The Young Cowboy

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Feb 2, 2002


This is the third chapter of my ongoing story about a possible situation that could have taken place in the old west. It is all fictional including the characters.

If you have any comments about the story please send them to

Hope you enjoy the story.

Young Cowboy - 3

Pops and I crossed the street and went into Mike's saloon, which also served as an eating place during the daylight hours. As we walked in Mike asked how everything was going. We said our usual responses and then sat down and waited to be served. Mike came over and wanted to know what the two of us were eating and waved his hand at the lady in the back to bring two breakfast steaks with eggs.

Mike sat down and was asking about any arrangements that the two of us had made regarding my living conditions. We let him know that I was going to go to work on the ranch with Pops and would be staying at his cabin. On the weekends I would come into town and if it was all right with Mike I would use his back room to service any men that Pops, Joe, or Mike sent to me. Of course I would spend the night or nights with Mike when I was in town.

Mike smiled and said it sounded fine to him and all he wanted was the company of me after the saloon closes. He said that when the word got out that everybody in the territory would be around. It was very important that the three of them screened the men that were to see me. Pops agreed with Mike and they decided to let Joe know so that they could keep the arrangement quiet.

While we were finishing our breakfast Joe entered the saloon and sat down at the table with us. We both noticed that he gingerly sat down and then readjusted his ass in the chair. Pops looked at me and we both grinned at each other. He mumbled something about how hard the chairs were.

We finished our meals and Pops filled Joe in on the arrangement we had with Mike and he agreed with us. He looked at Pops and wanted to know if he would be able to visit during the week. Pops grinned as he knew what Joe was referring to and told him that was up to me. I looked at Joe and said that it would probably be fine with me, but it was Pops cabin.

We went to the stable and collected our things and rode off to Pops cabin. When we arrived Pops and I proceeded to unsaddle our horses but Joe only watered his as he then got back on and said he had to get back to the bunkhouse. Pops told me that the ranch that he worked on was just about a half-mile over the hill and later on we would ride over and meet the owner. He said he felt very sure that there would be something for me to do at the ranch and if I was lucky it might just be doing things around the main house.

Pops started telling me about the ranch and the people that worked there. He told me about the owner of the place and how he had lost his leg from an infection that had set in after one of the steers had gored him. The owner had been married but his wife had caught some fever and died just a few months after she had moved to the ranch. There were no children and the owner could be a pretty mean man when he was drinking which was most of the time. Overall though he was a fare man when he was sober so if the man said or did something while he was drunk to just wait until he sobered up and he probably would correct his wrong or apologize for it.

Pops then told me that on the ranch itself there were probably five thousand head of cattle along with a couple hundred head of horses. It took at least twenty regular hands along with about ten other men to run the ranch properly. Along with the regular help there was a full time cook, blacksmith, and a couple of other men that kept the books and did the parole.

We took our bedrolls and saddlebags into the cabin as I looked around at the modestly furnished cabin. Pops noticed me looking and said that he only had things at the cabin that he might need nothing extra. I noticed that there was only one bed but was glad to see that it was at least large enough for more than one person. Pops walked over to the fireplace and stacked some wood in it and said that he liked to keep the fireplace ready for use. He also rinsed the coffeepot out and filled it with water and sat it beside the fireplace. He pulled a package from his saddlebags and placed some coffee into the pot from the package. He swung the pot around on a metal arm and then lit the fire.

I pulled out the few clothes I had and inspected them to see if I needed to wash them before we went to meet the owner of the ranch. It didn't take but a little whiff to tell me they were in dire need of cleaning. Pops laughed at my expression and said that I could use the small tub in the corner if I wanted to wash my clothes. He also said that it wouldn't be a bad idea to wash the clothes I had on too.

He took me outside and showed me the well he had but then had me go to the back of the house where there was a small steady runoff of water from the cliffs just behind his cabin. He told me that it was easier to get water from there, but during the winter it would freeze over and during the hottest part of the summer it would dry up and then he would use the well.

We collected a couple of buckets each and returned to the cabin where the fire was really blazing and the coffee aroma was in the air. Pops placed one of the buckets of water he had on the table and then poured the other one in the tub. He had me pour the two buckets I had into the tub as he grabbed a bar of soap and told me to go fill up the two buckets again.

