The Young Cowboy

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Sep 10, 2001


As they entered the saloon, the noise from all the men filled their ears. They could tell instantly that this was the place to be if you were looking for man on man action. There were a couple of men passed out at one table.

One man was stumbling about when two old dirty miners got up from their table and grabbed him under each arm. They escorted him out the swinging doors. There was no protest from the man, and no one in the room seemed to question what they were doing.

Pops and Joe walked up to either side of a young cowboy standing at the bar. He already had too much to drink and was holding on the rail to keep himself from swaying. As Joe started talking to him, Pops put his arm around his shoulders and head. Joe slid his hand down the young man's back and on to his ass. He started fondling his ass cheeks like someone kneading dough to make bread. The young man just giggled and laughed along with Pops. Reading this as not a rejection from the young cowboy, Pops called out to Mike the bartender, but not loud enough for everyone to here. "Need to use your room Mike."

Mike looked back at the three men at the bar and smiled before replying, "Ok, don't leave a mess and if it's worth it give him my conditions for using my room."

The three men went around the end of the bar and into the back room. The room wasn't special, it contained a rather large bed a couple of chairs and small tables. There was a wash basin and some towels along with a pitcher of water.

As they entered the room the young cowboy started to protest, "I don't do this, I've never done this." "Relax and we want hurt you, before we are through you will want what we are going to do." replied Joe. "Yeah, be nice to us and we will be nice to you, besides it's to late to turn back now." said Pops as he was pulling the young man's pants down. The young man was too drunk to fight back and in his drunken state knew that he could get really hurt if he protested too strongly. "What's your name anyway," Pops asked, as he pushed him onto the bed. "Kid, they just call me Kid," he said.

Joe and Pops had removed all their clothing and Kid just stared in disbelief as he noticed the sizes of the two cocks in front of him. Pops' cock was well over ten inches long and very think, Joe's cock was two or three inches shorter, but another two inches thicker, one of those dicks that would tear an asshole open it tender love and care along with a lot of lubricant isn't used. Pops had two large balls that hung half way down his thigh, Joe's were no where near as large and they just kind of snuggled up against his massive shaft.

Kid started to protest as they made him get on his knees but knew it was much, much to late. Joe walked around the bed so that he would be at Kid's head as Pops grabbed Kid's balls and cock and started pumping and pulling. "No I don't want to do this," Kid said, but his erect cock was giving him away. Pops just smiled at him and slid his hand down to Kid's asshole. He started rubbing his fingers around the opening and putting a little pressure on it. Kid started moaning and knew the battle was over. Joe hearing the moans took that as his clue to get started. He grabbed Kid's head and pushed the head of his cock against his mouth. Kid clamped his mouth shut, because he had never had a cock in his mouth and the thought of it was not something he thought he wanted to do. Joe grabbed his ears and started to twist, while at the same time Pops pushed a finger into Kid's asshole, this caused Kid to try to scream out from the double pain. As he opened his mouth Joe shoved his cock head into his mouth and muffled the scream. Joe's mouth was more than filled as he tried to push the dick back out with his tongue. He didn't realize that this just sent a lot of pleasure to Joe. Pops had started pushing the finger in and out as fast as he could into Kid's asshole. He placed two and then three fingers inside as the asshole became slippery from the juices within. Each time another finger as added Kid tried to scream and Joe was able to force another inch or two down his throat. Kid was having a hard time breathing so Joe leaned over and said, "Breath through your nose and swallow each time it touches the back of your throat." Pops pulled his fingers out, and walked back over to one of the tables. When he returned he forced the three fingers back end and pushed forward. Pops and Joe got coordinated so that they were both pushing in at the same time. If Kid tried to pull off either end he was forcing the other end to be penetrated further.

