The Zone

By J.T. Bottom

Published on Nov 23, 2002


First, a little about me. My name is Adam. I am about 5'8", 155 lbs., toned, smooth and muscular. People tell me that I look a lot like a jock version of a teenage Ricky Schroeder, which I do. I am athletic, but preppy, have an affluent background, come from a rich, white, well-established family in Chicago, and don't act gay at all. I was into all sorts of sports in high school including football, soccer, and baseball. I just graduated from high school and am 18 years old.

I had an experience recently that I want you to know about. An experience that I think you will enjoy and I need your help with a decision I was presented with, which I will explain.

I was walking down Lake Shore Drive in the early evening when I had to take a leak. There are many restrooms scattered along the lake in the northern part of Chicago and most of them can be somewhat cruisy. At that time I had only messed around a couple of times with friends, but it was only touching and caressing, but no more.

It was in the middle of summer and I had on a pair baggy shorts and a tee shirt that I had draped over my shoulder. When I entered the bathroom I noticed one other man who was already standing at the urinal taking a leak. He was in mid 40s or so and was tall, at about 6'3" or a little more. He wasn't handsome, and didn't strike any interest in me at all. I simply walked up to the only other urinal and started to take a piss. I wasn't pissing for 5 seconds when the man started to talk to me.

"What's up tonight boy? What you doing out here at the lake today?" he asked.

I was surprised that he had began a conversation with me and really only started to notice him for the first time. "I'm just getting out of the house. Bored, you know?" I answered, glancing at him nervously.

I could tell he was continuing to stare at me. "So you just hangin?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied and looked at him again. I was now aware that he was no longer peeing and was just holding his cock. Trying not to look like I was staring, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see that he had a fat cock and was just barely shaking it a little. I couldn't believe that this guy was actually checking me out and seeing if I would make the next move. "So, what you up to man?" I asked.

Continuing to hold his cock, he turned towards me, tilted his head to the side a little, and replied "Just looking to have some fun, if you know what I mean." He then really started to wag his cock at me, which by now I was looking at directly and could tell that it was very, very fat. I couldn't really tell how long it was because he was wearing baggy jeans, but I knew it was a lot bigger than mine and a hell of a lot bigger then the few friends that I had messed around with.

All my instincts told me to get the hell out of there. Here was a guy more than twice my age, and about twice my size, coming right out and letting me know that he wanted to have sex with me. I didn't think he was attractive at all and he didn't appear to be in very good shape. But still, I didn't move and after a few seconds the man came closer and cupped my ass with his other hand. I remember thinking that he had big hands because when he squeezed my ass he was able to get both cheeks at the same time as I felt his fingers dig deep into my skin.

"You gotta nice ass there boy. You must like this because you ain't gone anywhere yet. How about we get outta here and go back to my place. It's not very far. We be there in 5 minutes. How bout it?"

Now I had often fantasized about what my first real sexual experience with a man would be like and I can guarantee you this wasn't it. However, there was something about the demanding look that the man was giving me. He was in control and he knew it. He could tell that I was a little scared, but he could also tell I was curious and interested. It must have been the look on my face because he simply said, "Let's go," and he zipped up his pants and headed out of the bathroom towards the parking lot. I thought about it for a few seconds and followed after him.

Neither one of us said anything as we walked. I stayed a little bit behind him so it wouldn't look as if we were actually together. He quickly got to his small, cheap car and reached over and unlocked the passenger side door. It smelled of cigarettes, and no sooner did I notice when he reached in his pocket and lit one up. I hated cigarettes and hated the smell especially, but I didn't say anything. He put the car in gear and we pulled away from the parking lot with him giving me a quick glance. When he looked at me he had a smirk on his face as if something was amusing him.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, wondering if maybe the man was changing his mind.

"Oh no, no, no. Nothing is wrong. You just look so fine and you don't even know it."

"Thanks," I replied.

"No, thank you. You just relax and everything be cool." He then reached over and grabbed my left leg and gave it a hard squeeze that actually hurt a little. "You just do as I say and we be getting along just fine, okay?" His cigarette never left his mouth the entire time and he had resumed staring at the road in front of him as we headed down the road.

We arrived in less than 5 minutes to an older, dirty looking three-story building where he parked in back in a private parking lot. We both got out of the car and headed towards the building, but instead of going to the main entrance in the front of the building, we headed to a stairway leading down that I hadn't noticed until I had gotten out of the car. At the bottom of the stairway there were two doors. He went up to one of them and quickly opened it for me.

As I walked through the door I was very surprised to see that there was someone already in his shabby little apartment watching TV in the living room. "Hey Martin, what you got there with you man?" asked the man on the couch, who I could now see was a very fat and balding black guy with just his boxer shorts on. He looked a little younger, maybe around 40, and like his roommate, not good looking at all. I once again was wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into.

"Just a little friend I met at the park," Martin replied. I at least knew this guy's name now.

"Man, you fuck with these young ones and you be getting in trouble, I guarantee you. How old are you boy?" he asked.

"16," I lied

"Damn, you don't look a day over 14 to me, shit. You don't have no body hair or nuttin. You just a little white boy," he responded. I had often been mistaken for a kid much younger because I hadn't yet started to grow much hair on my face.

"He's my little white boy," Martin responded, grabbing me around the back of my neck with one of his large hands. "Him and me are going to be real good friends, aren't' we boy?"

"Yeah," was all I could say.

"Turn up the TV Jake just in case we start making some noise. I don't want the neighbors to hear us if we get a little wild in there." And with that he rather forcefully guided me into one of the two bedrooms in the small apartment and shut the door.

"Get outta those fucking clothes and get on the bed. I'm going to smoke me some weed to get in the mood." He then fished around in one of his dresser drawers until he pulled out a joint and quickly lit it up and began taking hits off it while watching me slowly and nervously take off my clothes.

I was only wearing a jock strap so when I had taken off my shorts I was surprised when he told me to keep the jock strap on. "Your ass look good in it," he said. He also had me keep on my tennis shoes and socks.

"Okay baby, let's get this game started," he said as he began to take off his shirt. When he had taken his shirt off I could see that he had some chest hair, but not a lot and that most of it was black with some gray hairs mixed in. His body was not in shape and his stomach had a little gut on it that hung down a little. He then started to remove his pants and I noticed he was not wearing any underwear. After he had bent over to pull the pants off his legs he stood back up and I could see what I was going to be dealing with.

His cock was indeed thick as I had seen earlier, but I also could now see that it was long as well. It was still soft and looked to be about 8" long and about as thick as my wrist. He was wagging it some more at me with the smirk now returning to his face. "You like what you see boy?" he asked. "Now I want you to get on your hands and knees on the bed and face me."

I had been sitting on the edge of the bed facing him and I quickly got up and proceeded to get on all fours facing the edge of the bed. Martin didn't move until I was turned around facing him and then he started to walk to wards the bed swinging his cock in my direction. "You need to suck this baby and get it nice and hard, okay?" He then reached with his other hand and grabbed my hair on the top of my head and pulled my head back until it hurt. "You do as your told and you be fine, you got that baby?"

