The Young Lawyer

By moc.evil@ekolbtucnu

Published on Sep 4, 2011


This is a fictional story written solely for adults. I appreciate the comments I have received from my readers to this point, and I encourage you to write with your comments if you're enjoying the story --


Andrew awoke to the smell of coffee and bacon. His eyes were still closed, but he imagined his new houseguest had gotten up and made him breakfast – he then felt a heavy hairy leg move against his. Will leaned over and kissed him sweetly on the lips.

"mmmm,Good morning."

"Good morning, handsome," Andrew replied. "Holy Shit! MAGGIE!"

Will knew exactly what he meant.

Andrew yelled down the stairs. "Maggie, I'll be right down."

"Yes, Mista Andrew," she said. "I've got your eggs and bacon ready. We outta cream for your coffee though. Might you be wantin' some, or should I just put milk in there?"

"Maggie...uh...I'll be right there..."

How was he going to explain Will? Thankfully, he had actually gotten under the covers before he came over to Andrew's at least the bed looked slept in.

"Listen, Will, I need to run down and explain to her why you're here. Perhaps you should, um...cover up."

Will was the picture of male beauty. He was lying on his back with his hands behind his head on the pillow. His legs were spread and the sheet was pulled down around his knees. His massively thick uncut cock was flopped down between his sturdy thighs. As Andrew stood at the door and spoke to him in hushed tones, Will caught him staring at his dick. That was enough to give him a raging hardon.

"You better take care of that before you come downstairs," Andrew smirked. "But for what it's worth, I could wake up to that every morning." He flashed his bright blue eyes and smile at Will. Will winked back at him.

"Come take care of it for me."

"Oh, I want to!"

Will took his dick in hand and held it straight up. He squeezed the foreskin over the head and let the precum stream down his cock.

"You're such a tease!" said Andrew.

"Who's teasing? You could have it if you wanted it."

"Ha! Hold that thought and give me a rain-check!"

Andrew put on his robe, tied it tightly, and skipped every other step as the bolted down the stairs. He walked quickly down the hall, swung a right, and met Maggie in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Mister Andrew, I have your coffee right here. You be wantin' breakfast in the dining room or out on the porch?"

One of the great things about Andrew's house was the wide porch that wrapped around three sides of the house. The grand old house had been his great-aunt Sarah's and was built in 1885. She had no children and left the house to her favorite, and only, great-nephew. It was a "city" home of Sarah's husband and his family, the Comptons. Now it was all Andrew's, and it was a more than respectable home for a young attorney in town.

Maggie was sort of part of the package. She had worked for Sarah since she was a girl, and now as a woman in her sixties, Andrew wanted to give her job security if she wanted to continue working. She appreciated the less-than-demanding approach Andrew took to her housekeeping. Andrew liked to have breakfast and coffee ready when he got up in the morning. He liked to make sure that the dust didn't take over the house. He liked to have his clothes washed, folded, and put away. He liked to have dinner on the dining room table when he got home in the afternoon. Other than that, he pretty much didn't care. Of course, with ladies of her generation, old habits die hard, and she still polished all the silver and brass in the house once a week. She loved Andrew and had taken care of him since the time he was a child and would come to stay at his Aunt Sarah's house.

"Maggie, would it be too much trouble for you to set an extra place at breakfast this morning?" asked Andrew in a syrup-sweet voice.

Maggie raised an eyebrow. Andrew had never had overnight company before. "Naw-suh, it ain't no trouble."

"My friend Will came by to visit last evening, and we stayed up so late talking that he decided to stay over." Andrew knew Maggie needed to be reassured that he hadn't done anything that would bring disrepute to his family. Had he hold her that a young lady had stayed over, Maggie could not have approved.

"Oh, that's real good! Who his family is?"

"It's Will Simpson."

"The dairy folks from out yonder by your Momma `n Daddy's house?"


Just as he said that, Will came down the stairs barefooted, wearing the blue jeans he was wearing the day before, and one of Andrew's v-neck undershirts he had borrowed. He had run some water through his jet black hair, and combed it back. Even still, a few of his bangs hung down in his face. His chest bulged in a shirt that was too small for him.

Andrew gave the obligatory introduction ,"Maggie, this is my...friend Will. Will Simpson."

"Mista Simpson, it nice to meet you. Can I fix you a cup o' coffee?" Maggie asked with a big smile.

"Yes, Maggie, I'd be very happy to get some coffee."

"Mista Andrew, is ya'll eatin' in the dining room or on the porch?"

"I think out on the porch. It's a nice morning out."

"Okie doke then, if you go out there I'll bring y'all some juice and you can read your paper while I scramble your eggs."

Maggie always waited until she actually saw Andrew sit down at the breakfast table before she cooked his eggs. She couldn't bear to serve anyone cold eggs.

Andrew motioned toward the screen door in the kitchen. Will led the way out the door and they both settled down at the wicker table outside. Maggie followed them out the door with a pitcher of orange juice. It came from the carton, but she served it in a pitcher.

"She's really rolling out the red carpet for you, Will."

"Believe me, I feel honored"

The two men gazed at each other in such an adoring, affectionate way. The rest of the world seemed not to matter at that moment at all. Thankfully, they were seated on the porch which faced the overgrown portion of the neighbor's lot and the table was too far toward the back of the house to get much attention from the street. With that in mind, Andrew reached under the table and rubbed the inside of Will's thigh.

