The Young Lawyer

By moc.evil@ekolbtucnu

Published on Sep 3, 2011


This is a fictional story written solely for adults. I appreciate the comments I have received from my readers to this point, and I encourage you to write with your comments if you're enjoying the story --


Andrew couldn't believe what he was seeing and experiencing. He had a decision to make. Should he give into his desires and risk losing his job, family, and career? Should he turn away and lose a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

The price was just too great if he was wrong. After all, Will was married. Married! He couldn't like men.

"Well, Will, I'm gonna hit the hay. If you need anything at all, you just let me know."

Will turned around to answer.

"Thanks, buddy. I should be fine."

Andrew heard his words but could not stop himself from taking in every amazing inch of this man's body. Will's enormous obliques channeled Andrew's eyes down to the untrimmed hair nestled just above his impressive dick. Though the rest of Will's body was quite tanned, this area which never saw the light of day showed that he had a slightly ruddy complexion. His dick was incredibly thick. Even soft, or at least semi-soft, it was the thickness of a beer bottle. Like Andrew he was uncut, and his foreskin extended just beyond the head of his cock. Will's thighs were just as impressive. Will's primary mode of transportation around the farm was a thoroughbred quarter horse, and it showed. Andrew imagined how those powerful legs would feel if Will were straddling him.

Andrew could feel his erection growing. He quickly pulled his robe closed and walked to his bedroom.

"Alrighty, goodnight then!"

Out of the corner off his eye, he saw an expression on Will's face that could just have easily been disappointment as confusion.

As he was closing the door to his bedroom, he made the conscious decision to leave his door open a few inches. There was always the chance that he made the wrong call, right?

Andrew dropped his robe, and pulled down his boxers. It was a hot night in South Carolina, and just too hot to wear clothes; after all, it didn't seem like Will was particularly shy about nudity. slipped into bed and threw off the light cotton bedspread which was just too heavy to sleep under this particular night. He lay under the top sheet, listening to the sounds of Will wash his toned, tanned...married...body in his shower. His hands began to wander.

His dick was already hard. His left hand gently cupped his balls -- it was a handful. His right hand reached over onto his left thigh, where his dick lay leaking a steady stream of precum. He grabbed his slippery foreskin and stretched it as far as he could. As he pulled his dick straight down between his legs, it slipped out of his hand. He pulled it again up toward his abdomen. It slipped out of his hand again, and rolled slowly down toward his thigh again.

Andrew liked the weight of his own dick. He had seen other men in the showers in the dorms at Carolina and knew he was "blessed." It gave him confidence. But somehow all that confidence was gone when his thoughts turned to Will. Will bewildered him. Will excited him. ...and yet Will terrified him.

As Andrew slowly stroked his dick, sliding his foreskin deliberately back and forth over his massive cock head, he heard the water turn off. The sound of shower rings sliding as Will opened the curtain reminded Andrew that a beautiful, naked man was in the room beside him.

He was literally burning with lust for Will. His sheets were soaked with sweat.

Each of Will's big feet landed with a thud on the bathroom floor. He always dried off in the same order. He rubbed his chest, his stomach, then down his right leg, his left, and between his cheeks, under his balls, and then his generous package. He rubbed the fog off the mirror, swept back his dark hair, and threw his towel over his shoulder as he walked to the guest bedroom. Andrew could see none of this, but he was picturing all of it.

The floor squeaked as Will walked to the guest bedroom. The bedsprings squeaked as he hopped in bed. A hallway ten feet wide was all that separated the headboards of two beds which held two utterly handsome, naked men. Andrew knew this and couldn't think of anything else as he lay awake staring at the ceiling. He heard the clock tick and each second seemed a bit longer than the last. His bedside alarm clock struck 11:43, then there was a squeak and footsteps from across the hall. His bedroom door opened.

"Drew?" a deep voice said gently.

"Will, yeah buddy, what's up?"

"I need...I don't know how you feel about this...but...I would rather not sleep in a room by myself tonight."

Andrew wasn't sure what to make of this. Was this someone in need who just didn't want to be alone? On the other hand, it was a handsome man who said he "wasn't the marrying type" who had stripped in front of him.

"You mean, sleep in here?"

"Yeah, man. I can put a blanket on the floor if it's ok with you," said Will.

"Don't be dumb. You don't have to sleep on the floor."

Will walked over to Andrew's bed as his massive dick bobbed between his magnificent thighs. Andrew, who was already laying on the right side of the bed, pulled down the sheet on the left. Will slipped into the full size bed beside him. They were both very careful not to have any parts of their bodies touch the other. Both men stared straight up at the 10-foot ceiling.

"I'm sorry, Drew."

"For what?"

"For coming over like this. For imposing. For...asking to your room."

"Will, I have to admit. I'm having a hard time figuring out what's going on. I isn't like we were even good friends back in school. I haven't seen you for years! Now you're telling me you need a divorce and you're in my bed in the same day...and you're naked!"