"Yes", I replied as he began to slap my face with his cock. I was surprised at the weight of his cock as it hit my face. It actually felt heavy as it slammed into my face, first one side and then the other. I hadn't opened my mouth yet and I could smell the musky odor of his cock. It wasn't a bad smell, but I could tell that he hadn't taken a shower that day. His cock also looked a little greasy, as if he had put some oil on it.

"Now when we get started I'm not going to stop until I pop a nut, so you just hang in there, ok baby?" He then started to push the head of his cock on my lips. "Now open up that mouth boy and get daddy hard."

I did as I was told and immediately the slimy cock was pushed into my mouth and all the way to the back of my throat. I wasn't prepared for such an assault right away and I started to choke immediately. He didn't pull back right away though and kept it as deep in my throat as it would go for about 5 seconds, until I started to get tears in my eyes. He then pulled his cock back out of my throat and slapped me some more over my face as I took deep breaths trying to get air. His cock was a lot slicker now with my spit sticking to the sides. "Okay baby, one more time but this time relax that throat so I can fuck your face good." With that said he pressed against my lips again and I opened up to receive his now growing cock down my throat.

He once again didn't pussyfoot around and shoved it as deep as it would go, but at least this time I was a little more prepared for the invasion and tried to open my mouth and throat as wide as possible. Since his cock had gotten harder and a little thicker more of it went down my throat until once again I was choking and the tears were starting to stream from my eyes. He held it deep in my throat but this time for a little longer before he started to pull out. He didn't pull out all the way though this time and when the head of his cock was resting on my tongue he forcefully jammed it again back down my throat until he was choking me again. I started to wretch but since I did not have anything to eat in some time there was nothing to come out. He seemed to enjoy the torture he was doing on my throat because he continued to pull out for a little bit and then slam it in harder each time, trying to get more and more of the cock down my throat.

I was dizzy from the lack of oxygen, but at the same time my throat was slowly giving in to his piston cock driving into me. I slowly started to notice that his cock was now able to completely go down my throat and his pubes were hitting my nose with each thrust. I didn't realize it at the time, but my body had overcome the urge to gag and I was actually able take a cock that most guys wouldn't even be able to take half of.

His cock was now almost completely hard now and my jaw was stretched to the max. His dick thankfully didn't get much longer and was only about 10".

"Oh yeah baby, you learn real quick. Now just relax and let me fuck your face real good."

I looked up at him and he was staring down at me with a controlling grin on his face. I still had tears in my eyes and I imagine I was red in the face. It was at the time, looking up at him, realizing that I had given someone else control over my body, that I knew that I had opened a new door that would never now be closed. It was the first time that someone was really in control of me in my entire life. I had strict parents, but they still let me do pretty much what I wanted. I had been given many of the luxuries in life without having to work for them. And now here I was mostly naked on a bed getting fucked down my throat by a big black man in his 40s who was going to use me in any way he wanted, and I loved it. I wanted him to use me and use my body any way he wanted.

I started to now suck his cock as best as I could. He wasn't giving me much opportunity, but when his cock was down my throat I tried to apply as much pressure as I could to his cock to make sure he enjoyed this boy's throat. He seemed to notice the difference. "There you go boy, keep that up. Watch those teeth now."

Keeping one hand holding my hair he reached back with his other hand and suddenly smacked one of my ass cheeks very hard. It startled me because I wasn't expecting it and I lost some control over my throat muscles and started to choke again. I had just gotten my breath back when he reached back and swatted my ass again in the same exact spot. It didn't hurt the first time because I hadn't expected it, but the second time it stung like a bitch. Because his cock was still pistoning my throat I could do nothing but moan and try to move my ass downward towards the bed, but he would have none of that.

"Don't you fucking pull away from me boy!" he shouted as he pulled his cock all the way out of my mouth and slapped me hard across the face. The smack made my head swing sideways only to be brought back by another slap on the other side of my face. "Don't you ever fucking try and get away from me boy. You got that!" he asked angrily as he grabbed my chin and pulled my face up to meet his now angered expression.

"Okay, I'm sorry", I sobbed.

"I'm sorry what?"

"I'm sorry sir" I replied after a moment realizing what he wanted to hear. I was now terrified at his sudden outburst and my body tensed up.

"That's better. Now get off that bed and get your knees on the floor and lean over the bed so I can whoop that ass." I didn't move immediately and he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me off the bed roughly. When I was on the floor he slammed my upper body face down back on the bed so that my knees were on the floor and I was positioned over the bed with my ass in the air. He then proceeded to sit on my back so that he was facing the side of the bed and his legs were on either side of my now upturned ass. It took a while to get my breath as he weighed quite a bit, but I slowly gathered my breath realizing that he now had me pinned underneath him with total access to my ass.

A minute earlier I had been thinking how I wanted to let this man do anything to me, but now I wasn't so sure. He didn't waste any time in his new position of authority before he once again swung down with his open palm and slapped my ass.

"You need to be good boy. You need to be taught a lesson and do what daddy tell you to do." He then began to slap my ass, one cheek, and then the next, as hard as he could. As soon as one slap would come down my body would go ridged with the pain, but since he was practically sitting on me I could do nothing but moan and put my head in the blanket. "Yeah baby. Goin to get that ass nice and red to get fucked. You get used to this spanking baby and be a good boy."

He continued to spank me until it was just a blur of pain and emotions that were surging through my body. My ass felt like it was on fire and with each slap it felt as if a blowtorch was being applied directly to my ass. However at the same time my body, having finally given up trying to get away, was becoming like a rag doll. After a few minutes I just laid there and whimpered like a little puppy.

He must have had enough because all of a sudden I felt his crushing weight get off my back and felt his arms lift my now limp body all the way onto the bed so I was laying flat on the bed, face down.

"Now you be ready to get fucked good. Your ass nice and warmed up for my meat. You ready for some cock up that sweet ass of yours baby?" I didn't replay right away as I was still recouping from the beating he had just gave my ass. He must not have liked me not answering because he reached up and once again pulled on my hair until my head was pulled off the bed. "I asked you boy, are you ready to get fucked!" he yelled.

"Yes sir!" I cried, not really being sure if I agreed to being fucked or not. It was all happening way too fast and there was no way to get out of it. I guess I could have tried to make a run for it but for as much fear was now in my system, there was a deeper desire to carry this thing out and continue to let this big black fucker use me until he's finished with me. I wanted to get used and I wanted him to abuse me, even though I knew it was gong to hurt.

I could feel him getting on the bed behind me and then pushing my legs together with his hands. "You keep those legs together and make that pussy nice and tight. You got that boy?"

"Yes sir." I replied, feeling the length of his body start to come down on my backside. When he was laying completely on top of me I noticed that he had begun to sweat and his body was sliding over my back. I could even feel drops of sweat falling off his head onto the back of my neck.

"Yeah, you one pretty white boy, you are. You ever had that pretty ass fucked baby?" he asked.

"No. Will it hurt?" I asked in return.

