The Young Lawyer

By moc.evil@ekolbtucnu

Published on Feb 3, 2017


This is a fictional story written solely for adults. I appreciate thecomments I have received from my readers to this point, and I encourage youto write with your comments if you're enjoying the story --

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Will Simpson drove a 1955 Ford pickup truck, and he loved it. It had been dependable and tough, and now it was taking him to his family's lake house on Lake Greenwood. In his rear view mirror he could see the lights of Andrew Fairbanks' Cadillac -- a hand-me-down from his Aunt Sarah -- following him closely as they sped down the two-lane highway. After spending the night together, and having witnessed Andrew put on a breathtakingly erotic show for him in the YMCA showers, Will was finally going to get a chance to enjoy Andrew's body himself.

Will's hands shook as they neared the turn off the main highway to the lake. His palms were wet and a bead of sweat dripped from his brow. His cock was rock hard with anticipation and he was leaking precum like never before in his life.

He questioned himself about why he was so nervous. He had already spent the night beside Andrew and felt his body. And this wasn't even the first time he had been with a man, though that first time was a bit different.

Will's family attended a little Presbyterian church in the country. They had just called a new minister who was moving all the way from Knoxville, Tennessee. Will's father, despite having a reputation for being a mean son of a bitch to those who crossed him, was a man of some stature in the community. So, when it came time to invite the new preacher to town before moving into the manse, he was welcomed into the Simpson home and his 18 year old son, David, would be sharing a room with Will.

After dinner and long conversations about the church and town, the "kids" were sent to bed. Though David was 18 and Will was 16, they were still expected to submit to their parents' authority and go to bed when told to do so. So, Will showed David up to his room. It was a plain room with a full-size brass bed, wood plank walls, a large window with white linen curtains, a marble topped dresser with a pitcher and wash basin, and pairs of Will's boots lined neatly along the foot of his bed.

"Well, from the looks of it, I guess we're going to have to shack up together," said David.

"I hope you don't mind. We just only have the one guest room and since your parents are using that one, they thought you wouldn't mind sleeping in here with me."

"Of course I don't mind. You just tell me which side of the bed you want me to sleep on," David said with a reassuring grin.

Immediately, David began to pull off his boots. Will followed his lead and shucked of his boots too.

"Damn! Those are some big feet, boy!" David exclaimed.

Will was a bit taken aback to hear a preacher's son curse, but he seemed pretty laid back. He really liked that.

"Ah, they'll do!" said Will, modestly. He had second thoughts about his next quip, but mischief got the best of him. "You ought to see what else I've got that's big!"

Both boys burst out laughing, and it was clear that David wasn't offended.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! That's what they all say."

As they continued to undress, both boys unbuttoned and pulled off their shirts and then their blue jeans. They both stood there in their underwear staring at each other. David wore loose white cotton boxer shorts, and even back in high school, Will wore his snugly fitting whitey tighties. Will could feel David's eyes on his crotch and knew by his raised eyebrows that he was admiring the hefty bulge that weighed down the front of Will's underwear and caused a dip in the waistband.

Will had just as much to look at with his house-guest. He was tall, nearly 6'3", and he had very curly strawberry blonde hair and deep brown eyes. He was thin but muscular. Will knew from their dinner conversation that he had run track at his high school in Tennessee and would soon be attending college on a track scholarship. His body was so tanned on the arms and legs that weren't covered by his jersey, and he had perfect little trail of hair from his belly button down to his crotch that disappeared into the waistband of his ill-fitting boxer shorts.

"Well, it's cold in here," said David. "Do you mind if we go ahead and hop in bed?"

"No, that's fine!"

So they both got under the covers and Will turned off the lamp on his side of the bed. From the bed they could see out the window of Will's room and out across the roof of the dairy barn and into the distance of the deep midnight blue sky, dappled by the brightest stars one could imagine.

With this view they talked and laughed, like kids at summer camp, discussing each other's high schools, girls, and what it was like to have a preacher as a father. Then, rather suddenly, David said he was sleepy, and so they both closed their eyes and listened to the silence and subtle noises of the old farmhouse.

An hour passed. Will couldn't sleep. He just stared at the ceiling, occasionally glancing to David at his side, and marveling that there was a beautiful young stud next to him and the only thing that separated their bodies was the think cloth of David's boxer shorts.

David's body shifted. He turned on to his side, facing toward Will, appearing to be deep in sleep. Then, his hand rested on top of Will's bulge. Will could feel the warmth of his hand through the cloth, and a process he could not control began to happen. The beautiful uncut cock which had laid curled and flaccid in his underwear now began to fill with hot blood, first growing plump, and then growing hard. Straightening and stiffening. Then he began to leak precum as it grew and rested across his left thigh.

Still, David's hand did not move. Surely he would notice Will's hard dick if he woke up. How would he explain it?! Sheer panic was met with the sheer joy of having this young Adonis's hand on his dick, and so he simply lie there, trapped in ecstasy.

