The Xavier

By sharper

Published on Dec 10, 2021


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






I noticed that he was taking very short breaths. "Let's take it slow," I said, "You ok? What are you thinking?" I knew what he was thinking but I enjoyed making him have to vocalise his feelings. I pressed my body against his back in a bear hug and licked his ear lobe. His cuffed hands were now grasping my genitals, willingly, as though unable to do anything else. "Um I suppose I was thinking ... what are you going to do to me? Sir," he said. He had a low, soft way of talking, as though the words came out of a dream, though his voice was incredibly deep. "When you put the handcuffs on I thought, Right, this is it. But I already knew because you're clearly an Alpha and, very hard and, well, this playroom; it's serious. Sir." "That's nice," I said. "It is serious."

I had to smile. "You want a safeword?" I asked him, like it was a prisoner's last request. I played with his nipples, testing his endurance all the time. He was shivering but not with the cold. With excitement. "Xavier, Sir ...?" "What?" "Yeah. If it's getting too much I'll say my name. Is that alright Sir?" That made sense. Who says their own name normally? I couldn't believe it was going so well! I pinched his nipples in my fingers, hard, and then released them. He exhaled gently.

Ok. Next, I slid a blindfold over his eyes. He breathed slowly as I tightened the strap. I stood behind him and ran my fingertips down his arms, and gently squeezed my thumbs where his elbows made little inside pits. His skin was soft, though hairy. I kissed his ears. I lifted his hands and pressed my erection against his bum, again to make him think about it. I touched his nipples again and pinched them more. He moaned. "I have some clamps," I whispered. I stroked his shoulders and ran my fingers through his hair. I put my hand inside his pouch and grasped his erection until I could tell that it hurt. Then I gripped his balls, tickling the hair and letting him wriggle as the pain became unbearable.

"Thank you Sir," he said, acknowledging my grip on his balls. "Good boi," I let go, rubbing his whole junk gently to relieve it; then gave his lead a little shake, so, as if to say, Walkies! before passing back in front of him. "Kneel." Down he went. Then I left him there for a little, listening to me walk round preparing things, or not preparing things, like he had any idea what I was doing! When I was ready I pulled on the lead up and walked him to the table where I like to fuck. He crawled behind me obediently, arching his back like a wild animal. "Stand up." Up he went.

There was a pillow I placed on the edge before pushing his face down onto the hard wood with one hand on his neck and the other up his seat; I gave him a push so that he was properly positioned, but I had to kick his legs so that he spread them or he wouldn't have been flat and stable. I didn't want him losing his balance. His arms were still fixed so he couldn't use them for help. "That's right. Good position." I felt his junk once more just to check. It was a bit wet and the tip was trying to poke out of the waistband. "That's good boi," I said, and gave his bottom a little pat; he moved his feet a little to settle his stance and lifted his bonce invitingly. Clearly thought I was about to fuck him. Couldn't be more wrong. "Good boi," I said. I could hear his breathing against the table. "Thank you Sir," he mumbled. "You don't need to speak," I said, slapping his bottom hard, "unless I request it." He tucked his spine, and then untightened it - as though to say, Yes. "You like that," I said slapping him again, "oh! oh, no, don't flinch, I don't want that. Give it to me now ... beg for it." He was about to beg for it. "Don't speak. Show me with your arse. Poke it out." He raised his back so that his pants were stretched across his buttocks and his legs made a straight triangle with the ground. "That's it." Again. I let my hand remain on the crack, massaging the pain in my own palm. His bottom was opening up. His perineum was bulging and I could feel his balls, stiff little turds tender with sperm. He let me grip him trustingly, knowing I would strike him again. His compliance! "Oh there's so much I'm gonna do with you," I said lovingly feeling him up, "So many things! You up for that?" He didn't answer. Good boi. "Respond," I said, spanking him hard this time so that he knew where it was going. He flinched and moaned and I watched with delight as he pushed his bottom out to take the next whack. "You can answer when I tell you to respond," I said. "Stand up." It was quite difficult without the use of his arms, but he managed to stand, legs still quite separate so I had good access to his crack. He pressed his crotch against the table edge, partly for balance, partly so that he knew where he was (still blindfold, remember) and partly, I guess, to feel his prick rub against it. "Yes Sir," he said, remembering that I had asked him a question that he hadn't answered. Already confused.

There's a sink and stuff in one corner of the room, a shower and a mini kitchen. It's useful to be able to give them something to do sometimes without having to leave the scene. I got a pint glass and filled it from the tap. "Here, have a drink of water, it calms the nerves." "It's ok Sir. I'm not thirsty." "Wrong answer." I gave his face a gentle slap - but he could feel it and his skin went red. "Do as I tell you. When I tell you. That clear?" He shook, surprised, then shrugged. Obviously thought it didn't matter. He let me hold the glass to his lips and he started to drink it. "Don't spill any." He blinked as I gradually lifted the glass and emptied it into him. "Ok?" "Yes Sir. Thank you Sir," he said, licking his lips. "That's going to go straight through me Sir." "No it won't." "I'll need to go to the toilet ... Sir." I slapped his face again. "No you won't!" Toilet training is such a cute torture! "You'll probably need loads more to drink before you need to go to the toilet," I said. He didn't look convinced. Like I cared. "Don't worry," I said, "I'm going to take care of you. Dehydration is a real problem with long sessions. People aren't aware of it." He nodded. Then realised he was going to be there for a real time and his head sank in a strange way. "Thank you Sir," he said, as though he had passed a test. Perhaps he had been expecting a quick fuck and then au-revoir. So now he knew I was intending to use him for a long session and he could adjust his expectations to incorporate this new information. "So what's next?" I said. He didn't look like he knew. "Any questions? Any worries?"



Next: Chapter 5

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