"Yeah, it's gonna hurt all right, but you'll get used to it. You just hang in there and we be fine."

I felt him moving some more and looking back I could see him pull a tube of something out of his dresser drawer next to the bed. It looked like toothpaste at first, but then when I saw it closer it turned out to be KY Jelly. Later, when I had been more experienced at fucking, I realized how lucky I was that the guy had lube, otherwise my ass would have been torn apart that day.

I saw him take off the lid and then felt him squeeze some of the jelly directly onto my ass crack. I think he also squeezed some onto his cock, but I wasn't sure. He then threw the tube onto the side of the bed and reached down with one of his hands and started to work the jelly into my crack. It didn't take him long before he was rubbing my asshole with his fingers. He didn't put any fingers in, which was what I was expecting, but only rubbed the lube around making sure it was applied the entire length of my crack.

"Bring your hand back here and stroke my cock," he asked. "I want you to get it lubed up good." I reached blindly around to my backside until I felt his stomach and then felt down until I found his pubes. I then felt his cock and wrapped my hand around it at the base. It felt a lot larger than it did when it was in my mouth and my hand could barely get around it, and at the base my fingers wouldn't touch at all. He had applied some jelly onto his cock because as I started to stroke his cock I felt the slimy stuff on my fingers. I made sure to coat his cock really good.

"Now, point the head of my cock at that hole baby."

I started to move his cock around and felt his huge cock pressing against different parts of my ass until finally I had it positioned with the head pressing against my hole.

"Now get your hands up above your head and keep them there."

I did as I was told and put my hands and arms above my head. I looked as if I was ready to get a massage.

"Now open your mouth again."

I opened my mouth and suddenly he was cramming something in my mouth. At first I wasn't sure what it was until I realized that it was a sock. It smelled horrible and was a little wet with sweat. I hadn't seen where he got the sock but he obviously was ready with it and knew what he was going to do with it. He shoved the sock in roughly with his fingers until my mouth was completely full and some of the sock was still hanging out of my mouth. I could still breath through my nose, thank god, but other than that I couldn't make a sound other than something muffled.

"Now baby, this is going to hurt real bad, but you just keep cool. You'll want to push me off but I won't let you. You ain't going no where till I bust my nut. And just to let you know, I'm one crazy motherfucker and I love to hurt little white boys like you. It gets me off the more I know I'm hurting that ass. You keep that in mind you little piece of shit."

Now I had read some dirty magazines that talked about guys getting fucked in the ass and they all had that same bull shit about it hurting a little at first, but then it was all bliss and shit. Well, let me tell you that ain't the way it is at all if you got one mean fucker who just wants to punish your ass. It especially isn't true if you've never been fucked in the ass before and you got a 10" super thick black cock poised at the tip of your ass.

He started to push but instead of my ass just opening up it just pushed in like it was finger pushing against a baloon. He backed off and started to push again with the same result. The third time however was different. He started to push but didn't back off, even after my body started to press into the mattress. I was clenching my ass together so tight, yet I knew I couldn't keep it up any longer and for just a second I relaxed my ass muscles. It was just a second, but that was all his cock needed and the next thing I knew I felt my ass ripped open and something huge, something horrible, come shoving into my guts. I immediately screamed but since I had the sock in my mouth nothing came out but a barely audible mumble. The pain was horrible, much worse than I had ever experienced in my entire life. I felt as if I had a pole shoved up my ass and was literally being ripped open. My body tensed up and tried to get away from the intrusion but because he had me pinned so fast to the bed there was no where for me to go. I used me my hands to try and push myself up, but that only made things worse because he immediately put his arms underneath mine and brought his hands together and clamped them behind my neck, essentially taking away any chance for me to move at all.

He continued to push his cock into my ass and I continued to scream, but there was nothing I could do. I started to black out from the pain and everything else that was gong on, but it wasn't going to be that easy for me. My body was screaming for release from this unbelievable pain, but it just continued and continued with no stop. Finally with a hard grunt and a push I could feel his cock hit bottom into my ass with no more room to go.

I was now crying hysterically but it didn't have any affect on the man using my body. He just kept his cock buried in my ass and continued to use his strength to keep me pinned flat to the bed. It must have been about a minute before he started to pull out again. It felt like his was sucking my guts right out with his cock and again I screamed in agony. He pulled all the way out and I felt my ass close again as his cock popped out of my ass.

"Fucking hurt didn't it boy? Now I'm gonna give you a choice that I don't give many other of my bitches. You can either suck me off since this might be a little too much for you, or you can learn how to be my bitch and take this cock up the ass until I shoot my nut inside you. Now when I pull that sock out you tell me what you want. You got that?"

He then reached in front of me with one of his hands and pulled the sock out of my mouth. The first thing I did was take some deep breaths as my body was shaking uncontrollably. Then I laid there panting and thinking as hard as I could. My ass was still screaming as the pain had not subsided a bit. After about 30 seconds he asked me again. "What's it gong to be boy? Blow job, or you be a real man and take this cock?"

I don't know why, but all of a sudden I was thinking about all of the crazy, exciting things that I had done during my life. I had taken trips around the world, taken a flight in a balloon, skied in the Alps, you name it, I had done it. Yet none of those things compared to what I was dong right at this instant. None of them had me in such a position where I could really test what I was made of. I thought of all the tough men I was brought up around and all of the macho things they had done to show their manhood. But I guarantee you that none of them had been put through what I had just done. None of them had just given in completely to another man who had used their ass without regard to the pain that it would cause. I had gotten this far by taking chances and now I was being asked whether I had had enough, or was I man enough to take it to the next step.

I honestly didn't know if I could do it or not, but without anymore thought I turned my head around and looked him square in the face. "Please sir, please make me your bitch." I then laid my head face down into the mattress knowing that there was no turning back now.

"That's my boy" was all he said and the next thing I knew he had his cock crammed up in my ass up to his pubes. I screamed again, but this time into the blanket. He pulled out quickly, but not all the way and once again buried his cock as deep as it would go into my ass. The pain was just as intense as before, but at least it wasn't a complete surprise and I was able to clench my fists into the blankets and keep yelling into the blanket.

He no longer held his cock in me but continued to push it in until he bottomed out in my ass and them immediately pulled out again almost until the head of his cock popped out, then he would push in and do it all over again. With each thrust I felt as if my insides were being brutally tossed around and pushed to the side to make way for his punishing cock. I would scream into the blanket at each downward thrust until eventually, unable to catch my breath, I simply turned my head on its side and whimpered like a baby.

After a couple of minutes of the pounding my ass was taking my body slowly started to give up its uncontrollable fight to get away and simply lay there and took the punishment. Except for the punishment-taking place in my ass, the rest of my body lay there motionless, unable to move due to complete exhaustion. At about the same time I began to notice that the pain at the entrance of my asshole was beginning to relax a bit into a throbbing soreness. It still hurt like hell, but at least it wasn't the stabbing, lightning like pain as when he first pierced my hole. As with the rest of my body, my ass evidently gave up the fight and decided just to give in to the black pole gaining entrance to my ass.