When I returned Pops had placed some of his clothes in the tub and was scrubbing them with the bar of soap. He had me pour some of the water out of one of the buckets as he placed his underwear into an empty bucket. He proceeded to wash the rest of his clothes and then offered the tub of soapy water to me as he rinsed his clothes out in the bucket and then started hanging them on a rope that was strung across the room.

I placed my dirty clothes in the tub and started scrubbing them as Pops had done his when he told me that I should go ahead and take off my other clothes and let them soak in the water too. I took my shirt and pants off, placed them in the water and then proceeded to remove my long underwear and place it in the tub. There I was completely naked, bent over scrubbing my clothes as my dick and balls swung to and fro between my legs.

"We are going to have to be careful on wash day." Pops said as he moved behind me and started rubbing his hands on my ass. I could tell by the attention of his hands and the way his breathing was getting heavy that he was excited. I also could feel my balls start to tingle as I was about to get aroused myself. All at once Pops pulled away from me and said that we could wait until later for some fun, that we had too much to do before nightfall.

I finished my washing and Pops had found an old pair of long underwear that had seen better days. There must have been at least twenty holes in them but they were better than nothing. The flap in the back was completely gone and when I bent over Pops would get a full view of my balls, cock and of course my asshole. Several times he had moved behind me and run his fingers in the crack of my ass.

The little cabin had become very warm and most of the clothes were almost completely dried. Pops took his down and folded them and placed them on a table in the corner and told me that my clothes were probably dry enough to get dressed. I took down only the ones I put on and decided to let the rest dry a little longer. When we were dressed again we went out side and saddled up our horses to go see the owner of the ranch.

We arrived about thirty minutes later and Pops took me right up to the main house and inside. The owner had already started drinking but was not drunk. Pops had told me on the way over that the owner didn't get really drunk until late in the evening. He looked up at Pops and wanted to know who this young cowboy he had brought was. Pops introduced us and then sat down in a chair close to the owner. He told the owner that I was looking for a job and would be staying with him in his cabin.

The owner who appeared to be in his middle to late fifties sat there with a blanket across his lap as I noticed he only had one leg coming out from under it. He noticed me looking and said it was alright that everybody who first saw him stared, but the novelty of it would ware off fast. I then noticed him grab at his crotch and adjust his dick and balls.

"Tell you what." The owner said as he looked at Pops and then at me. "Why don't we try him out as my houseboy for a while and then we can move him out with the other hands as we see where we need him" He finished.

Pops grinned at me and said that he felt that would be just fine and it would give them time to find out where I would best be used on the ranch. I extended my hand to the owner and as he took it he told Pops to go check on the men at the bunkhouse and see what they needed to start on in the morning. He then pulled on my arm and told me to sit down so he could talk to me and find out some information about me.

Pops left the room and the owner looked at me and said, "So you are going to stay with Pops in his cabin, then that means that you and Pops have had a go at each other, or at least he has had a go at you." "You don't have to try and hide it, I have known Pops for years and I know he likes sex, as so does everybody on this ranch." He continued. "That's the reason I let them have the weekend off in town so there want be any rough stuff here on the ranch." "Now since you are going to be my houseboy for at least a little while, what do you say to giving your new boss a little taste of your mouth?"

I was a little startled at first from the strait forward way he asked to be sucked off, but quickly got my composure. He pulled the blanket from his lap and I noticed that his dick was already hard as it was pushing against the front of his pants. He reached down and quickly unbuckled his pants and pulled the zipper down. I moved over in front of him and pulled his cock out and pushed it into my mouth as the head of it popped out. I was sucking and trying to feed it down my throat when I realized that it was a lot larger than I thought it might be. It had to be as large as Mike's and had a clean taste to it.

As I sucked and bobbed up and down on his cock the owner said that since he had lost his leg that he jerked off at least six times a day. He said that since it was too much trouble to move around that all he had to think about was fucking someone or being sucked by someone. He was trying to push his cock deeper down my throat but it was already as far as it could go. He grabbed my head and held it in place as he shot stream after stream of cum down my throat. As he pulled his cock out I licked it clean and then placed it back in his pants.

He leaned his head back and sighed as he covered himself back up with the blanket. He offered me a drink and told me it would help get the taste and smell of cum off of my breath. I took the drink and thanked him. He looked at me and told me that I should come to his bedroom the very first thing in the mornings when I arrived at the ranch and he had a couple of things I could help him with.

