The Workout Team

By Muscle

Published on Jul 18, 2018


I dont usually put disclaimers up. This story contains drug abuse, specifically steroids. If it offends you, be smart don't read it. Otherwise you are reading from nifty and know what you are getting into.

The workout team Pt 4 by editing by tomkd

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4 ------------------------------------------

Wednesday night after work I worked out with Robbie. He pushed me hard on my shoulders, he chose the weight, he chose the reps. And I was fine with complying because more weight was the only way I'd get bigger.

As I spotted him, I watched his shoulders get more and more definition in the small cuts inside the muscle. Standing behind him as he did upright presses with dumbbells I could see up close those tiny striations as they flexed and moved. I started to smell his sweat. I wanted to reach out and feel his huge shoulders, trace my fingers along the cuts and the monster veins that protruded from his arms... but I didn't.

We talked the whole time about typical stuff. Football, work, how our bosses were only interested in getting every last second of our day as work. When we ran across Jason and Will they were talking and laughing about something.

We were finishing up our last exercise when Robbie changed the subject.

"You realize it's your day today?" he said looking me dead in the eye.

"Um yea... I kinda figured that was coming." I didn't know what to think. I really didn't want to do this, and had been trying to figure out a way out of it. But I did partake in 3 days of it so far. I was just chickening out because it was my turn to get plowed.

"Have you ever gotten fucked before?" he asked straight to the point.

"No, I'm not gay." I responded, and for the first day I noticed my cock wasn't completely hard as a rock during the workout.'.

"That wasn't the question. Hasn't your girl ever hit you with a strap on or anything, fingers, beads?"

Looking back at him blankly I said "no... I guess it never came up. It just sounds so... gay."

"Not really. My ex used to use beads on me." Robbie stated "Actually once just as I was getting ready to cum she crammed her dildo up my ass. It hurt so bad... " he lifted one eyebrow,"and so good... I never came so hard in my life."

"Wow" I responded. "Guess I have been missing out." I laughed. "It's gonna hurt isn't it." I said softly.

"Hey we all have to take a turn. You'll get used to it. It really only hurts for a minute or so." Robbie said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

I felt the hard calloused skin knead my shoulder. His warm, strong hands calmed me for some reason.

"Don't worry. I'll go first. I am the thinnest." he said.

My eyes opened wider than anyone thought possible. "Oh shit... Jason is going to kill me." I said loudly as I remembered his monster cock.

"Don't worry" Robbie said again "you'll be fine."

"Easy for you to say." I said with terror in my eyes.

"Yea... because I have been there before." Robbie said laughing "and I'll be there tomorrow."

As we headed to the locker room I was torn between fear, excitement, anticipation, and just plain lust. My cock had been hard for the past 2 days since Jason first shot us up. Now even with the upcoming terror I was starting to get hard again.

We all gathered in the locker room and they all talked about mundane things. I was more than a little distracted as I undressed. I looked at each one of them, gauging... Robbie was the thinnest, Will was thicker but shorter, and then there was that monster. Jason's cock jutted right out from him and looked 4 feet long. A python the size of the roll of paper towels we cleaned up with. Maybe my imagination was getting away from me.

When we got to the sauna Robbie put his hand on my shoulder again. "OK, assume the position. We all have to go easy on him. OK?"

"No problem" Will said as Jason nodded.

Standing, I faced the benches and bent over. I grabbed onto the wood as I heard the oil bottle pop open. Then I felt Robbie's strong hands on my back. He placed his cock in my crack, and just massaged my shoulders as he ran his cock up and down my crack. I could feel the spongy hardness of his hot cock as it slid along its path, each time poking a little at my hole for a moment, then moving on.

I don't know what happened. Somewhere between the heat from his cock, the motion of his hands on my shoulders, and the smell of his sweat I started to relax. I felt the head of his cock go lower, and start pressing at my hole again. Relaxed, I resigned myself to the experience. And I wanted to feel it, his hot cock inside of me.

Then the head slid in. I yelped, the pain was intense as his cock head broke into my ass. It felt like he was stabbing me with a spike. I half changed my mind about wanting to try this, but remembered they all did it too so it couldn't be that bad. If they could handle it, I could too. And at times they appeared to like it, and whoever was taking always came too.

"Just relax" Will said. I turned my head to the side and looked at him. His face was grinning back at me with his shaved head glistening with sweat. "Easier said than done."

Robbie just nudged back and forth. His hot head just inside my ass, pushing at the ring of muscle. But he didn't try to go further. I looked down and noticed my cock was hard as a rock.

Robbie leaned down on top of my back. I could feel his strong pecs right up against my shoulder blades, and his sweat filled my nose. The electricity coming from his skin was amazing.

"Just take a deep breath and relax." he whispered in my ear. And I breathed in deeply, smelling Robbie as his sweat dripped from his arms down onto me.

Robbie pushed again and I felt his head penetrate the ring of muscles in my ass. He filled me up, with his head poking at the next ring he stopped for a moment. I had bitten my lip to keep from yelping again as pain shot through me. I concentrated on my breathing, and trying to relax.