Having obviously fucked a few virgins in his time he realized that I was now all his to use as he wished. My body was just a toy for him to play with. He knew he would get no resistance from me and I planned on not even trying. In my mind I had begun thinking about why I was letting this man do these things to me. It wasn't merely sexual anymore. I had masturbated many times before and this was nothing like that. My cock was not even hard and I was not interested in trying to cum. So why was I letting this man do this to me? He obviously had his cock hard and was fucking me good with it. It was sex to him, so why wasn't this really sexual for me? And then I realized why I was letting him do this to me.

Most people can get anything in life if they try and work hard for it. They can make money, get power, get married, have kids, you name it, most people can do it. And although most people would not want to admit it, they usually do these things because it satisfies their own selfish needs in some way. What most people can not do however is give themselves completely to someone else. Give themselves up completely, willingly, and knowingly. I realized at that moment that I wanted to get used in anyway this man wanted to use me. If he wanted to tie me up and use me for days I would let him. If he wanted to drag me around the house naked by the hair I would let him. If he wanted to piss on my face and down my throat I would let him. I would let these things happen because it was what he wanted, not what I wanted.

No one can make someone use them. No amount of money or power can truly buy what I was getting at this moment. Sure, someone could hire a hustler, or someone like that to do these things, but it would not be real. It would merely be an act. An act made up by the one wanting to be used. If I had told this guy that I wanted him to take me back to his place and do these things it would not be the same. In that situation I probably wouldn't even let the guy go through with it because I would know that it wasn't his needs being met, but only my own. No, what I was doing now was giving myself up completely to someone else's wants and needs. I had no say in the matter. There was no script, no scene to be played out. He controlled me and I was his to be controlled. It was that simple and I loved it.

He continued to slam his body and his cock into mine with a fury. He was putting so much weight on my body that I was practically bouncing on the bed every time he thrust into me. Having now realized that my role was to get used I laid there grunting like a pig with drool seeping out of my mouth.

He suddenly pulled out of my ass and just as quickly grabbed my hair. "Get the fuck up boy. Come over here in front of the mirror so you can see that ass of yours get fucked." He then dragged me off the bed by the hair and brought me to the door to the bedroom where there was one of those dressing mirrors nailed to the door. It ran almost the entire length of the door and as we got closer I could see how exhausted I looked. My face was red with the tears still drying on my cheeks. My hair was a mess due to his constant yanking. My cock was not hard at all and his was as big as I had yet seen it. It had apparently gotten even bigger after penetrating my ass.

"Now get on your hands and knees again and face your ass to the door" he demanded, while pulling my head down. I quickly got on all fours and turned myself around so that I was facing away from the door. He remained behind me so that all I could now see was the rest of the room.

"Get down on your elbows and look between your legs. I want you to see something."

I did as I was told and was presented with a shot in the mirror of my own ass, now as red as a cherry. Martin was still standing and straddling my hips facing away from the door also. He reached down and with two fingers he quickly shoved them into my ass. After his cock I could barely feel his fingers, but I did notice the condition of my asshole. It looked swollen and a little purple. It was no longer this white, tight, little hole that showed no hint of an opening. It was now swollen and was taking his two huge fingers easily.

"Now watch this baby."

He then bent down at his knees, still remaining standing, and proceeded to point and then insert his massive cock into my ass. I was amazed at the size and color of his cock as it easily slid into my ass and went all the way to the base of his cock. It was still hurting, but not nearly as much as it had before, It was now more of a burning sensation that was at least now bearable. He proceeded to pump my ass a couple of times and then pulled out completely. When his cock came out I was amazed to see that my ass did not close completely. It was staying open by at least an inch and I could even see the redness of my insides. I instinctively flexed my muscles and the hole closed, but still not as complete as I would have suspected.

As soon as it was closed he slammed it in again and started to pound my ass. This time though, instead of keeping his cock in my ass he pulled completely out each time before slamming the entire length of his cock back in. This nearly took my breath away as the pressure it applied to my insides was almost unbearable. It was easier when he kept it in my hole, but now he was pulled it out and putting it in almost effortlessly. My hole, no longer even close to being closed, remained open for each new penetration. I could even see it quiver in anticipation of each thrust as he would sometimes press a little first before slamming the cock to the hilt. Somehow, without any conscious control on my part, my asshole was learning how to take his cock. It was almost hypnotizing watching the huge black piece of meat disappear into my ass over and over again. Each time his cock would hit bottom I would grunt uncontrollably.

This went on for a couple of minutes before Martin, appearing bored, pulled me up once again by the hair and told me to go lie down on the bed and wait there. I wearily walked to the bed and collapsed onto my back while Martin opened the door and left. As I laid there I reached down between my legs with my right hand and felt my asshole. It was sore, but not too bad and I was able to put in first my middle finger and then two fingers and feel around inside me. I pulled back my hand and was relieved that there was nothing on my fingers but the slimy lube of the KY. I had thought for sure that I must be bleeding, but I wasn't. I also smelled my fingers and did not smell anything other than sweat and lube. I realized that it was a good idea that I hadn't had anything to eat for several hours and I luckily was clean down there.

The door suddenly opened, but instead of Martin standing there, it was his fat roommate Jake. He was still wearing just the boxer shorts and had a beer in his hand. "Martin said I could have a ride with you. He had to go out for a little bit and will be back later." He then simply pulled off his boxers and starting walking towards the bed. Even though he had a huge belly on him, it did not conceal the monster cock that hung below it. It was at least as long as Martin's cock, but grotesquely thick. Later I would realize that it was about as thick as a beer can because ever time I see a beer can to this day I think of that cock.

I started to sit up but fat Jake pushed me back with his hand on my chest and quickly laid down on top of me. His weight pushed me back into the mattress and once again I was needing to readjust to a big black man on top of me. But instead of seeing only sheets, I was looking directly into the face of an unshaved and ugly man more than twice my age.

"Martin said you been real good. You did as you told. He said he got that ass ready for my dick"

He then grabbed my head between his hands, one on each side, and leaned forward and pressed his mouth over mine. Before I could respond I felt his tongue shoot out and slide deeply into my own and started to explore the insides of my mouth. I was not prepared for the intrusion and tried to turn my head away, but he had a firm grasp of my head and held it in place and he continued to probe my mouth with his tongue. I could smell and taste the mixture of beer and cigarettes. It was disgusting.

I was starting to get nauseous and I continued to try and pull away from his mouth. He must have finally had enough because he pulled his head away and before I knew what was happening I once again had a palm come crashing across the side of my face.

"Now, you stop fighting me right now, you got that boy?" he asked angrily.

His slap had not hurt as much as when his roommate had slapped me, but it did get my attention and I realized that I couldn't get out of doing what he wanted.

"You going to be a good boy?"

"Yes" I replied.

"OK, we be getting along good now, won't we?

"Yes sir" I replied.

