The Young Masochist

By mariopedra

Published on Feb 9, 2021



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Hi, my name is Mario, and I am now in my sixties. The following story is based on my yearnings as a boy about the time that puberty was knocking at my door, so I must have been about 12 years old. I was sent off to a boys boarding school at the age of eight, which looking back was much too early. This was the Junior Prep school that we would leave in our thirteenth year to attend the senior school which catered for ages 13 to 18. I must mention that in those far off days we also had absolutely no sex education to speak of in either school, the subject being treated as taboo, so we were pretty ignorant of such things but loved to imagine and experiment, and we did just that, hence this story!!

When I turned eleven I used to love reading a book that was circulating among the boys. It was called "Barbarian Boy" and told the tale of a young boy called "Ferret" of about my age, being captured by the Roman soldiers in England, before being taken home on their ship as a present for the son of one of their top commanders. The commanders son, Ferret would find out in due course, was called Marcus and was a year or two older than him and he also would really relish punishing his new slave on any pretext! In this book I read of how Ferret lived and was trained. How he would often be punished for minor deeds with a whipping in front of laughing Roman soldiers who would seem to get pleasure from watching him as he was dragged forward to be whipped with hands tied high above his head to a whipping frame, he would either be stripped naked or wearing just a sparse loin cloth around his waist and pulled up tightly between his legs. I would imagine as I read the story, how he felt as he writhed in agony under the lashes! What fascinated me was that it told how he would always get sexually aroused during his punishment, this caused much enjoyment to the soldiers, and young Marcus! The author also implied that Ferret would actually try to please Marcus by taking his punishment willingly, and on one occasion had deliberately spilt the boy's wine to earn extra punishment! There were a few sketched illustrations in the book showing the artist's impression of Ferret, tied under a frame similar to a goalpost, his naked legs free to thrash about, while a young Roman boy, supposedly Marcus, wielded a long plaited single thong leather whip. Ferret's back was showing numerous red wheals.

Reading this book always gave me an instant erection as well! I would imagine being Ferret, tied and whipped and thought how bravely I would take the whipping to impress and please Marcus and the watching men. It was at this young age that i realized that i enjoyed the thought of pain and punishments and proving myself to dominant masters. There were more illustrations. One, where he was stretched naked on a rack but, I suppose to meet the censors pencils, he would always have something in the way of a full view of his groin because it was implied that he would always have had a full erection! At least that is what I always imagined. But I know that my favorite was a full page sketch of him hanging spread tied to a cross being crucified, this one showed him just wearing his tiny loin cloth which the artist had shown seductively tented out!

This led to me trying self bondage. Firstly very carefully at night in the dormitory of about twelve boys of ages eight to thirteen. The thirteen year old who seemed to me at my age to be quite old, was in charge of the rest of us and would never notice my careful movements under the covers! Soon this was not enough for me though, and I planned to sneak out from one of our free sports days to an adjacent area of woodland bordering the games field. I had managed to get hold of some thin cord and had worked out a way to get my hands tied behind me which I will describe shortly. I also had read about some boy being made to run the gauntlet between two rows of other boys who thrashed him with stinging nettles as he passed by, running naked between them. This made me think of using nettles over my cock while self tied. It would hurt a lot, but I wanted to be hurt while tied up, and this would not show any marks afterwards! It was a hot summers day when the time came to try it out. The boys, some fifty of us, were spread about playing tag, or practicing ball games with only a bored sleepy master presiding.

I slunk off and crept into the woods to a spot I had visited several times for quiet wanking sessions! Very secluded and hidden amongst the trees was this small mossy grassy clearing. On arrival I quickly stripped off my games clothes until I stood proudly excitedly naked. I had pulled out some lengths of cord from my pocket and put on a thin rubber glove I had nicked from Matron's cupboard. Then crossing to a convenient bed of thriving nettles I picked a few long fresh stems and laid them down beside my chosen spot.

