The Young Cowboy

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Mar 20, 2002


This is the fifth chapter in my ongoing story of a young cowboy and what could have happened in the old west.

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Young Cowboys - 5

As the owner got dressed he looked at the cook and told him that it looked like we were going to have to find him someone new to play with. He then let the cook know that until we did that it was all right for him to play around with me when the owner was not using me. The cook looked a little dejected but grinned at himself when he noticed the wet spot spreading on the front of his pants.

The blacksmith and the new boy were lost in their own world of pleasure as the blacksmith was taking long slow strokes into the boy's asshole. The owner handed me my clothes as he suggested we leave the two of them alone. He also told me to remind him that the new boy was hired if he wanted a job.

We went back into the main room as the cook went to change pants and I got the owner and myself a cool drink. I asked the owner if he wanted something harder but he said that sense I had came there, he had been able to cut back on his drinking and only took a good one just before bedtime. I told him he looked a little better also and he smiled at me.

He asked me if I would consider moving into the main house with him. He said that he didn't want to steal me away from Pops but if there wasn't anything really holding me to him I could always live with him. I told him I would have to talk to Pops before I could make any decision. He said he understood and he was perfectly happy with the arrangement and if it was going to cause any probably to just forget that he had asked.

I noticed the cook came into the room and was asking what the owner wanted him to fix for the noon meal. The owner said he should fix plenty of steaks and potatoes since it looked like there would be five eating. The cook started to say something but I guess he figured out who the five would be. The owner said he was going to the guestroom to take a nap since the morning fun had taken a lot out of him. I asked if there was anything I could do for him but he said I should go help the cook and try to get him out of his apparent gloomy mood.

When I entered the kitchen the cook turned around and told me I could help by peeling some potatoes while he cut up the meat. I sat down and started in on the potatoes and waited for the cook to start talking. It seemed a very long time before he finally turned around.

"I don't blame you and I am really happy for the blacksmith, but I wish you hadn't found the new boy." He said.

"I understand, but you know I did it just as much for the boy as I did for the blacksmith." I replied. "He looked so lonely last night when the men would try to have sex with him and eventually pull out of him and finish themselves off in my ass." I said.

"I know, just at my age it is hard to change old habits." The cook said.

I had finished the potatoes and sat them on the table as he sat a big pot of water on the stove and poured the potatoes in. He was mixing up something in a bowl as I sat there and watched.

"You know that if you want to do something with me that the owner said you could." I offered.

"Let me get this bread in the oven and I might take you up on that." He said as I noticed a little grin cross his face.

When he placed the pan in the oven he directed me to the room just off of the kitchen that was his room. He started removing his pants as he let me know that we only had a few minutes before he had to get back to the food. I had started removing my pants as he was talking and had already moved to the bed.

The cook took no time as he pushed his cock into my asshole. Since he wasn't very endowed in this department I spread my ass and pushed back against him. This allowed him to get all of his cock into me. He was really pumping fast and hard as my cock started growing as I was thinking about the blacksmith and the new boy.

The cook's cock was doing very little for me but I was not going to let him know that. I started pumping back against him as I tried to bring myself to an orgasm. He was breathing faster and harder and I knew that he was very close to coming. When he started cumming I squeezed my asshole as tight as I could trying to give him as much pleasure as I could. He must have shot six or seven times before he was through. He leaned on my ass for a few seconds while his breathing returned to normal. He patted my ass cheeks and then cleaned my ass off with a wet rag.

"Thanks for the fuck even though it didn't do anything for you." He said.

"Don't feel like you have to give me your ass just to keep me happy." He continued. "I have a friend in town that is happy to see me when I come to see him." He said.

"Don't tell the owner or blacksmith but this just means I will have to go to town for supplies a lot more often." The cook said.

"Now don't get me wrong I enjoy your ass, but don't feel like you have to give it to me because you think I am not getting any." He concluded.

We both dressed and I felt a little better as we went back into the kitchen as we both could smell the bread that was almost finished. He started the steaks and told me to go see if the blacksmith and boy needed to wash up before the meal.

I went to the guestroom and noticed the owner was sleeping as his cock tented the sheet he was underneath. I decided to wait until the last minute before I would wake him to eat. When I got to the main bedroom I walked in as the boy was slowly running his hands up and down the blacksmith's cock. The blacksmith was asleep as the boy looked up at me.

"Have you ever seen such a cock on a man before?" He asked.

"No that has to be the largest I have ever seen and you should have seen the expression on the mare when he forced it in her." I said.

"You mean he fucked a horse with this?" He asked.

"Yeah, the owner figured that a horse was the only thing around that could take all of it without getting hurt." I said.