After a little while Kid noticed that the only pain he had now was that in his jaws because they were forced open for so long. Pops noticed that Kid was now moaning uncontrollable and he decided to apply the lubricant he had retrieved. Kid could feel the coolness of the lubricant as Pops placed it around the three fingers that was deep inside Kid's asshole. He then felt a little more pressure as Pops put all his fingers at the entrance of the asshole and pushed. Pop's whole hand slid inside, and he just held it there for a few seconds while Kid caught his breath. Joe, watching the proceedings. had stopped pumping his cock because he knew that Kid would need to concentrate on what was happening to his asshole.

Pops looked at Joe and said, "He's ready." Pops then pulled his hand out and lined his dick up to the now gapping hole. Joe grabbed Kid's head and made sure his mouth was lined up with his dick. With one hard lunge of his hips, Pops sank his dick all the way into Kid's ass. The sudden shock and force caused Kid to drive forward which in turn buried all of Joe's cock down his throat.

This was too much for Joe as he started blasting cum down Kid's throat, he noticed that most of the cum was leaking out around his cock shaft and some was even coming out Kid's nose. "Swallow Kid before you drown." he said. Hearing this Kid started swallowing, thus allowing more cum to go down his throat and it also allowed him to breath again.

Pops started driving harder and faster as he watched the show in front of him. Kid's asshole was opening and closing as his shaft slid in and out. Kid's body had set up its own pumping motion as it pushed and pulled right along with Pops. Joe had pulled his dick out of Kid's throat but had left as much as he could in his mouth. This gave something for the Kid to suck on and helped drown the loud moans that were coming out of mouth, it also was making Joe's cock grow again.

Pops let out a deep groan as he drove his dick in so hard it almost knocked Joe off of Kid's mouth. Pops' dick pulsed and jumped as it unloaded shot after shot into Kid's ass. The cum was running down the sides of Pops' cock and on his balls even though he was still pumping. "I told you it was a lot more fun and a lot less messy if we don't have to force them." Pops said to Joe. "Now switch ends."

Joe yanked his dick from Kid's mouth and went to the other side of the bed. He watched as Pops slowly pulled his dick from the asshole, and watched as more cum started pouring out the gapping hole. Joe caught as much of the cum as he could on the head of his cock and placed it at the opening. "Let me get in place." Pops said, as he walk up to the Kid's head and pushed his cum covered dick in his mouth. Kid moaned as Pops' dick slid in without stopping. Joe could wait no more as he slammed his thick monster in. Kid's body jolted as it was not ready for the thickness of Joe's dick. It also started bucking as now Kid's dick was squirting cum all over the bed. Joe and Pops just froze in motion to let Kid's body enjoy the pleasure it was feeling. Slowly Kid started to moan as he started to rock back and forth against the two dicks. This was all the two cowboys needed as they started pumping themselves into a frenzy. Joe was the first to cum this time but Pops was only a squirt behind. On Joe's last pump Kid went off again. The two cowboys just looked at each other as they both realized that they had made Kid cum without touching his dick. This was a first for both of them because they had forced all the other cowboys they had fucked.

They all just stood there with Pops' dick in Kid's mouth and Joe's in his ass, when Pops started to speak, "I told you, you would like it, now if you want some more dick we can probably get it for you." "We'll be sure it will be men who want hurt you." "If that is alright with you, then there is only one other thing, when we finish you have to spend the night here." "Mike the bartender has to have his turn for rent on the room." "Of course when he finishes you can just sleep it off without having to leave."

Kid just moved his head up and down as he bobbed his head on Pops' cock. With this Joe slid his dick out and reached for his pants. "I'll give you about fifteen minutes before I send the next guy in." Joe said as he headed for the door.