With that he once again came down and pressed his lips to my own. After he slapped me, my attitude changed very quickly. Once again I realized that I was dealing with someone who was in control and I was the one who wasn't. I opened my mouth to meet his and his tongue quickly slipped in. Even though he still smelled of stale beer and cigarettes I started to move my tongue against his and reciprocate. That was all he needed and he shifted into high gear with his tongue and mouth now completely invading my face and mouth. He no longer kept his tongue to the insides of my mouth, but also ran it over my lips, chin, and nose. My lower face was quickly slick with his saliva.

Just as when I was being fucked I slowly started to relax and take the now oral assault. Instead of pulling away, I opened my mouth as large as possible so he could put as much of his tongue in my mouth as he wanted. I also started to push my tongue into his mouth where it mixed with his own tongue and slithered around the insides of his mouth tasting his nasty insides. Because he had been drinking he didn't hold anything back with his mouth pressed against mine. I could feel his saliva start to fill my mouth quickly and then drop out of the corners of my mouth as it couldn't take anymore. I had never kissed anyone like this before. All of my kissing prior to this were practically dry, even when the tongues were involved, and now here I was with this guys spit all over my face and I was loving it. He would briefly pull away to take a look at my face and each time there would be ropes of saliva hanging off his lips. He would then come down again and my mouth would once again open up for his pleasure.

I also noticed when he pulled away from me that from our position on the bed I could look out of the corner of my eye and see the mirror on the door. I was able to see this huge black man on top of me. Seeing myself in this position only heightened my desire to give into this man even more. I reached up with both of my arms and grabbed as much of the man's upper body as I could until my hands were rubbing up and down his upper back. He was already sweating and my hands slid easily over his skin. I also started to taste some of the spit that he was dripping into my mouth. It tasted nasty but because of this I loved it even more. I began to aggressively lick and swallow as much of his saliva as I could. I was running my tongue over his face and mouth, quickly grabbing any ropes of spit in the process. He would stick his tongue out and I would suck on it like a lollypop.

He was obviously aware that I was no longer going to fight him so he took his hands off from the sides of my head and started to slide them down my sides until he was resting on his elbows. This took some of the weight off my chest and I was able to reach up with my hands and start to rub them over the front of his chest and down his stomach. He was now sweating profusely and drops of it started to fall and land on my body.

He again lifted more weight off my body with his arms. "Open up those legs and let me get between them boy," he demanded.

My legs up to this point had been closed and pressed together with his legs pressing on top of them. I was now able to move them and started to pull them apart so that the his waist would now fit in between them. As they got free he reached down first with one arm and grabbed my leg and brought it up to his shoulder. He then grabbed the other leg and also brought it up to his other shoulder until my knees were pressing against the sides of my body against the mattress. Because I had toyed around with being a gymnast for several years when I was younger I was quite limber and I was able to stretch my legs back to this position without much difficulty. I also became aware that my ass was now literally pointed upward toward the ceiling and in a position that gave him total access to my hole.

He pushed off the bed a bit until his hands were now pressing at the back of my knees and pinning me to the bed. Although he didn't ask me to I wrapped my own arms around my knees and held them back so that he could release my legs. He quickly sat up to view the now very willing boy who was getting ready to give up his ass once again to a massive black cock.

"Oh yeah boy, you lean real quick. You know what this daddy wants, don't you?" he asked.

"You want to fuck me like your roommate did, don't you?" I responded.

"Yep. I want to pop that hole real bad baby. You gonna give it up to me boy?"

"Yes sir", I replied. At the same time I looked once again towards the mirror and saw myself. I realized what was going to happen in the next couple of moments and I pulled on my knees even harder so that my ass shot even higher in the air. I wanted to give up my ass to this black fucker in any way he wanted to take it. I knew it was going to hurt, but that didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was that I was only here for his pleasure and it was my job to give him whatever he wanted. I continued to look at myself for a few seconds longer before looking at my user directly in the eye.

"Just fuck me daddy. Fuck me hard and use that hole all you want. Please, just fuck me baby." I begged.

That was enough for him and he quickly closed the distance between himself and my eager hole. He reached over and found the lube and squeezed some of it on his cock and stroked it over its thick sides. Using the same hand he applied some more of the lube to my ass as it was starting to dry up and get a little sticky. He prodded my hole with middle finger for a few seconds before pushing it in. He started to finger fuck me at a quick rhythm. If I had not already been fucked the thickness of his finger sure would have hurt. However my ass was already used to being popped and it opened accordingly allowing him to insert another finger next to the first and stretch my ass even further.

"Yeah, your ass is already nice and warmed up," he stated as he started to insert a third finger up my ass. The third finger started to hurt a bit, but my ass having learned it's lesson did not put up much of a fight and it was only a few moments before he was easily sliding all three fingers in and out of my used hole. "Okay baby, here we go." Because I had pulled my knees practically behind my head my ass was already high enough for him so that he only had to grab his cock and point the head until it pressed against my now quivering hole. "You be one hot bitch baby, so I'm gonna fuck you good."

He started to move his hips forward and his cock started to press against my hole. Because of its thickness my ass did not open up immediately as I had expected it to. He continued to apply pressure until finally it felt as if instead of my ass opening to his huge cock, it would instead just push me farther back on the bed. Having obviously fucked a few tight asses in his time he knew what to do and instead of merely moving his hips forward he now leaned forward until his body was above my own and instead of pushing back on my hole it now pushed my ass down into the mattress with no where to go. It was only a few seconds of pushing before my ass once again started to be torn apart by a huge black monster cock wanting to gain entrance. Almost as if in slow motion I felt the edges of my asshole (until today I never even was aware that the rim of my ass was so sensitive) open up and the head of his huge cock start to crawl up my ass. Unlike his roommate, his cock did not pop up my ass, but instead slowly stretched my hole inch by inch as the head of his cock went deeper and deeper into my ass. I started to involuntarily moan at the pain that was once again starting to work its way into my brain. It felt as if someone was shoving a baseball bat up my ass and it wasn't stopping. I was now moaning louder and louder. Finally I felt the rim on the head of his cock pass through my hole and my ass muscles immediately clamped around it. A grunt escaped my mouth.

"There you go baby. You got it now," he said as he put more of his body on top of mine and was once again pinning me with his weight. "Just open that ass baby. Come one now, you can do it." He then started to let his body relax on top of mine, which also caused his cock to start to push deeper into my ass. Having already been stretched to its limits, my ass now was once again having to rearrange its insides in order to accommodate the massive thick cock sliding into my guts. My moaning now become almost guttural as I began to feel like I was just some animal and not even human anymore. I was just a piece of meat to be used by this man. Instead of fighting the intrusion into my ass I pulled even harder on the back of my knees, trying to drive my ass further onto his pole. I wanted to get his cock as deep in me as possible, no matter how much it hurt. That was my job now and I wanted to do it right. I pushed back with my ass also and two more inches shoved into me. I had now lost all control over my mind and body and began to moan uncontrollably. He was now near enough for me to once again taste his mouth and I reached up with my head and neck and slobbery shoved my mouth and tongue into his own. He seemed to like this as he immediately drove his tongue into my mouth and began to fuck my mouth with his own.