I was excited and nervously ready. Soon I had tied my ankles as I sat on the mossy short grass. Now, sitting naked with the sun streaming down between the trees I tied my wrists to my new plan. First my left one, making many knots so that I would find it difficult to undo when it was finally behind my back. Now, leaving about 20cm between my two wrists I tied my right wrist, also with many varied tight knots. Now for my plan. With the nettles close beside me I sat, naked and excited, before drawing my knees up tightly to my tummy, which enabled me to pass my bound wrists over my bound feet and ankles before lying back and straightening out my body. It had worked and as I stretched and wriggled a bit I had just enough slack in my wrist bindings as I lay on my back, to reach the nettles with one hand. Now, before I had time to change my mind, I stroked a long fresh stem of nettles over my throbbing hairless uncut boyhood erection as it jerked and jumped in excitement at what was about to come.

The resultant agony as the stings hit the engorged purple shiny head pushing out from under my foreskin was fantastic. Before I could change my mind I managed to stroke the nettles around my ball sack and up again to the head of my jerking cock. Now I lay back in self inflicted agony, genuinely writhing on the grass. But my life was about to change. For the better or worse I knew not, only time would tell, but I have to say some fifty years on I would not swop the memories and many sessions that have followed for anything! It taught me the meaning of the mixing of pain with pleasure that has stayed with me until the present day!

Suddenly though, as I writhed in pain I heard approaching footsteps closing on me through the tall grass and trees and as I craned my head around I saw our sports master coming into the clearing. As he came to stand over me he could not suppress a grin. "Now what is young Mario up to? he chuckled! "Oh Sir, I was set on by two men and tied up like this, and they tortured me with those nettles on my wiener!" "Did they now, and where have they gone my boy? Why, I wonder did they give you a plastic glove to wear before torturing you boy?" He chuckled again as he stood over me. "I know you are lying Mario, because I have been watching you from behind those bushes. Furthermore I have it all on video. I saw you tie yourself up, and why would you do that if you did not actually want to experience a bit of pain? He picked up a juicy fresh stem of nettles and knelt beside me before he took my now rapidly softening cock between his finger and thumb and quickly brought me back to full hardness as he worked his grip up and down, which made the already swollen purple head come almost totally clear of my foreskin. "Ready boy, now try this for pain," and he crushed a fresh juicy leaf firmly over my straining now very rigid member with it's engorged swollen head!

I jerked and waved my arm at the full extent of the 20cm of cord which only made him laugh quietly, as I could do nothing to stop him doing the same thing again! "Sir, I will scream for help Sir, I will honestly!" "You won't boy, because I can always show the video of you tying yourself up after stripping naked. Oh no dear Boy, in fact let me get rid of that waving arm of yours!" I felt myself forcibly turned onto my tummy by his firm hands, before he pulled my arms closely together to retie them tightly, no longer with any slack! He soon was caressing my butt cheeks, kneading them and finally giving them a light slap. "You will do Boy, this young body of yours has a lot to learn, especially this firm little butt!" As he said his his finger explored my crack until for the first time in my life I felt myself penetrated by his probing finger. Don't worry, I can afford to wait for my ultimate reward my boy, time is on my side!

At first I had thought that the game was up, But then, was it? Wasn't this exactly what I had always fantasized about, being dominated and abused by a strong man, and what better man to try and impress than my own sports master, who I had always admired in my fantasies!? I realized that he had anyway been masturbating me, and playing with my naked body while talking to me, obviously enjoying it. I would be better to simply go along for the ride! As I lay on my tummy, and after he had explored my backside, he ran his hands over my wriggling lithe hairless body, no doubt enjoying it's soft smooth firmness. But that did not last!

"You will have to be punished Boy, you know that don't you? "Yes sir." I decided to go further because it was, after all, what I so desired, and he was obviously getting turned on by my nudity and helplessness with the realization that here was a boy, ripe for the plucking. *Sir, are you going to give me a thrashing, or what? I know i deserve anything you decide!" I lay still, enjoying the feel of his hands caressing my naked body.

