The Young Doms Uni Awakening

By domlad95

Published on Aug 12, 2023


Five weeks into my first year it was time for little Jacky to come visit. In that period I'd cheated on him three times already. First with Danny, then with the gym boy, and then another time with Danny. The second time with Danny happened very much the same way, although I might've done more of the come on that time.

Jacky was going to come and stay in my dorm with me and my friends for a night, the most his parents would allow. I'd sworn all my girlfriends to secrecy about what had happened with Danny and most were chill. Just one, Maisie, kicked up a fuss and said I should be honest. Danny had been warned to stay away and he'd rolled his eyes, laughing.

Jacky ran up to me and threw his arms around my neck, me lifting him up of the ground and placing a gentle kiss on his lips. I took him around the whole block, introducing him to my new friends, except Danny.

"I've missed you so much Mr" he said sweetly when we were alone. I wrapped my arms around his toned waist and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

"Let's grab lunch baby" I said, leading him out by the hand.

Overall the trip went well. I paid for a tasty lunch, then took him a predrinks with my uni friends, where we played games and then they went out. He was still too young to get into a club, so we stayed behind. No one mentioned Danny.

A night in together was probably nice, although I felt sad to be missing out on a night out. Jacket and I cuddled up in my bed and put on a film. Not much of it was watched, as he was almost immediately kissing me, straddling my lap, moaning as I squeezed his cute bum.

Eventually we realised we had no idea what was happening in the film and switched it off. I pulled off my shorts, and he started to fondle my big dick, rubbing it up and down.

"Have you missed it baby?" I asked. He laughed and nodded, before leaning down and sucking softly on the tip. He liked to take things slow, loving and kind, and I let him.

After 5 minutes of this gentle sucking, I couldn't help but start comparing his technique to Danny and the boy from the gym. I felt less excitement, less turned on.

"Is everything okay Mr?" Jacky asked nervously. While my mind has been drifting I had, without noticing, started to lose my hard on.

"Yeah baby of course!"

"Are you not enjoying it?"

"No it's great baby... it's just, have you ever wanted to try anything a bit more... energetic?"

"What does that mean?"

"You know like you could deepthroat me or I could maybe take control a bit".

He looked at me, conflicted. I could see in his eyes a want to make me happy but also a nervousness.

"Okay, I'll try it" he said.

Hesitantly, Jacky started really trying. Taking more of my shaft in his mouth, pushing it down into his throat. He only had a third on but I started to moan, wanting to encourage him.

"Fuck baby that feels good" I groaned, gently pushing his head to signal to take more.

He tried his best but the moment he gagged he pulled away and took a rest. I waited, wanking my cock and he tried again. At the same point, with not even half my cock in his mouth, Jacky choked and moved away again.

We tried for a while but I started to go soft again. At some point I stopped him, pulling him up to snuggle into my chest.

"Don't worry baby" I said, and he nervously toyed with my chest.

"I love you Grant" he said.

"Yeah, love you to" I replied, half-heartedly.


The next morning I took Jacky to the train station. We kissed goodbye and the he turned and started walking to down the platform, looking back and waving every so often.

I stood and waved back, my balls churning from a lack of relief over the last two days. And when Jacky got on the train, I took my phone out, opened the App Store and typed in Grindr.

Opening the app, I left my profile blank, other than my age, unsure what to put.

I scrolled through profiles, seeing quite a few hot men, most older. The one that caught my eye was called `DomDaddy+Twink'. The pictures were of two shirtless torsos; one fairly built, but not toned, and the other skinny and pale.

Unsure what to say I simply messaged "hi".

They responded quickly saying "u rlly 18?" The terrible typing was a turn off but they both looked so hot.

"Yeah I am" I replied, "like your profile".

"Cheers any pic of you?"

Scrolling through my phone I found a mirror selfie I'd taken at the gym for Jacky. The lighting was great and my pecs looked massive. The bulge in my shorts was also pretty obvious.

"Damn you look fit". They followed the comment with pictures of their own faces. The older, more muscular man looked to be around 40, while the pale twink was much closer to my age.

