The Xavier

By sharper

Published on Dec 7, 2021


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






When you're like me you forget you do stuff, so I forgot and when I got this text I thought, 'What the fuck?' But the name came up and that rang a bell. Xavier. Oh yeah in the station toilet blow job guy, about a fortnight. It said, Hi wanna meet up? I thought, might as well. It had been very fuckable. Very tight. Horney as fuck. Completely sub. Cute in a quietly masculine, fit way. Good for one thing if nothing else.

I have a playroom so I decided to make an invite. I wanted it a certain way. I reckoned he'd be up for that. He was a pleasant guy, it seemed to me, but he was also clearly up for some playtime! I texted him to meet me at a nearby station. I would come and pick him up. No need to put my address in a text. It's not much of a precaution, but you never know. I said to wear the same clothes we'd met in. I liked it like that.

On the hour, when I pulled up by the kerb, he was leaning against a wall like waiting for someone, one firm leg propped up so that the other, and the wall, took all the weight. Jacket zipped up tight, but his waist clearly needed no holding in to maintain that narrowness. He was playing with a phone and didn't see me. I had to lower my window and call out, "Hey, Xavier!" He looked at me and grinned. Those lips! He stepped up to the door and bent down to look in, "You?" and he said my name. It sounded strange but correct both to be addressing him as though he was some close acquaintance and for him to address me as a complete stranger. He had a bag. He opened the door and dropped into his seat, placing the bag on his trainers. "What's in the bag?" "Change of clothes." That surprised me. Did he know how long this would take? As he pulled the door to he leaned in and made to kiss me, which I allowed. A short kiss. "How you doin'?" he asked, using my name again. "How you doin', Sir," I said. We needed to start off right. He gulped, surprised, smiled, and repeated his words after me, and added, "Sorry. Sir." But I was aware he hadn't taken it seriously. That would have to be addressed first thing. I thought he would be easy to use, but glad I was that much larger and that much older; it establishes things nicely when there is this natural order in place to start with. Nevertheless, I enjoyed each little act of his subordination and my control. The car was a first instance. How to address me was important. We'd see how it goes. "Seatbelt. Here long?" "A bit. I got early. I was a bit ahead." That's good sign. I waited. "Sir," he added. A bit late. "Well done boi," I said (spelling it that way in my head). "It's better to be early than late." "Yes Sir," he said. "Good boi." He was already learning. "So tell me something about yourself. Something I don't know. I know you're horney." I grinned, cornering into my street. I thought to myself, 'I'm going to make him cum,' but I had no intention of doing that until I was completely satisfied that he had earned it. He came up with some stuff about his background and situation, none of which was interesting, and a bit about the music he liked. Well, what did I expect? It was an open-ended question! There wasn't long before I'd parked in my garage and shut the doors so that we were completely shut off from the outside world and I could begin. We sat in the silence for a bit. I put an arm around his shoulder and pulled him towards me. As we kissed, his hand automatically drifted onto my prick and squeezed it. I held him tight. I could feel the excitement quivering within his firm eager body. "Ok," I said after a bit. "Let's go." He nodded, "Sir." I reached into my glove compartment and grabbed a narrow leather collar. "Put this on." I noticed the expression on his face, an unsure look that signalled his unease mixed with enjoyment. He struggled with the buckle for a bit, like a girl puts on a necklace, but managed it before I had to help. It looked neat. A narrow black line around his throat, with the small metal buckle like a little jewel. "Good," I said. We got out. I had a lead in my pocket. When he rounded the car he stopped as if to say, aren't we going in? And mildly surprised when I produced the lead and clipped it on before letting it hang. "That ok boi?" He nodded. "Yes ... Sir ... Thanks." "You'll need to thank me," I said. "That's to control you and you'll be grateful for that when you feel confused later and need some guidance." He didn't reply, but I sensed his uncertainty. "Don't worry boi, you're safe." "I know, Sir," he said. I was impressed by his trust. Already established; it seems that I had given out the right vibes somehow.

There is a connecting door to the house but before I let him in I gave the lead a little tug and he walked into my arms. We kissed for some time on the doorstep, taking the opportunity to explore each other through our clothes. God, he felt good; his body was firm and fit, good musculature, good posture, good presentation. Responsive. Eager. I touched his crotch. To be honest his penis was smaller than I expected it to be - though I'm more interested in the whole package, his ability to take instruction, and not complain at discomfort and be respectful at all times. I don't know about you, but a good attitude is what turns me on, and that means always focus on what brings me most pleasure. I'm not selfish, I just know what works. The sooner a boi learns that the better it will be for both of us.

He put his hand on my erection - clearly his main interest! I thought it was good for him to let him feel it. Remind him of what was what.

"I thought all you were interested in was getting fucked," I said, tucking a hand between his legs from behind to cop that arse. "Yes Sir," he breathed, "That and everything else."



Next: Chapter 3

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