"Listen up Mario, I have a small group of boys, older than you from the senior school. There are four of them in fact, aged fifteen to eighteen. We meet for "Scout training" once a week and we do things I think you might enjoy, that will maybe toughen you up, even if they are a bit painful. They would welcome and enjoy training a new much younger boy like you to the group. What do you say Boy? He now flipped me over onto my back and started fondling my very sore cock which was rapidly coming close to it's climax! "Oh wow Sir, yes please, can I join in if they will have me?" "They most certainly would my boy, but you will have to undergo an initiation ceremony when you might be tied up and whipped for their pleasure. The whole purpose of our little group is for them to take it in turns to learn to accept, and even look forward to, and enjoy pain which some times can be severe. It will be for me to judge them, and for me to enjoy." He paused as he looked down with obvious lust at my helpless bound smooth young body, his hand continuing to gently masturbate my swollen cock. I could wait no longer so finally squealed out. "I can't hold out any longer!" as waves of ecstasy hit me, but this time I writhed with enjoyment under his hand. having the most wonderful dry orgasm of my young life under his caressing hands. He gently laughed, and wiping his finger over my sore purple cock head, telling me that I had also produced, maybe my first ever drop of Jizz!

As I settled down after my orgasm I went on to plead with him to accept me into the group. "Please Sir, I really really want to join your group. I want to prove to you what pain I can take and I look forward to meeting the older boys to be tied up and whipped. But Sir, what if the other boys in my school see the marks when we all go to our communal showers after sports?" "No problem Mario. We will only do a full whipping before a half term or holiday. We have other punishments that do not show marks so much, like being tied on the cross, crucified, or dealt with by hot wax or electric shocks to your genitals! If you decide to join us, the senior boys will put you through your paces!" "When can I start sir!?" "My God, you do seem keen boy. Okay, so next weekend I will introduce you to the other boys, but meanwhile you must ask the headmaster to let you join the senior scout group as a very promising junior! This I will confirm to him, and he will authorize it, as he knows a bit of what goes on, and has even been known to attend the occasional meeting to see fair play!"

He now untied me and helped me stand shakily on my feet. Once I was standing he looked down at my tear stained face staring up at him, before pulling me into a tight hug against his athletic body that I secretly so admired. I could feel the hardness of his cock pressing into my chest as we stood there. He took my hand and moved it to hold his cock which I could feel jumping as it pushed against his sports sweat pants, before he leant over to kiss me, first on the forehead, then moving down to my lips to let our tongues explore each other! "That will do for now boy, I look forward to your initiation when we can continue your learning curve! You have the makings of a great boy Mario. Our group needed the excitement of initiating a new and willing young boy. I think I have found one in you! Now, get your kit back on and join your friends on the field. I will talk to you about the coming weekend later today, and get you a pass to join us. I will have that by tomorrow after your high tea. Off you go you scamp, but my God I am looking forward to your initiation on Saturday, when we are off school grounds at our private very secluded camp site!"

Saturday soon came around and I was highly excited while a bit nervous at the same time! Sir had advised me to try not to masturbate until the Saturday meeting so that I had all my energy to stand the initiation chosen for me by the senior boys! This would be decided by the four boys voting for their choice of punishment, with him deciding if it was a draw. This was fine advice from him, but could not take account of my first vivid wet dreams! Matron had packed my scout wear, clean pants and shirt in a small kit bag ready for the weekend in camp. I wondered if she knew what went on when I looked in my wash bag and found toothbrush and paste, a flannel, but also a tube of salve. For gnat bites she said, smiling sweetly at me.

After breakfast on the Saturday I waited, as ordered, outside the main school gate and soon the van arrived from the senior school driven by the sports master. I had finally learned his nickname was "Frisky", because he was always jumping about! The four older boys, looking very old to me as a mere twelve year old. They eyed me up and down as I climbed in to a spare seat among them. Frisky called back to them that I had agreed to join the group and knew what I could expect later this morning.

No sooner had I sat down than the oldest boy, seemingly the leader, who I learned later was Tom, had his hand over my groin before announcing to his mates, "Nothing wrong with this nipper guys, he is as hard as nails already, so I know which initiation I will vote for later!" "So do I Tom, I can't wait to see a youngster like this Mario writhing and naked on the cross!" "Oh good Jason, that makes two of us" chuckled Tom. Tom now picked up the hem of my t-shirt and told me that as it was so warm he would take it off for me. Soon I was stripped to just my shorts and being fondled by all four boys!! "Well hang about you two, I want to see him strung up and whipped like I was last year!" This comment from one of the two younger boys who I later was to learn were Jon and Pete. I reckoned them to be about fifteen, so had both probably been initiated at thirteen or fourteen! The last comment though came from the other young lad, "I want to see him whipped so it may be two all, and Sir will have the choice!

