The Young Lawyer

By moc.evil@ekolbtucnu

Published on Sep 2, 2011


This story is fiction. I like getting email and if you'd like to contact me you can at


"Mr. Andrew, I'm gone for the day," Maggie yelled from the back door in the kitchen.

"That's fine. We'll see you tomorrow mornin'."

Maggie took off her apron, hung it by the door, and began her walk from West Main down toward the black part of town.

Andrew looked to the heavens as if to say, "Thank the Lord! She's gone!" He loved Maggie like she was family, but he had some urgent business to attend to.

He plopped himself down on a very comfortable couch in his den. Gingerly unzipped his khakis, and slid his hand down his trousers. The back of his hand brushed against the sizeable damp spot on his boxers caused by the copious amounts of precum he had produced on and off since he first set eyes on the frame of Will Simpson.

"I better get comfortable before I get carried away," he said aloud. He stood up, and hurriedly unbutton his shirt, yanked off his tie, and kicked off his trousers. He used one foot to pull the socks off the other. Finally, he slipped down his boxers, and as he did he caught a glimpse of himself in the full-length mirror that stood in hallway.

While Will had taken time to grow into his frame, Andrew had been a fine specimen of male beauty his entire life. He stood six feet, two inches. He had broad shoulders and a long neck that made him look more imposing and dignified. His chest was hairless and punctuated with two dime-size nipples, which happened to be erect and sensitive at the moment. His body was un-tanned -- like a lawyer who had spent too much time studying the books -- but his skin was creamy and smooth like an alabaster god. He had two deep furrows in his torso which led down to a untamed, masculine patch of pubic hair. Between his sculpted, lean, long legs hung an impressive piece of manhood. His flaccid cock hung 7 inches and swung like a pendulum when Andrew walked around naked. He was fortunate enough to have been born at home, and so his generously portioned dick was uncircumcised. Beneath his cock were two plum-sized balls which hung as low as the tip of his cock.

Though not small when his cock was soft, it grew to a massive ten inches with a slight downward curve when he was erect, as it now did. His foreskin still covered his large mushroom head when he was hard, and he dripped precum like a leaky faucet.

He lay back down on his couch and began to twist the tip of his foreskin between his fingers. Andrew pulled the alabaster skin of his cock, now blushing with the rush of blood to his substantial cock, as far as he could past the head of his dick. In one slow stroke, he pulled his foreskin back to reveal the large pink-purple head of his dick. The shaft of his dick filled his large hands so that just the tips of his forefinger and thumb met. But as thick as his shaft was, the head of his cock was even more impressive. It was crowned with a wide piss-slit from which he was dripping so much precum that it ran down his hand onto his balls. Andrew began to stroke his dick, carefully and deliberately. He took pleasure in each movement of his hand. He began to moan each time the opening of his foreskin slid past his bulbous cockhead. In fact, it felt so good, that the anticipation of his orgasm grew too much for him to delay. He began to quickly jerk his cock, relishing in the slippery wet sounds of his precum soaked dick being stroked. Andrew let thoughts of Will Simpson enter his mind, and the intensity of what he was thinking and feeling became too much for him. He arched his back, thrust his hips into the air, and shot one, three, six ropes of cum over his right shoulder.

"Good God!" He gasped. "...and thank God it landed on the wood floor. How would I have explained cum-stains to Maggie."

Though he asked himself this rhetorical question, with five sons, he could be fairly certain that Maggie had run across a cum-stain once or twice.

Andrew picked up his boxers, slid them back on, and decided that would be the extent of his attire for the rest of the evening. Even with his boxers on, one could clearly see his dick. It hung even with the hem of the boxers and carelessly flopped about. Andrew's body was truly something to be admired.

He sauntered into the kitchen, and decided to have a beer. His mother still raised her eyebrows every time she visited his home and saw any form of alcohol. She was concerned for his reputation in the community and hoped that the checkout clerks at the Winn Dixie didn't gossip about her son. Andrew always reassured her that the grocery stores didn't carry beer just for him. Her retort always involved some obliquely racist insinuation that only negroes and white trash people drink. As he pulled a bottle from the fridge, he snickered to himself at the thought of how ridiculous his mother could be sometimes.

Andrew sank back into his favorite chair in the den, flipped on the tube, and fell asleep to the sounds of afternoon cartoons.

Andrew awoke to hear a bang at his door - not exactly a polite knock, but a bang. He frantically raced up to his bedroom to grab a robe and yelled, "Just a minute!" Andrew was aware of how well-endowed he was, and didn't want to chance an indecent exposure charge just for answering the door. He rushed back down the stairs, and slid on the rug for the last three feet of hallway before he reached the door.

As he opened the heavy front door, and stared out through the screen onto the porch, he could hardly believe his eyes. It was Will Simpson.

"Well, Will! Hey there, what brings you by at this...hour...what time is it? I've been asleep." Andrew was a discombobulated mixture of grogginess from sleep and sheer excitement from the sight of the man that just a few hours earlier had caused him to have a bone-shaking orgasm.

"Drew, I'm sorry. I know it's late. It's nine o'clock, by the way."

"Oh, don't worry, buddy. I'm just a little curious as to why I hadn't seen you since 1955 and today I get two visits in one day."

It was at that point that Andrew noticed that Will was carrying a pillow, a green wool army blanket, and a knapsack. This took Andrew's confusion to new heights.

"Drew, I was wondering if I could ask you an amazingly big favor."

It didn't take a genious to guess what he was about to ask, but why Andrew? Why wasn't he at home with his wife? Why didn't he go stay with a friend -- he must have some -- or even his parents if he wife put him out? Or did he leave her?