After a few moments the pain had subsided. Robbie was just laying on top of me, filling me, pulsing inside of me, drenching me in the smell of his sweat. Weighing my body down under his with his massive strength.

I pushed back and breached the next barrier. I wanted to feel him fully. I wanted his balls pressed against me. I wanted him to stay on top of me keeping me trapped under the weight of his muscles. I wanted more, I didn't know why but I wanted more. More of his masculine dominance, more of his weight pushing down on me, more of his cock buried in my ass.

Finally I felt those amazing lower abs pressed up against my ass. I knew he was in me fully.

"Are you OK?" he asked quietly, close to my ear.

"Perfect" I responded somewhat sarcastically through staggered breaths. "Just give me a minute."

Robbie only paused for a few moments, then he slowly started to pull back out of me for the first time. It was an amazing sensation as he pulled out. Involuntarily I felt my ass grab onto his cock. He didn't back out far before he pushed slowly back in. I was completely full again. Slowly I got used to the motion, him massaging me ever so slowly from the inside out, his hot cock stroking me in a way I had never been stroked before. He pulled back out almost all the way and stood back up.

Then all of the sudden he thrust back into me, hard, hitting something I didn't know existed. He sent lightning through my body. It felt amazing. He started hitting me over and over brushing the head of his cock against my spot. Each time I shook, jerked, tightened every muscle in my body. I stood up and sat back down onto his cock. He grabbed me around my arms and body so I was trapped while he moved around buried inside my ass, sending almost a constant flow of electricity through me. And I started shooting, tensing every muscle in my body, grabbing onto his cock with my ass as I shot across the room. An electric rush pulsed throughout my body from head to toe.

Robbie moaned loudly in my ear, his cock pulsed and grew in my ass with every shot I made. I felt a new warmness inside me. Robbie was filling me up with his hot muscle cum, and I as I felt it warming me I just kept cumming.

I sent shot after shot onto the bench as he sent shot after shot into me. Finally I collapsed back into him. Slowly he leaned me back over the bench not breaking his hold on me till the very last minute. "That was hot." he said into my ear. I could only breathe heavily, my brain had shut off. I was in bliss.

I felt his cock slip out of me as I stood bent over the bench. My ass was on fire, but felt somewhat empty now that Robbie was gone. I laid across the bench in a daze.

As I lay there heavily Will came up and took his place behind me. Will placed his cock in my crack and just rubbed up and down.

"Do you need a break?" he asked.

"No... I think I am OK." I replied as the blood slowly came back to my brain. My cock was still rock hard even though I had just cum gallons. My balls actually ached a little from cumming so much.

Then it hit me... what was going on. I just got fucked in the ass by another guy. And I was about to get it again...

No wait, it's the steroids. We are just dumping testosterone. It's normal. It's ... normal... well... it's acceptable. Maybe not normal...

Then I felt Will's cock slide slowly into me. "Breathe deep little man." Interesting how the shortest guy called me little man.

It didn't feel anything like Robbie. He was stretching my ass to its limits with his fat cock. And boy did it feel HUGE. I had just caught my breath, and then it was gone again.

"Holy shit that thing is big." I gasped as I breathed in deeply.

"Don't worry. I'll only hurt you a little bit... comparatively." he responded.

"Compared to what - a Mack truck?" I responded as he slid in and out pretty easily. I could feel Robbie's cum lubing the inside of my hole. I tried to grab onto Will's cock with my ass but it just slipped away.

Then he jammed it back in to the hilt and lightning shot through my body. Talk about hitting the nail on the head! He must have had a direct line to my prostate, and the perfect length to hit it dead on. And he did, over and over. I found myself crawling forward with each thrust trying to get away from the pain. Or was it pleasure? Or was it just the force of him slamming into me?

"Oh no you don't." Will said as he grabbed my arms, wrenching them behind me onto my back, he held them there just above my ass locking my wrists.

Will had me trapped again, as he thrust forward his lower abs hit my hands, and I used the opportunity to feel those amazing lower washboards of his. Each thrust I grabbed onto his abs and ran my hands downward just as the electricity hit me. It was hot. With each thrust my cock throbbed as new sensations filled my entire body and my cock dribbled with each hit.

The more I struggled to get away, the tighter he held. And the more I felt him hitting my prostate. It was hot, too hot. I couldn't take any more. In one last vain effort to get free I pushed back into him trying to knock him back so I could escape forward. As I lurched into him he hit my prostate one last time. One time too many. I couldn't take it. I came... again... and again... shooting more cum on the bench. My ass was constricting with each shot. His cock jabbed full tilt into me and I was grabbing onto it with my ass. Finally I fell forward. He let me go, and I heard him moaning. And suddenly I felt this warm sensation on the back of my thighs. Cum - Will's cum - running down as he shot all over me.

He didn't seem to even lose any energy. "Damn that was a good shot." he said as he walked back over to the bench.

And then fear struck me. I had already cum twice, and I knew Jason was coming up behind me. I turned around and looked at him, and the monster 11 inch cock that he was stroking in his hands.

"I don't think that will fit dude." I said not taking my eyes off it. I mean it was massive. His reddish cock head was thankfully not larger than the rest. It was all one consistent slab of meat with veins pushing out from everywhere.