With a little shifting of his legs and his weight I finally felt the base of his cock and balls hitting against my ass. With this feeling came a sense of accomplishment as I knew that I was now able to take any cock up my ass. I ground my ass against his cock and tried to get it in as deep as it could go, but there was no more. Having now rested his body against mine my legs were once again resting on his shoulders and I was able to release my legs as I knew they would now stay pinned behind me. With my right hand I reached down the side of my body, then my ass cheeks, and then my fingers brushed against his balls. I grabbed them for a moment, becoming aware for the first time that they were much larger than my own, and then quickly reached farther up to the base of his cock until my fingers were wrapped around his cock. They couldn't reach all the way around as his cock was too thick, but that didn't matter. What I wanted to feel was the actual piece of black meat that was now buried at least 10" up my ass. He started to pull his cock out a bit which sent shivers throughout my body. It also allowed me to grab his cock with all fingers and feel in amazement at the thickness of the pole that was now resting tightly up my hole. I couldn't believe I was taking such a huge cock. It seemed impossible that my virgin hole was now opening up to a cock that was as thick as a beer can. I stroked the cock as he continued to withdraw it from my ass until he had pulled it almost entirely out except for the head. He then without hesitation started to press its monster thickness back into my hole as I moaned and kissed him even deeper.

I kept my grip on his cock and he quickly was once again buried to the base.

I let go of his cock and reached up and wrapped my hands around his neck. My ass was now his for the taking and my only job now was to hang on for the ride. He quickly pulled out again and then plunged forward with his weight.

This was repeated over and over until my body just became a blur of pain, pressure, sweat, and pounding cock. I have since called this frame of mind "The Zone." It is when my body, mind, and soul have been completely given up to someone to use as they wish. It is when pain, pleasure, and all emotions are set aside completely until the only part of me remaining is barely even human anymore. I am merely a piece of flesh to be used in any way the person wants. It is my job and my desire to give the fucker using me every pleasure they desire no matter how nasty it may be to someone else. No one else's opinion matters at this point. My body and my ass were now his for the taking and I knew then that I would seek to be in this "Zone" at every chance I got.

He was now pistoning my ass at a surprising rate considering how out of shape he appeared to be. He no longer was kissing me but was holding his face mere inches from my own and staring directly into my eyes. There was a lust in his face that I had never seen before. It was almost a mean expression as he must have known the pain he was inflicting on my ass. There were no look of tenderness or love. He knew his cock was big and he knew it was splitting me apart. And he loved it. He would slow down his pace at times and tease me with his cock until suddenly and without warming he would slam it as fast as he could deep into my bowels. Each time he did this my head would shoot backwards and a loud moan would escape my lips as the pain would be enormous.

"You want me to cum up your ass baby?" he asked at one point.

"If you want to," I replied. "You can come anywhere you want."

Looking at me for a second he reconsidered and asked, "Maybe you want me to cum in that white mouth of yours. You want to eat this load baby?"

I had never had someone cum in my mouth before and the thought of it turned me off, but I knew I would let him if he wanted to. "Yeah, I want to taste your cum. Cum in my mouth if you want."

"Okay then, in your mouth it is," he replied as he began to pick up his pace and fuck me even harder. I was now being slammed into the mattress several inches every time he pushed down into my ass with all his weight. It was hard to breath sometimes but I took in air when I could as I got used to the rhythm of his pounding. He now had his eyes closed and appeared to be concentrating and clenching his teeth as he fucked me harder and harder than before. I knew that it was only a matter of seconds before he came and I did all I could to fuck back with my ass to make sure he was getting the best fuck possible.

"Ah fuck!" he yelled and before I knew what was happening he had ripped his cock out of my ass causing me to almost scream. He clamped his right hand around his cock and squeezed it hard and quickly climbed up the bed until he was straddling my chest with his huge legs. He still had his cock squeezed in his hand and I could tell he was doing all he could to hold back the coming eruption. "Fucking eat it boy!" he yelled and let loose of his cock that was now pointed directly at my face about six inches away. I opened my mouth wide and stuck out my tongue to accept whatever was coming.

Once again, as if in slow motion, I saw his balls pull up tight against the underside of his cock and the next thing I saw was a stream of thick white goo shoot out the tip of his cock. It didn't land in my mouth at all but instead landed on my right cheek where it immediately started to drip down my face. The second shot was more accurate and I felt it hit my tongue and then enter my mouth. I instinctively closed my mouth at which time he let loose with a third huge stream of cum which hit my nose and lips. I opened my mouth again and when I did he thrust forward with his cock and pressed the head against my open mouth and let forth with 3 to 4 more shots of cum directly into my mouth. I hadn't yet done anything with the cum already in my mouth and the next thing I knew I had a mouth full of cum. I did not swallow any of it because the thought of cum going down my throat was really gross.

The man with the cock in my mouth was now breathing quite heavily and milking any remaining goo into my open mouth with his hand. He finally pulled his cock away from my mouth and started to slap my cum covered face with it. I had since closed my mouth again and was getting ready to spit out the cum. He must have sensed that I had not swallowed any of his load as he asked, "Open your mouth boy." I opened my mouth and although I couldn't see what he was looking at, I have no doubt that he could see the load of his white goo still floating on the insides of my mouth. "Now don't you go and spit any of that out, you hear me?" He then took one of his fingers and began to scoop the considerable load of cum that had landed on my face and drag it to the edge of my lips and then into my open mouth. I had thought my mouth was already full, but he kept dragging more and more of the cum and depositing it into my mouth until I was sure that no more would fit. After he had gotten most of the cum into my mouth he demanded, "Now close your mouth." He then pressed the palm of his hand over my mouth. "Now swallow it you little slut."

Up until this point I had fantasized what cum would taste like. I had even experimented with my own cum when I had jacked off, but even then it was only dipping a finger into a glob that landed on my stomach and just tasting it. Also, my cum was nothing like what this guy had shot out of his cock. Maybe it was because I beat off at least once a day but I never had a load that even came close to the amount of cum that came out of his cock. His was also much thicker, with a consistency of slimy yogurt. It was also starting to make the insides of my mouth tingle, as if the cum had some acidity to it. I could imagine that if left alone it would actually start to burn in my mouth. But I didn't have to worry about it being in my mouth for long because here he was with his hand over my mouth and demanding me to swallow his nasty cum. It was the thought of how nasty it was that changed my attitude about swallowing the load. It was because it was so nasty that I started to want to get a load inside me. If he wanted me to eat his load, I would do and I would swallow every drop.

I opened my throat and let the first load enter. It felt warm and had a somewhat bitter taste. As it went down my throat the thought of how nasty this was kept entering my mind and actually began to get me more excited and wanting more of this white shit down my throat. I gulped down another load, and then another and then began running my tongue around the inside of my mouth to make sure that I was getting all of his nasty cum. I kept swallowing and swallowing until I was swallowing mostly my own spit, but I could still taste the distinct flavor of his load in my mouth, which by this time had a sticky feel to its insides. Upon seeing me swallow he let his hand off my mouth at which point I opened my mouth and ran my tongue over my lips to get any remaining cum. He had done a good job scooping it with his finger, but there were still some tiny bits here and there that I pulled into my mouth and swallowed. I looked at his cock again for the first time since he had cum and there was a long stringy gob of cum still hanging off the end. Before I even knew what I was doing I had reached up with my head and licked the gob right off his cock and swallowed it. He seemed to like this as he brought his cock closer to me and allowed me to lick the sides and the head and get his cock clean of any remaining cum.