"Wow, that sounds really sexy." He said as he pumped the cock a few more times.

"Maybe he will show you if you ask him." I said. "Oh, by the way if you want a job the owner said you had one."

"Hell I would have stayed here for free; just to get this thing rammed up my ass every once in a while." He said.

"I think you and the blacksmith will enjoy each other for a while." I said as I turned to go.

"Hey, you need to clean yourself and the blacksmith up so you can come eat." I said as I started back to the kitchen.

When I entered the kitchen the cook was removing some meat from the frying pan and placing some more in it. I asked him how much longer he would be so I would know when to go wake up the owner. He told me that it would be another five or ten minutes before everything would be ready.

I left the kitchen and returned to the guestroom to check on the owner. As I passed the main bedroom I could hear the new boy and the blacksmith talking about where they were from and the general questions that a person asks another when they first meet. When I entered the room the owner was still sleeping but he had moved to where the sheet had fallen off of him and his hard cock was sticking up in the air. I could tell by the way he was moving he was having a very exciting dream.

I leaned over and slowly let his cock enter my mouth as he continued to move a little because of the dream he was having. As I started sucking on his cock he started pumping his hips up at me. He was still asleep but I could tell he was enjoying the attention I was giving him. His breathing was getting faster and I knew that he was about to cum and would probably wake up when he did. I swallowed his cock all the way down my throat just as it exploded.

I heard him grunt as he reached up and pulled my head down on his cock. He squirted a few more times and then let my head go as his cock went limp. I looked at him and told him it was time to go eat. He grinned and said if that was the way I always told him to come eat, that he would never miss another meal. I helped him clean himself up and get dressed as we headed to the kitchen.

As we were passing the main bedroom the blacksmith and the boy were coming out. The blacksmith's face was blood red as he was embarrassed about what he and the boy had been doing. The owner noticed the blacksmith's face and patted him on the back and told him that there was nothing to be ashamed about, unless they had forgot to change the sheets. The boy's head jerked up as the owner started laughing as he pushed the blacksmith toward the kitchen.

I helped the cook serve the meal as the five of us sat down and filled our empty stomachs. I noticed that the blacksmith and the new boy had a very hearty appetite. We managed to finish off all the food that the cook had prepared and probably could have eaten even more.

The blacksmith spoke first when he said he had to get back to the barn and get started on his work. The owner told him to be sure and take his new assistant along with him as he looked over at the new boy. The new boy said that he knew nothing of blacksmith work. The owner told him that as long as the blacksmith wanted him around he had a job as his assistant and he was sure that he would learn a lot about his job.

The two of them left the room as the cook got up to clean the table and I started helping him. The owner sat there watching as the two of us cleared the table. When it was cleaned off the owner said that he wanted to take a ride around the ranch and wanted me to go with him.

The new boy helped me saddle up a couple of horses as we chatted a bit. He told me that he really enjoyed the blacksmith and hoped he was able to stay around for a while. He also finally introduced himself as Tim Brown, and that he had been alone for so long he wasn't sure who his parents were or where he was really from. He told me that all he could remember about his father was that he had called him Timmy when he was very young.

I told him that Tim was good enough to be called and that I would refrain from telling people that he had been called Timmy. He agreed and we both laughed about it as we led the horses to the main house. The owner was coming out of the house just as we reached the front. He flung himself upon the horse's back and waited fro me to join him on my horse.

We rode around the ranch and every time it looked like we were going to run into some of the men he would change directions and ride away from them. We finally had ridden for about two hours when he said we should get back to the ranch. It only took about thirty minutes as we cut across the range. We dismounted and I led the horses back to the barn and started rubbing them down before I turned them back into the corral.

When I returned to the main house the cook told me that he owner was in the back room and I was to go help him. As I entered the room the owner was starting to sit down in a large tub of hot water. He motioned me over and handed me a brush and some soap and told me to get his back. As I washed his back he started telling me how excited he got thinking about all the men who paid for the use of my ass. He said that he would like to go into town the next time I did and watch as I serviced the men.

I was a little surprised because I thought he was a little upset when I had been with the cook. I guess I had read him wrong. My cock started swelling as I was imagining all the men fucking me and the owner watching. I pulled my clothes off and sat down in the other end of the tub. As I sat down I reached underneath the water and started playing with the all ready hard cock of the owner.

He leaned back and let me soap up his cock and balls. He moaned a couple of times as I continued to fondle him. He let me play with him for about ten minutes and then suggested we head to his bed. As he stood up in the tub I dried him off and he then returned the favor. As he toweled my body off I noticed that he spent more than enough time drying off my cock and balls. For a minute I though he was going to suck my cock into his mouth, but he pulled away and started toward his bed.

