see part of through a cut out in the wall next to the bar. There was a hallway that led off from the bar, but I could not see where it went.

As I looked around the room I was startled when Jake grabbed my arm and said, "Let me show you around before the party starts." He then led me toward the bar. "Do you want anything to drink? Now is your chance, because later you won't have nothin for a while."

I didn't understand what he was talking about but replied, "I'll have a coke."

"Anything in it? Rum? Whiskey?" he asked, being extremely polite.

"No, thanks. I don't drink."

"Suit yourself," Jake responded as he reached into the built in refrigerator and pulled out a can of coke, opened it, and gave it to me. I took it from him and noticed that Arturro was fixing himself a tall drink from the bar. I couldn't tell what he was making, but it sure wasn't a soft drink. Jake then walked past the women at the bar, not even paying them any notice, and turned into the hallway. I looked back and Arturro was staying at the bar with his drink. As I turned back to follow Jake he was heading all the way to the end of the hallway, passing several closed doors. One went to the kitchen, but that was all I could tell. What were behind the other doors was unknown to me. When I got to the end of the hall, Jake reached forwared and opened the door and led me inside.

"This is where you will be staying for the evening," he said as I walked past him into the room.

I walked through the doorway and Jake flipped on the switch. My first impression was that I had walked onto some strange movie set. I had expected a bedroom, and it was indeed a bedroom, but this was no ordinary bedroom. The first thing I noticed was that there were mirrors on every wall. Except for the door to what I presumed was the closet, there was a floor to ceiling mirror on every wall. There were no windows, no pictures, nothing except for the mirrors. There was a single light bulb that hung from the ceiling. There were no other lights in the room. In the middle of the room there was a large king sized bed. It was not against the wall, but in the very middle of the room. It did not have a headboard and there was just a white sheet over the mattress. In one corner of the room there was a small table with some items on top of it which I could not identify. Other than the table and the bed, there was nothing in the room. I stood there not moving, amazed, my mind racing with what it was being presented with.

"So whats you think?" asked Jake as he shut the door and proceeded to go and sit on the bed. He patted the bed with his hand, gesturing me to come and sit next to him. I didn't move. I couldn't move. I was too stunned. "I ain't' gonna bite. Come on over here cause you and me need to have a little talk."

I slowly, as if in a daze, came and sat down next to Jake on the bed, while continuing to look around the room. It was too much and my brain just wasn't working at full speed at the moment.

"This be where you are gonna work tonight," Jake said, putting his arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry, you ain't going to be alone. Art will be right here with you the entire time to show you the ropes."

"What...what do you mean work?" I asked.

Jake just looked at me as if I was the dumbest person on the face of the earth. "Ain't you figured it out boy?" he said while tapping his finger against my forehead. "Martin and I run us a little business. You don't need to know the details of what that business is, but part if it involves letting our business partners have a little fun once in a while. We have ourselves a little party, see, and we let the boys have their fun. Whatever they want, we give it to them. You understand that boy?" he asked, lightly slapping my face a couple of times to make sure that I was hearing what he was saying.

I didn't understand anything. I wasn't even close to understanding anything. I was too stunned to think anymore. All I could do was shake my head from side to side.

Jake took a big breath, sighed, and continued, "In a little bit some friends, or should I say partners, of ours are going to come over for some business. After we get done we like to celebrate with a little party. That's where you and the girls come in. The girls go in a couple of the rooms and you and Art come in here. If someone want to party with the girls, then we supply the pussy. If they want to party with the boys, then we give them some ass. You understandin now boy?"

Slowly, it started to make sense to me now. Martin and Jake were going to give me up to their friends to use as they wish. I was going to get used by people I had never met before. I was sitting in a room designed purely for sex and I was going to be one of the major players. Yes indeed, I understood now.

"Just relax. No one is coming for a while, so just relax. Take a nap or somethin." Jake then got up, walked to the door, opened it and left, closing the door behind him and leaving me alone to think about the predicament I was in.

I sat there for a couple of minutes and did nothing. I didn't even drink my coke. This was not happening. I was not sitting in a room waiting for any strange man to come in and have sex with me. How had all this happened? I was sitting in my stupor when the door opened and Martin walked in and shut the door behind him.

"Hey there Little Man, nice that you could make it." He came over and stood in front of me, while I said nothing and just stared up at him. He was smiling down at me, with a smirk on his face. He reached down and lightly grabbed my chin and guided my face up to meet his own. "Let's me and you get something straight right now. You belong to me and you'll do anything I ask. You got that boy?" He didn't raise his voice, and talked as if he really cared about me.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked softly, looking at him and hoping that he would just let me leave.

"What do you mean 'why am I doing this?' You asked me to boy. Don't you remember?" He continued to stare down at me with an expression of mild bewilderment and surprise.