When I had finished licking his cock I relaxed my head onto the bed and waited for this big fat black man to get off my chest. Because my legs were also still pinned behind me, I was starting to get a cramp from being in this position for such a long time. I was thinking about needing to straighten out my body when all of a sudden there was a stab of pain that came shooting into my ass. I screamed, "Ah fuck! What are you doing?"

"Welcome back to the party," Jake replied looking behind him. He then began to crawl off me and when he did I was presented with the view of Martin who now had returned and was leaning over the bed with the head of his cock now buried in my ass.

"Hey little buddy, did you forget about me?" asked Martin. He was already completely naked and must have slipped into the room when I was cleaning his roommate's cock with my mouth and tongue. "Did Jake here get in that little ass of your boy? I think he did because your ass is one loose mother fucker now."

"Oh yeah, he took it good and hard. He didn't even fight me. You must have trained him good, " replied Jake. "He even swallow my nut when I finish. He be a good little white boy slut. You could sell this piece of ass real easy." Jake then pulled on his boxers and started to leave the room. "You could get some good money for him you know. " He then left the room and closed the door.

With the door closed Martin grabbed my legs and pulled me to the edge of the bed, where he was still standing. He had allowed my legs to come back from my chest, which was a big relief. He now had my legs resting on his upper body as he stood at the side of the bed. He never pulled out of my ass the entire time he was moving me and I hardly noticed his cock in my ass until he had pulled me to the very edge at which point he quickly slammed it to the hilt.

"Ugh!" I moaned, as I once again felt a huge cock plow into my now very sore asshole.

"I ain't finished with you boy. You ain't going nowhere just yet." He then began to fuck my ass as hard as he had fucked me before, pulling out and then slamming deep into my ass with each thrust.

All I could do was grip the edge of the mattress and hang on. I could not help but moan and whimper again as my ass was again feeling like it was on fire and with each thrust it felt like my insides were being torn apart. Looking up at my user I could see that he once again had the mean snarl on his face as he enjoyed the thought of the damage he was doing to my ass.

"You all mine aren't you boy?" he asked. "You do as I tell you, won't you?

Looking up at him I could tell that he was serious. "Yes. I'll do whatever you want, " I replied as he continued to slam his cock into my ass.

"I got myself a little business and I think you would fit in real good. Most of my bitches are women, but I got me one other boy like yourself that I pimp out. I could sure use another one like yourself. A little white boy like you could make me some good money."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This guy wanted me to sell my body for him. Earlier in the day I had just wanted to get out of the house because I was bored and now here I was only a couple hours later on my back with my legs in the air with a 9" black cock up my ass and the guy asking me if I wanted to become a prostitute. I didn't know what to think. He had not stopped slamming into my ass and I was once again getting used to the pain and pressure of his cock. "I don't know," was all I could say.

"Well maybe you think about it a little longer. Maybe later you think about what it be like with this here dick in your boy pussy and you start to think about how you want it again. When you laying there in bed tonight you think about what you did today and figure out if you like what I did." He continued to fuck me without a pause. "I think you like it because you stay here and take it. I gave you a choice earlier when you could have just sucked me off and got the fuck out of here. But you stay and do what you told. That make you special because you like to get used by this black man, don't you boy?" He now pulled his cock all the way out of my ass. "I ask you a question boy. You like this cock, don't you?" He then slammed his cock in all the way with one push.

"Yes!" I screamed as he cock plowed into my ass. "Yes, yes, yes, I fucking love your cock in my ass!" I continued to yell. "I'll do whatever the fuck you want, just fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, please just fuck the shit out of me!" And I meant every word I said. I wasn't the same person that walked into that bathroom an hour ago. I was a dirty little white slut who was craving to be fucked by big black cock. I didn't care what they looked like, how old they were, how rich or how poor. I didn't care about any of that. All I cared about was letting them use my body in any way they wanted. I wanted to get cock down my throat and up my ass. I wanted to suck cum all day and night and get loads of white cum pumped up my ass. I wanted to be used by these men at every chance I got.

Marvin began to smile down at me. He knew that he had accomplished his task of turning me into his little whore. "I thought you might say that. Now when I be done with you I'll give you a number and you be calling that number every day at 4:00 in the afternoon. If I gots me some work for you I'll let you know and then you get your ass over here. You got that?"

"Yeah, I promise to call you." I replied.

"Good, then we gots ourselves a deal. Now you just hold on and let your daddy pop a nut in that sweet ass of yours." He then began a rhythmic fuck and closed his eyes as his roommate had done. It was only about a minute before he began to breath heavier. "Oh fuck yeah. Me is gonna pop this nut in your ass boy. Here it comes boy!" He then pulled his cock out of my ass and furiously pumped it. "Oh yeah, oh yeah," he yelled. He then opened his eyes and looked straight down at my ass. "Here it is baby!"

I felt his cum hit my asshole and then the cheeks of my ass. From my viewpoint I couldn't really see very much because my legs were blocking the view, but I definitely felt the hot liquid land on my already tender ass. Knowing that I was probably a gaping hole I had no doubt that some of his cum was still shooting in my ass even though he had already pulled out. That newly found part of me wanted every drop and I pushed outward with the muscles of my ass as if I were taking a shit, knowing that it would open my ass even more to take more of his cum inside me.

"Yeah baby, open that hole. You are one nasty fucker," he stated. His orgasm was now subsiding and I felt him start to slap my ass with his cock and then start to drag it over my ass. It then occurred to me that just like his roommate he was scooping his cum into my body, but instead of my mouth he was scooping it into my now open asshole. I tried to help by once again pulling my legs back a little so that my ass was more pointed toward the ceiling so that more of the cum would fall into my hole. After a few moments he pointed his still hard cock at the edge of my hole and began to push it in again. "If you want this cum baby, let me get it in nice and deep for you." For the last time that day I felt his cock slide into my ass, but this time it was coated with his own cum and I could actually hear a slurping sound as my ass sucked his cum coated cock into my body. He pumped me a couple of times with it, and with each thrust I could hear his cum gurgle in my ass. It was so fucking nasty but it turned me on so much. He finally pulled out and let my legs down.

"Now get over here and clean me up. You do this every time when someone pop his nut in you, understand?" he asked. "Lick it nice and clean so I don't get none of my juice on my shorts. You do this for your tricks and maybe they leave you a good tip," he laughed.