Pops yanked his dick from Kid's mouth and told him to roll over on his back. As Pops reached the other side of the bed he grabbed Kid's angles, pulled him to the side of the bed where his ass was right on the edge. He spread his legs so that Kid's balls, dick and asshole were exposed. Grinning at Kid, Pops bent down and swallow Kids six inches in one swift move. He was sucking and licking as fast as he could, Kid had just realized that Pops was sucking his dick when it started to erupt. Pops suck every bit of the cum that Kid could give him. He then said, "Love to do that but Joe doesn't know, and he better not get told." "Now lift your legs up and place them on my chest. Kid did as was told and waited for whatever was to come next. Pops placed his dick at the entrance of Kid's asshole and slowly pushed , it enter without any resistance, because it was still lubricated from all the cum in it. Pops kept driving in slowly, but kept moving from side to side and up and down as though he was feeling for something. The whole time he was watching Kid's reaction each time he pushed in. When he finally noticed that Kid's body tensed up and his asshole tightened, he knew exactly where and how hard to push. Pops was hitting the right spot every time now and Kid was about to pass out from the feeling he was getting. With a few swift thrust Pops started shooting as Kid's dick spewed cum into the air that landed on his chest and face.

Pops looked at Kid and said, "Now that I know where your spot is I can make you cum every time." "The men that will be coming in here want care if you get off, but if you feel you need some release let me know and I will be happy to obliged." "If any of them start doing something that really hurts just call out and I will make him stop." "Do you understand me?"

"Yes." Kid said.

There was a sudden knock on the door, as an average looking cowboy walked in.

Looking at Kid on the bed and Pops standing there also nude he said, "Looks like the right place."

"What's your pleasure," Pops said as he pointed at Joe

"Pretty slick looking asshole there, does it feel as good as it looks?" he asked looking at Pops.

"Try it." Pops said as he moved into the corner and sat down.

The cowboy undid his pants as he walked over to Kid and said roll over. Kid did and also spread his legs thinking this was what the cowboy wanted. It must have been as he grabbed his hips and pushed his cock at Kid's asshole. His dick missed and slid right up the crack of Kids' ass and onto his back. The cowboy then reached down and grabbed his cock and held the head of it at the opening and pushed. This time it found its mark and slid all the way in. The cowboy took a deep breath as he started to pump away. He only lasted about six more pumps before his body betrayed him and he was cumming.

"Oh, Shit, wanted to last longer than that." he said as he fell forward and rested on Kid's back.

"Come around to my mouth and I will clean you up." Kid said.

The cowboy walked around and presented his semi-hard dick to Kid's face. Kid licked up and down the shaft and finally took the whole thing in his mouth and sucked.

The door opened as a very large man entered the door. He was about six feet tall but almost three hundred pounds.

He looked at the cowboy and Kid, then noticed Pops in the corner.

"He's through." Pops said, "Just getting cleaned up."

The cowboy hearing this pulled his now erect dick out of Kid's mouth, pulled his pants up and started out the door.

"How many has he had up his ass tonight?" the bear of a man asked as he was pulling his clothes off.

"Only three." Pops replied.

"Are you here to watch or are you included in the price?" he asked looking at Pops.

"Mainly here to protect the kid there, but if you want me to join in just let me know." Pops replied.

"Well if you get that monster between your legs up I can find a place to put it, for now you can watch." the man said.

He reached down and turned Kid over on his back and raised his legs up and pushed his knees toward his chest. This forced Kid's ass up towards the big man and also opened him up even wider. The big man got down on his hand and knees and placed his face right in Kid's asshole. He started licking up all the cum dripping out, and then slid his tongue as far in as he could. He was sucking and licking as hard as he could, and Kid was enjoying the feeling. All this action had caused Pops dick to raise up and want some attention. Kid had started bucking his asshole into the big man's mouth, and the big man was thrusting his hips. He all of a sudden pulled his mouth away with a slurping noise and looked at Pops and said, "Take that thing and fuck me as hard as you can."

Pops didn't have to be told twice as he all but mounted the big man in one move. "Mumm was all the big guy could say as he felt Pops dick push into his ass and he placed his mouth back on Kid's asshole. Pops could feel the big man spread his legs to try and open up even more for Pops' cock.