"Here you go, chilluns. You won't some mo' coffee Mista Simpson?"

"Yes ma'am, that'd be just great," he answered.

Just as Maggie was heading inside, Andrew's yard man, Ed, walked onto the porch. Ed, like Maggie, had worked for Andrew's great aunt, however it was only his second part-time job. Ed, though not an educated man, had been able to make a decent living for himself as a loom worker at Laurens Mill, one of several textile mills in the county.

He, like Maggie, was older now, and enjoyed the somewhat `relaxed' requirements of young Mr. Fairbanks. His Aunt Sarah was meticulous about her garden. She, like all the Fairbanks, was a devout Presbyterian; Since women could not hold office in the church, they took it upon themselves to immerse themselves in committee work. Sarah had been the chairlady of the Sanctuary Flower Committee and nearly every week flowers from her garden graced the church. As a result the yard was covered with endless beds of daylilies, daffodils, hydrangeas, and roses of every kind and variety. It was a beautiful house with a beautiful yard – especially in spring – but it wore Ed out looking after it! Andrew appreciated the beauty, and wanted to maintain what was there, but he didn't get quite so frantic about the first sign of an aphid.

Ed could also count on Andrew to put in a good word for him with the city magistrate if he had a bit too much to drink on Saturday evenings – there were advantages to working for a lawyer. Ed drank too much on a regular basis, but as long as it didn't interfere with his work, Andrew didn't think it was his place to say anything.

"Mr. Andrew, you got anythin' need doin' this mo'ning other than cutting the grass and clippin' them boxwoods up front?"

"No, Ed, that's fine. In fact, leave it for Monday. You go on home and don't get into too much trouble this weekend. Hang on just a minute." Andrew got up from the breakfast table and went inside to get a ten dollar bill out of his wallet. "There ya go. Now, remember, I don't wanna have to talk Jim Williams into letting you out of jail tomorrow night," he said with a chuckle.

Ed cackled. "You tha boss! And thank you for this here!"

"Don't spend it all in one place, and if you do, share some with me!"

Ed just walked back off the porch chuckling to himself. Andrew really would have preferred to have freshly cut grass this weekend, but he would rather have nobody around his house so he could spend time with his new company.

Andrew sat back down to breakfast, and the two relaxed, drinking coffee and OJ, and eating their eggs, bacon, grits, and Maggie's incredible biscuits.

"Drew, Good Lord! How do you stay as damn hot as you are with a woman making all this for you every morning!?" He yelled, "Maggie, this delicious!"

"You compliment her cooking and she'll love you forever," Andrew warned.

"It's not Maggie that I'm concerned about," Will answered. He gave a smile and a quick wink toward his tablemate.

Andrew swallowed hard. "I guess we'll just have to see about that."

"Send her home," said Will.


"Send her home. I'll help you clean the house." He looked at Andrew with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah, ohhhh..." Andrew grinned. "Maggie, com'ere a second, please."

Maggie came in from the kitchen with a rag stuffed in the front of her apron which smelled on lemon pledge.


"Maggie, would you mind taking the rest of the day off? I think I can handle things here."

She looked concerned. Getting the day off or even part of the day wasn't really...common. If she had been sick or had some family issue, she would have as much time off as she needed, no questions asked. But Andrew, or even his Aunt Sarah for that matter, had never sent her home early. He sensed her concern.

"Maggie, everything's fine. Just take the afternoon for yourself."

He knew that she would require an excuse later, but he couldn't think of one now and he didn't feel like telling her a lie. It seemed especially evil to lie to Maggie.

"Well...thank you, I reckon. Should I wait till I clean up your breakfast plates?"

"No ma'am, I can wash these."

"Well...ok then. You have a good day then..." She backed up unsteadily, untied her apron, hung it by the kitchen door, and left.

The two men leaned back in their chairs and Will caressed Andrew's ankle with his own.

"Want to mess around?" asked Will.

" You know I do."

"Show me!" exclaimed Will, and with that he jumped up from the table and ran in the house.

Andrew shoved his chair back and ran after him. His robe had become untied and his massive cock began to flop out of the front of his boxers, slapping his thighs as he ran after Will. Will chucked and paused just long enough to look back and admire the beauty of that sight for a brief moment.

"You better watch that thing!"

"It looks like you're doing a fine job of looking at it for me!" teased Andrew.

Will reached the top of the stairs and swung left on the door frame into Andrew's room. Andrew reached his room just in time to see Will jump and land on his back on the bed. His chest was heaving and his jeans were tight with excitement from his swelling cock. Andrew walked to the foot of the bed.

"I think you should take those off."

"I think you should take them off me."

Andrew shrugged off his robe. He left his boxers on with this long uncut dick swaying as he moved.

"Come up here, lawyer-boy."

"Wild horses couldn't stop me."

He climbed on the bed and straddled Will, his muscular ass resting on Will's firm thighs. Andrew leaned over, and worked the muscles in Will's broad shoulders sensually but firmly. They kissed sweetly, at first, and then hard, fast, intense, deep kisses. Their bodies began to writhe and pulse together to the same rhythm. Andrew was grinding his pelvis against Will as they exchanged tongues in each other's mouths.

"You're the first man I've ever kissed."

"Funny!" answered Andrew.

"Funny? Why is that funny?" he asked.

"Because you're the first man I've kissed too!" Andrew winked.

"I want you to be my first for other things too," said Will shyly.

Andrew smiled.

Next: Chapter 6

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