"I told you that I needed a divorce, and I do. I needed to be out of that house. I couldn't stand being around that woman for a single night more. I got home and she started going on and on and on complaining about every other thing I did or didn't do. And it's like that every night. And I just... I don't have a lot of close... All my "friends" are from the church and most of them are her kin. I just didn't have anywhere to...any other place to... Drew, would you mind if I stayed here this evening?"

Will spoke as if he had a wind-up key in his back and his spring had now unwound. Without hesitation, Andrew started shaking his head `yes.'

"Sure you can. We should probably..."

Andrew's obligatorily cautious response was interrupted when Will dropped his bag, opened the screen door, and stepped inside to give Andrew a powerful embrace. He was caught off guard by Will's size. Will was only two inches taller, but you could tell the difference in the frame of a man who threw hay bales and feed sacks for a living versus the stature of a man who practiced law and did his best to lift a few weights in the evening. Will's arms were long and powerful and Andrew allowed him to embrace him fully.

Will was the first to pull away. As if he understood the implication of what he had just done, he cleared his throat, and said, "Thank you, buddy. I can't tell you how much this means to me."

"Well, Will, its no trouble. I got room. You're more than welcome. It certainly does sound like you're in a spot though. I mean, what is Drucy gonna say? How long do you need to stay here?"

"I mean...I don't...I hadn't thought it all through. I just had to leave," Will responded.

Andrew looked at the tall raven-haired man, and he saw that Will's eyes were beginning to flood with emotion. Wanting to spare him the embarrassment of showing another man his tears, Andrew said, "Why don't I grab us a beer or two, and you can bring your stuff in." With that, he turned and darted toward the kitchen. He heard Will sniffle once, and wipe his eyes with his arm.

He returned to the entry hall with two beers and told Will to join him in the den. Andrew plopped himself down into his well-worn chair and motioned for Will to take a seat on the couch.

"Can we just not talk about her or all this tonight?" Will asked.

"Sure thing."


They both watched the second half of "The Virginian" on NBC, before mutually agreeing that it was about time for bed. They both glanced at each other when the word "bed" was spoken. Andrew seemed more sure than ever that Will must be hiding the unthinkable...but it couldn't be...he must just be reading his own desires into all the `suspect' thoughts and gestures.

"Well, lucky for you, my help was here today so the guest room should be all made up and ready for you."

"Really, this does mean a lot," said Will.

"Think nothing of it."

Andrew decided to test the waters. As he got up from his chair, he untied the belt on his robe, and let it hang open. He stood in front of Will, still seated on the couch, and motioned down the hall toward the stairs. As he did, he watched Will's eyes carefully. They were, as he suspected, drawn to his shorts...a glance, but a prolonged glance nonetheless. Andrew smiled.

He walked Will down the hall and up the stairs to the guest bedroom.

"The bathroom is between your room and mine, so feel free to get freshened up there. I'll be happy to give you grand tour either tonight or in the morning. Which would you like?"


"Tomorrow it is then."

"Towels are in the closet in the bathroom," Andrew lazily gestured toward the room.

"Thanks," Will said, "If you don't mind I think I might get a shower tonight."

"Go for it."

All at once, the thought of Will naked began to excite Andrew, and he knew that if he dwelled on the thought a rather obvious erection would be rather hard to explain away.

"Okie doke." And with that, Will began to undress. Andrew could hardly believe his eyes. Will was wearing a fairly loose fitting white shirt tucked into some clean, but worn blue jeans. He stripped off his shirt, stepped into the bathroom, sat on the edge of the tub, and began to pull off his boots.

"Good Lord! He has such big feet!" Andrew thought.

"So, how'd you like Carolina?" Will asked.

Will was at a loss for words. Will unbutton his pants and pulled them off ankles first. "It was, um... it was good," Andrew choked out.

"I always thought I'd like to go to Clemson," Will answered.

He now stood in front of Andrew wearing only some old-fashioned tighty-whities. His body was different, but no less attractive than that of his host. He had a deep dark tan on his upper body from hours working out in the sun. His chest was evenly, but lightly covered, with dark hair. His pectoral muscles were defined and broad -- proportionate with his impressively built shoulders. He had the defined six-pack that Andrew did not. The muscles on his abdomen were stretched so tight his navel was a mere indentation. His obliques were a thing of beauty. As tanned as his upper body was, his legs were pale -- the sign of a farmboy who always wears long pants.

Will's underwear contained something wonderful. Andrew couldn't see it, but it was impressive even for just a bulge.

"Hey, do you mind if I borrow some toothpaste?" asked Will.

"Nah, go right ahead."

Will pulled out a toothbrush, loaded it with toothpaste, and began brushing in the mirror. As he did, the back and forth motion of his body caused the bulge in his thin underwear to sway from side to side. This was all getting to be too much for Andrew.

"Alright. Thanks. I guess I'll hop in now."

With a disregard for the fact that the bathroom door was completely open and Andrew had been standing watching him since he started to undress, Will turned toward the shower, and slipped off his underwear. Andrew unknowingly began to chew his bottom lip at the sight of Will's ass. It was so perfectly round. He was beautiful even from behind. Though his legs were covered with an even dispersion of hair, his ass had only a slight light dusting of fine hair. As he bent down to remove his undwear from each of his ankles, his asshole and the back of his lowhanging balls were in clear view for Andrew. He felt a drop of precum on his thigh -- his dick was beginning to harden as he watched this amazing man undress.

Next: Chapter 4

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