On our ride back to Pops cabin he asked me if I had to do anything for the owner and I told him what had happened. He said he thought something like that might have taken place but he wasn't really sure. He said he knew that one time a young boy of about 15 had come by the ranch wanting a job and had stayed about two weeks. The owner had gotten drunk and had the boy come to the main house where the boy had been given enough to drink until he wasn't able to defend himself. The owner had put the boy in his bed and had kept him there for the better part of the next day.

When the boy finally got sober he had collected his things and rode off. Nobody had ever said anything about what might have happened, but to Pops knowledge the owner had not had anyone else in his bedroom or house for sex. Pops then told me that he didn't think the owner would hurt me but that I should be ready for anything. I told him that I thought I could handle just about anything the owner had in mind as long as it was just him.

We got back to the cabin and started getting ready for bed when Pops grabbed me from behind and told me that it was his time and he was horny and I had better be ready for him. As he turned me loose I pulled the rest of my clothes off and walked over to the cooking supplies and looked for some type of grease. I found some and applied it to my asshole so that if Pops couldn't control himself that at least he wouldn't rip my asshole open.

When I got to the bed Pops grabbed my face and pushed his cock inside my mouth. He started pumping into my face as if there was no tomorrow. Within seconds he was shooting his hot cum into my mouth and down my throat.

"Sorry about that kid, but thinking about you sucking the boss just got me so worked up." He said. "Now get over here in bed and spread those ass cheeks of yours and I will see if I can't fuck you until you cum."

I moved over to the middle of the bed and spread my legs and pushed my ass up toward him. He jerked on his cock a couple of times until it was completely hard again and then placed it at the entrance of my asshole. He pushed and with the help of the grease, his cock slid right in without much resistance. I moaned and so did Pops as his cock buried itself deep inside me. He then moved his hips around until he found the right spot in me. When he noticed my body react, he started fucking fast and furious at my asshole. It only took a minute or two for me to cum and he settled down into a slower pace.

He would fuck me for a few minutes slow and with long strokes and then he would go at me hard and fast until I would shoot again into the bed. He kept this up for what had to be an hour and I was completely exhausted. He finally turned me over on my back and pulled my legs up on his shoulders and I could tell that he was going at a pace that was to help get himself off. I started pumping my ass back at him every time he thrust into me. He lasted a minute or two and then filled my asshole with cum. He collapsed on top of me and just lay there while he tried to catch his breath. He rolled over as his cock slid out of my asshole and was asleep within seconds.

Pops was shaking me telling me to get up as he handed me a cup of coffee. I blinked my eyes a couple of times to get them to focus as I took the coffee and took a deep drink. As I looked out the window I noticed that it was still dark, but Pops told me that we had to get an early start to get to the ranch before everybody was up and gone. We grabbed a little jerky and quickly dressed and rode off to the ranch.

When we got there Pops took our horses and headed toward the barn as I got off and went into the ranch house. There was no one moving inside the house so I walked back to the bedroom and looked inside. There on the bed was the owner with a half empty bottle sitting on the nightstand. He was in a deep sleep and I figured it would take a lot to wake him. He was lying there with only a sheet covering him and it was tented up from his hard on.

I pulled the sheet off of him and was beginning to wonder what his big cock would feel like inside me. I noticed that his right leg had been cut off about half way between his knee and hip. He had a set of balls that seemed to be too large for a man to have. My lust had taken over and I removed my clothes and moved in between his legs and started sucking on the head of his cock as the pre cum started rolling out the slit. The taste was making me even hotter as I started swallowing the rest of his cock. I had managed to get all of his cock in my mouth before I even noticed any movement from him.

He moaned a couple of times but didn't wake up. I moved my mouth from around his cock as I started jerking him off as I licked his huge balls. He was really enjoying the attention as the pre cum was running down his cock and onto my hand. I pulled up on his stub of a leg and pushed my face down so I could lick his asshole. This was all he needed as his cock started shooting about two feet into the air. I heard him grunt as his eyes opened and he realized what had taken place.

"Well you made the mess now clean it up." He said as his dick kept twitching.

I moved up and licked the cum that had fallen on his chest and stomach and then moved down and cleaned his balls and finally his cock. As I was licking it clean his cock got hard again and he just smiled at me. I moved up and straddled his cock and let it slide into my asshole. I had very little trouble taking his cock since I was still greased up from the night before. I started riding up and down on his cock as he reached up and played with mine.