When we had driven a few miles we entered a dense wooded area and eventually the track ran out and Frisky got us all out with our gear for the last 500 mtrs on foot up an overgrown track. I was guided ahead of them until we came to an old scout hut, festooned in creepers but still looking clean and tidy. A large sign stated that it was the property of the 74th Scout Group and strictly private. Frisky unlocked the door and I was ushered inside where the boys soon had a gas fired stove going to quickly warm the room up to a good fug!. "Okay Boys, I will get our new boy ready for his initiation while you boys get the sausages on the stove for lunch. By the time you have the meal prepared I will have young Mario ready to present to you!"

Frisky led me away to a bunk room area where he told me to strip. When I had done so he handed me a tiny white g-string of thin shiny material, which I pulled on over my raging erection. He put his hands on my shoulders to hold me at arms length as he ran his eyes over my young body before sighing gently. "My God Boy, but you are beautiful! What a sight you will make if they vote for the cross!" He ran his hands over my little g-string pouch squeezing my firm erection that was waiting excitedly to be punished. "This little costume has been worn by all the boys when they were initiated, and in fact often since!" He ran his hand gently up my bum crack, and tweaked the string that emerged from it to join the waist cord! Now he produced a length of thin cord and ordered me to turn my back to him and cross my wrists which he soon bound firmly! I was now left standing, all but naked, aroused and showing a sexy tent pole pushing out the fabric of the little white pouch which had obviously been designed to leave plenty of room for such displays!.

"Time to show you to the boys my new little initiate. He guided me back to the warm main room to stand in front of his group. "Well boys, I gather you approve of our new slave boy, so we need a vote on his initiation!" He handed them each a slip of paper and waited while they went to fill them in. "Finally he announced, we have two for the cross, and two for a whipping, so I must break the tie. I vote for the cross, and i vote we get on with the initiation now! Tom, Jason, get the cross out from under the floor and set it up ready to crucify the boy. Jon, Pete, you two set up the tackle to hoist the cross when we are ready!"

When the large wooden T cross had been laid out in the centre of the room, with it's head end raised to rest on a box, Pete and Jon worked to fix a pulley system hanging from the roof to an eyebolt at the top of the upright, while I started getting increasingly and excitedly nervous. I stood, with my hands still bound behind me, waiting for my initiation! Tom now untied my wrists before quietly whispering in my ear, "Be strong Nipper, it won't be that bad, and after it is over you will get your reward.," He placed his hands on my shoulders, helped me to turn my back to the cross and stand astride it, then finally helping me to lie back on the smooth wood of the 20cm wide upright, before he told me to spread my arms along the crossbeam. Tom and Jason set too with lengths of cord, and soon had my wrists firmly tied. Each of them being not only secured around the beam, but tied out to an eyebolt on the rear of the beam to save them sliding inwards!.

Now, as I lay there waiting I watched as Frisky came over and inserted a short metal rod through one of a series of holes that ran through the upright above where my feet rested on the floor, either side. My ankles were grabbed by the two older boys, and while Frisky stood watching, they bound cord around each ankle passing the ends, after knotting, up over the metal pipe to hold my legs close to the upright. Their final act was to tie them off behind the upright to prevent one of the coming free from the rod.

Frisky then barked out an orders, as he stood close by me while stroking himself through his sweat pants which were already showing a spreading wet patch! Strip boys, let the initiation commence, and he stripped off his sweat pants to reveal a tight tented pair of red shiny swim shorts. The boys stripped at the same time to reveal that they all had on similar g-strings to me. "As this is his first time Tom, gag the boy. We don' want the spectacle spoilt with endless pleadings!" Tom collected a red ball gag with straps and i had no option but to open my mouth and let him place it in, before pulling the straps tight around my now sweating neck! "This boy is to suffer willingly until we decide he is sufficiently punished, after which he will be allowed to have his reward while still on the cross! Hoist the cross now!!

This story can continue, but only if feedbacks seem to want it. It is different from the mainstream that appear so please just mail me with your views whether you enjoyed it or not. I can then continue if asked. Good old Nifty, and they deserve our support so these stories we enjoy can continue. Mario Pedra.

I NEED TO describe them all striooing when the cross is hoisted maybe?

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