By Peter Lewis

Published on Feb 7, 1999




I'm Peter, student aged 18, but I am very small and look not a day over sixteen. Enough about me, except that I am mad about wrestling and judo - got no time for girls.

My landlady Mrs. Gough was away for the weekend, and left me in charge.

"Now you keep your ears peeled, lad. There are rumours of a teenage burglar operating in this area."

"OK Mrs. G. If he comes round here I'll fix him with one of my judo tricks and then frogmarch him to the Police Station. That'll teach the blighter."

Well, as you may have already guessed, the "blighter" broke in through the small pantry window, at about ten o clock. Hearing the sound of breaking china, I dashed into the pantry, there he was, sprawled on the floor, looking very sorry for himself.

I noticed at once how small and young and indefensible he was, with his long blond hair, angelic features and rosebud lips.

As I grabbed him by his collar and dragged him into the lounge, be burst into tears and implored me,

"Please Sir. Don't take me to the Police Station. Last week they said if I ever did another job they would send me away to one of those awful kids' homes".

In spite of my promises to Mrs. G my heart went out to the young lad, and I determined to try out a stratagem, which, if it succeeded would satisfy the kid, and give me a bit of fun into the bargain.

"Look here, young Jimmy, by rights I should take you straight there, but if you are willing to accept some punishment, I'll let you stay here for the night, and in the morning you will be free to go. Now what do you say, it's one or the other".

"Oh please sir. Thank you sir. I'll do anything you say - just so you don't take me to the cop shop."

"Hey, Jimmy, hold on, I have'nt told you what the punishment is yet", I said.

"I'll do anything."

"OK. Your punishment is to have a fight with me, on the carpet, here, and the winner (almost certainly me) can do what ever he likes with the other guy".

Jimmy looked almost cheerful at the prospect of getting beaten up, instead of a visit to the dreaded Police Station.

"You're not much bigger than I am," said the kid, "And I learnt a few things in the street, so I might just have a chance of winning. What are the rules?"

"It's to be a submission fight, with no holds barred - except for gouging and similar things. There will be no time limit, but if neither of us has submitted after an hour, then we'll call it a draw, and you will be free to go! Now take off your shoes and socks and strip to the waist, and come here into the middle of the room.

We each attemped a throw or takedown, and after a few minutes I realised that this small wiry kid knew exactly what he was doing, and was prepared to go to any lengths to beat me.

With a sudden cat like movement Jimmy was behind me and had applied a double nelson to my arms. However much I struggled the boy had got me, and dragged me down to the carpet so that he could wrap his powerful legs round my waist, in a classic scissors hold.

While maintaining his iron scissors, he bit by bit turned me over until I was flat on my face, with him pressing down strongly on my back.

Now Jimmy was really enjoying himself

"I've got you Sir. Submit now, or we'll still be here an hour later, and I'll still be on top."

The feel of his bare skin on my torso was luscious and I revelled in being in his complete control.

"If you want me to submit, you'll have to do more than just hold me in this position. Even if you squash me as flat as a pancage I'll still refuse."

"That's am invitation I can't refuse," said my small captor. "I'm an expert at the art of squashing, which I often do to my young brother."

Having said that Jimmy gradually began to adjust the position of his body and ended up with his head over mine, his crutch over my bum and his legs on the outside of mine, with his ankles twisted round mine.

I was trussed up good and proper, and knew that it was pointless to struggle. This little kid had really brought me down a peg or two.

"Now," he said, "Before I begin the squash, I'll give you one last chance to submit. If you don't take it you'll have to accept the consequences".

I realised that if I submitted, he would be free to leave the house, in accordance with the rules I had laid down, so I decided to grit my teeth and accept the punishment (which he ought to have been receiving.

It wasn't too bad at the beginning of the Great Squash. I could feel him pressing up and down very gently on my butt. But as time went on, I could feel him strengthening all his grips, and increasing the speed of his downward thrusts. Also he was beginning to pant a little with the effort he was putting down on to me.

This fantastically erotic situation had stimulated me so much that I had an iron hard on, and as I felt Jimmy speeding up for the final tremendous downward lunge, my willy overflowed with ecstasy beyond measure.

Even after this, he refused to release me until the agreed hour of eleven o'clock, when we both declared the result of the fight as a draw.

Now Jimmy had earned the right to leave the house, but, to my incredible joy, he refused to go and said he would stay for the night, providing he could share my bedroom.

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