The Young Doms Uni Awakening

By domlad95

Published on Aug 21, 2023


Thanks for all your support so. This will be the final chapter of Grant's first year, we'll join him again for his second, to see how life has changed.


Tom, the top daddy from Grindr, and I stayed in touch after I fucked his boyfriend, Tate. He liked getting to know other top guy with the same taste and encouraged me to embrace it. While I felt guilty about Jacky, I couldn't help but look up to Tom. His life, being in his 40s with a young, slutty boyfriend still, appealed to me. Did I wanna be fucking old guys when I was in my 40s? Definitely not.

Tom and I would go for drinks and check out hot boys. One time I even brought him to my uni student union to checkout the lads.

"Man you've got it great" he said, "I didn't realise what I was into until later and it's so much harder to get twinky boys now".

"You seem to do well enough".

"Ha well, I guess I do..." he replied, smirking.

We passed many nights like that, downing beer and him encouraging to enjoy myself while I was young. It was so tempting and I found myself going home with boys more and more often. I'd reply to Jacky's messages hours after he sent them, sending one line replies to his barrage of many. He must've known something was wrong but he never said, just kept telling me he loved me and wanted to see me soon.

I'd become pretty shameless about the whole thing. It was known on campus that I had a boyfriend but was also sleeping around. The thing was, as much as people liked to pretend to be outraged, the gay boys also still thought I was hot and a lot of them were even turned on by my cheating. It made me a magnet for the horny little bottom twinks, all wanting to feel like they were the hottest and cutest on campus.

But my favourites were the ones who weren't so open, so easy. I discovered I liked finding the boy who was still nervous about or wanted to pretend my cheating was too shameful for them to partake in. I'm not sure why, but the challenge of getting them to say yes to me made it all the more fun.

In those first few months, my favourite of those was Henry. He'd been raised by religious parents, in the Home Counties, and while they had no issue with him being gay, he had come to have traditional ideas about sex and relationships. He was a bit like Jacky or me before I started uni - keen to find the one and have that be it.

The first time we'd met had actually been brief, at an LGBT society event in freshers. We'd said a quick hi and I'd registered he was hot, but little else happened. He'd been wearing a white T-shirt, tucked into tight beige chinos that showed clearly that his skinny legs led up to a nice round, pronounced little bum. With his smooth shaven face, and smartly trimmed brown hair, my eyes lingered for longer than they should have.

Henry was also on my course though and, once my inner restraint around cheating had started to get broken down, I started flirting. Sitting next the Henry in lectures, I'd pass notes to him and playfully tickle his sides when we were supposed to be quiet. At first I don't think he even noticed it as being flirting, chuckling along and giggling as I touched him, although there was an obvious attraction from his side. The way his eyes sparkled when he looked up at me and the long stares I'd catch him giving my arms made it pretty clear.

My first attempt to bed him was foolish. Hungover after a night out, I stumbled into a lecture with massive hangover horn (which was probably even visible through my workout shorts) and took a seat behind Henry. Throughout I passed him notes and he passed them back, although I saw his back stiffen slightly when I called him `baby' on one. Then afterwords we walked out together and I, possibly still drunk slightly and fuelled by the horniness, asked him back to mine.

"Oh what do you mean?" He said, rubbing his neck.

"Like you come back to mine and we have some fun" I replied, grinning at him cockily.

"You have a boyfriend Grant".

He looked outraged, and hurt.

"You don't have to worry about that Mr" I said, still smiling.

"But maybe you should" he stuttered, trying to be forceful, before turning and flouncing away. I stared his at his ass as he did, aroused by the challenge.


For a couple of weeks after, Henry started to ignore me, but I persisted. Passing notes, he'd read them but not reply. I'd grin at him as we passed in hallways. The more he ignored me the more I couldn't help myself.

Things intensified one week when I entered the bathroom and found him stood at the urinals. There were many free but I chose to stand right next to him. As both a shower and grower my dick looked impressive even in its semi-hard state. As I pulled my gym shorts down and hauled it out, I felt his body go rigid next to me and could sense the temptation of his eyes, trying not to look over. As I started to piss I turned my head and stared directly at him. When he met my stare, I smirked and nodded down. His eyes slowly moved to see the big cock in my hand and widened. With that he gulped, turned and left.


The turning point came a few days later. I'd spent all afternoon on the phone to Jacky but he hadn't sent any nudes and I was horny.

Soon after I got off the phone, the girls and Danny barged into my room with bottles of wine and squealed "we're going out".

We ended up pissed and at a popular nightclub in town. Danny and I danced together but some of the attraction had fizzled after our initial encounters, so now we were only firm friends.

Eventually I saw Henry. He was there with a couple of girlfriends, dancing hesitantly. Seeing where my eyes were going, Danny chuckled into my ear "he's cute".