They both chuckled at this last comment.

"I know. That's why I am apologizing. And...I have something I need to tell you."

Andrew swallowed hard.


"Drew, the reason I have to leave her is because she isn't right for me."

"Well, I know what you told me at the office, Will. I just don't get why you needed to be out of there tonight. And why you needed to be in here with me. I mean, it ain't like she's beating you?!" This was Andrew's half-hearted attempt at humor.

"Heh,I know."

"She just isn't right. . .no. . .that's not right. I'm not right. I've got a problem."

"What's the matter with you?"

" isn't just me. I mean Drucy can be such a pain in the ass sometimes. She lied to me about being knocked up. But the problem is me."

"Will, none of this makes any sense. You know I am your lawyer though. You can tell me anything in confidence and know that I won't tell anyone. I can't. What is it? Did you cheat on her?"

There was silence for what seemed like hours.

"You can't say anything to anyone?"

"That's right. My lips are sealed," assured Andrew.

"Ok...I can't believe I'm gonna..."

"For God's sake, just tell me what you did!"

There was another pregnant pause.

"It isn't what I did. It is who I am," Will replied in a low voice.

Andrew couldn't help but interpret this revelation in the most hopeful way possible. It just seemed too good to be true!

"Drew, I like . . . I'm. . .I'm not attracted to Dru...women."

Good Lord! He said it. It was true! The gorgeous naked man lying next to Andrew in bed just told him that he wasn't attracted to women! He knew that his response to this revelation was very important. He had to make sure that Will understood everything was ok.

"Will, it's ok. . .you're not alone."

Andrew brushed his hand against the back of Will's hand. It was a tender gesture of the sort that no man had ever experienced with another man. Andrew turned to look at Will and saw that he had turned his head away.

"I just don't know what to say." With that he quickly turned toward Andrew so that they lay face to face. "Really?!"

"Yes. I've had the same feelings since I was a boy. I never would have guessed the same about you're hardly a fairy boy!"

"I could say the same thing about you!" said Will.

They both laughed. As they laughed, they looked into each other's faces. Andrew had piercing ice blue eyes. Will had large brown eyes, which now looked deeply and caringly at Andrew.

"Will, I don't suppose...I don't suppose that you're attracted to me at all are you?"

"Why do you think I am here?" Will said smugly.

"Wait, wait, wait! How did you know?! Why me?! Do people know about me in town?! I've never told anyone! I've never even touched another guy!"

Will chuckled. "I didn't."

"You didn't what?"

"I didn't know you were...I didn't know you liked men. I came to your office today because I knew you in school and figured I could afford you as an attorney...It was just something about the way you looked at me. It's like the way I have caught myself looking at other men. . .it was only a hunch though. But, then I saw how you looked at me when I was shaking your head when I was leaving. The real kicker though is when you were staring at my dick when I was getting in the shower." Will, laughed aloud.

"You must have pretty big balls to pull a stunt like that!" exclaimed Andrew.

"You know I do! You stared at them long enough!"

They both chuckled together.

"You're right," said Andrew, "they are pretty impressive. And your dick isn't half-bad either!"

They both laughed, and couldn't seem to stop. They were finally able to engage in the kind of giddy flirting that neither man had had the freedom to experience ever before. The jokes went back and forth for a while until Will let out a long sigh.

"So what does this mean?"

"What does what mean?" asked Andrew.

"What are we going to do about me, and my wife? How do we make sure this stays secret? What...what does this mean for us?"

Andrew sighed. "Let's sleep on it."

Both men smiled a sleepy, content smile.


Andrew put his arm over Will and pulled him close. The two men's naked bodies touched for the first time. Both of their hearts were racing. Will, the larger of the two, put his arms around Andrew and pulled him against him. Their muscular chests both had sweat beading on them. It was too hot for anyone to try to sleep so close, and yet they needed to feel each other's bodies.

They pressed their dicks against each other. Though he could not see it, Andrew could feel that Will's cock was even thicker than it had been when he saw it earlier that night. Will had not seen Andrews most intimate parts -- except for the tease that he gave him downstairs. He now felt Andrew's long uncut cock grinding against his own. Both men were producing generous amounts of precum.

"May I kiss you?" Will asked.

"I have been thinking about it since you came in my office this afternoon."

Will leaned his head and gently kissed Andrew's collar bone, then up the side of his neck, and gently sucked on Andrew's earlobe. Andrew squirmed and moaned with pleasure.

"Kiss me, damnit," pleaded Andrew.

And so Will did what both men had long-for for years. As Andrew felt the rough stubble of Wills face against his own, and felt the firmness of his embrace, he knew that this was right. This was good. Will was exactly what and who he wanted.

As lust gave way to exhaustion, both men fell asleep in each other's arms, legs intertwined.

Next: Chapter 5

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