I followed him and when he lay down I climbed between his legs and gently sucked his cock in my mouth. He leaned back on his pillow and closed his eyes as he drifted off in the pleasure he was receiving. He moaned and rolled his head from side to side and every few seconds would thrust his hips at my face.

All at once he sat up and grabbed my head and pulled me off of his cock. He rolled me over and before I knew what was happening he had swallowed my cock and was trying to fast to suck my cock off. I grabbed his head and tried to slow him down as his teeth kept causing pain to my cock. I finally had to pull away from him and tell him that he was hurting me and if he wanted to suck me he needed to slow down. He looked up at me and told me that he had never sucked a cock before but for some reason he just had to try.

I moved down to where I could get at his cock and told him to do just as I did and everything would work out. I sucked his cock into my mouth and started twirling my tongue around his cock head. He followed suit and did the same to me. This time he was a lot slower and was really using his tongue as he slid my cock in and out of his mouth. He was really enjoying sucking my cock and I decided to let him suck for as long as he wanted.

We stayed in that position for a long while and I was beginning to want some relief. I started pumping my cock into his mouth and he was really getting into it. As I felt my orgasm coming on I was wondering if I should pull out of his mouth or let him taste my cum. My cock started swelling and I started to pull out when he pushed his head down on my cock. I couldn't control my body anymore as I started shooting hot cum into the owner's mouth. The first volley choked him a little but he recovered and was able to swallow the rest of my load.

He rolled me over on my back and as if he was out of control he mounted my ass and was fucking me hard and fast. There was some pain because of the speed at which he was pumping into me, but it was slowly subsiding as I got use to it. He was almost out of control as he rode my ass hard. Within a few minutes he was filling my now sore asshole full of cum. He grunted as he thrust his cock deep in me and then collapsed on my back.

He started saying how sorry he was for being so rough, but he didn't know what had come over him. He told me that when I shot my cum in his mouth if was like sparks went off in his head and he had to fuck my ass. He wanted to know if he had hurt me or anything, and when I told him I was a little sore he said that he would try to leave my ass alone for the rest of the day. He did say that he might have to have another go at my cock later if it was agreeable to me.

We lounged around for a while until he had gotten his energy back up and he started sucking my cock again. He spent the better part of an hour trying different things with his tongue and mouth on my cock. He would try something for a little while and then ask me how it felt. He was really getting into sucking when he had an idea that he wanted to suck Tim's cock. He said that he bet that Tim had been fucked so many times up the ass that he probably would enjoy a good sucking.

I climbed out of bed and slipped my shirt and pants on and told him I would be right back with Tim. When I entered the barn the blacksmith gave me a funny look as he noticed the bulge in my pants and the fact that I didn't have on any boots. He grinned at me as I asked him where Tim was. Tim came out of the back of the barn and looked at my dress and then followed me back to the house.

The owner was still in the same position as I had left him. I started removing my clothes and told Tim to take his off. Tim was probably thinking he was there for the usual treatment he received and was about to get a surprise. When he got to the bed the owner moved to the foot of the bed as he had Tim spread his legs as he laid back on his back. Tim started pulling his legs up when the owner pushed them back down. The owner winked at me as he pushed his face down on Tim's cock. Tim had a look of surprise on his face as I pushed him back down on the bed and started sucking his breast. I was rubbing my hands all over his plump belly as the owner was doing a great job on his cock.

Tim started moaning and thrusting his hips up as I rotated from tit to tit. He reached over and pulled me over to where he could get my cock in his mouth. I was now licking Tim's belly button as the owner kept up his attention to Tim's cock. I noticed that the owner had moved his hand down below Tim's balls and was working his fingers into Tim's asshole. He was working his fingers in and out and all at once the owner had his whole hand inside Tim's asshole.

The owner was moving his hand rapidly in and out of Tim. Several times Tim's body jerked as the owner found his prostate. The owner kept his hand inside Tim's asshole and I noticed that Tim's cock was jerking inside the owner's mouth. Tim began sucking at my cock harder as the owner continued to massage his prostate. Tim was cumming every few minutes until he finally yelled out that he couldn't take it anymore.

The owner removed his hand and licked Tim's cock clean as he raised his head up and said he needed some relief of his own. Tim rolled over and sucked the owner's cock in his mouth. He started in on the owner and within a few minutes the owner was filling Tim's mouth with his cum. The owner moaned as his cock went limp and Tim made sure he had cleaned up all the cum from the owner. We sprawled out on the bed and took a quick nap.

Next: Chapter 6

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