As I saw Henry head to the bar, my drunk and horny crotch led me over to him. I queued right behind him in the bar, pressing unnecessarily close. Not realising it was me at first he pushed back a little to make space, so I ground myself in to him. Jumping at my response, his head whirled round. Seeing me I saw his eyes light up for a second, before he pretended to set them into annoyance.

"How've you been Henry?" I whispered into his ear.

"Allllll good Grant" he replied, obviously drunk.

"Don't you miss talking to me?" As I said it I pressed back into him, crotch first and felt him instinctively shove back into me.

"You've got a boyfriend Grant..."

"But I like you Henry, Jacky and I are pretty much over, I want you".

"You, you mean you split up with him?" He stammered.

"I want you baby" I said, avoiding the question. And with that, I leant down, placing a big kiss on the shorter boys lips. He dissolved into me, clearly desperate for this to happen.

As we came up for air, I realised the bar was free. Buying him a drink, I took Henry's hand and led him away to dance in the crowd. Grinding into him I got him to let loose and embrace his drunk self.

"Are you coming home with me tonight baby boy?"

"Fuck it yes!" He yelled back.

"Then let's go baby".

Back at mine I wasted no time getting him naked. Pulling his shirt and trousers off. As he stood there in his tight underwear, I stepped back and took him in. He was gorgeous. Smooth and defined. Cute bum. Slender.

He smiled nervously and tried to cover himself as a greedily devoured his body with my eyes.

"Come here".

He stepped forward.

"Did you like seeing my dick in those bathrooms?"

He nodded.

"And you're going to suck it now, aren't you boy?"

He looked up at me, paused and said "I'll do anything you want".

Pushing him to his knees I put my clock in his mouth and started thrusting. He clearly wasn't too experienced but did his best. My dick was big and I could see it stretching his jaw, making it ache.

"Do you like my cock?" I snarled.

Unable to speak with the assault on his mouth I got a gargled reply that sent sparks through my cock.

"Fuck yeah" I growled, fucking faster and bashing against his throat.

I didn't want to cum in his mouth, this had taken too long to waste on his throat, so I stopped soon and told him to bend over the bed.

It was only then I realised just how drunk he must be, as standing up he stumbled and nearly fell. Catching him and helping him to stand, I led him over to the bed and pulled his legs into the air. His hole looked tight, with just a little bit of hair around the outside.

Seeing me pull out the lube he asked "are you going to fuck me?"

Leaning right over him, so our noses were only an inch apart and he could feel my full mass surrounding him, I said "yes boy, I am".

Making him hold his legs above his head, i lubed up my cock and fingered some into his hole. Then I crawled up on top and started to press my big dick in.

He was incredibly tight, almost like he hadn't been fucked before. I could see him wincing at my size as it spread his hole wide and it turned me on to see. I felt like a giant king, taking his winnings, as I pressed my cock into the smaller, weaker boy.

As I got half way in, he pressed his hands against my thighs, trying to stop me as he was uncomfortable with my size. Slapping his hands away I stared directly into his eyes, sternly. He looked surprised and shocked, but didn't try to stop me again. He simply grabbed his ankles again and groaned as my cock dug further and further inside him.

Once I bottomed out I began to thrust, eliciting moans of pain or pleasure each time - I couldn't really tell which at first. As he got used to my size and I picked up speed he got louder and louder. This built until he started screaming out "fuck me". I'd unleashed a right little slut inside this uptight twink. My cock had set him free.

As he screamed and begged for it harder, I began to slap his face, telling him he was a slut.

"You always wanted my cock didn't you, you little slut"


"Yes, please, please, fuck me Grant"

"You don't even care I have a boyfriend do you slut?"


"No please Grant just fuck me!"

So I did, hard and for a long time. When I finally came it was explosive. Henry did at the same time, showering himself in spunk, which I wasted no time, scooping up and making him lick from my fingers.

Then I collapsed on top of him and we fell asleep.


Awaking the next morning I found Henry next to me. Already awake and staring at the ceiling.

"Morning man" I said groggily.

"Did you mean what you said last night?"

"What do you mean?" I said, trying to clear my bleary eyes.

"You said you liked me... but then you said you still have a boyfriend..."

"Oh I mean yeah I think you're great Henry" I said awkwardly.

"But you have a boyfriend and we cheated. I, I wouldn't have come back if I knew you were still together".

He was clearly upset and I didn't know what do. I'd said what I needed to in the heat of the moment to get him here, but I didn't want to deal with this.

"Look I'm sorry if I gave the wrong impression or anything but, we both wanted it right..."

Henry looked at me, almost in tears. I felt awful but didn't know what to do. My dick had led me and in a lot of ways I couldn't even regret it. But then there was a boy in my bed clearly upset.

"But you don't want me to be your boyfriend?" he said, a single year falling.

"Come on Henry, I think you're great, we're mates..."

"Fine" he snapped. With that he stood up, dressed quickly, and left.

I lay in bed, hungover and struggling not to get hard thinking about how good it felt sinking myself into Henry.

See you all for P5...

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