"How old are you guys?" I asked.

"I'm 42 and my bf is 23".

The boyfriend was gorgeous. Dark hair, green eyes, pale skin, and a sweet pointy nose.

"Your bf is really cute"

"Not the first to say it. You a top lad?"


"Looking for?"

"I'm not sure, quite horny tbh"

"Why don't you come over?"

"I'm not sure... got a bf"

"We aren't gonna tell him". Without even giving time to reply, he sent me a picture of his naked boyfriend, on all fours, with his back arched obscenely.

"What are your names?" I asked.

"I'm John, boyfriend is Tate. You coming?"



Arriving at the address Tom had shared, I entered a large new build high rise, a door man letting me in and opening the lift for me. The doors opened to a long corridor with only two apartment doors. I knocked on 701, Tom's.

The door swung open after a matter of seconds to reveal the older top, dressed in a tight white T-shirt and short gym shorts. Even though not my normal type, I could see he was a hot guy, with a square, manly jaw and strong thick nose.

"Come in lad" he said grinning. I excitedly stepped over the threshold and followed him into a giant flat, with floor to ceiling windows that looked out across the entire city.

"You're flat is awesome man"

"Cheers bud, can I get you a drink? We're having champagne"

It was only 11:30am but I said yes anyway. Tom handed me a pretty full glass and then led me to the second floor of the apartment and towards the master bedroom.

Inside I saw his boyfriend, Tate. Clearly much younger, he was already basically naked and sipping his drink on the bed.

"Oh, hi..." he said looking slightly shocked and attempting to cover himself.

"Sorry i didn't tell him you were coming yet" Tom said "Tate, this is Grant, he's gonna fuck you".

Tate looked at me, taking me in and I saw desire grow in his eyes. I was a tall, hot young guy, with a cocky smile. Before I knew it, he was naked in front of me, asking how to please me.

Smiling I looked over at Tom. Both of us towered over the cute little Tate and he grinned back, nodding encouragingly at me.

I pulled off my T-shirt, leaving me in just gym shorts, started snogging Tate passionately. Grabbing him, i hoisted him up and he wrapped his slender legs around me, letting my hands support him through his juicy little bum.

"He loves rough Grant, don't hold back" Tom said. He'd taken a seat at the side of bedroom and was observing gleefully, rubbing his cock through his shorts. I smiled over at him and nodded.

Following Grant's advice I flung his boyfriend on to the bed and quickly stripped off my bottoms. Tate saw the size of my cock and beamed like a kid at Christmas.

"Daddy, he's massi-" he started to say, but I cut him off by thrusting my heavy dong towards his lips. He got to work quickly, giving a sloppy, selfless 20 minutes off head. He choked as I spluttered and any thought I had of going easier were cancelled out by Tom saying "go on give it to him lad". There was one moment where Tate looked as though he might actually vomit and Tom simply cheered me on again.

"Reckon it's time to fuck him, don't you lad?" Tom shouted over, passing me a refilled drink.

I necked it, pulled out of Tate's mouth and told him "grab your ankles and hold your legs back. Doing this meant his fresh pink hole was on display for both of us tops. I stroked myself while Tom rubbed himself through his shorts.

"Don't you wanna go?"

"I like to watch, I'll have my go later" Tom relied. "Fuck him lad".

And so I did. Getting on top I felt like a giant, crushing the small Tate under me. I pushed my big cock in and he grounded and writhed. Honestly, I could tell he wasn't as tight as the other guys I'd had and thought there was probably some acting when he said my cock was too big, but it still turned me on.

I was balls deep in him quickly, and Tom cheered me on. He was sitting on the bed by us now and every now and then would kiss or slap Tate. Occasionally he'd put his hands on my hips, pushing them forward and me to nail his boyfriend without mercy.

After about 15 minutes I came straight up Tate's hole. Pulling out I saw I'd made the big gape, his hole closing back up only slowly.

Tom fist bumped me and said "good job kid".


Thanks for reading and for all the comments. Love hearing from you all.

From this point the story will get gradually kinkier and kinkier as Grant embraces dom life.

Next: Chapter 4

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