Pops had never fucked anyone this large and was enjoying himself as he laid across the man's back and just grabbed large handfuls of fat as he held on. He pounded as hard as he could and knew he wouldn't last long. He felt the big man's body tense up and his asshole clamped down on Pop's cock. He moaned as he drove his tongue deep in Kid's asshole. Pops was about to blow when the big man pulled away from him and said, "No, no that's not going to waste."

"Come stand on the bed above the kids head and face me." Pops followed him as he got up and walked to the other side of the bed and rolled Kid over. He slid Kid's head off the edge of the bed and moved so that it was right between his legs, he then reached down and pulled his massive stomach up that was covering his dick and balls. "Now suck away kid," he said. When Kid found his dick with his mouth and had sucked it all the way in the big man let go of his stomach and started thrusting his hips into Kid's face. As he was fucking Kid's face he reached out and grabbed Pops' hips and pulled him into his face. He swallowed Pops' cock and was riding it with his mouth.

Pops started moaning and pumping his hips and knew he was again about to blow. The big man could sense this and reached around and slid a finger in Pop's asshole, which sent him off. Pops pulsed and pulsed into the fat man's face. The big man didn't loose a drop and said, "Thank you I needed that." He then reached down to hold up his stomach, as he started driving harder and deeper into Kid's mouth. He let loose a long volley of cum into Kid's mouth and just fell onto his side on the bed.

A few seconds later he had caught his breath, got up, placed his clothes back on, and walked out without saying a word.

For the next several hours different men of different sizes came into the room and pleased themselves. Not one of them tried to hurt Kid, but none really tried to please him either. Joe finally came back in and said that there were no more takers tonight, but if Kid was up to it he could use another go at his mouth. Kid looked at him, remembering the size of Joe's cock and said, "My mouth is a bit sore but you can have all you want from the other end."

Joe replied, "That will do," as he was pulling his pants off.

Kid rolled onto the side of the bed and extended his ass to Joe. Joe's cock glided right in and Joe seemed a little surprised. He really thought there would be more resistance, but didn't complain as he started pumping and pumping. Pops was watching Kid to see if he was enjoying the fucking he was getting or just letting Joe please himself. At the beginning it appeared that Kid was getting nothing out of it but every once in a while Joe hit that special spot and Kid's face would show it. Before Kid could really get into it, Joe was blasting away, and was finished.

Joe reached down, collected his pants, fished out some money and handed it to Kid. Here Kid this is yours, we charged the men you serviced and only kept enough for a drink or two. He then looked at Pops and said, "Ready to go?"

Pops looked down at Kid and said, "Think I'll help clean up Kid before Mike gets here, see you at the hotel in a few minutes."

As Joe left the room Pops walked over to Kid and said, "You want me to help you get you off, I noticed Joe got you started but finished before you got there." "That would be great." Kid replied.

Joe rolled over onto his belly and pushed his ass into the air. Pops crawled up behind him and proceeded to push his dick in. He knew exactly where to push to get Kid going, and it only took about three thrust before he was moaning. Pop's said, "I'm ready whenever you are, you start shooting and I'll be right with you." Hearing this Kid pushed his ass against Pops and started bucking as his dick was exploding onto the bed. Pops felt Kid's climax and started his own, as Kid spurted so did Pops. Pops then collapse on Kid's back and just rested there.

Pops leaned up and said, "Tonight was a lot of fun, and you will love Mike." "He likes to do what we just did, but will prolong it forever, he will have you screaming to let you cum." "If you ever want to get together, just you and me, I have a cabin just out of town."

"Hey what you guys talking about?" Matt asked as he slipped out of his pants and his twelve inch cock that made Joe's look thin sprang out.

Pops noticed that Kid had seen the size of Mike's organ and just winked at him.

"Good night." was all Pops said as he left.

Next: Chapter 2

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