"Oh, yeah kid, you are one good houseboy." The owner said as he was trying to pump up at my asshole. All at once he pulled me on top of him and rolled over. He had managed to keep his cock inside me and now had me pinned on my back as he started fucking me as fast and hard as he could. At first he was causing some pain but it soon went away and my cock started squirting cum onto my chest and some even on my face. He leaned forward and licked the cum off as he drove in me as hard as he could. This time when he came he fell forward on me and just rested.

I could feel the cum running out of my asshole and down on my balls. The owner had not pulled his cock out and it was starting to grow again. He again started fucking me hard and fast until he came. This time he rolled off of me as he pulled his dick out. He mumbled something but then went to sleep. I took the time to rest also, but was awakened when I felt his hard dick ramming into my asshole again. He had been woken up by the need to pee when he noticed my ass. He pumped into me for a few minutes then stopped when he came. He told me to lie still until he was finished. About that time I started feeling the hot piss as it was filling my asshole full. I managed to keep the piss from running out when he pulled his dick out and was able to grab the slop jar just in time as it started squirting out of my asshole.

"Why don't you get dressed and go see what our cook has for breakfast." He said as he rolled over to the side of the bed where he kept a crutch of sorts. I managed to find the kitchen and the cook was surprised to find that the owner was up so soon. He mumbled something as he started rattling pans. He told me to tell the owner it would be a few minutes. He then handed me a cup of coffee to carry in to him.

"Kid if you can do that everyday for me you have got a job for as long as you want it." The owner said as he took the cup of coffee and almost drank it all at one time. We sat there talking about anything that happened to pop in our minds. I told him of the arrangement I had with Pops, Mike, and Joe and he didn't seemed upset about it and said he actually could understand how the others felt. He did tell me that if anything got out of hand or if I decided I didn't want to continue servicing the cowboys in town that I could stay on at the ranch and service him.

I helped the owner get dressed and was surprised at how well he was able to get around on just one leg. We made it to the kitchen area where we had ham, eggs, gravy, biscuits, and some fresh fruit. I noticed that the owner had several helpings and was wondering where he was able to put it all. Apparently the cook was a little taken back also as he asked if he should cook up some more.

"No, this is enough, guess I worked up an appetite this morning." The owner said as he grinned at me.

The cook looked at me and for the first time I really noticed him. He wasn't a very tall man at all as a matter of fact he could be called short. He had a small body with a little pot gut. He probably was in his late sixties or early seventies, it was hard to tell from the hard features of a rough life.

"Tell you what boy when the cook gets through here we can go out to the barn and I will introduce you to our blacksmith." The owner said as the cook gave him a quick glance.

"On the weekends, the only people left on the ranch are me, the cook and the blacksmith." He continued.

"Don't want you to get scared or anything but they probably will want you to help them out like you did me this morning." He continued as he watched for my expression.

"When we get started just remember that they will not hurt you even though you may think they are, they like to do things a little different than most people."

My mind started thinking of all sort of things that he could be talking about and I was actually getting a little excited about the possibilities.

The owner and I started out to the barn to meet the blacksmith as the cook was placing some dishes into a tub of water. I noticed he reached behind him and untied his apron and was starting out the door after us. I could hear the pounding of medal against medal as we got closer to the barn.

When we walked in I was taken back a little by the size of the blacksmith. He stood at least six feet four inches and weighed as much as the owner, the cook and myself put together. He had on some jeans and a leather apron that covered his large gut. He wasn't wearing a shirt and the sweat just rolled down his massive arms. He was a very intimidating looking giant of a man.

When he saw us coming into the barn he put down his hammer and grabbed a rag and started wiping the sweat from his brow and then from his arms. He headed toward us so that we didn't have to get any closer to the raging fire.

"Is there something you need boss?" The blacksmith asked as he got within a couple of feet of us.

"Yeah, John, but you are probably going to enjoy this." The owner said.

The blacksmith looked at us and then at the cook as he was making his way across the yard. He wasn't sure what was going on but figured that the boss would tell him in time.

"I have known for a long time that the two of you have a little something going on between you." The owner started. "Now don't deny it I have seen the cook slip off to the barn too many times for there not to be anything going on." He said.