I rolled over on my side and climbed onto my hands and knees and crawled towards the edge of the bed where he was standing and still holding his slimy, cum coated cock. Without hesitation I grabbed it around the base and he let go. I opened my mouth wide and with one movement I pushed my entire mouth over his cock and all the way down my throat to the base. I was amazed that I did not choke and had remembered how to control my throat. I then pulled back and kept my lips tight around his shaft so that none of his cum would come out of my mouth. I stopped at his head and felt around for any cum that I was able to harvest from his cock. There wasn't nearly as much as his roommate, but there was still a couple of thick chunks I could feel with my tongue and there was that distinct taste once again at the back of my throat. I swallowed what I could find and then proceeded to deep throat him again several more times to make sure that I had swallowed every drop that I could find.

Having had enough he pulled his cock out of my mouth, which tried to hang onto it for as long as it could. I didn't want it to leave my mouth, but he had obviously had enough. "Get your clothes on," he demanded and proceeded to pull on his pants. I started to get off the bed and for the first time I realized how sore my body was. Having been in several positions where my body was squashed, my muscles were tense and sore. I knew I would need to stretch after I had gotten out of there. I got up and found my shorts. Even though my jock strap was wet with sweat and cum where it met underneath my balls and my ass was still slick with cum, I pulled my shorts on over my ass. I knew that some of the liquids would soak all the way through and probably be noticed, but I didn't care. I found my shirt and sat back down on the bed to put it on. I immediately felt the hot flash of pain on my cheeks and the memory of the beating they took briefly entered my mind. My asshole also felt sore and I was hesitant to squeeze any of the muscles down there. Knowing that if I didn't close my ass that some of the cum would probably leak out, I squeezed my muscles anyway and felt them close my hole painfully. My hole had been stretched almost to the breaking point and now going back to it's regular form was not going to be as easy as expected. For several days I would feel the distinct soreness every time I used my ass muscles, whether going to the bathroom, or just laying in bed at night remembering what had happened on this day.

Martin had left the room and I hesitantly walked out of the room into the hallway and then down to the living room. Jake was once again back on the couch watching the TV, which now had the volume turned up quite loud. Seeing that we were done he reached for the remove on the coffee table and turned it down.

"How's that ass boy?" he laughed. "You get more than you bargain for little boy?" He then went back to watching the TV and ignored me as if I wasn't even there.

Martin then entered the room. He had apparently been in the kitchen which was off to one side in an adjoining room. He reached out with his hand and held a piece of paper, which appeared to have been ripped off a phone book. "Here's that number. Now you get on home and don't forget you call here every day at 4:00. Actually, you don't need to call for about a week. That will give you some time to think about what we did here. In case you change your mind, you just throw the number away. You understand?

I reached out and took the piece of paper and put it in my shorts. "I'll call, I promise," I lied, not sure whether I was going to call or not. I was still feeling awkward and just wanted to get out of there. The reality of what just happened had not set in just yet. It was like waking from some sort of dream.

"You get on home now and make sure you keep this between you and me," he said as he came closer and grabbed the back of my neck firmly. "If I find out you tell anyone, then me and you are going to have some trouble and you don't want no trouble between me and you. Understand?"

"Yes. I won't tell, I promise," I responded and I meant it. There was no way I was going to talk about this to anyone. I didn't even have another gay friend to share this with, so who would I tell?

"You just make sure you don't," he replied and led me over to the door and opened it. He released my neck. "Now you go about two blocks east of here and you can get a taxi. You got money on you, right?"

"Yeah, I got about $40. It should only be about $10 to get home, " I replied sheepishly.

"Give me $20. From now on, you needs to give me the money. We can start out and get a little practice in today, so hand it over," he demanded while holding out his hand.

I pulled out my two twenties and handed him one of them.

"Good, you learn quick. Now get on outta here and you call me next week."

I walked out the door into the stairwell and before I could even turn around I heard the door close behind me. I stood there for a moment and thought about what had just happened. For the past hour I had been practically raped and in the end I had given him half my money. What the fuck was I doing? I started to climb the stairs and again the soreness of my legs and ass became apparent. I gingerly proceeded to the top and started to head east as he had told me and soon was at a busy intersection and hailed a taxi. On the ride home I continued to think about what had happened. It was by far the most pivotal moment of my life. I could either go home and try to forget that for a moment that I had become someone else. Someone that I would not even recognize. Someone who would give his body up to a complete stranger and let that stranger do anything with him. Someone who would suck cock, get fucked, and let someone cum in their mouth and ass. I remembered that feeling of giving in completely and I knew that feeling was real. The Zone was real and I knew that my craving to be there again would surface it's nasty little head again. I could forget this all happened. Shit, I could even call the cops and claim they raped me. But I knew I wouldn't do that.

The taxi arrived at my house and thankfully my parents were no where to be found. I went up to my room and into my private bathroom and looked in the mirror. I didn't even recognize the person I was looking at. I'm surprised I was even able to get a taxi. My face was still red where I had been slapped. My hair was no longer combed perfectly, but was a mess with part of it sticking straight up. I even noticed that part of it was sticky, and quickly realized that one of Jake's shots at my face must has missed completely and landed in my hair. I slowly took off my clothes and turned to look at my backside in the mirror. My ass cheeks were still quite red, and I knew that there would be welts that would remain for several days. Thank god I could hide those from my parents. I could make up some excuse about my face to my parents and say that I had gotten into a little friendly fight with a friend. My jockstrap was dirty, but I doubted my mother would notice as it got quite dirty from sweat when I played football. All in all, no one had to know what happened today except Martin, Jake, and myself and I planned on keeping it that way.

I hopped in the shower and gently started to rinse off my body paying particular attention to my asshole. When I started to rub my anus with my fingers I got a sudden urge to go to the bathroom and I rushed out of the shower and quickly sat down on the stool. Thinking I had to just take an a dump I waited and was surprised that I didn't have to take a shit, but instead had a small case of diarrhea and gas. I could feel the liquid come out of my ass followed for several farts that due to the punishment of my ass hardly made a sound. When I reached back to wipe my ass I was surprised to find that there was no shit on the toilette paper. I then stood up and looked in the toilette and saw clumps of white cum floating in the water. So that is what happens what you let someone cum up your ass I thought. I reached a finger down to my hole and felt around a bit. It was still somewhat slimy and quickly covered the tip of my finger. I brought the finger to my nose and quickly recognized the smell as Martin's cum. With it came the memory of what he did with his cum when he came. Without giving it any thought I brought the finger to my mouth and sucked it clean. It was cum all right.

I finished my shower and got dressed and got in bed to watch TV. I didn't turn it on though and began once again to run the replay of what happed that afternoon over in my mind. Suddenly a thought occurred to me and I rushed out of bed and into the bathroom and reached into the clothes hamper to retrieve my shorts. I stuck my hand in the pockets and found what I was looking for. The piece of paper with Martin's number on it. I went back to my bedroom and put the piece of paper on the desk next to my bed and got back into bed. I continued to look at the piece of paper on my desk and think. I had a decision to make over the next week and I didn't know what the answer was going to be. I kept thinking about what I was going to do and began to drift off to sleep. I was soon sleeping and dreaming of becoming Martin's boy. Would the dream come true? We'll see.......

If you liked this story please let me know and maybe there will be more adventures with Adam. Send me e-mail at See ya.

Next: Chapter 2

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