But, then David's hand moved. And not he did not move it as a sleepy wandering hand is re-positioned. No, he moved his hand with purpose. With his eyes still closed, David pushed down the elastic waistband of Will's underwear, and grabbed a handful of his cock. And then he squeezed it.

David let out a moan and moved his right leg, resting it on top of Will's legs. Will breathed out his own deep, nearly inaudible groan. It felt good. It felt so good to have a hand other than his own on his dick. And as big as Will's dick was, David was a tall boy with large hands, and he was able to tightly squeeze the thick uncut monster.

Will's eyes were still closed. He did not know what to do though. Finally, he thought to himself, "what are you waiting for? His hand is on your dick?!" And so he leaned over, put his hand through the already unbuttoned slit in David's boxers, and eagerly reached for what awaited him inside.

It was incredible! David was circumcised, but he had the thickest dick Will could possibly imagine. He was only about six inches long, which is a generous sized cock on most men, but the amazing girth of David's cock was something to behold. He couldn't even see it in the dark, but from the sheer feeling of it in his hands, he knew that it was the fattest cock he would ever see.

At first, Will wasn't even squeezing it. He just enjoyed feeling the weight of this monster in his hands. He wasn't finished exploring either. As his wrist was brushed by David's curly, soft pubic hair, he reached past his cock, letting it flop over his arm, and felt for his balls. They too were enormous! And they hung so low! Will knew that he had a big cock, and he knew that his own balls were pretty damn impressive, but he was swooning over this skinny, preacher's boy's big fat cock and massive hanging balls.

They each squeezed each other's cocks. Each of them caused the other to moan and thrust their hips forward, as if nature uncontrollably compelled them to move them that way.

David took his index finger and thumb, and gently played with the tip of Will's foreskin. He tugged on it just a bit, as if afraid that if he did it too hard it might come off. Then, well lubricated by the copious amounts of precum which Will had leaked since they started this little adventure, David slowly retraced the foreskin back behind Will's cockhead. Then up. Then back.

David was playing! Will could tell that he had never touched, and probably had never seen a foreskin before. He couldn't have known that Will was uncut before they got in bed, but once he discovered it, David couldn't help himself from exploring the slick, wet, soft, stretchy skin of Will's foreskin. And Will was happy to let him experiment. Often when he jerked himself off, he would spend a long time just playing with his foreskin, just as David was now, and he was happy to be able to sit there and enjoy someone else doing it.

In the physical ecstasy of having his uncut cock played with, he somehow lost himself in his mind. He soon realized that he was simply laying there with his hand around David's dick, and he felt selfish. So, Will began stroking it. Though Will was a rough and tumble farm boy, he kept his rather large hands smooth for the milking cows, and so his smooth palms working over David's fat cock sent chills up David's spine. He began to more vigorously thrust his hips into Will's tightening grip and his breathing became shallower and faster.

Then, as if a switch was flipped, David stopped. He pulled his hand away from Will's cock and stopped thrusting his hips. He turned away from Will onto his right side, and breathed deeply, trying to calm himself down.

Will was crestfallen. He had been in such delight, but now all that had abruptly ended. Neither boy had spoken as this was going on, and so it seemed strange to question things now. Both boys had done all this with their eyes closed, as if to have some culpable deniability that it had ever happened.

The rest of the night, Will faded in and out of sleep, his mind racing and his balls aching -- terribly!

The next morning, David got out of bed and sheepishly put on his clothes, saying nothing, or next to nothing.

In reality, Will knew what it was. He had grown up hearing the same things from the pulpit that David had from men just like David's father. It was guilt. And just when David was about to release, he could not let himself. It would make things too real for him. So, he turned over and shut it down. Will hated it, but even without a discussion, he understood it.

Will went off to college that fall, and to his day, neither he nor David had acknowledged to each other (much less anyone else) that this beautiful experience had happened.

So, that was it. That was Will's first and only experience with another man before he met Andrew. And like that night with David, he and Andrew had slept next to each other and felt each other's bodies, but it had never gone further.

As he approached the driveway to the lake house, he knew that this time was different. He could see in Andrew's eyes that he was more than just curious. It wasn't just that Andrew wanted to feel another guy's dick, he seemed to want companionship. And frankly, after all the shit that he had been though with his wife, Will was pretty anxious for some companionship himself.

His mind was filled with feelings of anxiety, warmth, anticipation, and lust.

He saw the lights of Andrew's car pull in the driveway behind him. He turned off the muffled putter of the engine, switched off the lights, and tried to re-position his cock so he could walk when he got out of the truck.

Deep breath.

"I want this," he said, "and I want him."

He opened the door, stepped out, leaned up against the cab, and greeted Andrew with a smile.

"Come on. Let's go in."

To Be Continued

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