"Now then the two of you have the chance to do whatever it is you do but you have to include our new help here, and I get to watch. He said.

The blacksmith and cook looked at each other but neither one said a word, as they both knew that what he had said was true. The cook walked right on by us and motioned for us to follow him. He went to the tack room and then stepped out with some leather straps.

The cook proceeded to tell us that they had been satisfying each other for several years, he said that he liked to be tied up and forced to suck the blacksmith's enormous cock. He also let us know that even though he sucked his cock it was too large for him to take up his ass. This last fact really got the owner and I excited and we couldn't wait to get a look at it.

The owner looked at the three of us and said, "Ok, you two can tie up the new kid and then do with him what you want, of course we are not here to hurt him."

The blacksmith pulled his apron off and then helped me out of my shirt and pants. He took the straps and tied one to each of my wrist and then tied them to either side of a stall. He then proceeded to unbuckle my belt and pants and pull them down. My cock wasn't completely hard yet but it had started to stand a little on its own. The blacksmith grabbed the cook by the back of his head and pushed his face down on my cock.

The cook knew what the blacksmith wanted him to do as he swallowed my cock completely. The blacksmith started removing the cook's clothes as he continued to bob up and down on my cock. When he had removed all of the cook's clothes he pulled the cook off of my cock and sucked it down his throat. The cook then proceeded to take the rest of the blacksmith's clothes off of him and then pushed his face in the giant man's ass.

We could hear the cook as he slurped at the blacksmith's asshole and then stood up and pushed his cock in. The cook was not a very large man in the cock department. It appeared to be about five inches and was not all that thick either. Apparently even though he was not very big he did know what to do with it. The blacksmith was moaning and pushing his ass back at the cook. The cook grabbed the blacksmith's hairy ass as he came inside his asshole.

The blacksmith pulled off of my cock and turned around to face the cook. I heard the owner gasp as he got a view of the blacksmith's cock. I was still tied and was not able to see it for myself, but from the expression on the owner's face I knew it had to be something awesome. The cook moved in behind my ass and started licking my asshole but couldn't get at it like he wanted because I was still tied in a standing position.

The blacksmith noticed the frustration on the cook's face and reached up and untied me. When I was freed I immediately fell forward and grasped my knees to keep from falling to the floor. This put my ass right where the cook wanted as I felt him sink his tongue deep in my asshole. When I raised my head up I was looking right at the largest cock I had ever seen on a man. His cock had to be a couple inches longer than Mike's and an inch or two thicker. I reached out and grabbed it just to make sure it was real.

The pre cum dripping out of the large piss slit was too inviting as I licked it into my mouth. I was able to get most of the head into my mouth, but that was all. If I tried to get anymore I know I would tear my mouth wide open. The blacksmith held his dick in place as he started jerking himself off while I sucked on the head and slipped my tongue into the slit.

By now the cook had mounted my asshole and was pumping for all he was worth. The blacksmith was watching him as I felt the head of his cock get even larger just before it exploded into my mouth. The first blast was too much for me to handle and most of it ended up on the floor. The rest of his cum I was able to collect in my mouth and swallow. This sight must have been too much for the cook as I felt his cock emptying into my asshole.

The blacksmith pulled his dick away from me and I noticed the owner was stroking himself while he watched the three of us. He then told the blacksmith to back up in front of him as he rammed his cock into the blacksmith's asshole. With all the excitement it only took the owner a couple of thrust before he was unloading into the blacksmith's ass.

The blacksmith was grunting while the owner was fucking him and I could tell he had never had any other dick up his ass except the cooks, and it had not prepared him for the onslaught of the owners cock. As the owner got his composure back, he looked at the blacksmith and said, "Have you ever fucked anybody with that monster of yours?"

"No sir, tried once but ripped the poor fellow wide open." He said.

"Man said he was sure he could take it, but when he tried it tore his asshole open and he started bleeding all over me." "I stopped and got him to a doctor who had to sew him up." "Have never tried it since." The blacksmith said as he stood up. We were even amazed at the size of his cock when it wasn't hard. It must have been 12 inches long just hanging there and was about as thick as a normal man's wrist.

The rest of the day was spent sitting on the porch looking out over his ranch and occasionally having to go back inside for some more sex. He must have cum at least ten times that day and when I left for the evening he had taken one drink and was almost asleep in his chair.

Next: Chapter 4

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