'How did he get the veins in his cock pushing out like that?' I wondered.

He turned me around and bent me back over the bench. "Don't worry they all say that, just relax." 'Relax he said... riiiighhhtttt!'

Jason rubbed his cock up and down my crack, poking ever so slightly at my hole. It felt like he was trying to put his elbow up there. He gyrated around a little, and wiggled the head into my ass. It hurt so bad. It felt like someone was shoving New Jersey up there. I reached behind me with both hands and grabbed his thighs to hold him back. Wow... those muscles in his thighs were solid. I started groping at them, they felt sooo powerful, massive. I could feel the cuts in them.

"Halfway there." he said snapping be back to reality.

I realized how full I felt. He had been slowly but steadily pushing his cock in while I was transfixed by the muscles in his legs. He was waiting at the tight second ring of my ass, pushing harder. That massive cock was HOT, HARD, MANLY. I had to get through it. Like an idiot I pushed back and screamed with pain.

"Whoa boy... don't try to take so much at once." he said.

"Trying to get through this..." I mumbled back.

Jason bent over me and pulled me in tight, slowly steadily pushing his monster cock in. I was so glad when I felt his hairy balls rub up against me.

"OK, that's all of it." he said, his voice right next to my ear.

"Give me a second." I said breathing heavily... and he didn't move. Well, he didn't pull out. He kept flexing his cock. I could feel it getting bigger. And going back down. It was a man's muscle...

I could feel his furry abs rubbing on my back, his strong hands massaged my shoulders. I started to relax some, feeling his strong hands grinding up my back.

All of the sudden I started to feel - empty. He had pulled his monster out so just the head remained. My ass still felt like it was on fire, but emptier now.

I sighed as he slowly pushed it back into me. I tried to relax, but it hurt. It hurt bad. I grabbed his hands off my shoulders and pulled them down gripping tightly while his weight landed on me. I could feel his powerful fur covered chest on my back. I never got to feel his pecs before, so I was taking what I could get.

All of a sudden he hit my prostate - hard. Electricity shot through my body, every muscle tensed up, and I grabbed onto his hands with mine, his cock with my ass.

I must have moaned or something, because Jason asked if I was OK...

"Yea" I told him. "I think I am getting used to that tree now."

Jason laughed "Lets see." he said and let go of my hands.

He stood up and started to slowly pull in and out. Every time he left I felt empty, every time he came back I was jolted with electricity. His cock was so long and large. I shivered as it scraped along my prostate. I reached around and grabbed his ass, those monster globes felt so massive in my hands. I pulled him in closer, moving more of him along inside me, trying to keep the electricity flowing. Jason was picking up speed, hammering away across my prostate with each thrust. I lay helpless under this massive muscled man. All I could do was moan and clench each time he bottomed out inside me.

His hammering was exhausting me. I couldn't take any more. Each time he hit me and the electricity shot through me I thought I was going to pass out.

Was I going to pass out? No wait, ugh. I wasn't going to pass out. Ugh... I was cumming! With each thrust I shot more, and more. And he was speeding up. I kept shooting, until finally I heard him moan and pull out.

I felt his hot, wet cum hit my ass right at the hole. I finally stopped shooting, collapsed over the bench, my heart was racing. I felt Jason smack my ass, hard. I didn't care. I felt good. Exhausted but good.

Will laughed. "Well you did alright for your first time."

I could barely figure out where I was. I shook my head to gain some clarity. Looking down I saw a lake of cum under me.

"Wow.. maybe I won't be hard all day tomorrow." I thought. Or did I say that out loud?

The guys laughed as Will slapped me on the shoulder. "Go take a shower. We'll clean up."

I headed down to the showers and turned on the cold water. I let it flow over me. My ass hurt, bad. I could feel something leaking out of it. Probably Robbie's cum. what the hell was I doing? This had gotten way outta hand. My cock was actually NOT hard. I was exhausted, my muscles ached, my ass hurt. I was supposed to be working out, not getting gay gang raped.

I stayed in the shower for a bit. I heard the other guys come through. Robbie asked if I was OK in there, and I responded, "Fine, just trying to get your stank off me."

He laughed, but I didn't notice.

Finally I was getting really cold. I got out, toweled off, and walked over to the lockers. Jason was sitting there on the bench going through his phone.

"Hey you OK there?" he asked. He seemed pretty concerned.

"Yea, I'm fine... just not what I really expected when I joined up to workout." I responded.

I sat down to put my pants over my legs which barely worked.

Jason put his hand on my shoulder. "Remember dude, we're just keeping the violence down." he said really sincerely.

I noticed his monster hand on my shoulder, how powerful it was.

"Take a look at yourself in the mirror when you get home. You have put on some serious mass already." he said. "Keep your eye on the prize. That's what this is all about."

"OK" I responded. "I am just really beat."

"OK" he said and walked out.

I dressed, and headed home. By the time I got there, my ass hurt like hell, and I was ready to pass out from exhaustion. But I took his advice. I got undressed and looked in the mirror. Damn... I was getting bigger. I would have to check myself out more, tomorrow morning, after sleep.. .

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