The frustration that had been building in me all day had given me a little courage and I didn't feel like taking anymore of this guy's shit. I had had enough and I wasn't interested in being nice anymore. "What do you mean I asked for it?" I said sarcastically, beginning to raise my voice. "I didn't ask to come here. I wouldn't be here except for that picture and that little stunt you pulled in front of my house. I don't know what the fuck your talking about."

Still smiling he said, "Well, maybe you just have a bad memory. Let me see if I can help you out." With that, he suddenly reached forward and grabbed my hair, pulling me off the bed. I was startled and tried to struggle, but the pain of him pulling on my hair brought some sense into me and I stopped struggling immediately. "Lay the fuck down on the bed, face down," he demanded, now angrily, his voice tense. He then shoved me forward onto the bed and I fell forward. I quickly rolled over onto my stomach and hid my face, expecting that he might try and punch me. Within a second his weight was once again on top of me, pressing me down into the familiar position that he had first had me. This time though, we both had our clothes on. He moved his hands underneath my arms and once again had them clamped around my neck, pinning me to the bed, making me helpless.

"Please, what are you doing!" I begged, scared. All courage that I previously had was now gone.

"What am I doing? I'm helping that poor memory of yours you little fuckhead! Now you fucking just think for a second. Try and remember what happened last week and what agreement we made." He was now almost yelling and I had no doubt that if anyone was within 20 feet of the door that they would be able to hear him. I didn't think anyone was gong to come and help me. He continued, his voice getting even louder, "Now you tell me exactly what you said to me last week when I had you pinned down like this. Just what in the fuck were your exact words to me after I shoved my cock up your fucking white ass? Tell me motherfucker!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I whimpered.

"I gave you a fucking choice last week. You do remember that don't you fucker?"

My thoughts were only of trying to get out of this room. I couldn't remember anything about last week at the moment. I was too terrified. "I'm sorry," I whimpered, "I don't remember." I started to cry and the tears rolled freely down my face.

"Take a deep breath, and just think for a second. I know that little brain of yours will remember if you just fucking think." Martin was now calming down somewhat, but he still was still pinning me quite hard to the bed. "Think Little Man, what choice did I give you last week?"

A choice? What in the hell was he talking about? And then I remembered. Oh fuck, I remembered now every single word that we exchanged. The memory came back as if it had just taken place. He indeed had given me a choice. That choice was to get up and leave the first time I had been with him. He had made it plain and simple. At the time I had thought that he was just being nice, but evidently his offer was more serious than I had thought.

"I remember," I said quietly, letting my face slowly press flat against the bed. The choice I was given was that I could either leave, or see what I was made of and take whatever he had to give. I remembered now as if it had just happened all over again. With his weight again pressing down on my body and his arms pinning me again to the bed, I began to remember what thoughts were going through my head a week earlier. I remembered the decision and I remember what I told him.

Martin now leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "You remember now Little Man? Tell me again, what exactly did you tell me last week when I gave your fucking pussy ass a chance to get the fuck up and get out. Just exactly what did you tell me? Tell me what you said. Come on, tell me."

He had me and he knew it. I used to think I was a smart kid. I thought I was always one step ahead of everyone else. Now here I was the last one to figure it all out. Once again I found myself slowly turning my head as I had done a week earlier and looking back at the man who was on top of me, controlling me, using me, "I said, 'Please sir, please make me your bitch."

A smile broke out on Martin's face then. He slowly nodded his head and said, "Well, well, well, my Little Man has finally figured it out. I'm proud of you boy, I really am." He then let go of my arms and neck and rolled off me and stood up. I rolled over onto my side to look at him starring down at me. "Now, get out of your fucking clothes bitch and you do whatever any motherfucker who walks in here wants you to do tonight. You got that?"

"Yes sir." I replied, not looking at him in the face, ashamed.

"You do as you're told and maybe me and you can work out a little agreement where you will have a little more choice in when you come and work for me. Until then, you do whatever the fuck I tell you to, understand?"

"Yes sir."

"And one more thing," he reached inside his pocked and pulled out a plastic card that I couldn't quite make out and threw it on the bed where it landed next to me. "I think you forgot this the last time you were here." He then turned around and walked out of the room and shut the door.

I didn't move for a while and finally looked down to see what he had thrown on the bed. I picked it up and brought it closer so I could take a look. Of course, it all made sense now. I was holding my own student identification card. It had my picture, my address, and my home phone number printed right on it. It must have fallen out of my shorts when I had taken them off last week. Either that, or Martin had searched my pockets. At least now I knew how he had found out where I lived. I took the ID and shoved it deep into my pants. My own fucking student ID. I was so stupid.

I slowly stood up and began to get undressed.

Next: Chapter 4

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